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Letls Practice
A. Matching
a. Thanks. b. I'm sorry c. Get well soon d. Congratulations!
e. I watch TV f. Here you are g. You're welcome. h. May I go out, please.
I. Can you carry these books j. Have a good time for your trip

1. Lookplub: What do you do in your free. time?


2. Namhom: I'm going to Paris next week.


3. Jern : Excuse rne,

Ben: Certainly.

4. In English class,Tom wants to go to the toilet.

Tom :
Teather : Yes, you may.

5. In the kitchen
Mother : Give me some tomatoes, please.
Kawin :

6. Kinom : Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

Kaohom : Thanks . but I have a lot of homework.

7. W'hen your friend pass the exam. You should say

8. When your friend is sick. You should say

9. W'hen someone give the present to you. You should say

10. When someone say thank you to you. You should say

B. Change the verbs into Simple Past form.

11. Lcst year, she a lot of short stories. (write)

12. Lookmee wear his shirt because it_wos dirty.

(do not, be)

13. He out the classroom and to run. (go, begin)

14. My uncle me to join his company. (tell)

15. His English teacher him and on to help. (see, run)

16. The young lady me a cup of tea last night (buy)

17. My friend was so happy because he the school team. (join)

18. The ice hockey player. special gloves for the game. (wear)

19. My brother late, so he the motorcycle . ( get up, get on )

20. My father a small grocery store last night. (run)

C. Choose the correct answer.

21.Would you like cake?
a. some b. any

22. I don't have cake.

a. some b. any
23.Would you like order food?
a. some b. any

24. There isn't water left?

a. some b. any

25.There aren't nurses here.

a. some b. any

26. They don't have children.

a. some b. any

27. How rulers are there on the table?

a. many b. much

28. How does it cost?

a. many b. much

29. a boy at the park.

a There is b. There are

30. How people are there at the party?

a. many b. much

31. a car on the road

a There is b. There are

32. some milk in the glass.

a There is b. There are
33. not any sugar in the jar.
a There is b. There are

34. many bicycles on the street.

a There is b. There are

D. Fill in the blanks with preposition given.

( in / on / under / at / beside / in front of / between / over)
35. Put your hat your head.

36. The dog is sleeping the table.

37. The plane is flying the houses.

38. The pen is the boxes.

39. There is a little water the bottle.

40. There is a bus parking the house.

41. There's a light the end of the tunnel.

42. There is a big mango tree the river.

E. Choose to correct answer and write in the blank.

43. I like to a. garbage

44. I at ten o'clock. b. My birthday

45.My is English. c. not in use

46.Burger is d. Vegetable
47. Throw the into the bin. e. junk food

48. is healthy food. f. He has

49. We like g. go skiing

50. is in march. h. go to bed

51. a stomachache. i. playing volleyball

52.Switch off the lights when you j. favorite subject

F. Write the sentences from the given words.

53. play

54. drink

55. go to

56. get sick

57. earth

58. spaghetti

59. in front of

60. There is

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