Sucgang-Act1c-Chapter 3 - 11.1.2020

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Name: Sucgang, Richard Lanza Subject: Readings in Philippines History

Section: ACT1C Professor. Jenelyn Bait


Exercise No. 1

Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What route did the group of Pigafetta take from Humunu (Homonhon) Island going to the
site of the First mass.

a. West southwest c. North Southeast

b. West Northwest d. North Southwest
2. When did the first Holy Mass in the Philippines happen?

a. March 16, 1521 c. March 28, 1521

b. March 22, 1521 d. March 31, 1521
3. The flagship Magellan’s fleet.

a. Victoria c. San Antonio

b. Trinidad d. Concepcion

4. This ocean called by Magellan as Mar Pacifico for its peace and calm unlike other oceans

that they travelled where the water was extremely rough.

a. Indian Ocean c. Pacific Ocean

b. Atlantic Ocean d. None of the above

5. First native chieftain who embraced Christianity.

a. Datu Sumakwil c. Rajah Kulambo

b. Rajah Humabon d. Datu Puti

B. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Number the events starting 1-5.

Write your answers on the space provided.

_________ The Battle of Mactan

_________ The arrival of Magellan in Homonhon

_________ The First Mass in the Philippine Islands

_________ Magellan’s fleet crossing the Pacific Ocean

_________ Ship Victoria reached its port of origin Seville, Spain

Exercise No. 2

Essay (5 pts each)

1. What is the significance of knowing where the first mass in the Philippines was held

for us Filipinos?





2. When was the Philippine discovered? What events paved the way for its discovery?





3. By making a timeline, trace the expedition of Magellan from the time that he left Spain

until his death.





4. Did Spain pursue its interest in conquering the Philippines after the expedition of

Magellan? How?





5. How will you prove the importance role played by the missionaries in the conquest of

the Philippines?




Exercise No.3

Write a position paper about the site of the first mass. Where do you believe it

happened? Butuan or Limasawa? Justify your answer by providing related information

and evidences in your writing.





















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