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Thermal processing Combustion/Incineration

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Combustion/Incineration: Five elements Water

1. All the living systems need water and contain
1. Water, जल water
2. Air, वायु 2. Life on earth is due to water, 70% water cover
3. Earth, पथ्ृ वी 3. Hydrogen and oxygen elements
4. Electrolysis of water
4. Space, आकाश
5. Fire, अग्नि

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Air Earth
1. Air needed by all the living systems
1. We eat which is grown on earth
2. Without air no survival
2. Photosynthesis process: biomass, agricultural
3. 78.08% Nitrogen and 20.95% Oxygen + other gases
residues, aquatic life
4. Combustion/Incineration: CO2, NOx, SOx, SPM, PM10,
PM2.5, PM1.5, Hg, As, HCs, VOCs etc. 3. Soil is getting contaminated, chemicals usage
Paper industry: Dioxins 100 times lethal than cyanide Pollution - air/water
Carbon dioxide: 419 ppm (March 18, 2022)
280 ppm (1750)
185 ppm (2 million years ago)
Greenhouse gases: CO2(Global Warming- Major Contributor)
N2O, H2O, O3 ,CH4, CFCs

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Space Fire
1. Solar energy, solar insolation 1. Combustion/Incineration
2. Thermonuclear reactions 2. Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur : Exothermic
3. Photosynthesis process : Solar energy required
i. Each leaf of a plant : chemical reactor 3. Steam engine, CI and SI engines, cooking,
thermal power plants: steam and gas turbines,
4. Solar energy into biomass and other forms of blast furnaces, cupolas, boilers etc.
energy: hydro, coal, petroleum, wind etc. Every thing is getting into CO2 and H2O which are converted back by
photosynthesis process to complex biomass species and the process goes on
…..goes on…..

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Combustion/Incineration Basics of Combustion

• Combustion ✓ Main parameters for proper combustion
✓ Generation of heat through rapid chemical reactions of - Temperature: To initiate and sustain combustion:
fuels is known as combustion spark plug in SI engines, kitchen igniter
• Products of Combustion - Turbulence: For proper mixing of fuel and air
- CO2 (Bunsen Burner-1854, LPG burner, Gas welding torch)
- H2O Complete Combustion - Time: Sufficient for complete combustion
- NO2
- SO2 3Ts : Temperature, Turbulence, Time
- CO, Incomplete
- HCs, Combustion
- NOX, SOX, ….

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• Combustion Reactions
Flame: is the visible part of fire
Hydrogen flame not visible ✓ During combustion, molecules undergo chemical
✓ The reactant atoms are rearranged to form new
combinations (oxidized).
✓ The chemical reaction can be presented by reaction
✓ However, reaction equations represent initial and final
results and do not indicate the actual path of the reaction,
which may involve many intermediate steps and
intermediate products.
✓ This approach is similar to thermodynamics system
analysis, where only end states and not path mechanism
are used.

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• Combustion Reactions • Combustion Reactions

✓ Some fundamental reactions of combustion: ✓ In fuels, the combustion reactions are more complex than
➢ C + O2 → CO2 + 33.8 MJ/kg-C above:
➢ 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + 121.0 MJ/kg-H ➢ In general, air is used in combustion than pure oxygen
➢ S + O2 → SO2 + 9.3 MJ/kg-S ➢ Fuels consist of many elements such as C, H, N, S, O: Ultimate
➢ 2C + O2 → 2CO + 10.2 MJ/kg-C
➢ In addition to complete combustions, fuels undergo incomplete
✓ Note: Above equations are in accordance with
combustions also.
conservation of mass. For example consider the first
reaction: ✓ Heat generation during combustion:
- 1 kmol C + 1 kmol O2 → 1 kmol CO2, or - Combustion reactions together with enthalpies of
components could be used to predict the net heat
- 12 kg C + 32 kg O2 → 44 kg CO2, or
- 0 vol. C + 1 vol. O2 → 1 vol. CO2.
- This needs identification of all the combustion products.

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• Composition of Air • Combustion in Air

✓ On a molar (or volume) basis, dry air is composed of: ✓ At ordinary combustion temperatures, N2 is inert, but
– 20.9% oxygen O2 nonetheless greatly affects the combustion process
because its abundance, and hence its enthalpy change,
– 78.1% nitrogen N2 plays a large part in determining the reaction
– 0.9% CO2, Ar, He, Ne, H2, and others temperatures (Adiabatic flame temperature).
✓ A good approximation of this by molar or volume is: 21% oxygen, - This, in turn, affects the combustion chemistry.
79% nitrogen
- Also, at higher temperatures, N2 does react, forming
✓ Thus, each mole of oxygen is accompanied 0.79/0.21 = 3.76 moles
species such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are significant
of nitrogen
✓ We may go for oxygen combustion: separation of nitrogen and
❖ Liquefaction of air: Linde cycle, cryogenic
❖ Membrane separation: In last 20 years big development - Polymers
❖ Pressure swing adsorption (PSA)

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• Stoichiometry and Air/Fuel Ratios • Stoichiometry and Air/Fuel Ratios

✓ Oxidation of all the elements in a fuel is known as complete ✓ Eg: Combustion of Methane
combustion or “Stoichiometric Combustion”.
CH4 + 2(O2 + 79/21N2 ) → CO2 + 2H2O + 158/21N2
✓ The amounts of fuel and air taking part in a combustion
Therefore, AFRStoich = (232 + 22879/21)/(12 + 41) = 17.16
process are often expressed as the ‘air to fuel’ ratio:
mair Fuel Phase AFRStoich
m fuel Very light fuel oil liquid 14.27
Light fuel oil liquid 14.06
✓ Minimum amount of air required to have a complete Medium heavy fuel oil liquid 13.79
combustion is represented by Stoichiometric Ratio AFRstoich. Heavy fuel oil liquid 13.46
✓ For a fuel CxHyOz Generic biomass solid 5.88
Coal (typical) solid 6.97

34.32  (4 x + y − 2 z )
LPG (90 P : 10 B) gas 15.55
AFRStoich = Carbon solid 11.44
(12 x + y + 16 z )
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• Stoichiometry and Air/Fuel Ratios Excess Air/Fuel Ratio

✓ In order to obtain complete combustion, supply of excess
Excess air %
amount of air is required in practice. Fuel Type of Furnace or Burners
by weight
▪ Completely water-cooled furnace for slag-tap or dry-ash- 15 – 20
✓ The amount of excess air required depends on the Pulverized Coal removal 15 - 40
properties of the fuel and the technology of the ▪ Partially water cooled furnace for dry-ash-removal

combustion device. Crushed coal Cyclone furnace – pressure or suction 10 - 15

▪ Spreader stroker 30 – 60
✓ Amount of excess air is usually represented by the Coal
▪ Water-cooled vibrating grate stroker 30 – 60
▪ Chain-grate and traveling grate strokers 15 – 50
equivalence ratio, φ, or the ‘lambda’ ratio λ: ▪ Underfeed stroker 20 - 50
▪ Oil burners 5 – 10
Fuel oil ▪ Multi-fuel burners and flat-flame 10 - 20
1 𝐴𝐹𝑅𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 Acid sludge Cone and flat-plate-type burners, steam-atomized 10 - 15
φ= =
λ 𝐴𝐹𝑅𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑐ℎ Natural coke ovens and
refinery gas
▪ Single-fuel burners
▪ Multi-fuel burners
5 – 10
7 - 12
Blast furnace gas Intertube nozzle-type burners 15 - 18
Wood Conventional designs 35 – 50
Bagasse All furnaces 25 - 35
Black liquor Recovery furnace for kraft and soda-pulping processes 5-7

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Combustion Reactions of Fuels • Estimation of Heating Values

Representation of complete combustion of a fuel ✓ Eg: Methane
representation: CH4 + 2(O2 + 79/21N2 ) → CO2 + 2H2O + 158/21N2
 y − 2x  y  y − 2x 
CH y O x + 1 + O 2 + 3.76 N 2  → CO 2 + H 2 O + 3.761 +  N 2 + Heat CH4 : -4.667 MJ/kg; O2 : 0.0; N2 : 0.0
 4  2  4 
CO2 : -8.942 MJ/kg; H2O : -13.423 MJ/kg (Gas) / -15.866 MJ/kg (Liquid)

(i) Net Calorific Value

NCV = - (Hproducts – Hreactants)/mass of CH4
= - [{-8.94244 + -13.423218} – {-4.66716}]/16 = 50.125 MJ/kg

(ii) Gross Calorific Value

GCV = - (Hproducts – Hreactants)/mass of CH4
= - [{-8.94244 + -15.866218} – {-4.66716}]/16 = 55.622 MJ/kg
Note: NCV = GCV – (Mwater/Mmethane)hfg
= 55.622 – (36/16)2.443 = 50.125 MJ/kg.

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Method of Combustion of Solid Fuels Top Fed Combustor


Secondary Air


Incandescent coke


Primary Air

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Combustion Factors Affecting the Combustion

➢ A bed of coal/biomass particles is supported by a grate.

➢ Air flows upwards through the grate and the fuel bed. o Fuel Size - smaller size vs larger-Biomass
➢ Upon heating, coal/biomass particles first undergo stages of briquettes
thermal decomposition.
o Rate of firing - Feed rate
▪ Evaporation of moisture - drying
o Supply of air - % of excess air
▪ Pyrolysis and production of VM
▪ Combustion of VM
o Moisture content - should be lower
▪ Combustion of char
➢ The coal/biomass flows slowly downward as the combustion
➢ Ash is collected from the bottom

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Firing Systems Hand/Grate Firing System

➢ Suitable for small units- Steam engines
➢ Hand/Grate fired ➢ Grate is used to support the fuel and the
openings are provided for air to enter on the
➢ Stoker fired
grate for the combustion of fuel
➢ Fluidized bed fired ➢ Low combustion efficiency
➢ Pulverised fuel fired ➢ Pollution: SPM generation, CO

❖ Capacities 0.3 to 175 MWth in industry and CHP

❖ Fuel fired per grate area 1-2 MW/m2, maximum grate area 100 m2
❖ Grates are typical only suitable for coarse particles, for fine particles a
spreader is required, increases max. capacity
❖ Primary air through the grate (also used for cooling) and secondary

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Stoker Firing System Advantages of Stoker Firing

▪ A stoker is a power operated fuel

feeding mechanism with grate ➢Low grade fuel can be used- Heating value
▪ The term stoker implies that ➢High efficiency – Sufficient air supply
automatically feeds (or " stokes”) ➢Smokeless combustion – Causes of smoke?
▪ Stoker fuel size is typically ~1.25 inches ➢Less labour cost
➢Reliable system
➢Low maintenance cost
➢Less capital investment

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Disadvantages of Stoker Firing Chain Grate Stoker

➢Slightly complicated construction

➢For very large units the initial investment may be
➢Loss of fuel through the grates
➢Excessive wear of moving parts

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Chain Grate Stoker Chain Grate Stoker-Advantages

➢ Traveling or chain grate stokers feed fuel out onto a ➢ Simple construction
rotating metal belt. ➢ Low cost
➢ Fuel is fed from a hopper. ➢ Self cleaning stoker
➢ Grate speed is automatically controlled to maintain ➢ Maintenance cost is low
desired combustion rate. ➢ Reliable
➢ Burning progresses as the belt moves from front to back ➢ Heat release rate can be controlled by speed of stoker
➢ Combustion is essentially complete at the end of belt ➢ High heat rate release per unit volume of furnace
and ash is dumped off into an ash pit there.

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Chain Grate Stoker-Disadvantages Spreader Stoker

➢ Temperature of preheated air is limited to 180 0C.

➢ Loss of final fuel which drops along with ash.
➢ Quantity of fuel carried on grate is small due to which it
cannot be used for high capacity boilers.
➢ Clinker formation is common.

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Spreader Stoker Advantages/Disadvantages Underfeed Stokers Mechanism

➢ Wide variety of fuel can be burnt.
➢ Clinker difficulties are reduced even with the fuel having
high clinkering tendency.
➢ Preheated air with high temperature can be used.
➢ Volatile matter is easily burnt.
➢ It is simple to operate with low operation cost.
➢ It can response quickly with load changes on since it has a
small depth of bed on grate at any time.

➢ Difficulty in operating spreader with variable sizes of fuel
and varying moisture content.
➢ Fly ash is more, so dust collector is necessary.
➢ Clinker troubles cannot be avoided.

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Fluidized Bed Combustion Advantages of FBC

➢ FBC has a lower combustion temperature of 750 °C
whereas an ordinary boiler operates at 850 °C
The basic principle of operation is that the fuel ➢ FBC has low sintering process (melting of ash)
is mixed with an inert material (e.g. sand) and ➢ Lower production of NOx due to lower temperature
the bed is “fluidized” by an upwards flow of air ➢ Lower production of SOx due to capture by limestone
and combustion temperatures remain uniform ➢ Higher combustion efficiency due to rapid heat transfer
than other combustion processes because of higher
along the height of the combustor. velocities
➢ Less area is required for FBC due to high coefficient of
convective heat transfer
➢ Isothermal bed combustion as temperature in free belt
and active belt remain constant

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Disadvantages of FBC Types of the fluidized bed Combustors

➢ More fan power
➢ Large cross section of furnace for the same heat duty
➢ Relatively higher surface loss
➢ Higher carbon loss in ash 1.Bubbling Fluidized Combustors
➢ Erosion rates are higher 2.Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustors

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Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor Bubbling Fluidized Bed



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Fluidized Bed Combustor Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor

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Fluidization Fluidization Phenomenon

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Air flow velocity in furnace Fluid bed combustion parameters

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Pulverized Fuel Combustion Pulverized Fuel Combustion

⚫ The fuel is ground to a very fine size (about 0.08
mm or more than 70% pass through #200 mesh) • Invented in 1920s for coal
when it can be made to behave rather like a liquid if • An universal choice for power plants till
air is blown upwards through the powder.
⚫ The preparation and handling equipment is very
expensive and pulverized fuel installations are • Fine particles of coal ~ 75 microns.
generally only economically viable in very large • Surface area : 150 m2/kg.
scale applications, such as thermal power stations.
• Huge heat release per unit area : 2 – 5
⚫ The fuel is injected in the form of a conical spray,
inside a swirling conical primary air supply in a MW/m2.
fashion analogous to that for an oil burner. • Steam generation : up to 2000 tons/hour.

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Pulverised Fuel Firing System Pulverised Fuel Firing System

➢ Pulverised system is generally used now a days for
➢ Efficiency of a
big power plant whose capacity exceeds 100 MW Pulverised fuel
➢ In which, fuel size reduced to fine powder with help firing system
of grinding mill depends on the
➢ The powder is than projected into the combustion size of powder.
chamber with the help of hot air current ➢ The fineness of
the fuel should
➢ Air required (i.e. secondary air) for the combustion be such that 70
is supplied separately % would pass
➢ Air required to carry the fuel, to dry it before through a 200
entering into combustion chamber and for creating mesh sieve and
the turbulence is called as Primary air 90 % through
50 mesh sieve.

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Pulverised Fuel Firing System Advantages of Pulverized Fuel

➢ Any type of fuel can be used since it is used in powdered form
➢ High combustion efficiency and high rate of steam generation.
➢ Free from clinker and slag formation
➢ Response to variation in load is fast
➢ No ash handling problem
➢ Furnace volume required is considerably less
➢ It is also possible to use highly preheated air (350 0C) which
helps for rapid flame propagation
➢ No moving parts in the furnace subjected to high temperatures
➢ System can work with slurry type of fuels
➢ Greater surface area per unit mass of fuel allows faster
➢ Reduced air requirement

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Disadvantages of Pulverized Fuel Waste material combustion/incineration

➢ Capital cost is high compared to stoker firing 1.Grate combustion
➢ Operation cost is high 2.Fluidized bed combustion
➢ Special and costly equipment are required for removing fine
dust called as fly ash 3.Pulverized bed combustion
➢ Furnace temperature is high so it needs cooling arrangement
➢ Maintenance cost is high
➢ Skilled labour required Rice husk: Fluidized bed combustion-
➢ High air pollution due to emission of fine dust particles
➢ Danger of explosion because of powder coal burns like a gas Thermax, Pune
➢ Special starting equipment are required Paddy straw: Fluidized bed combustion-
➢ Separate fuel preparation plant is required
➢ Achieving fine powder and distribution to the burners is usually
difficult task

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