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DAILY Southern Luzon State 2nd Year

School Year Level

LESSON University

Inaanuran, Charisse C. Teaching ICT as an

Teacher Learning Area
Exploratory Course

Teaching Dates April 18, 2023 2nd Sem

PLAN and Time 9:00-10:30 am

Session 1

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Understand and know the different advantages and disadvantages of artificial

A. Cognitive

B. Psychomotor Illustrate one (1) types of AI that being used ;

C. Affective Reflect and apply the use of AI in real life situations.

II. CONTENT AI ( Artificial Intelligence )


A. References

1. Textbook pages

2. Additional
Materials from
Learning artificial-intelligence#GoTop
Resource (LR)

● PowerPoint Presentation

● Laptop
B. Other Learning
● Smart TV

● Video Presentation

What to do?


A. Prayer Greetings: Good morning Ma’am

( The students will greet
Checking of Good morning class. (Teacher will greet the their teacher)
attendance students.

Yes Ma’am, let’s bow our

Prayer: head and feel the presence
of the lord.
Before we start our lesson, who wants to lead the

( Called one of the students )

Let us pray. O God, who by

the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of
the faithful, grant us in the
Attendance: same Spirit to be truly wise
and ever to rejoice in His
As I call your name you will say the consolation. Through Christ
things/anything that makes you fear. our Lord. Amen.

(Students keep on
Motivation: See, Analyze and Connect answering as their name
( Seanalyzect )

Direction: Students will be divided into 2 groups.

Each group have to use their mind in analyzing (All students will
the different images that I’ll show and then participate)
connect it to construct their answer.




B. Review of Previous So, before we proceed to the next topic, let’s just have ( One of the students is
Lessons some recall. answering and stating
Based from your understanding and learnings, what the previous lesson that
have been discussed in the previous lesson?
they have been
( Calling a name )
tackled )

Ok that’s right, very good.

C. Presenting I prepared a video presentation that will highlight

examples/ instances your imaginations and insights.
of the new lesson

Please watch these and understand what have been

the information’s is indicated.


( All student)

Yes Ma’am.

So, based from the video, give me your insights or

thoughts for what’s this all about?
(Students will give their answers.)- At least 1-2

That’s a wonderful answer, thank you Ms. Amandy

Other answer from the class? Student 1: Ma’am based

from the video, it is tackle
about the AI advancements
to the human being and
their evolution throughout
the years.

That’s right, very good answer Mr. Constantino Student 2: On my

understanding, AI is a
robotic machines that can
transfer and deliver
information that has been
implanted before it enables.
D. Making DISCUSSION OF THE TOPIC: ( One of the student will
generalizations and read the definition of AI
abstractions about and will explain it)
the lesson
Artificial Intelligence

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

--Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a
computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software
think intelligently like the human mind. AI is
accomplished by studying the patterns of the human
brain and by analyzing the cognitive process. The
outcome of these studies develops intelligent software
and systems.

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence

--Here’s a brief timeline of the past six decades of how

AI evolved from its inception.

1956 - John McCarthy coined the term ‘artificial

intelligence’ and had the first AI conference.

1969 - Shakey was the first general-purpose mobile

robot built. It is now able to do things with a purpose
vs. just a list of instructions.

1997 - Supercomputer ‘Deep Blue’ was designed, and

it defeated the world champion chess player in a
match. It was a massive milestone by IBM to create
this large computer.

2002 - The first commercially successful robotic

vacuum cleaner was created.

2005 - 2019 - Today, we have speech recognition,

robotic process automation (RPA), a dancing robot,
smart homes, and other innovations make their debut.

( Teacher will ask a some example of AI in the

present )

Types of Artificial Intelligence

1. Purely Reactive

These machines do not have any memory or data to

work with, specializing in just one field of work. For
example, in a chess game, the machine observes the
moves and makes the best possible decision to win.

2. Limited Memory

These machines collect previous data and continue

adding it to their memory. They have enough memory
or experience to make proper decisions, but memory
is minimal. For example, this machine can suggest a
restaurant based on the location data that has been
3. Theory of Mind

This kind of AI can understand thoughts and

emotions, as well as interact socially. However, a
machine based on this type is yet to be built.

4. Self-Aware

Self-aware machines are the future generation of

these new technologies. They will be intelligent,
sentient, and conscious.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?

--Put simply, AI systems work by merging large with

intelligent, iterative processing algorithms. This
combination allows AI to learn from patterns and
features in the analyzed data. Each time an Artificial
Intelligence system performs a round of data
processing, it tests and measures its performance and
uses the results to develop additional expertise.

AI Programming Cognitive Skills: Learning,

Reasoning and Self-Correction

--Artificial Intelligence emphasizes a different

cognitive skills of learning, reasoning, and self-
correction, skills that the human brain possess to one
degree or another. We define these in the context of AI

● Learning

● Reasoning

● Self-Correction

● Logical Reasoning

● Knowledge Representation

● Planning and Navigation

● Natural Language Processing

● Perception

● Emergent Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence: Advantages and

Disadvantages of AI

--Artificial intelligence has its pluses and minuses,

much like any other concept or innovation. Here’s a
quick rundown of some pros and cons.


● It reduces human error

● It never sleeps, so it’s available 24x7

● It never gets bored, so it easily handles

repetitive tasks

● It’s fast


● It’s costly to implement

● It can’t duplicate human creativity

● It will definitely replace some jobs, leading to


● People can become overly reliant on it

What is Artificial Intelligence: Applications of

Artificial Intelligence

--Machines and computers affect how we live and

work. Top companies are continually rolling out
revolutionary changes to how we interact with
machine-learning technology.

Here are some example where AI is applied in the


● DeepMind Technologies, a British artificial

intelligence company, was acquired by Google
in 2014. The company created a Neural
Turing Machine, allowing computers to mimic
the short-term memory of the human brain.

● Google’s driverless cars and Tesla’s Autopilot

features are the introductions of AI into the
automotive sector.

● Furthermore, Watson, a question-answering

computer system developed by IBM, is
designed for use in the medical field. Watson
suggests various kinds of treatment for
patients based on their medical history and
has proven to be very useful.

● Banking Fraud Detection

● Online Customer Support

● Cyber Security
● Virtual Assistants


-- Artificial Intelligence is emerging as the next big

thing in technology. Organizations, Education and
Society are adopting AI and budgeting for certified
professionals in the field, thus the growing demand
for trained and certified professionals. As this
emerging field continues to grow, it will have an
impact on everyday life and lead to considerable
implications for many industries.

E. Developing mastery ( At the end of discussion, Teacher will ask the students to give their understanding
(Processing) and knowledge on what they have learned )

Student 1: AI can be very

useful, especially nowadays
because it helps us to make
our life easier. It helps us in
Teacher : Based from the discussion , give me an
many ways, like doing
F. Quiz instances where AI can be useful and it’s
households, getting
disadvantages in 21ST Century?
answers and making
factory works faster and
better. ( And the rest will
answer the question)

Concept Map

Direction: I’ll group you into three (3) groups, and each group is given a topic
that need to formulate a concept map about the application of Artificial
Intelligence. A representative will discuss the answers of the group.

G. Evaluating learning

Group 1 – Medical Purposes

Group 2 – Cyber Security

Group 3 – Automotive Sector

H. Additional activities
for application of
remediation Homework :

Reflect on Reference

Direction: Sight on the internet one industry where using the Artificial Intelligence
and reflect it on how this affect your perspective as a 21st century learners. Indicate
the website where you found it.
(15 pts.)


Prepared by:

Charisse C. Inaanuran

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