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- HCI is the study of the interaction between users and computers

o Goal: Minimizing the barrier between humans’ cognitive model and what they want
- UI is the point of communication between a computer and another entity
o Input: How a person communicates his needs to the computer
o Output: How the computer conveys results of its computation to the user

o Human factors: what people want and expect, physical limitations and abilities people
possess / what people find enjoyable and attractive.

o Machine factors: Technical x-tics and limitations of computer hardware and software

- UX refers to everything that affects a user’s interaction with a digital product

o Value
o Function
o Usability
o General impression
- A good design is a solution that serves the users and satisfies the client
o Does what user needs and wants
o Is natural to use
o Easy to understand
- Usability by Nielsen: a combination of factors which affect user’s interaction with a product or
- Usability principles
o Provide good feedback including effective error messages
o Ensuring adequate response time
o Use understandable encoding techniques
o Ensure user always knows what he can and should do next
o Provide all necessary help
o Be consistent
- Factors affecting user experience
o Usability
o Accessibility
o Responsiveness
o Navigation
- Design process
o Requirement analysis
o Preliminary and detailed design
o Build and implementation
o Evaluation
o Validation
- Storyboarding is the use of graphical sketches and illustrations to convey important steps in a
- Modularity is an approach used to design various products by breaking it down into separate or
independent parts.
o Benefits
 Easy to customize products
 Faster to market
 Cost efficiency

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