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Project 01 - No talk

Tieng Anh (Đại học Quy Nhơn)

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Trey Research


WELCOME to the first-ever edition of the Trey Research Employee Newsletter. We will
be publishing the newsletter on a monthly schedule and will make copies available
throughout the company campus. Feel free to share with friends, family, customers, and

This Month

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Your Newsletter
This is your newsletter, so we need your input to make it as good as it can be. Feel free to
email your suggestions, comments, and criticisms to We’re
especially looking for items of interest to the company as a whole.
We’ll be adding a person to the Corporate Communication department in the near future
who will have primary responsibility for the newsletter (along with other responsibilities). If
you’re interested, or you know someone who would be interested, let us know.

We Made the Papers

In case you missed it, the Cleanup Crew made the local paper. Here’s the article, in part:

Volunteers at Trey Research recently switched to waders (or bare feet) to spend
a day cleaning up Greenock Creek. Greenock Creek is home to several
threatened species, and due to the trash that’s been allowed to accumulate,
they have been even more threatened than usual. The cleanup project was
part of a state-wide effort to improve the quality of our waterways.
The volunteers, who call themselves “Trey Cleanup Crew”, arrived early and
ready to work. They collected an estimated 300 pounds of trash, along with
several tires. They even went so far as to sort out recyclables as they worked.

The article goes on to talk about the state cleanup project and talks a little about what we do
at Trey Research, praising us as a “good corporate neighbor”. In appreciation, the Big
Boss is giving everyone a personal day that they can take at their pleasure.
The Cleanup Crew is an informal organization and anyone is welcome to attend meetings
and take part in cleanup project, including friends and family that are not employees of
Trey Research. Their next project will be beach cleanup at Peterson’s Lake.

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Bowling Teams Forming
The company has agreed to sponsor up to five bowling teams for the upcoming league
season. This means the company will provide the team shirts and pay the league fees. Balls,
shoes, and other equipment will be your responsibility.
The league is a Tuesday night mixed league, so plan to be there from 7:00 to about 10:00
P.M. Each team needs four members plus one alternate. The Big Boss has agreed to be
floating alternate is case he’s needed. In his own words:
Sign-up sheets are the receptionist’s desk at the main entrance. This is first-come, first.
Served, so if you’re interested, you better hurry!

“I’m going to be there, and I love to bowl. Trouble is, I’m not
very good. On the plus side, will spring for refreshments!”

A Primer on Improving Profits

Quarterly bonuses are directly related to our profitability during the quarter. One way to
do this is through additional sales, but just as important is keeping expenses in line.
Believe it or not, a $1.00 cost department can help us meet our goals.
Every little bit helps, and it all adds up over time. The recent auditors’ review estimated
that our biggest waster was in paper use. Not every email or electronic document needs
to be printed. It may sound picky, but it really does make a difference. It also helps us to
improve our carbon footprint.
Lights are another area where we could be saving. If you’re the last person out of
meeting room, classroom, or lab, please turn off the light. If you find a light someone else
has left on, turn it off (but make sure the room is empty first).
We realize that you can only do so much. Some of our buildings are getting old and are not
as efficient as they could be. The company is budgeting for improvements to the
buildings beginning in the next fiscal year, starting with the oldest buildings first. Until
then, remember to:
Just so you know, the CFO recently
recommended cutting back on free coffee,
soft drinks, and bottled water as cost-
cutting measure. After the possible
Rework personal consequences were explain, he
changed his mind.


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Learning Ware Wolf
The bugs are fixed (we think) and everything is in place for our new inventory and
warehouse management application to come online sometime in the next month. You
will not be authorized access to the application until you have attended a training
session. Training sessions are running already and are scheduled 9:00 A.M. and 2:00
P.M. every day. Training takes about three hours.
Contact your manager to be scheduled in a training session. Be sure to sign in when you
attend. Free donuts and bagels are provided.

Facilities Improvements
It's going to get messy around here, but hopefully not too messy. The promised
improvements to the company campus are about to start, so we're going to have
construction around the buildings for the next four months. Planned Improvements
• Handicap accessible ramps at All entrances.
• New sidewalks and covered walkways between buildings.
• Enclosed and heated outdoor break area.
• Repaved parking lots and traffic circle.
• New water feature to be located inside the traffic circle.
The construction company has promised to keep your inconvenience to a minimum, but
be aware that some areas will be blocked off during construction. A temporary smoking area
has already been set up north of the main building. Please do not use the old smoking
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.

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