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Socks • Size 28/29-30/31-40/41-42/43 •

Directions for sizes are given in ascending order, separated

by hyphens. If there is only one igure, it applies to all sizes.

Materials: Schachenmayr Regia Iglu Color 8-fädig,

1 ball [150g] #08991 Lappland Color.
Five US 6-8 [4-5mm] dpn, or size to obtain gauge.

Start both socks with the same color motif!

Rib pattern: K1, P1, rep from throughout; see also

Chart below broken line.

Stockinette stitch: in rnds K all sts, in rows K RS rows, P

WS rows.

Basic pattern: in odd rnds work foll Chart above the broken
line; in even rnds work sts as they appear, rep the 6 sts of
motif throughout.
In height rep rnds 1 to 6 throughout.

Gauge: with Basic Patt (stretched slightly) and st-st 20 sts

and 28 rows/rnds, each to 4" [10cm].

With a piece of contrasting or waste yarn and the dpn
cast on 18-18-24-24 sts evenly across 4 dpn, join to work Chart for Basic Pattern
in rnds, then with Schachenmayr Regia Iglu Color cont for
the invisible cast-on as foll: 3
Rnd 1: yo, K1, rep from  = 36-36-48-48 sts. 1
Rnd 2: P yo, slip K st pwise wyib, rep from .
Rnd 3: slip P st pwise wyif, K1, rep from . motif
Rnd 4: P1, slip K st pwise wyib, rep from . = 6 sts
Cont in Rib patt, arranging sts across needles as foll:
Size 28/29 and 30/31: 6 sts each across Needles 1 and 3,
and 12 sts each across Needles 2 and 4.
Size 40/41 and 42/43: 12 sts across each needle. Legend
Work 3½" [9cm] Rib Patt, then cont with Basic Patt, = K1
working motif 6-6-8-8 times. When Basic Patt measures = P1
3¼-3½-4¼-4¼" [8.5-8.5-11-11cm] cont for 4 rnds with st-st = K2tog
across Needles 1 and 4, and with Basic Patt across = M1k tbl
Needles 2 and 3. Then work foot with st-st across Needles
1 and 4, and with Basic Patt across Needles 2 and 3. Work
"round heel" as given in our "Sock Guide" across Needles
1 and 4.
Then work foot as given to start of toes. When foot measu-
res 5½-6-8½-9" [14-15.5-21.5-22.5cm] K 1 rnd across all
sts, then work paired decs in st-st, see our "Sock Guide".
Work both socks alike.
Turn cuffs half out.¶
Juni / 13

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Coats GmbH · Kaiserstr. 1 · D-79341 Kenzingen ·
Sock Guide

Cast on: cast on the number of stitches required evenly Now work the leg in rounds. You can work a few centimeters
across 4 double-pointed needles, or as given in the cuff in rib pattern (e.g. alt K1, P1, or alt K2, P2). The alter-
method. The round change is at center back, between nation of knit and purl stitches gives the cuff its elasticity.
Needles 4 and 1. This position is automatically marked by You can work the leg entirely in rib pattern, in stockinette
the initial yarn tail. stitch, or in pattern. Some patterns require more stitches
than the number given in the table. After the leg, work the

Round Heel
Work the heel lap in open rows in stockinette stitch with the last stitch before Needle 2, and on Needle 4 work
just over the stitches on Needles 1 and 4. With textured the 1st wrap stitch with the 1st stitch after Needle 3. On
patts work with st-st to ½" to ¾" [1 to 2cm] from end of Cuff every following row work 1 stitch less at the end of every
across just Needles 1 and 4, cont with Leg Patt across right side and at the end of every wrong side row, and after
Needles 2 and 3. At the same time decrease any excess turning work the wrap stitches until just the stitches of the
stitches on Needles 1 and 4 on the 1st round. center section remain. Work 2 rounds over all stitches,
Arrange heel sts across 3 needles, see Table "Stitches for then work the 2nd half of the heel with short rows and
Round Heel". The no of wrap sts worked on Needle 1 are wrap stitches in the opposite direction as follows: on
before the irst slash, the no of wrap sts worked on Needle Needle 1 work the 1st wrap stitch with the 1st stitch after
4 are after the 2nd slash. The no of sts of center section the center panel, and the last wrap stitch with the last
(no wrap sts are worked across these sts) are between the stitch on Needle 1; on Needle 4 work the 1st wrap stitch
slashes. Then work short rows with wrap stitches. For the together with the 1st stitch after the center panel and the
irst half of the heel work the 1st wrap stitch on Needle 1 last wrap stitch together with the 1st stitch on Needle 4.
Juni / 13

Copyright © 2013 Coats PLC

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Jede Verwertung, die über die private Nutzung hinausgeht, ist ohne unsere Zustimmung nicht zulässig.
Coats GmbH · Kaiserstr. 1 · D-79341 Kenzingen ·
1st half of heel 2nd half of heel

Row 1 (RS row): K all sts across Needle 1, turn. Row 1 (RS row): K across the stitches of the center panel
and the next st; turn.
Row 2 (WS row): work a wrap stitch as follows: with yarn
in front of work, insert needle into irst stitch from the right, Row 2 (WS row): work a wrap st. Now purl all rem stitches
then slip stitch and yarn tog, and pull yarn irmly to the of center panel and the next stitch, turn.
back. This brings the st over the needle, so that it is
wrapped. If the yarn is not pulled up irmly enough, this Row 3: work a wrap st. Now K to the wrap st, K this as
will result in holes forming. Return the yarn to the front and given and K foll st, then turn.
purl rem sts on Needle 1 and those on Needle 4, turn.
Row 4: work a wrap st. Now knit to the wrap stitch, knit
Row 3: work 1 wrap st, then K all stitches to the wrap this as given and knit the foll stitch, then turn.
stitch at end of row (leave wrap stitch unworked); turn.
Rep rows 3-4 throughout until a wrap stitch has been
Row 4: work 1 wrap st, then purl to the wrap stitch; turn. worked over the outer heel stitches too.
After the last WS row turn and work 1 wrap st, K rem sts
Rep rows 3 and 4 until just the sts of center panel rem. across Needle 4, then cont with rnds; on 1st rnd K wrap sts
Now work 2 rounds across all stitches, knit over the heel as described.
stitches, and in leg pattern over the stitches on Needles 2 Then work the foot and toes as given.
and 3. On the irst round pick up both parts of the wrap
stitches and knit as for 1 stitch. Then work 2nd half of heel.

Juni / 13

Copyright © 2013 Coats PLC

Unsere Modelle, Bilder und Zeichnungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Jede Verwertung, die über die private Nutzung hinausgeht, ist ohne unsere Zustimmung nicht zulässig.
Coats GmbH · Kaiserstr. 1 · D-79341 Kenzingen ·
For the paired decreases work to 3 from the end of
Needles 1 and 3, then K2 together, K1; across
Needles 2 and 4 K first stitch, then skp across the
following 2 sts. Repeat these decreases as given in the
Table until just 8 stitches remain. Pull these stitches
together irmly with the double yarn, or graft the stitches
of the decreases together.

Size Table for Socks with Schachenmayr Regia Iglu Color 8-faedig
Gauge: with 4–5mm needles and st-st 20 sts and 28 rows/rounds st-st, each to 4 " [10cm].

Size (Europe) 22/23 24/25 26/27 28/29 30/31 32/33 34/35 36/37 38/39 40/41 42/43 44/45 46/47
Footlength (cm) 14.5 15.5 17 18 19.5 21 22 23.5 25 26.5 27.5 28.5 30
Footlength (inch) 5¾" 6" 6¾" 7" 7¾" 8¼" 8¾" 9¼" 9¾" 10½" 10¾" 11¼" 11¾"
Cast on / stitches per needle 28/7 32/8 32/8 36/9 36/9 40/10 40/10 44/11 44/11 48/12 48/12 52/13 52/13
Stitches for Round Heel 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26
Round heel, arrangement of stitches 4/6/4 5/6/5 5/6/5 6/6/6 6/6/6 6/8/6 6/8/6 7/8/7 7/8/7 8/8/8 8/8/8 8/10/8 8/10/8
Length of foot to start of toes (cm) 12 13 13.5 14 15.5 17 18 19 20.5 21.5 22.5 23 24.5
Length of foot to start of toes (inch) 4¾" 5" 5¼" 5½" 6" 6¾" 7" 7¾“ 8" 8½" 8¾" 9" 9½"
Decreases for toes after 1st decrease round
on 3rd round --- --- 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x
on 2nd round 2x 2x 2x 2x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 4x 4x 4x 4x
on every round 2x 3x 2x 3x 2x 3x 3x 4x 4x 4x 4x 5x 5x

Juni / 13

Copyright © 2013 Coats PLC

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Jede Verwertung, die über die private Nutzung hinausgeht, ist ohne unsere Zustimmung nicht zulässig.
Coats GmbH · Kaiserstr. 1 · D-79341 Kenzingen ·

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