7 - Differential Equations

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DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Exercise-1 : Single Choice Problems dy (+ cosx 5 H(t). cnx ana (3) 1, then f(0) is: @2 &) 1 @3 @4 2. The differential equation satisfied by family of curves y = Ae + Be* +Ce™ where A,B,C are arbitrary constants is: ay a5 ay dy ag dy -9£% 4239 4 15y =0 #Y 4, 9f¥ a3 _ iy o 92 23 -a5y ay fy 5d @ £2498 23% sisy =o a ode o 3. Ify =y(x) and it follows the relation &?* + y cos(x?) =5 then y'(O)is equal to (@ 4 @ -16 4 @ 16 4. (2 + y2)dy = ayde If y(xp) =e, ¥C) =1, then the value of xo is equal to : aa (@ Vie ® | © | @) e242 z @ e+5 ay ‘The differential equation $* determines a family of circles with : y (a) Variable radii and fixed centre at (0,1) (©) Variable radii and fixed centre at (0,1) (© Fixed radius 1 and variable centres along x-axis. (@) Fixed radius 1 and variable centres along y-axis 6. interval contained in the domain of definition of non-zero solutions of the differential equation (-3)¥y'+y =0is (-£3) (2.3) © (25) Oca 7. A function y = f(x) satisfies the differential equation (x+ 1 f'(x) - 20x? + 9 f0) = HE Wx >-LIf f(0) =5, then f(x)is : @ (Sr) o (Sa) o (S33) et @ (Se) 8. The solution of the differential equation 2xy 2 =tan(x?y?)-2ay? given y(1) @ sin(x®y2)-1-0 o col E+ x%y?} 4x20 © sin(x?y) @ sin(x?y?) =e) 9. The differential equation whose general. solution is given by Y= Cy cos(x +Cz)—Cye "4 + Cs sin x, where C, ,Cz,......,Cs are constants is : dty ds @ my ae +y=0 ® — dy dy dy © Be ate? © & 2, 10. Ify =e(%*™ be solution of differential equation St x 4 4y = Opthen ais: (0 1 @- @2 ayy? ay 11. The order and degree of the differential euatin( 2) ~ 42 ~7x = Oare aandf, then the * es value of (a. + B)is : @ 3 w 4 @2 ution of differential of fx) = 7) me 12, General solution of eitferential equation of f(x) % = #0) 4 Fooy 4 prayy is: (cbeing arbitary constant.) (@) y= flx)+ee* () y =-f(x) + ce* © y=-Fod+ee* fH) @ yrcfixret r de ly of the dit 13. oo i legree respectively of the differential equation of all tangent lines to parabola @ 12 ©) 21 @ul @ 1,3 14, The genera solution ofthe differential equation © + x+y) =x(0+y)® -1is: ax Vexty+Der+y -D, (@ nj FEVADGty—Dl aye nf ety+ Dery D2, Gey hed +? fie anf tY2DO+y Ol a gy letY=DO+Y-D| 4c (+y)? Gry? (where C is arbitrary constant.) 15. The general solution of © =2y tanx + tan? xis: @ yoos? x = S82 () ysec?x © yoos* +¢ (where C is an arbitrary constant.) (a) isa periodic function (b) approaches to zero as x > —20 (© has an asymptote parallel to x-axis (@ has an asymptote parallel to y-axis 17. The solution of the differential equation (x? + oo = 2o{ under tne conditions y(0) =1 and y'(0) = 3 is: (a) y=x?+3x+1 @) y=x8 43x41 (© yaxt+3xe1 @ tan ctx? +1 18, The differential equation of the family of curves cy? = 2x + ¢ (where cis an arbitrary constant.) is: G xdy ay) _ 2xty 2 nay 2 ey @ ar w (2) oo yea Fer Oya rae 19. The solution ofthe equation © + Lean any siny is: (b) 2x =coty (1+ 2x”) (@) 2y =siny (12x) (@) 2xsiny = 1-2ex? (© 2x=siny 1-207) 20. Solution of the differential equation xdy — yde—y[x? +y7dx = Ois @) y-yxt ty? =e? 0) y+ yx? ry? =e © xox ty? =o? @ yryxt ty? eo? 2 avanced Problems in Mathematics for JEE gem ances Preteen Mashemats for Fae 21. Let f(x) be differentiable function on the interval (0,0) such that fQ)=1 and Se 4s ; inl 900) Lyx >0,then flai8: nl Pog? Pox 2 3 1 3x 1 at 3° 1,2 @f+e @ 2 © 24 Ogre a 4 22. The population p(t) at time ‘t’ of a certain mouse species satisfies é p(t) = 0.5 p(¢)~450. Ifp(0) = 850, then the time at which the population becomes zero is: 1s the differential equation @ Finis (b) ints © 2n18 @ ng 23. The solution of the differential equation sin 2y x + 2tan xeos?y = 2seexcos? y is : (where C is arbitrary constant) (@) cosy see. (© secy seex () secy cosx-=tanx+C (@ tany secx =seex+C 24. The solution ofthe diferent equation © = (4x-+y + D?is: (where Cis arbitrary constant) (a) 4x+y+1=2tan(2x+y+C) (b) 4x+y+1=2tan(x+2y+C) (© 4xty+ tan (2y +C) @@) 4x+y+41=2tan(2x+C) 25, If curves such that line joining origin to any point P(x, y) on the curve and the line parallel to y-axis through P are equally inclined to tangent to curve at P, then the differential equation of the curve is : YP ayo. wy @ (2) -ay Pax o (2) say a) apd ayy? © (2) ax ax @ (%) -y 5. fy = f(x) satisfy the differential equation & 4 ¥. «42, 2G. Ey « f(x) sai he ferential equation + = x7 £1) = then value of f(3) equals @7 Or @9 27. Lety = f(x) and *¥. = °° =¥ 91) <1 then the poss 2 a y de ayaa? Pestle value of (3 equals @9 m4 of @2 nex? 1. Let y = f(x) be a real valued function satisfying x @) (is minimum at x =1 () FO © f@= @ f@-= 2, Solution of differential equation xcos>| \« yxsinx-+c0sx) = Lis: @ a =sinx+ccosx (0) aysecx=tanx+e (© ay tsinx+ecosx=0 (@)_ None of these (where C is an arbitrary constant.) 8. Ifa differentiable function satisfies (x - y)f(x+ y)-(x+ y)f(x-y) = 2(xy -y*) VK ER and f(1) = 2, then: (@)_f(x) must be polynomial function b) (3) =12 © f)=0 @ f3)=13 4. A function y = f(x) satisfies the differential equation $2) sin 2x ~cosx + (1+ sin? x) f'(x) =0 with f(0) = 0. The value of {2 equals to @? w 2 ot w4 5. Solution of the differential equation (2+ 2x" y) yds + (x? ly + 2)x dy =0 is/are : @ ory +D=¢ ©) OAV +3)=¢ © wON+3=c @ 97x45) =c ; ; yy 6. if yx satis the differential equation” = sin 2+ 2y cotxand y() = 22hen which ofthe following statement(s) is/are correct ? wa" or) wa (© yx) increases in the interval © freanx ise-3 : Comprehension Type Problems *% Paragraph for Question Nos. 1 to 2 A differentiable function y = @(2) satisfies [(x—t 4 Dgte)dt =x4 +x?;vx20. ° 1. y = g(x) satisfies the differential equation 4 @ Boy =1ata2 o an © Bay eratsa @% ery tia? 2. The value of g(0) equals to : @o @) 1 ©? (@) Data insufficient Paragraph for Question Nos. 3 to 5 Suppose f and g are differentiable functions such that x@(f0) (OD ie IED g’(FCO) fC x eR and f is positive, g is positive Vx ¢ R. Ae [aera =} =la-e*) Wx eR, g(/(0)) = Land h(x) = enone ve 3. The graph of y = h(x) is symmetric ‘with respect to line : (@ x=-1 () x=0 © x=1 @x=2 4. The value of f(g(0)) + 8((0)) is equal to : (a) 1 b) 2 © 3 @4 5. The largest possible value of h(x) Vx € Ris : @.1 (Oa @e @e Paragraph for Question Nos. 6 to 8 Given a function ‘g' which has a derivative g(x) for every real x and which satisfy | g'(0)~ 2and g(x+y)=¢7@(2)+e*e() forall xandy. 6. The function g(x) is: (a) x(2exe) (0) x(e +) © 2" @ x+InGe+y) 7. The range of function g(x) is : wR ) [2 <) @ (2) in Mathematics for IEE 8. The value of lim’ g(x) @o @) 1 @ 2 (d) Does not exist Differential Equations 143, Exercise-4 : Matching Type Problems SS 1 \\Golumnel(Diferentiatequation)|\ [Column Solution (integral curves) | @ yok + @) |yaAat sagt Ay @ xy?e1=-9 (2x -10y>) = i B) @x-t0y9) Fey =o [@| wv @yy 1® @HDA-y=9 By Se eo) | se (23) (3) i | @) Gy? -Ddy +2973dx=0 (S) x= Ay? + Any +45 | jay? =2y5 +e 2 Sita Columns ay Solution of diferent equation ie | ya2+1+ce) <1 [3x2y + Qay ~e (+ x)Mdx + (29 + x7Ddy = 085: | Solution of differential equation ed yebe — dy Baye" de = 05s: Solution of differential equation io yory?-D a& Solution of differential equation ® Reety? vay) otis: (where cis arbitrary constant). | Answers | LASR; BOT: C48; DQ BOR; C+P; Dos 1. Find the value of al for which the area of triangle included between the coordinate axes and any tangent to the curve xy = 2° is constant (where 2.is constant.). Let y = f(x) satisfies the differential equation xy(1 + y)dx = dy. If f(0) = 1 and f(2) then find the value of k. 2 8. Ify? = 3cos*.x+ 2sin? x, then the value of y* + Bis 4, Let f(x) be a differentiable function in {~1, ©) and f(0) = 1 such that Lim CFG+D-G +07 F0 In(f(x))-In2- tore ft) -f(x+1) x-1 5. Let y =(asinx+(b +c)cosx)e*, where a,b,c and d are parameters represent a family of curves, then differential equation for the given family of curves is given by y” —ay’ + By = 0, thena+B= =1. Find the value of Lim 6. Let y = f(x) satisfies the differential equation xy (1 + y)dx = dy. If f(0) = 1 and f(2) = then find the value of k.

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