The Struggle of Analyzing Images

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Diego Morteo

ENGL 1301
Dr Sharity Nelson
The Struggle of Analyzing Images
I learned that an analysis of a visual text may have a lot of meaning behind, since in the

image I chose to make the essay had a lot of interpretation to think of, not only my

essays but all images may convey at first some sort of imagery to portray in it since at

first you do not really know what the context is behind. This concept of visual analysis

might help me later to have a deeper interpretation and analysis of future visual context

that I might start doing for future writing assignments.

I build a sense or imagining more on what I see on images as drafting helped me in a

way, I could start building up ideas on how the essay could be about and the giving a

context from my perspective and maybe the revision helped me more in improving

those ideas that I had now. Brainstorming help me in most cases to build a list d the

things I can talk about in my essays, prewriting helps me in a way to form an idea on

how I want to build my essay as is almost the same as drafting it but in a way that is

more of the ideas I want to implement and then the drafting process comes in part with

guiding the central idea on how I want to structure my writing assignment.

Conferencing with my instructor helped me to build more of my central ideas, as she

reads through the draft, she is having a sense of idea on what I want to write and how

should I improve it. For instance, there were some cases that gave me an idea on what

to wrote about, like talking about the gaming community, also the idea of that feeling of

devastation on my image that helped me to put some more into the essay as I could not

think pf that feeling when writing my essay.

Diego Morteo
ENGL 1301
Dr Sharity Nelson

It helped me in a way that I could read what he did on his own by giving me some ideas

on what I could put and improve and then his feedback helped me more to improve

some parts pf the essay. As an example, he told me that I could use more context of the

game in general and put it in my introduction, this helped me to explain my audience

what was the genre of the image I was writing about.

Editing helped me in the way that some of the stuff that I was putting in some of the

body paragraphs was not necessary to put. Maybe because for the audience could be

very problematic to come to the same conclusion as I did, besides that it helped me

restructure and divide more the paragraphs since they were looking as one sentence,

and it was not making a lot of sense. As an example in the introduction, I was putting

some information that not necessarily was needed there and then I integrated it into one

of the body paragraphs and I became aware of this since the introduction supposedly

should gave a brief context to the image, but I was already putting some details that

were supposed to be in the next paragraphs. Becoming aware of this could help me in

future assignments by not mixing up unnecessary pieces of information.

The most challenging part I would say was to give some interpretation to the image as

they were parts of it that I really got blocked and could not be described that well, like

the halos I the sky as I called them “halos” but within the game context is a ring that

players could obtain by completing the game, but since the essay was mostly about
Diego Morteo
ENGL 1301
Dr Sharity Nelson
giving an interpretation of what I was seeing it was sort of hard to do so, luckily I end up

giving them a shape to talk about. Recognizing these challenges might help me in the

future to imagine and giving more interpretation of the things I may see in images as

with this one the background and the knight were sort of simple to say how they looked

like at first but with a deeper interpretation I came to the conclusion that maybe a war

was going on in the image and that is why the knight was portrayed like that.

I think the least challenging part was describing some parts of the image as it was easy

for me to describe the posture of the knight in the image and the surroundings as well.

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