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Organizing Your Information: Your

information for an infographic
should be presented as organized
as possible. It helps to write down
thoughts, so if you need them in
the long run, you have some
statements to fall back on.

Drafting a Document: A most
affective way to start a draft is to
create an outline. The draft does
not have to go in order, it is just
meant to get your ideas out there,
so you do not dismiss any ideas
you may have had before.

Keeping Your Audience in Mind:
Your work should reflect your
audience, but be as formal or
informal as it needs to be. It
would be best if you determined
your audience before creating
your work.

Writing an opening: Your opening
should identify your subject.
Include any needed context for
the subject chosen. Lastly, grab
the audience's attention with a
suspenseful title.

Oliu, Walter E, Brusaw, Charles T, Alred, Gerald J. (2020).

Planning, Drafting, and Revising Work Place: A case
study (13ED), Writing That Works; (33-70). Bedford/ St.

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