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Jet-drive mechanism in organ pipes*

N.H. Fletcher

Departmen! of Physics.
of NewEngland,ArmidaleN.S.W.2351Australia
(Received5 May 1975;revised2 March 1976)

The analysis givenby Elder[J. Acoust.SOC.Am. 84, 1554(1973)]of the mechanism of interaction
a time-varying air jet flow velocityand a resonant
organpipeis extendedto dealwith the casein whicha
jet of fixed flow velocityis deflectedto cut a sharppipe lip. Similartermsarisein the analysisbut the
nonlinearities are lessimportantthanin EIder'scase.The generation of highertransverse pipemodesby
the jet asymmetry
is considered
and it is concluded
that suchmodesmay play a significant
part in
couplingordinary pipe modesto pipe-wallvibrations.


INTRODUCTION the jet is formed by a flue at some distance upstream

from the mouth plane M. It is therefore reasonable to
In an importantrecentpaper/ Elder hasanalyzed
idealize the mouth velocity distribution U,• to be uniform
the way in which a air jet can interact with a
over the whole pipe cross section so that the actual ve-
resonant air column to provide a driving mechanism for
sound generation, as in orl=•anflue pipes. His treatment locity over the jet area S• is not U• but U•+ U,,. This
minor modification to the model, which is more appro-
encompasses the driving interactions discussed earlier
priate to our geometry than to the confined jet assumed
by Helmholtz, Rayleigh, Cromer, and Coltman and puts
by Elder, produces a great simplification in the result-
these into perspective in a more complete theory.
ing equations.
Elder's model is, however, itself one extreme case
We now make use of (1) and of the continuity equation
of a still more general situation, in that he assumes
the pipe to be driven by an air jet whose velocity varies
(assuming• <<X), which can be written
while its cross section remains constant. In a real sit- S•U'•=S,.U,,,+
S•(r.r•+U•). (2)
uation, as we see presently, both the velocity and the
cross section of the jet mav vary and this leads to addi-
GeneralizingElder's analysisso that both U• andS•
may vary with time, we find, after a little algebra, in
tional complications. It is the purpose of this paper
place of his Igq. (10),
first to set up the equation.,; for the general case and
then to investigate the opposite extreme in which the air p•(dU•/dt) + (p•- p..)=pA•(1- A•) U•, (3)
jet cross section varies while its velocity remains con-
stant. We find that the driving mechanism is much where p is the densityof air, p• andp.• are the pres-
sures at the pipe and mouth surfaces P and M of •,
more nearly linear in this extreme than in that dis-
cussed by Eider. respectively, andthe A• are areal ratios definedby

Finally we give some consideration to the relation be-

tween these idealized models and the situation in a real FollowingElder we nowresolve poandp,• andthe ve-
pipe. We find that a variety of new effects may enter locities r/0, u,,, and U• into Fourier eompenentsat fre-
which have a significant influence on pipe speech. quencies rico. The relations between these can be writ-
ten in phasor notation, as

Eider considersa jet with cross sectionSj andveloc- p.,=p.•

- •_•Z•U,•S•, (5)
ity Uj interactingwith • resonantcombinationof a pipe
of cross section Spand a pipe-mouthof cross section = + (6)
Sin,the velocities in these being U• and U,•, respective-
ly. Assuming the jet to transfer momentum to the fluid
in the pipe over a mixing length •x, he then applies
considerations of momentum flow to relate the various
velocities and pressures involved. There is, in fact, a
hidden assumption in this development in that the walls
of the pipe are assumed to exert no component of force
along the pipe axis, which can only be true if the total
cross-section remains constant so that / <'•x-•'
Srn M P

FIG. 1. Idealized model for the interaction of an air jet of

The idealized physical situation is therefore as shown velocityUSwith a resonantpipe of cross sectionS). An area
in Fig. 1, which differs slightly from Elder's arrange- $y of the jet cross sectionenters the pipe in the mouth-plane
ment, as will be discussed below. M. The jet exchanges momentum with air in the pipe over a
mixing-length A• which is short compared with the sound
In a real organ pipe, and in our idealized situation, wavelength involved.

481 J. Acoust.
Soc.Am.,Vol.60, No.2, August
1976 Copyright
¸ lg76byth• Acoustical
of America 481
482 N.H. Fletcher:
in organpipes 482

whereZ• andZ• are thevaluesof the complexacous- into (Q•)n, andthe linear terms (q•)x and(q•.)n have
tic impedances at the •h harmonic evaluated along the simpler form. Clearly the nonlinearity tends to vanish,
axis of the pipe looking outwards from the control vol- for a given jet volume flow, as the jet flow velocity is
ume. Because the velocity componentU,•. is uniform increased and its cross section decreased.
acrossthewholepipecrosssection,S, occursin (õ) As Eider has note• the mouth impedence ne• reso-
rather than Smas in Elder's correspondingequation.
nance is given approximately by
Because Eq. (3) is quite general we could now choose
either Elder's extreme case in which the area Sj is held
I zJ)l
constantandthe jet flow varied throughvariation of Ut, where AL is the end-correction len•h at the pipe
or the oppositeextreme in which U• is constantand the mouth. The relative importance of the first two terms
jet flow is varied throughvariation of S•. This latter in (7) is therefore given by the ratio
would correspond to the situation in a real organ pipe
if the velocity profile across the jet were of "top-hat"
form. We shall not t•ke up the intermediate case in which, in many practical situations, is usually not f•
whichbothS• and U• vary. from unity.

In most real organ-pipesituationsAjo<<1, corre- A treatment similar to this couldbe given for Elder's
sponding to a narrow jet entering a wide pipe, and an casein which U• varies, or for the more generalcase
examination of (3) immediately tells us something about in whichboth U• andA]• vary. •e linear terms are
relative nonlinearity in the two extreme cases. The essentiallythe samein •l casesandonly
nonlinearity is, in fact, confined to the right-hand side changes.
of (3) andis muchmore importantfor varying U• than
for varyingSj (or Aj,) if A1,<<1. Thenonlinearityin III. OTHER NONLINEARITIES
the two cases is comparableif A• •- 0.5. The results of our analysis are simpler than Elder's
Our Eq. (3) has fewer nonlinear terms than the cor- because we have not considered any nonlinearity arising
responding equation in Elder's development in any case from change in duct cross section near the pipe mouth.
because of our geometrical assumptions. Much of Any such change in dimensions or flow direction inevi-
Elder's nonlinearity arises from the change in effective tably produces nonlinearity and mode coupling because
duct cross section between the pipe and mouth regions. of the relatively large acoustic velocities involved and
Tn our version this particular form of nonlinearity is the basic nonlinearity of the equations for wave propa-
disassociated from the pipe-drive problem and is con- gation. A complete theory must include such effects
sidered later in connection with the nonlinearity of the but, except at extreme acoustic levels, their influence
external pipe mouth. on the behavior of the pipe is likely to be small in com-
parison with other nonlinearities now to be discussed.
In a real organ pipe or flute the exciting jet generally
It is now a simple matter to substitute (2), (4), (5), has a bell-shaped velocity profile and sweeps across
and (6) into (3) to derive an expression for the acoustic the pipe lip from a position well outside to a position
flow in the pipe. This is a simpler expression than that well inside the pipe. Even if the deflection of such a
for the mouthflow as derived by Eider. If we take switched jet is simply sinusoidal, its flow into the pipe
to be constantandthe relative jet area A•, to be modu- will give a driving force rich in harmonics. This will
latedby a wholeseries of Fourier components excite the relevant pipe modes which will in turn inter-
thenthe resultingpipeacousticflowQ•, = U,.S• at fre- act with the jet in a way which has been described else-
quency ncois where.• In the presenceof suchextremenonlinearity
the contributionof terms like ((•,)n• or of the duct
Q•= (Q•,)x+ (Q•.)n+ (Q,.)n• , (7) cross-section change at the pipe mouth will be over-
where shadowed and can usually be ignored.

(Q,. = [z + ] (8) IV. HIGHER PIPE MODES

=[ p +z (9) It is customary in most discussions of the behavior of

wind instruments •o consider only the zeroth-order
(to) transverse mode of the pipe, for which the wave fronts
are planes normal to the pipe axis. An exception is the
and Z•, is the pipeimpedenceevaluatednowat planeM work of BenadeandJansson
• on rapidlyflaring horns,
rather than plane P
in which consideration is given to the second axially
Z•= Z•+jpn•vAx/S•. (11) symmetric mode (whichthey call a p wave, a somewhat
unfortunate title since by quantum-mechanical analogy
The three terms in (7) are similar to those found by
it should properly be called a 2s wave•
Eider. (Q•.)• is a volume-inducedflow like that de-
scribedby Cremer andIsing, (Q•.)x•is a pressure-in- In the case of musical instruments it is generally a
ducedflow like that treatedby Coltman, and (Q•,)xnis a good approximation to neglect all the modes with non-
new nonlinear flow. In our physical model, in contrast zero transverse wave number because, with common
to that of Elder, all the nonlinearity is concentrated pipe dimensions and sounding frequencies, these modes

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 60, No. 2, August 1976

483 N.H. Fletcher:
in organ
pipes 483

have imaginary phase veloaities and are very strongly orthogonal to each other and to the plane-wave modes
attenuated. It is evident, however, that the air jet ex- and, indeed, most of their influence has already been
citing an ordinary organ pipe does so in a manner which implicitly included through the concept of a mixing
is very for from being uniform over the pipe cross see- length Ax and a mouth impedance •,,•. To first order
tion, so that we should expect it to couple strongly to then, inclusion of these higher modes does not affect
some of the higher pipe modes. the existing treatment.
ß he standard analysis of modes in a cylindrical pipe, For a pipe of reasonabte length and with rigid walls
as givenfor exampleby Morse andIngard,4 showsthat there is little contribution to the impedance presented
the pressure associatedwith the (m, n)th transverse to the jet by radiation from higher modes, which in any
mode can be expressed as case has a multipote character. Such modes therefore
present essentially a mass teacrance toad of magnitude
p•.• =½•(r, q•)exp[j(kz--cot)], (14) about"
where k is the axial wave number,
Z•.=,=/•c[1- (c•.•/,•)•]'t• (17)
2 _ (co/c)2,
per unit area to the driving source. This is much tess
and than Oc, except for conear the mode cutoff frequency
cos c•,•, and, since in a formal analysis Z0,• wouldreplace
½•,= sin (rnq•)d.(q,•r). (18) Z•, in expressions
like (8)-(10) for part of theflowdue
to this mode, the velocity amplitude of higher modes
For a pipe with rigid walls, the transverse eigenvalues near the pipe mouth could be considerable. Because of
are determinedby the conditionthat a½•,/0r= 0 at the the short attenuation distance for these higher modes,
pipe wall r= R, and this condition is modified slightly however, most of this complication can be encompassed
for other wall boundaryconditions. If co< •,•c then the in the mixing-length parameter Ax which does not enter
(m, n) modewill not propagatebut is attenuatedalong the final results provided Ax <<•.
the pipeaxis. If we write •c,•=•r•,,///then the c•,• in-
crease numerically in the order c•00
, c•10
, •z0, or01,ßßß,
Theonewayin whichth•se highermodescouldbe
important seems to be through their interaction with
so that, after the fundamental(0, 0), the (1, 0) mode
nonrigid pipe walls. The plane-wave mode (0, O) can
[whichmightproperlybe calleda p-wavefrom its angu-
affect the pipe walls only through a symmetrical change
lar dependence
(16)] has the lowest cutofffrequency,
in the pipe radius R, and the admittance of the pipe
followed by the d-wave (2,
walls for such a distortion is very small. The p-type
In an organ pipe the mouth width is generally about (1, O) mode, however, couplesto the pipe by means of
one quarter of the pipe circumference so that it sub- a transverse displacement of the whole pipe body near
tends an angie of about,r/2 at the center and the jet the mouth. Sucha displacement has a much larger ad-
shonldcouplestrongly to modes(m, n) with m = 0, 1, 2. mittance, especially for a thin-walled pipe, and a com-
The jet deflection inside the pipe is usually almost com- plex behavior determined by the transverse modes of
parable with R so that modes with n = 0 or ! will be most vibration of the pipe body as a whole. The d-type (2, 0)
strongly coupled. We are therefore led to consider mode similarly can couple to elliptical distortions of
primarily the plane-wave mode (0, 0) and the first two the pipe crosssection near the mouth and the admittance
higher modes (1, 0) and (2, 0). The wavelengthsof the for this process may be large in a thin-walled pipe.
fundamental and the next few higher modes of a normal Controversy about the influence of wall vibrations on
organ pipe are generally much greater than the pipe pipe sound quality, particularly in the transient regime,
circumference 2•R an• since •t0- 0.59 and •=0 = 0.97, has not yet been conclusively resolved but it appears
Eq. (15) showsthat for these two modes l,•i•ret/R. that the couplingchain (0, 0) mode-jet - (m, 0) mode
Both modes are therefore nonpropagating and the pres- -pipe body has not hitherto been considered and may
sures along the pipe are all in phase but attenuate in prove significant.
amplitudeby the factor e't in axial distancesof about
R/2 andR/3, respectively.
We now ask what effect, if any, the presence of these *This work is part of a program of studies in musical acoustics
supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.
higher modesmay have on the behavior of the let/pipe
iS. A. Elder, J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 54, 1554--1564(1973).
system. Apart from any sraall effects due to viscosity
•N. H. Fletcher, J. Accost. Boc. Am. 56, 645-652 (1974).
or thermal toss to the walls, the modes interact near aA. H. BenadeandE. V. Jansson,Acustica31, 80-98,
the pipe mouth because of the influence of the jet and of 185--202 (1974).
the geometrical disturbances causedby the pipe mouth. Ip. M. MorseandK. U. Ingard,Theoretical
In the main pipebody, however, the higher modesare (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968), pp. 492--522.

J. Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol. 60, No. 2, August1976

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