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Part 2 (60 points)

Select a computing device or a gadget (i.e., smartphone, tablet, and laptop) that you currently have
access to.

Then, answer the following items:

a. What is the operating system of the device? (2 points)

-Android OS

b. What is the total memory capacity (RAM) of the device? (2 points)

- 8 gb

c. What is the available or remaining memory capacity (RAM) of the device? (2 points)

-2 gb

d. Enumerate five (5) running application processes in the device. Select applications that consume high

memory utilization. Indicate the memory allocation for each process. (5 items x 2 points)






e. Enumerate five (5) running background processes or system processes in the device. Select processes

that consume high memory utilization. Indicate the memory allocation for each process. (5 items x 2


-google ( 379 MB)

-Messenger (270MB)

- XOS launcher (265MB)

-Google Play Services (211MB)

-facebook (180MB)

f. Which has higher memory utilization in your device, the background/system processes or the

application processes? Briefly explain the condition of processes in your device to support your answer.

(Essay: 5 points)
-google chrome because the more often we use the google it consumes more memory and every tab
we added in chrome its memory usage increase more. Google provides many application chrome is
the biggest it consumes the most memory and storage.

g. Give three (3) possible ways to connect your device to other devices. Describe each in one (1)

(3 items x 3 points)

-usb connector- you can connect phone to computer or laptop using usb connector because it support
usb connector in phone and computer

- bluetooth – you can connect to another phone using bluetooth it is used to share information like
files, picture, apps, music, etc.

-wifi – you can connect any other device using wifi especially on devices that also use wifi connection.

h. Does the process of connecting your device to other devices create new processes? Why or why not?

(Essay: 5 points)

- Yes, because when phone is connected to other phone so they can communicate each other ,
they using a network to interact with another. And when I connect to the other phone they
send me some warning before I can connect to the other device to prevent me from receiving
virus file or malicious file. This message can protect my device from getting virus to my device.

i. What are the possible effects of ending (force stop) multiple processes in your device? Elaborate on

your answer. (Essay: 5 points)

- The possible affect of ending (force stop) the processes in my device is the System of my
device can have an error especially to the os and application which runs on my device and if
they cant handle the error of the process in my device it is possible for a device to restart or
shutdown to reload the force stop process

j. Describe the functionality of your device in the less-privileged mode. (Essay: 5 points)

- i can manipulate or interact my device using my finger. I can play a games, chat with my friends,
search some information, taking picture, listening to the music, change a setting of my device , watch
some videos and text or call. I can interact with my device that depends on what I do .

k. Identify at least two (2) ways on how you can terminate processes in your device and briefly describe

each. (Essay: 5 points)

- The first one is reinstal/delete. if the application is receive some bugs or errors I can reinstall
or delete to refresh the data that contained in a application without waiting the approval of
the application and the second one is using force stop to prevents some lagging and crashing
of the device.

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