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Colombo, Sri Lanka | P: +94 772515389 | |

ZILINGO LANKA – Colombo, Sri Lanka
Software Engineer Dec 2021 – Present
• Work on Z-Factory, an industry 4.0 product on manufacturing execution system (MES) to improve the
factory efficiency and productivity.
• Responsible for factory dashboard continues development, optimization along with stability on different
ATB devices. Developing new dashboards for sample room concept to support multiple clients.
Technology Stack – Akka Streams & scheduling (Java), Mongo DB, Apache Druid, AWS, Ionic – Angular, Redis


Software Engineer Sep 2021 – Dec 2021
Associate Software Engineer Sep 2020 – Aug 2021
• Develop VIDA+ a Multi-Tenant Cloud Native, Cloud Agnostic Micro Service Architecture Healthcare
Applications for Dr. Suleiman Al-Habib medical Group (HMG) and Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
(Vision 2030 Project). Support go-live of 21 hospitals in the span of 9 months.
• Responsible for live feedback with strict deadline to satisfy client’s requirement. Able to obtain very high
rating with KLAS research as the great indicator of user friendly and efficient system among middle east
health care products. Works on continues new feature along with product optimizations.

Technology Stack – Spring boot micro service (Netflix stack), ELK Stack, Oracle DB, Angular, Hibernate

FIDHAPS– Colombo, Sri Lanka

Freelance Software Engineer Jan 2020 – Sep 2020
• Developed Perennial Hotel booking platform for client in UK with a team of 6 developers from scratch.
My responsibilities are on mobile UI development, API integration and app optimizations.
• I kept good feedbacks from clients and able address new requirements are fixes.

Technology Stack – Flutter, GraphQL, GCP, Azure

B.Sc. Honours of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics; Cumulative GPA: 3.22/4.0

Thesis – Develop HPC facility by inter linking engineering laboratories in south eastern university and
analyse the opportunities to facilitate AI & ML research.


SQL, Dart, JavaScript, Java, Python, Spring boot, Angular, Flutter, Ionic, Oracle, Postgres, Liquibase,
Redis, Kafka, Mongo DB, AWS, Linux, Akka, Druid DB, ELK Stack, Hibernate, Micro-Services, GraphQL,

Professional Membership

Associate Member - Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (AMIE - SL)

Certifications & Training

Algorithmic Toolbox| Coursera, Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud|
Coursera, Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++| Coursera, Hadoop Platform and Application Framework|
Coursera, Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular | Coursera, Apache Kafka Series | Udemy, Introduction
to MongoDB | Udemy, Relational Database Design | Udemy, AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate |
Udemy (reading)

Research Projects

Crowd Control System: Designed and developed an online permit provision platform to support
government in providing permit to protect supply chain.
Technology Stack– Flutter, Bonita BPM, GCP

Document Safe App: I am actively working on this project for an Australian client. This will be a digital
platform for businesses to keep their agreements with payment tracking facility.
Technology Stack– Flutter, AWS, VOD, Spring boot

Retail AI: I was working with university business linkage (UBL - SEUSL) unit under AHEAD project of
ADB. In order to improve retail sector technological advancement using mobiles or embedded systems to
manage invoices.
Technology Stack– Flutter, Raspberry pi, Tesseract, Spring boot, Python

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