NJV Subject: Computer Science Class: Xi

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Subject : Computer Science Class : XI

Computer Architecture and Data Communication
Q1: Choose the best answer: (20)

1. A computer has 16 bits word size, the size of memory buffer register must be:
a. 8 bits b. 16 bits
c. 32 bits d. 64 bits
2. A stack is served in the principal of
3. Unit that fetches an instruction from main memory by sending an address and a
READ command to the main memory.
a. Memory Unit b. Control Unit
c. ALU d. Register
4. Intermediate processing results are stored in:
a. ALU b. CU
c. Memory Units d. Registers
5. A location inside the CPU where it can hold data temporarily while it carries out
arithmetic and logic operations in it.
a. ALU b. Cache
c. Memory Units d. Register
6. Duration of time in which an instruction stored in the memory is brought to an
appropriate register.
a. Fetch Cycle b. Execute Cycle
c. Latency Time d. None of these
7. The register acts as a counter for repeating or looping instructions.
a. AX b BX
c. CX d. DX
8. A special 16 bit register with individual bit positions assigned to show the status
of the CPU or the result of the arithmetic operations.
a. AX b Index Register
c. Flag Register d. DX
9. The Instruction caused transfer of data either from CPU registers to a memory
location or an output device or from RAM or input device to a CPU register.
a. Data Transfer Instruction b Logical Instruction
c. Control Transfer Instruction d. None of these
10. A type of code that specifies the operation to be performed is called:
a. OPCode b Logical Instruction
c. Control Transfer Instruction d. None of these

11. A kind of Input/ Output hardware device at the other end of the
communication typically provides user with access to the network is
a. Server b. Client c. Terminal d. Master
12. A type of network that is generally limited within a building is called and
uses only one type of transmission medium is called:
a. MAN b. LAN c. WAN d. GAN
13. A type of network normally covers the area of a city, about hundred Km is:
a. MAN b. LAN c. WAM d. GAN
14. A type of computer of a network, which may be both Server and Client is:
a. HOST b. DOMAIN c. PEER d. Server
15. Which of the following is not a kind of simplex transmission?
a. Radio Broadcast b. Announcement using Loud Speaker
c. TV Broadcast d. Walky-Talky conversation

16. In digital communication, the number of bits that pass a given point in a
network in a given amount of time is called:
a. Frequency b. Amplitude c. Bit Rate d. Wave length
17. The _________ of a transmitted communications signal is a measure of
the range of frequencies the signal occupies.
a. Bit rate b. Range c. Frequency d. Bandwidth
18. Any reduction in the strength of a signal is called:
a. Attenuation b. Cross talk c. EMI d.Noise
19. Disturbance caused by the electric or magnetic fields of one
telecommunication signal affecting a signal in an adjacent circuit is called:
a. Attenuation b. Cross talk c. EMI d. Noise
20. Unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that degrades the quality of
signals and data is called:
a. Attenuation b. Cross talk c. EMI d. Noise


1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. c
14. b
15. d
16. d
17. c
18. b
19. b
20. c

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