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Diego Morteo

ENGL 1301-203
Dr. Nelson
14 February 2024
A Deep look at “Facts About STDs”
Have you ever thought about the importance of Sexual Education? Well, the brochure

indeed can tell us something of it, but its main idea is related to what could the

outcomes be after having sexual relationships That is why, the Texas Department of

State Health Services, bring to us this pamphlet titled “Facts about STDs”, this was

published around 2016 and brought to Texas A&M International University Laredo, Tx,

to the students in order to them make the proper precautions and overall be informed of

this STIs . Hence, they present us different ways to communicate their purpose as some

of the titles and subtitles in a red font making it somehow showy to the audience as if it

is telling us is something important, also the use of bullet points to inform us some of the

various ways or types to highlight in a form of list outcomes or solutions to a specific

problem within the information on the titles.

“What are STDs?” As we see in this title and If we inquire further into the pamphlet, it

shows it is written in a big and bold red font type, following by a briefly explanation;

“STDs are diseases that can be spread through sexual contact”, here the author uses

the title as a type of convention in order to engage the readers as they make them look

as if it is something important to read and requires their attention, not only titles but

subtitles are display in this way as well making the reader believe that is something like

the main or important idea of that specific section.

Moreover, the pamphlet also display some bullet points after some of the subtitles, by

this we can infer that the author wants to break down some of the information into

concise statements in order to make it easier for readers to look quickly into the content
Diego Morteo

by identifying some key points without reading through some extended paragraph,

unusually this also helps in the organization of the pamphlet and helps with the lack of

space that this one has in order to make the document less overwhelming to read.

Adding to that, we can see some captions that the author added below some of the

important information, images and below the chart. Since these short descriptions are

written in a small font, we could arguably infer that the author left them life that because

they are not specifically important to the main information that the readers investigated

the readable content but more of a supplementary note that supports and adds insight

into the narrative of the pamphlet making an emphasis on specific elements as we see

them below the image. Therefore, captions help with communication and interpretation,

as they ensure the visual content shown as informative and engaging, they could also

serve as a promoting action such as they guide the readers to make a desire action

within the pamphlet as stated below one of the visual content “See the last panel for

more about testing and treatment” by this, telling the reader if they need more

information about something in this case for treatments, they could switch the page

were they are reading and go to the specific one for more orientation.

Lastly, the author uses footers within the pamphlet as we can see they also serve a

function, like giving the readers some tools in case they need more information or have

questions that the pamphlet could not answer for them like phone numbers, date of

publication, websites and QR codes, the place where it was published and so on.

Indefinitely, readers can use some of this navigation links in order to have more
Diego Morteo

information as well as additional sources for them to continue guide themselves in case

they need something specifically that they did not found on the pamphlet or if they look

more into the pamphlet they put a phone number specifically if they want to test for STIs

and if they want to learn more about the information they read the name of a website

and a QR code that it might lead to it.

In conclusion the Texas Health Department created this pamphlet in order to promote a

briefly explanation of sexual education specifically aiming to the infections that these

can convey if we do not have the proper hygiene and contra measures in order to avoid

them, all this being brought to an specific community where in this case are college

students were is common to convey sexual practices among these ages, Lastly, a few

words from them are that they recommend that if the reader need more information that

perhaps the brochure could not answer or lead the reader wanting to learn more about

it, they give readers the necessary tools as websites or the phone numbers in order for

them to look more in detail to specific doubts that they may have.

Work Cited
Texas Department of State Health Services. Brochure of “Facts about STDs.” 2016,
Texas A&M International University, Laredo, Tx.
Diego Morteo

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