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Qualification Module number and title

Cardiff Metropolitan University Level 4 and 5 Higher

SRI4152- Managing People
Diploma in Business Management

Student name Assessor name

Thilakshan Thirulinganathan Ms. Erandathi Jayasekara
Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Approximate Date of

Assessment Assessment Submission
Individual Assignment 3000 words 100% 24.10.2021

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature: Thilakshan Date: 09.01.2022

Marks awarded
First assessor

Second assessor

Agreed grade

IV Signature Date

Assignment Feedback
First assessor feedback

Assessors name Date

& signature
Second assessor feedback

Assessors name Date

& signature

1.0 Examine current trends in Reward Management practices and Exit processes
used by businesses, using relevant examples from various businesses..........................3
2.0 Attention paid on health and safety of employees decides the smooth run of the
day-to-day operations of organizations these days. Assess current trends in Health
and Safety practices followed by business organizations with appropriate examples
from different organizations..........................................................................................................7
3.0 In the present pandemic environment, a strong corporate culture is critical for
managing organizational changes. Explain key organizational culture characteristics
that should be highlighted in business organizations using O'Reilly, Chatman, and
Caldwell's framework of six main cultural characteristics (Robbins and Judge, 2013,
p. 512) and discuss how a change can be successfully managed in an organization
using Kurt Levin's change theory (Robbins and Judge, 2013, p. 584) using examples
from various organizations............................................................................................................8
4.0 Tuckman's theory (Luthans, 2011, p. 342) is used to explain the stages of
group/team growth, while Belbin's theory on team roles is used to examine how
different roles played by team/group members impact group performance (Robbins
and Judge, 2013, p. 317)...............................................................................................................13
5.0 Assess the impact of individual qualities such as perception, personality, abilities,
and attitudes on individual differences among employees in business organizations
(Luthans, 2011, pp. 125-140) and assess the significance of individual differences at
Appendix 01.................................................................................................................................20
Appendix 02.................................................................................................................................22

1.0 Examine current trends in Reward Management practices and Exit
processes used by businesses, using relevant examples from various

A reward is a monetary return, object, or event given to an employee in exchange for

their hard work or outstanding achievement (Schultz,2006). When a reward is
provided after a certain behavior occurs, the chance of that behavior occurring again
increases (Pavlov,1927; Skinner,1953). Motivated individuals are willing to go the
extra mile when their work needs it. They will be more productive, enthusiastic, and
creative as a result. Employees that are unmotivated are more likely to put in
minimal effort and avoid taking on new job responsibilities as much as possible.
Workplace drive is admirable, but it is not a trait shared by all employees. The link
between extrinsic and intrinsic incentives can be represented by a foreground and a
background (Thomas&Velthouse,1990). Employees are motivated by workplace
recognition because it provides them with a sense of accomplishment and makes
them feel valued for their efforts. Employee recognition not only encourages
individual participation, but it has also been demonstrated to enhance productivity
and dedication to the business, resulting in higher retention.

In modern reward management, organizational incentives and recognition can be

top-down, bottom-up, or peer-to-peer in structure. Innovative rewards, such as
experiences and vouchers, may help firms make advances into employee morale
and engage employees on a human level across a range of rewards and recognition

Awards Defines Examples

Award for Years of This is the most prevalent " As long as the cost does
Service type of employee award not exceed Rs. 1500/-,
in both small and large Governing Authorities are
businesses. This award is free to make their own
awarded at decisions on the design,
predetermined intervals or size, model, and type of
achievements to honor the medal/plaque.
and recognise an "Please take note that,

employee's long-term rather than receiving a
commitment to the single medal for their
organization. satisfactory continuous
service of 25 years or
more, university
employees should be
given the option of
receiving Bronze, Silver,
Gold plated Medals and
Wall Plaques upon
successful completion of
25 years, 30 years, 35
years, and 40 years of
service, respectively
(University Grand
Commission Circular
Training and mentoring An employer can provide The TATA – Harvard
training programs to an Manage Mentor self-
employee to assist him or paced e-learning program
her in mastering his or her is a one-of-a-kind self-
area. Employees can take paced curriculum
classes to enhance their provided in conjunction
abilities and get certified. with Harvard Business
The employer could School Publishing by
provide discounted or free Harvard Manage Mentor.
access to his/her It offers Tata employees
employees. 44 various programs. This
program consist of live e-
classrooms, live video
broadcasts, and self-
paced e-learning.
Hand written thank you One of the most important The simple act of top
card wants that people have is management or the firm's
to feel valued. When you CEO writing personalized
express your gratitude handwritten thank you
and appreciation to notes can increase
someone, they will employee loyalty to the
remember you. company. Employees
Appreciation will come may be certain that their
back to you in spades. contributions are being
acknowledged and that
their efforts are being
rewarded is
acknowledged despite
their hectic schedules by
spending the time and
effort to produce
personalised letters. Eg;
Insurance companies,
Steve Refinement, former
CEO of PepsiCo used to
handwrite thank you
notes to staff to appriciate
their works.
Voucher gift cards Incentive money not only Keels, cargills, and odel
boosts loyalty, but it also cards are being used by
boosts performance and businesses to thank and
creates a productive and acknowledge their staff
pleasurable work for their important
environment. Employees' contributions.
activities and behaviors
are motivated and
rewarded with gift cards.
Business trips Incentive travel is an HNB bank, AIA insurance,
enticing reward that LOLC insurance offer
businesses may use to business foreign trips for
incentivize partners or target achieve individual/
employees to meet team.
company goals and
improve sales. This
incentive, when paired
with a personalized
incentive program, gives
a tremendous boost to
achieving a range of
goals, such as
encouraging and inspiring
employees to increase
productivity. This
program provides benefits
which including meeting a
company goal, generating
a sense of global
appealing, increasing
devotion, and offering a
lasting memories.
Idea award Management awards this Employees at WNS, who
reward to an employee come up with an
who has developed a innovative and original
novel solution or notion solution or idea are
that will help the recognized with honors
organization. like The Mastermind

2.0 Attention paid on health and safety of employees decides the smooth run
of the day-to-day operations of organizations these days. Assess current
trends in Health and Safety practices followed by business organizations with
appropriate examples from different organizations.

Human resource management is one of the most important and valuable resources
available in today's contemporary corporation, as well as a critical component in the
survival and growth of any corporate organization. Although the terms health and
safety are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a distinction to be noted. Health
is difficult to define precisely because it encompasses a far broader idea than safety.
The lack of disease, accident, or psychological or emotional issues that can affect
people's everyday activities is most generally defined as health. The wellness, while
on the other hand, encompasses not only the physical conditions under which
workers work, but also a way of thinking about working with people that is based on
the idea that a happy employee is a productive employee (ivkovi, 2012). Activities
connected to employee treatment may be less significant today for individuals in
charge of human resources than they were in the past, but they are nonetheless
crucial (Torrington et al., 2004).

COVID-19 has altered people's perceptions of worker safety, health, and well-being,
as well as accelerated efforts to address these problems. The pandemic has also
prompted concerns about traditional workplace issues like as childcare, sick leave,
and disability, as well as safety concerns in health-care settings where professionals
must treat patients. While the values of total worker health may not change, the
implementation of COVID-19 protection has evolved. Dennerlein, Erika Sabbath,
Susan Peters, and Glorian Sorensen identified six key characteristics for using TWH
in this situation:

• The focus of this study is on working circumstances for infection control and
supporting settings for higher psychological demands.

• Using participative techniques, workers identify everyday difficulties and

distinctive solutions.

• Improving system efficiency through a multifaceted and collaborative


• As leaders, we must make a commitment to assisting employees via action

and communication.

• Adherence to ethical and legal norms

• Data is utilized to direct actions and track progress.

WHO key mensures to protect against covid-19

COVID-19 prevention measures include frequent hand-washing or disinfection with

alcohol-based hand sanitizer, respiratory hygiene such as cough protective layer,
physical trying to distance of at least 1 meter or more as per guidelines, wearing
masks where distancing is not possible, regular environ - mental cleaning and
disinfection, and reducing unneeded travel. Solid regulations and communications,
as well as employee and management training and education, are essential to
enhance COVID-19 awareness. People infected with COVID-19 or their interactions
should be handled with care, such as by requiring workers who become ill or have
symptoms to stay at home, self-isolate, and seek professional care, or to contact a
local COVID-19 information line for testing help.

3.0 In the present pandemic environment, a strong corporate culture is critical

for managing organizational changes. Explain key organizational culture
characteristics that should be highlighted in business organizations using
O'Reilly, Chatman, and Caldwell's framework of six main cultural
characteristics (Robbins and Judge, 2013, p. 512) and discuss how a change
can be successfully managed in an organization using Kurt Levin's change
theory (Robbins and Judge, 2013, p. 584) using examples from various

The pandemic of Covid 19 has made the business climate more uncertain and
difficult. As a result, businesses must be able to take the necessary steps to maintain
and increase employee performance. Companies must consider a variety of
elements that can influence employee performance, including environmental, job-
related, and personnel-related issues.

The corporate world of today is fast-paced, international, and ever-changing. As a

result, in order to thrive, businesses must constantly engage in transformation
initiatives (Baesu & Bejinaru,2013; Wilson & Lawton-Smith,2016). According to
Vanderwood(2013) Future research, is needed to provide insight into the leadership
abilities required at various stages of organizational transformation in order to reduce

resistance and aid overcome problems that are common in change processes.
Emotional responses to organizational change initiatives were identified as unique
impediments, to successful organizational change management by Lawrence,
Ruppel, and Tworoger(2014). Developing a steering coalition, devising a strategy
and plan, communicating the new vision, permitting broad-based change, winning
short-term victories, consolidating wins and causing additional change, and
embedding new methods in the culture are all critical tasks(Pollack & Pollack,2015).
Burke (2008) developed the Burke-Litwin model for organizational change culture by
drawing on the work of numerous process theorists. According to Denison and
Mishra (1995; Tushman and O'Reilly, 2002), building a strong culture is one
approach to align staff with a company's strategic goals.

The collection of values, beliefs, and procedures that guide the activities of all
members of an organization is referred to as organizational culture(Shahzad et

Organizational culture dimensions are as follows:

Companies with creative cultures Google encourages employees

are flexible and adaptive, and they to work and giving chances by
Innovative experiment with new ideas to attain allowing them to commit 20% of
culture their goals throughout this period their time to projects of their
of change. choice.
Aggressive Companies with aggressive Bill Gates, the founder plans to
culture cultures place a premium on being devote his time to decreasing
competitive and outperforming global poverty and distributed
competitors; nevertheless, by free covid vaccines. CSR
stressing this, they may fall short of activities for covid patients
corporate social responsibility.
Outcome As important values, promote Bankers of HSBC focused high
oriented achievement, outcomes, and profile persons to disturbute
culture action. Result oriented work credit card to complete monthly
environment targets.
Stable bureaucratic, predictable, and rule- Government sectors; it kills the
culture based These organizations attempt new innovation ideas

10 | P a g e
to optimize efficiency by
coordinating and harmonizing
individual activities. When the
surroundings is stable and
predictable, such culture can
contribute to the organisational
progress by ensuring consistent
output levels.
People Individual rights are treasured Starbucks Corporation is an
oriented because they are fair, supportive, example of a people-centered
culture and respected. These companies culture. Employees are paid
really embrace the phrase that over the minimum wage, and
"their greatest asset is their the company provides health
employees." These companies, in insurance and tuition
addition to having fair procedures reimbursement benefits to both
and management styles, create an part-time and full-time
environment in which people like employees, as well as unique
coming to work and do not feel amenities like weekly free
obligated to choose between work coffee for all employees.
and other elements of their lives.
People in these categories are
expected to be treated with more
respect and kindness.
Team Companies with a team-oriented Srilankan cricket team gives
oriented culture promote employee practice to all of their cricket
culture cooperation and collaboration. player to achieve the team goal.
Employees at team-oriented
businesses enjoy better
relationships with their coworkers,
particularly their superiors.
Detail The significance of accuracy and Four Seasons hotels are
oriented attention to detail is emphasized. committed to giving visitors with
culture Companies in the hotel industry the exact service they require,
benefit from such a culture since it and they keep track of each
11 | P a g e
helps them to distinguish guest's experiences,
themselves from competition. preferences, and expectations.
The covid changed the working Personnel at Four Seasons
style therefore communication with must be analytically strong and
customer, company meets are enjoy keeping thorough
carryout via phone calls or zoom. records.
The listener shold note done the

Lewin’s change model is characterised by three stages namely: unfreezing,

changing and refreezing (Banhegyi & Banhegyi,2007; McGrath & Bates,2017)

Freezing is the first step, and change is the second. A change is prepared during the
first step, 'unfreezing.' Old habits, routines, and systems are challenged and
dismantled, and a shared vision is established. (Lanning and colleagues,1999.)
According to Hallin et al.(2021), The objective of this phase, is to create a common
understanding in an organization about why a change is vital and to explain what
would happen if the change was not implemented. According to Lewin, breaking the

12 | P a g e
status quo is necessary for creating room for change at the start of a shift (Burnes &
Bargal,2017,p.94). The second phase is change, in which the change is executed
and the actual shift in structure and processes, such as training, takes place (Hallin
et al.,2021). Personnel begin to adopt new methods necessary to accomplish the
new goals set in the first phase during the second phase. The first and second
phases, taken together, describe the process of planning and implementing the
change. This level comprises shifts in organisational structure as well as changes in
organizational culture. These structural adjustments foster behavior that is in line
with the new shared vision. Throughout this stage, the organization's new customs
have stabilized (Hallin et al.,p.49,2021).

COVID-19 solutions create new ways of doing and being, thus we can only move
forward. Working and meeting remotely is here to stay, even though social
separation will gradually fade away. Travel for business will resume, but air travel will
never be the same again. What we invent isn't going away. However, thanks to
Microsoft Teams and Zoom, collaboration is as productive as ever. Teams have
reported increased cohesion and teamwork, as well as virtual morning coffees and
happy hours after work. Of course, we want to meet in person again, and we will, but
COVID-19 will continue to change the way we work, play, and define community.
Effective change leaders recognize this, build on it, and go forward.

4.0 Tuckman's theory (Luthans, 2011, p. 342) is used to explain the stages of
group/team growth, while Belbin's theory on team roles is used to examine
how different roles played by team/group members impact group performance
(Robbins and Judge, 2013, p. 317).

Tuckman's Model has grown to be one of the most well-known and influential. It was
first published in 1965 and has since become the most widely cited and recognized
text in organizational literature(Miller 2003). The model was presented as a tool for
describing and investigating groups, group dynamics, and teams (Rickards & Moger,
2000). Educators and practitioners utilize it frequently in training programs and group
analysis across companies (Cassidy, 2007).

13 | P a g e
Phase of team Definitio Characteristics Strategy
development n
Forming Socializing Quick response time
Sticking to safe topics Providing clear expectation
and consistent instructions
Storming Lack of participation Encouraging leadership
Conflict Normalizing
Norming Developing cohesion Provide learning
Member are engaged and opportunities
supportive Recognizing individual or
group effort
Performing Health system Provide opportunity to
Balance of task and process share leaning to team
orientation Encouraging group decision
Appendix 01

Adjourning Shift to process orientation Recognizing changes

Sadness Give a chance for
summative team evaluation

" Teams will become the key unit of performance in high-performing organizations,"
Katzenbackand Smith (1993) predicted.Two or more people with distinct duties that
collaborate to achieve predetermined and agreed goals in an adaptive manner
(Brannik et al., 1997). This section focuses on Belbin's argument on the impact of
team makeup.

Characteristics Functions

14 | P a g e
Plants The fundamental duties of a Plant are to
generate new ideas and solve complicated
challenges. Plants are frequently needed in
the early phases of a project or after it has
become stopped. Plants have often made
their mark as company entrepreneurs or
product creators. Having too many Plants in
one firm, on the other hand, may be harmful
because they prefer to spend their time
promoting their own ideals and battling one
Resource investigator Outside of the group, RIs thrive on
discovering and reporting on new ideas,
trends, and resources. They are the finest
ones to make external relationships and
carry out subsequent agreements. They are
able to think on their feet and get knowledge
from others.
Monitor evaluators MEs are excellent at assessing
circumstances and providing feedback on
ideas and recommendations. They excel at
analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of
alternative options. Many outsiders may see
the ME as boring, dull, or even unduly
critical. Some people are surprised to find
themselves in positions of authority. Despite
this, many MEs hold critical jobs and thrive
in positions of power. A limited number of
key decisions decide the result of particular
Appendix 02

jobs. This is ideal territory for a ME, since

the man who never makes a mistake is the
one who ultimately triumphs.

15 | P a g e
Coordinators COs are well-positioned while in charge of a
group of employees with a diverse set of
skills and personalities. They do better
when interacting with peers of similar or
equivalent status rather than when
supervising younger subordinates.
"Consultation with control" may be their
slogan, and they frequently believe in
dealing with problems with caution.
Because of their divergent management
styles, COs and Shapers are prone to
conflict in a variety of circumstances.
Shapers Because they are action-oriented and thrive
in difficult situations, SHs are good
managers. They are superb at inspiring a
group and are particularly beneficial in
situations where political difficulties are
likely to stymie progress; SHs are more
likely to rise above such worries and
continue moving forward anyway. They are
well-suited to bringing about required
adjustments and are not afraid to make
tough judgments. They aim, as the label
suggests, to impose a framework or
structure on group discourse or activity.
They are unquestionably the most effective
members of a team when it comes to
delivering great results.
Implementers IMPs are advantageous to a corporation
due to their dependability and application
capacity. They are successful because they
are efficient and comprehend what is
achievable and important. According to

16 | P a g e
reports, many CEOs just do the duties they
love and disregard the ones they don't. An
IMP, on the other hand, will finish the job.
Good IMPs usually advance to top
management roles due to their
organizational skills and capacity to execute
crucial tasks.
Team workers It is the TW's responsibility to prevent
interpersonal disputes from arising inside a
team, allowing all team members to
contribute constructively. They dislike
conflict and will go to great lengths to avoid
it. TWs are commonly promoted to top
management roles, especially when
Shapers control line management. This
provides a situation in which a TW's
diplomatic and perceptive qualities become
significant assets, particularly in a
managerial atmosphere where disputes are
likely to develop or be actively managed.
TW managers are the most well-liked and
favored people to work for since they cause
no damage to anyone. The lubricating effect
of Team Workers benefits teams. People's
morale rises when they work together more
Completer/finisher CFs are extremely useful in tasks that need
great attention and precise accuracy. They
inspire a sense of urgency in their
coworkers and are excellent at meeting
deadlines. Because of their high
expectations, as well as their attention to
detail, precision, and follow-through, they

17 | P a g e
thrive in management.
Specialist SPs are important members of some teams
since they provide the unique skill on which
the firm's service or product is built. They
command respect as managers since they
know more about their topic than anybody
else and can typically be depended on to
make choices based on significant

5.0 Assess the impact of individual qualities such as perception, personality,

abilities, and attitudes on individual differences among employees in business
organizations (Luthans, 2011, pp. 125-140) and assess the significance of
individual differences at work.
Perception The perspective of view is what helps us understand a situation. It
is also regarded to be the process through which knowledge enters
people's thoughts and acquires a meaningful meaning for the
whole world.
Personality A person's personality is not primarily decided by his or her
physical appearance. A person with a nice personality has a clever,
kind, and engaging manner. This idea is considered dynamic since
it describes the evolution and development of a person's
psychological system. Personal traits or characteristics are
attributes that are represented in a person's conduct within an
organization such as persistence, dominance, aggression, and
other qualities.
Skills Within the organization, an employee's tenure or experience or
skills plays a significant role. Due to the seniority factor, it
generates a lot of speculation and misunderstandings. Work skill
and experience is also regarded as a positive indicator that
contributes to increased productivity through increased efficiency

18 | P a g e
and effectiveness. The performance of the job and seniority have a
positive relationship. Employee turnover is also viewed as a
negative factor when compared to seniority.
Value and attitudes Values are broad beliefs that govern diverse decisions and
behaviors in a number of settings. It is a person's concept based
on proper, good, and desirable points of view. It is firmly embedded
in people's personalities, as seen by their behaviors. Furthermore,
most of the time, instructors, parents, friends, and a number of
other external variables directly impact a person's ideas, attitudes,
and thoughts. Values have a significant impact on how a company
operates. It helps to understand an individual's motivation and
attitude, as well as the impacts of their views or point of view.

Importance of individual difference at work place

Individual distinctions are how humans are different from one another. Every
member of an organization has a unique way of behaving. Individual differences
have an impact on employees' feelings, beliefs, and behavior, thus managers must
comprehend them. Individuals are distinguished by two basic characteristics: ability
and personality (C.Cooper, 2002). Ability is one of the attributes that separates one
individual from another. Internal mental regulators can be discovered in the speed,
depth, and power with which certain approaches and techniques are mastered
(C.Cooper, 2002). Personality is a consistent set of philosophical, psychological, and
behavioral symptoms, as well as personal feelings, ideas, and actions that identify a
person (C.Cooper, 2002).

General personality tests can provide important information about candidates; but,
without explicit guidance on what to search for, based on a comprehensive work
analysis and other sources, such tests are pointless (The Psychology of Personel
Selection). Each individual is unique, having different personality types that may be
adapted to different organizational contexts. Knowing a person's temperament and
nervous system style is insufficient to define him. It would be impossible even if you
had a thorough understanding of someone's cognitive abilities and personality,
because the majority of factors are situational (The Psychology of Personel

19 | P a g e
Selection). As a result, a few tests are insufficient to determine individual differences.
A good manager should be able to deal with people and learn how to do so.

 Different opinions
 Work experience
 Leadership


Brannik, M., Salas, E. and Prince, C. (1997), Team Performance Assessment and
Brannik, M., Salas, E. and Prince, C. (1997), Team Performance Assessment and
Measurement,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.

Burke, (2008) Organization change: Theory and practice.Sage, (2008),

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Management, 17(2), 91-100.

Cassidy, K. (2007). Tuckman revisited: Proposing a new model of group

development for practitioners.

Hallin, A., Olsson, A., & Widström, M. (2021). Change Management (1st ed.).

Katzenback, J. and Smith, K. (1993), “The discipline of teams”, Harvard Business

Review, March-April, pp. 111-120.

Lanning, H., Roiha, M., & Salminen, R. (1999). Matkaopas muutokseen: Miten
kehität organisaatiota tehokkaasti ja hallitusti. Kauppakaari Oyj

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.

Miller, D. (2003). The stages of group development: A retrospective study of

Pavlov (1927) Pavlov IP. 1927. Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of the

20 | P a g e
Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex, Oxford University Press, London.

Schultz, W. (2006) Behavioral theories and the neurophysiology of reward, Annual

Review of Psychology, 57, 87-115.

team processes. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 20, no. 2: 121–43.

Thomas, K.W. and Velthouse, B.A. (1990) Cognitive elements of empowerment: An

“interpretive” model of intrinsic tasks motivation, Academy of Management Review,
15 (4), 666-681

Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. (2004): Menadžment ljudskih resursa. Data status,
Beograd, Republika Srbija

Živković, D. (2012): Menadžment ljudskih resursa. Poljoprivredni fakultet

Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, Republika Srbija.

Appendix 01

Forming During the formation stage, there will be a period of orientation and getting
to know one another. At this time, uncertainty reigns supreme, and people
need authority and direction. Someone having power or expertise may be
sought for control. "What does the team have to give me?" team members
inquire. "Would you mind telling me what is required of me?" "Am I going to
get in?" As members come to know one another, the bulk of interactions
are social.
Storming The most difficult and perilous phase is storming. Individual personalities
emerge during this time, which is characterised by conflict and competition.
At this point, team performance may suffer greatly as energy is redirected
to inefficient tasks. Subgroups and cliques may emerge around strong
personalities or areas of agreement as team members differ on team
goals. To go through this stage, members must overcome hurdles, accept

21 | P a g e
their differences, and work through different perspectives on team tasks
and goals. This is the point at which teammates may feel stymied. Failure
to resolve disagreements can lead to long-term issues..
Norming If teams survive the storming phase, conflict is overcome and a sense of
unity arises. During the norming stage, consensus is established on who
will be the leader or leaders in the next days, as well as how individual
members' roles would be assigned. Interpersonal problems begin to
disappear, giving way to a sense of oneness and cohesiveness. Team
performance improves when members begin to collaborate and focus on
the team's objectives. However, the squad's peace is fragile, and if
emotions build again, the team may storm again.
Performing Consensus and collaboration are well-established in the performing stage,
and the team is mature, organized, and well-functioning. There is a clear
and consistent procedure in place, and everyone is dedicated to attaining
the team's goals. Problems and conflicts exist, but they are dealt with
constructively. (In the following part, we'll look at the purpose of conflict and
how to deal with it.) The team is concentrating on issue solving and
reaching team objectives.
Adjourning The majority of the team's objectives have been met at this stage. The
emphasis is on finishing last-minute activities and recording effort and
outcomes. Individual members may be transferred to different teams when
the workload decreases, and the team may dissolve. A formal
acknowledgement of the team's workers and success might be useful
when the team nears completion. If the team is a standing committee with
ongoing responsibilities, members can be removed, and the development
process can be restarted by returning to the formation or storming stage.

Appendix 02
Plants Plants have a high level of inventiveness and are excellent
inventors and innovators. They are the ones that plant the seeds
and produce the ideas that lead to significant progress. They like

22 | P a g e
to work alone, apart from the rest of the team, using their
creativity and sometimes working in unexpected methods. They
are introverts who react negatively to both praise and criticism.
Their viewpoints are typically extreme and unrestrained by
reality. They are self-sufficient, clever, and one-of-a-kind, yet
they may struggle to communicate with individuals on a different
Resource investigator Extroverts who are quick to reply are common among resource
investigators. They are excellent communicators both within and
beyond the organization. They are natural negotiators who thrive
at discovering new possibilities and developing partnerships.
The RI excels in taking and developing other people's ideas, but
it struggles to come up with fresh ones. They are competent in
determining what is accessible and what can be done, as their
name implies. Others typically greet them because of their
warm, outgoing personality. RIs have easygoing dispositions
that are driven by a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to
explore new possibilities. Their enthusiasm, on the other hand,
fades rapidly unless they are continually inspired by others.
Monitor evaluators Monitor Evaluators are serious, careful people who are not
easily swayed. They want to think and make their judgments
slowly. They usually have a strong critical thinking capacity.
They have a high capacity to make sensible judgments that take
all considerations into account.
Coordinators Coordinators are differentiated by their ability to motivate people
to work together to achieve common goals. They delegate easily
because they are mature, trustworthy, and self-assured. They
are quick to recognize individual strengths and put them to use
in the achievement of collective objectives in interpersonal
interactions. While COs are not necessarily the sharpest
members of a team, they certainly demand respect and have a
broad and global view.
Shapers Shapers are highly motivated individuals with a high level of
nervous energy and a strong desire to achieve. They are often
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aggressive extroverts with a strong sense of purpose. SHs like
competing with others, and winning is their major aim. They like
taking the initiative and motivating others to do the same. They
find a way around whatever barriers that occur. They are bold
and vocal, and they are easily disappointed or dissatisfied. SHs
can be obstinate and belligerent, as well as insensitive to others.
Theirs is the most onerous assignment.
Implementers Implementers have a strong sense of self-control and discipline,
as well as a strong sense of common sense. They truly respect
hard effort and use a logical approach to issue solving. On a
bigger scale, an IMP is someone whose loyalty and interests are
largely focused on the Corporation and who is less concerned
with self-interest. In contrast, IMPs can be rigid and lack
Team workers Team workers are the most helpful members in a team. They
are kind, social, and attentive of others. They have a high level
of adaptability and flexibility while dealing with a wide range of
individuals and situations. TWs are kind and knowledgeable.
They are excellent listeners and are typically well-liked by their
colleagues. They are sensitive at work yet may be indecisive
under pressure.
Completer/finisher Completer-Finishers are noted for their follow-through and
attention to detail. They are unlikely to begin anything that they
will be unable to complete. They are motivated by internal
anxiety, yet they may appear unconcerned on the surface. They
are often introverted and do not need many external cues or
incentives. People with a laid-back demeanor may be sensitive
to CFs. They despise delegating and want to do things on their
Specialist Specialists are hardworking people who take satisfaction in
honing their technical talents and gaining specialized
knowledge. Their primary objectives are to preserve
professional standards while also promoting and defending their
specific field. Even if they are passionate about their own issue,
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they are often uninterested in other people. The SP eventually
becomes an expert via sheer effort on a small scale. Few people
have the will or talent to become a top-tier SP.

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