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1. Heart
➢ The heart is the muscular
Lesson 1: The Human Circulatory
organ that pumps blood to
the different parts of the
- Has three components
➢ In healthy adults, there
● Heart - the living pump
are two normal heart
● Blood - the fluid of life
sounds, often described as
● Blood Vessels - the alleys and
a lub and a dub that occur
in sequence with each
❖ The circulatory system is
➢ Location: The heart is
responsible for transporting
located in the thoracic
through the entire body. It
cavity between the lungs,
transports nutrients, water, and
deep and slightly to the
oxygen to the billions of body
left of the sternum.
cells, heals and fights infections,
➢ Heart Shape
and at the same time, removes
○ Apex: Blunt
wastes from them.
rounded point of
❖ The circulatory system functions
as an intricate highway that
○ Base: Flat part at
travels throughout the entire
opposite of end of
body supplying the body cells
with the materials they need to
❖ A sac known as the pericardium
encloses the heart.
➢ Epicardium - outer layer
➢ Cardiovascular System -
➢ Myocardium - mostly
transports blood
build with muscles
➢ Lymphatic System - transports
➢ Endocardium - first layer
the fluid called lymph
● The human heart is a
four-chambered heart
❖ The cardiovascular system is the
● The muscle called septum divides
organ system that transports
the heart into four chambers
nutrients, gases, hormones, and
other materials to and from the
cells of the body. It also functions
● Valves are flaps of muscles that
in fighting diseases and helps
prevent blood from back flowing
stabilize body temperature and
● Two sets of valve
pH to maintain homeostasis.
1. Atrioventricular Valves
➔ Tricuspid Valve (right) ● The blood comprises 8% of the
➔ Bicuspid Valve (left) human body weight
2.Pulmonary Valve ● An average adult has about 5
➔ Pulmonary Semilunar Valve liters of blood
➔ Aortic Semilunar Valve (left) TWO COMPONENTS OF BLOOD
1. Plasma - is the liquid portion of
BLOOD VESSELS the blood (55% of the blood by
● Vena Cava weight). It is straw colored fluid
- The vena cava is the about 92% water, 8% blood
largest vein connect to the proteins and trace amounts of
heart inorganic materials.
- This vein conveys 2. The Formed Elements - also
oxygen-poor blood known as corpuscles. Formed
coming from all parts of elements suspended in the
the body back to the right plasma. Comprise 45% of the
atrium blood by weight.
- It is divided into two: ➔ Erythrocytes (Red Blood
Superior Vena Cava & Cells) - the red color is
Inferior Vena Cava attributed to the pigment
● Aorta hemoglobin, an iron
- It is the largest artery that containing molecule that
conveys oxygen-rich can bind with oxygen.
blood pumped by the left Transports oxygen
ventricle to all parts of the throughout the body.
body Biconcave in shape,
● Pulmonary Artery elastic, and enucleated.
- Conveys blood pumped by ➔ Leukocytes (White Blood
the right ventricle to the Cells) - described as the
lungs for oxygenation “soldiers of the body”
because their function is
THE BLOOD to defend the body against
❖ The blood is a liquid tissue and infectious disease and
the circulating medium of the foreign materials by
cardiovascular system. phagocytosis and/or
❖ Also called as fluid tissue secreting antibodies.
❖ It main function are: Indefinite shape
➢ To transport materials (amorphorus) and
➢ To fight infections nucleated.
1. Neutrophils - swallowing the ➔ Forms connection
bacterias between arterioles and
2. Eosinophils - kills parasitic venules
worms ➔ Main function: exchange
3. Basophils - release other of materials
inflammatory chemicals
1. Monocytes - they can leave the ● Respiratory System
bloodstream and go to the tissue - Its primary function is to
2. Lymphocytes - release supply the blood with
antibodies oxygen and to deliver
➔ Thrombocytes (Blood oxygen-rich blood to all
Platelets) - they are not parts of the body (via
true cells and are only heart)
remnants of the mother ● Breathing
cell in the myeloid tissue. - The process of drawing air
Irregular in shape. They into the lungs (inhalation)
disintegrate upon contact and its corresponding
with air. Upon expulsion (exhalation)
disintegration, the blood - During inhalation oxygen
clotting process begins. enters the lungs. During
exhalation, carbon dioxide
BLOOD VESSELS exits the lungs
● Blood Vessels are the network of ● The respiratory system includes
channels that convey blood to all many different organs that work
parts of the body. together for gas exchange to take
● Artery - conveys oxygen-rich place.
blood away from the heart
(except for the pulmonary UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
arteries) ● Nose
➔ Aorta - largest ; Arterioles - The gateway of
- small arteries respiratory system
● Vein - conveys oxygen-poor - Air (particularly
blood coming from all parts of oxygen) enters the
the body toward the heart body via nose
(except for pulmonary vein) - The nasal cavity is
➔ Venules - small veins ; lines with tiny hairs
Vena Cava - largest called cilia and
● Capillaries - are the smallest and mucous
most numerous blood vessels. membranes that
secrete a sticky every side of the
fluid that moisten lungs
and warm the air ● Air Sacs
that is breathed and - The functioning system of
trap dirt and other the lungs. Each air sac is
particles. composed of several
● Pharynx (throat) microscopic out of
➢ The narrow space located pocketing called alveoli.
right after the mouth and ● Lungs
nose - Coned shape
➢ PARTS: - Humans have two lungs
➔ Nasopharynx - way that completely fill the
of air space of the chest cavity
➔ Oropharynx - way and are surrounded by the
of air and food rib cage.
➔ Laryngopharynx - - Covered by a two layered
connected to larynx membrane called pleura
● Larynx - Right lung: Upper Lobe,
- Organ that connects the Middle Lobe, Lower Lobe
pharynx and the trachea. - Left lung: Upper Lobe,
It contains vocal chords Lower Lobe
that produce sounds when ● Diaphragm
vibrated by air - A sheet of smooth muscle
● Trachea (windpipe) located below the lungs. It
- It is composed of rings of works with the lungs
cartilage and is lined with during the breathing
mucous membrane. It process.
functions as the ● The Breathing Process
passageway for air going - The oxygen that we
in and out of the lungs. breathe enters the lungs,
● Bronchi passes on the blood
- The two large tube that stream via capillaries in
carry air from your the air sacs and is
windpipe to your lungs distributed to all cells in
➔ Bronchioles - tiny the body. In the cells, the
passageway oxygen goes to the
➔ Bronchial Tree - mitochondria of the cell to
the whole use it in releasing energy
bronchioles in from glucose. This process
is called cellular ➔ Hypertension - more
respiration. commonly known as HIGH
Lesson 1.3: The Two Body Systems occurs when blood
Working Together and How to Keep it pressure remains
Healthy consistently high.
● Disorders that Afflict the Hypertension is the major
Circulatory and Respiratory cause of stroke but can
Systems also damage the kidneys,
➔ Pneumonia - infection of coronary, arteries, and
the alveoli caused by many eyes.
kinds of both bacteria and
viruses. The fluids HOW TO TAKE CARE THE
accumulate in the alveoli RESPIRATORY & CIRCULATORY
reducing the surface area SYSTEM
exposed to air. - Exercise regularly
➔ Asthma - the periodic - Get enough rest
constriction of the bronchi - Choose and eat the right
and bronchioles that kinds of food
makes breathing difficult. - Do not smoke
➔ Emphysema - disorder in - Breathe in fresh air
which the delicate walls of - Practice deep breathing
the alveoli break down, - Breathe with the mouth
reducing the - Prevent the accumulation
gas-exchange are of the of carbon monoxide
lungs. - Prevent air pollution
➔ Thrombosis - the blood in - Consult your physician
an unbroken blood vessels regularly
clots easily. This can lead
to stroke or heart attack.
➔ Atherosclerosis + a
conduction which the
arterial wall thickens as
the result of a build-up of
fatty tissues such as
cholesterol - a low density
lipoprotein. It is
commonly referred to as
the hardening pr furring
of the arteries.

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