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1. A circle has a radius of 45 cm. If the angle subtended by an arc is 24o, what is the length of the arc?
a. 19.85 cm
b. 18.85 cm
c. 17.85 cm
d. 16.85 cm
2. Each interior angle of a regular dodecagon is equal to
a. 105o
b. 125o
c. 135o
d. 150o
3. The sum of the interior angle of a polygon is 540o. Find the number of sides.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
4. How many sides are in a polygon if each interior angle is 165o?
a. 12
b. 20
c. 24
d. 48
5. How many diagonals are there in a polygon with 20 sides?
a. 100
b. 158
c. 170
d. 200
6. In triangle ABC, angle A = 45o and angle C = 70o. The side opposite angle C is 40 m long. What is the length of the side
opposite angle A ?
a. 26.1 m
b. 27.1 m
c. 29.1m
d. 30.1 m
7. In triangle ABC, C = 70o, A = 45o and AB = 40 m. What is the length of the meridian drawn from vertex A to side BC ?
a. 36.3 m
b. 36.6 m
c. 36.9 m
d. 37.2 m
8. The area of a circle circumscribing about an equilateral triangle 254.47 sq.m. What is the area of the triangle in sq.m?
a. 100.25
b. 102.25
c. 103.25
d. 105.25
9. A regular polygon has 170 diagonals and 2.4 cm side length. What is its area?
a. 180.84 cm
b. 181.84 cm
c. 182.84 cm
d. 188.84 cm
10. The areas of two similar polygons are 64 sq. units and 100 sq. units respectively. If a side of the larger polygon is 36 units,
find the corresponding side of the smaller polygon.
a. 24.8
b. 26.8
c. 28.8
d. 30.8
11. The sides of a triangle 50 cm, 60 cm and 70 cm. Compute the length of the angle bisector from the longest side to its
opposite vertex.
a. 40.25
b. 42.25
c. 45.22
d. 47.63
12. The area of the rhombus is 156 m2. If its shorter diagonal is 13 m, find the longer diagonal.
a. 18 m
b. 22 m
c. 24 m
d. 30 m
13. A piece of wire is shaped to enclose an equilateral triangle whose area is 16√3 cm2. It is then reshaped to enclose a rectangle
whose length is 9 cm. Find the area of that rectangle.
a. 20 cm2
b. 27 cm2
c. 33 cm2
d. 35 cm2
14. A circle having an area of 144 cm2 is cut into two segments by a chord that is 6 cm from the center of the circle. What is
the area of the smaller segment?
a. 80.45 cm2
b. 84.45 cm2
c. 88.45 cm2
d. 89.45 cm2
15. Find the area of the segment of a circle whose diameter is 16 cm and the central angle measures 80 o.
a. 10.17 cm2
b. 13.17 cm2
c. 18.17 cm2
d. 21.17 cm2
16. What is the area in sq.m. of the zone of a spherical segment having a volume of 1470.265 cu.m. if the diameter of the sphere
is 30 m?
a. 465.5 m2
b. 565.5 m2
c. 656.5 m2
d. 665.5 m2
17. The radius of a circle is 1 000 inches. Find the apothem of a regular pentagon inscribed in the circle.
a. 809 in.
b. 890 in.
c. 908 in.
d. 980 in.
18. Given a sphere of diameter, d. What is the percentage increase in its diameter when the surface increases by 21%?
a. 5%
b. 7%
c. 10%
d. 12%
19. A circular cone having an altitude of 9 m is divided into 2 segments having the same vertex. If the smaller altitude is 6 m ,
find the ratio of the volume of the small cone to the big cone.
a. 0.596
b. 0.496
c. 0.396
d. 0. 296
20. `A conical vessel has a height of 24 cm and a base diameter of 12 cm. It holds water to a depth of 18 cm above its vertex.
Find the volume ( in ) of its content.
a. 188.40
b. 298.40
c. 381.70
d. 412.60

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