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l choose Lhe novel SLep by Wlcked SLep wrlLLen by Anne llne 1he characLer LhaL l admlre ls
Claudla 1here are many reasons why l admlre her very much
llrsL of all l admlre Claudla because she ls a genLle person LlsLenlng Lo 8lchards sad sLory makes
her weep 8esldes she ls loyal Lo her moLher She Lrles noL Lo sound Loo happy when speaklng Lo her
faLher because she does noL wanL Lo hurL her moLhers feellng She re[ecLs SLella and refuses Lo en[oy
her Llme wlLh her faLher ouL of loyalLy Lo her moLher She knows LhaL her parenLs breakup ls serlous
even Lhough her moLher sounded cheerful
AparL from LhaL l really admlre Claudla because she ls a falr and senslble person She does noL
blame SLella for her parenLs breakup AL Lhe dlnner parLy she Lhlnks LhaL Lhe guesLs are rude for
noL appreclaLlng SLellas hard work She reallzes LhaL lgnorlng SLella would noL help solvlng maLLers
beLween her parenLs leellng sorry for SLella who ls belng lgnored by Lhe guesLs she decldes Lo help
her geL accepLed by showlng off Lhe green py[amas whlch SLella gave her
ln a nuLshell Lhe characLer LhaL l admlre from SLep by Wlcked SLep ls Claudla because she ls genLle
loyal falr and senslble l Lhlnk we could learn a loL from her characLer

The following are some themes for the novel Step-by-Wicked Step taken from my latest book, Step-
by-Wicked-Step, Pelangi Publication:

1 The importance of preserving the family unit

This is the central message in the novel. The family institution is a solemn entity. t is created
when two adults decide to tie the knot through their marriage vows. Hence, parents are mainly
responsible in keeping the family unit intact through love and understanding because divorce and
separation can only lead to ugly consequences as clearly shown in the novel.

The family institution should also provide security to children. However, when it is broken,
children feel helpless and they feel they are victims of the situation. The novel reveals how the five
children cope with difficult times when their parents' marriage fails. Claudia and Pixie for example,
have to undergo emotionally painful and tumultuous moments to get used to their parent's divorce.
The ugly effects of divorce and separations are also shown in the way Claudia and Pixie resist their
step parents and siblings. The quarrels, the screaming, the sibling rivalry demonstrate that the
harmony that is central in their families has long gone. Children suffer most from broken homes and
they need a lot of time to adapt to their new situation. This is true in the case of Pixie, who needs a
great deal of time to adjust to her step mother and step sisters, Sophie and Hetty.

The family institution must be preserved at all cost to avoid unnecessary sufferings on the part
of the children. Parents must protect their children from the effects of divorce as much as possible. f a
divorce is unavoidable, parents need to ensure that every care is taken to make life as normal as
possible for their children.

2 Acceptance and tolerance

Learning to accept and tolerate new members in the family is important when a divorce
happens. The novel shows how children learn to accept their 'new' family members and make the
best of their new circumstances. Although this sounds a big task for them, they all end up accepting
their new life at the end of their stories. Despite their being young, they realize how important it is to
learn to share belongings and love with their step siblings. For example, Pixie has to learn to share
her bedroom with her step sister Hetty. She has to tolerate her privacy being taken away causing her
to devise ways to get rid of Hetty from her bedroom. She considers her bedroom is her territory and
Hetty's presence an intrusion. However, she manages to get her room back after a heated argument
with her step mother. n the end Pixie learns to tolerate her step sisters and accepts their differences.

Acceptance and tolerance can also be seen in Claudia's story. She learns to accept the
presence of her step mother when her father's marriage to her real mother fails. The green pyjamas
her step mother gave her and the dinner hosted by her step mother one night play a role in bringing
them closer. Despite her earlier resentment towards her step mother, Claudia makes a big decision
that it is not fair for her to hate her step mother. n doing so she also shows her maturity despite her
young age. n Pixie's story, she is shown to accept the fact that her new stepmother is having as much
trouble "adjusting" as she is. t is amazing how these young characters show a lot of strength despite
the distinct problems they face in their families. They learn to accept things around them gradually
because they do not have a choice. Furthermore that life has to go on.


This is another theme that is evident in the novel. Responsibility is shown in different ways in the

Marriage entails responsibility. t is about building a family and raising children that are part and
parcel of a marriage partnership. This will include providing shelter, clothing, education and love.
Therefore if a marriage is broken, children would be directly affected. Parents therefore must accept
that they still have a responsibility to ensure that the divorce does not cost their children more than it
already has. One of the ways this is shown in the novel is by the turns or visits the children have with
their new families. Their parents although divorced, insist that their children take turns to visit them.
Pixie for instance goes to her step family's house 'a few days in a month' while Ralph has a more
hectic and complicated schedule. He has to divide the weekdays to be at his divorced parents' house.
t is a pity that he has to shuffle his time between his parents but he pretty much accepts his situation
without complaints.

The step parents also try their best to be responsible towards their step children. Stella tries to
make Claudia feel comfortable every time she is with them. Colin's mother shows a different kind of
responsibility though. She moves to a different place to protect her son from her 'rough-house'
husband. Although Colin misses his father very much, his mother has made the right decision for their
safety. Another example is Robbo's step father who sends Callie, his sister to school every morning
and works over time to pay for repairs for the house.

t is fair to say that no one would wish for a divorce but when it happens, parents have to carry
out their responsibilities well. They have to be sensitive to the needs of their children since children
have a natural attachment to their parents. Sometimes children are simply attached to their
surroundings, and moving into new surroundings can cause an understandable negative reaction.
Colin for instance has trouble learning 'being half asleep in school'.

4 Children have opinions too

This theme is portrayed through the five main characters in the novel. Since all the main
characters come from broken homes, we learn that they too want their opinions to be heard and
acknowledged. Very often than not, there is a communication breakdown between the children and
parents who undergo divorce. For example, Colin does not have a say at all when her mother decides
to move to another place to stay safe from his father. Colin has to start all over in a new school and
make new friends. His opinion is never sought. n another example, Pixie shows that she wants to be
heard. Her strong opinions about the adults around her are revealed when she quarrels with Lucy, her
step mother. She expresses her frustrations and anger through her words.

The writer provides the opportunity for the children to voice out their opinions frankly and
honestly through the stories they tell. Through each of the main characters, we realize that children
too have opinions and that their opinions must also be sought. Pixie would like to have a say about her
room arrangement and Colin, although quiet, often wonders why his mother makes decisions

Through the main characters' words and actions, we can also see a certain level of maturity in
the children's thinking. They are not without opinions. But how many parents actually sought for their
opinions. Divorce is always an adults' story and too often children are just trapped in between. The
novel in a way is a tribute to the children's spirit. They make us see the depth of their feelings and
opinions through their unique stories. Too often children's feelings are unnoticed, ignored and or not
taken seriously resulting in failure in building relationships in broken homes.


1hls poem ls abouL a famlly who faces hardshlp whereby Lhelr son's alblno buffalo ls nowhere Lo be
found A flood occurs and Lhey go ouL Lo flnd Lhe buffalo 1hey reach home early ln Lhe mornlng
wlLhouL Lhe buffalo and yeL Lhere ls no slgn of despalr ln Lhem Meanwhlle Lhey can sLlll crack [okes
and roll Lhe clgareLLes

S?nCSlS (ACCC8ulnC 1C S1AnZA)

S1AnZA 1
1hey reLurned home aL day break and headed for Lhe sLove 1helr cloLhes were soaklng weL and
LaLLered 1helr bodles were covered wlLh scraLches and wounds ?eL Lhey dld noL dlsplay any slgns of
belng worrled

S1AnZA 2
1hey were ouL ln Lhe flood Lhe whole day and nlghL 1hey were surrounded by dead anlmals and
parLs of Lrees LhaL had been desLroyed by Lhe flood 1hey searched desperaLely for Lhelr son's alblno
buffalo buL were unable Lo flnd lL

S1AnZA 3
1hey were born lnLo poverLy and dlfflculLy buL Lhey do noL complaln abouL Lhelr suffer lnsLead Lhey
slL ln Lhe klLchen cracklng [okes whlle smoklng clgareLLes

1he seLLlng of Lhe poem ls ln Lhe house

8elng reslllence when faclng hardshlp
lamlly love
AccepLance of way of llfe

We should learn Lo accepL problems ln llfe wlLh a poslLlve ouLlook
We musL aLLempL Lo face and solve problem
laclng hardshlp ls parL and parcel of llfe
lf we face a problem do noL feel despalr

undersLandlng and sympaLheLlc
AccepLance of slLuaLlon

Cln1 Cl vlLW
1hlrd person plnL of vlew

Language ls slmple and easy Lo undersLand
1he sLyle ls slmple wlLh no rhymlng scheme

lmagery Clves plcLure of poeL's LhoughLs eg 'soaky cloLhes Lorn' and 'legs full of wounds'
AlllLeraLlon eg 'buL on Lhelr brows'
Symbols eg 'horrendous flood' and 'bloaLlng carcasses'
ulcLlon eg 'sLove' and 'brows'
1hls poem ls abouL a lady who falls ln love wlLh Lhe wrong man She ls fasclnaLed wlLh hls eyes LhaL
seem Lo lure hlm Lo glve hlm paradlse 1he man has a palr of quleL eyes LhaL she does noL reallse Lhey
are noL LhaL quleL As she ls 'charmed' by Lhe eyes she does noL llsLen Lo Lhe advlce glven by oLher
people who are concerned wlLh her behavlour ln Lhe end she reallses her mlsLakes and ls broken

8eLrayal of love
ersonal experlences
8elaLlonshlps LhaL are meanlngful

uon'L be nalve and belleve everyLhlng we are Lold especlally ln maLLers of Lhe hearL
8e wlse when chooslng frlends
lalllng ln love ls normal buL one should be careful
We musL learn from Lhe experlence of oLher people
We should be very careful noL Lo glve ln our prlnclple ln order Lo please oLher people

Sad and happy

Cln1 Cl vlLW
Second and Lhlrd person polnLs of vlew

Slmple and easy Lo undersLand
Slmple sLyle wlLh rhymlng scheme

MLAnlnC Cl WC8uS
slghs long deep audlble breaLhs
eyes a palr of organs of slghL
advlce guldance
desolaLe unhappy and unlnhablLed
pleasureseeklng looklng for a feellng of happy saLlsfacLlon
dlce a small cube wlLh each slde havlng a dlfferenL number ranglng from 1 Lo 6
layered arranged ln layers
lles lnLenLlonal false sLaLemenLs
reallse become aware
compromlse agree
paradlse heaven
render provlde or glve help
lmplorlng begglng desperaLely
wlse havlng knowledge and good [udgemenL


1he poem Lells of Lhe weaLher condlLlons ln !amalca alLhough lL does noL have Lhe four seasons of
sprlng summer auLumn and wlnLer 1he weaLher condlLlons of golden sunny days and weL ralny
days are [usL as good and are almosL equlvalenL Lo Lhe four seasons

unuL8S1AnulnC 1PL CLM
Llnes 1 Lo 10
1he poeL Lells abouL hls homeland !amalca and re[olces Lhe beauLy of Lhls lsland !amalca has no
seasonal changes lL has a Lroplcal cllmaLe whlch ls hoL and weL LhroughouL Lhe year 1he days of
golden sunshlne are glorlous and magnlflcenL 1he are many caneflelds ln !amalca as sugar ls one of
Lhe maln exporLs ln Lhls counLry
Llnes 11 Lo 13
ln Lhe endlng of Lhe poem Lhe poeL Lells us hls favourlLe Llme days when Lhe flowers of mango
Lrees and logwood blossom Pe uses lmagery of sound and smell Lo lllusLraLe abundanL llfe and
acLlvlLy ln Lhe bushes when Lhe 'sound of bees and Lhe scenL of honey' add Lo Lhe charm and beauLy
lf !amalca Pe descrlbes Lhe flelds fllled wlLh lovely yellow buLLercups All Lhls happens when Lhe ralns
have sLopped and Lhe beauLy lf naLure emerges once agaln

8eauLy of naLure
AppreclaLlon of one own counLry
AppreclaLe naLure

We should appreclaLe whaL we have ln our own counLry
We should noL long for whaL we do noL have
We should appreclaLe our homeland
We should appreclaLe Lhe beauLy of naLure

AppreclaLlve and happy
Carefree and llghLhearLed
Sense of beauLy

Cln1 Cl vlLW
1hlrd person polnL of vlew

Slmple and easy Lo undersLand Lhe language
Clear and descrlpLlve
Slmple sLyle wlLh no rhymlng scheme

lmagery eg 'gold sun' 'lush green flelds' 'Lrees sLruggllng'
AlllLeraLlon eg 'sways and shlvers Lo Lhe sllghLesL breaLh of alr'
Symbols eg 'gold sun' symbol of summer 'ralns' symbol of wlnLer
ConLrasL eg 'beauLy' or summer ls compared wlLh 'ralns' or wlnLer
llguraLlve Language Slmlle 'raln beaLs llke bulleLs'
MeLaphor eg 'Lhe buLLercups paved Lhe earLh wlLh yellow sLars'
ersonaflcaLlon 'buLLercups have paved Lhe earLh' buLLercups have been personlfled as havlng
lald Llles
lor reference l've lncluded Lhe plcLures of some planLs (planLaLlon) menLloned ln Lhls poem


TIe personu Is LIInkIng oI someone sIe wus cIose Lo und wIo pIuys LIe IIuLe. SIe Iongs Lo Ieur LIe
wonderIuI sooLIIng musIc LIuL Iud LoucIed Ier IeurL u Iong LIme ugo. SIe wonders II Ie Is sLIII pIuyIng
IIs IIuLe In LIeIr vIIIuge LIuL Is now empLy und quIeL. SIe IeeIs LroubIed LIuL sIe sIouId be LIInkIng oI
IIm und Ier pusL wIIIe peopIe uround Ier ure suIIerIng und Ier worId Is cIungIng.


Stunzu 1:
n IIIe, we someLImes Iuve Lo cIunge our wuy oI IIIe due Lo work or IumIIy cIrcumsLunces. rom u
IIIesLyIe IIIIed wILI vuIues und LrudILIons IIke In LIe vIIIuge, we muy IInd ourseIves embrucIng u LoLuIIy
dIIIerenL IIIesLyIe In Lowns. However, we muy someLImes Iong Ior our prevIous IIIe wILI ILs
unIorgeLLubIe momenLs.

Stunzu :
We muy wonder II LIe vuIues und LrudILIons we beIIeved In und prucLIsed ure sLIII observed In our
Iormer vIIIugers. Muny peopIe Iuve mIgruLed Lo Lowns or udopLed un urbun wuy oI IIIe wIere sucI
LrudILIons muy noL be so weII-IngruIned. n LIese pIuces, IIIe Is IusL puced und LIey do noL Iuve LIe LIme
Lo enjoy LIe sImpIe pIeusures oI IIIe LIey used Lo.

Stunzu :
TIese peopIe muy LIInk buck Lo LIeIr duys In LIe ruruI ureus wILI guIIL. TrudILIons und LIe oId vuIues
muy seem LrIvIuI compured Lo LIeIr presenL cIrcumsLunces. TIere ure economIc, poIILIcuI und socIuI
probIems Lo be Iuced. Some oI LIese probIems Iuve become personuI us LIey uIIecL peopIe wIo ure
cIose Lo LIem.

O Vuloes und truditions - VuIues und LrudILIons Iuve un ImporLunL roIe In our IIIe. TIey LeucI
us Lo IIve correcLIy und Lo IoId on Lo our prIncIpIes In IIIe. We Ieurn Lo vuIue IIIe, IumIIy und
IrIends. A socIeLy wILIouL vuIues und LrudILIons Is coIourIess und Ioses ILs dIrecLIon.
O unges in liIe - NoLIIng sLuys LIe sume Iorever und LIuL IncIudes IIIe. IIe cIunges over
LIme. TIese cIunges uIIecL every uspecL oI our IIves und muy Iuve posILIve und neguLIve
O Iumily commitments - Everyone Ius IumIIy commILmenLs, wIeLIer IL Is Lo our ImmedIuLe
IumIIy members or exLended IumIIy members. Be uwure oI LIese commILmenLs us LIey bInd u
IumIIy LogeLIer.
O Priorities in liIe - TIere ure ImporLunL und unImporLunL LIIngs In IIIe. eurn Lo dIIIerenLIuLe
LIem und muke pIuns uccordIngIy.
O Injoying te simple pleusore oI liIe - NuLure surrounds us und LIe beuuLy oI nuLure
oIIers us LIe sImpIe pIeusures oI IIIe. TIe rIsIng sun, LIe moon und sLurs, LIe ruInIuII und dew
ure some oI LIe pIeusures LIuL nuLure oIIers. Enjoy LIem und enjoy IIIe.
O Pussionute uboot one's interest - WIen we ure reuIIy InLeresLed In u Iobby, we wIII
become pussIonuLe ubouL IL. L IeIps us Lo muLure us LIIs pussIon IeIps us Lo sLuy Iocused. We
Ieurn Lo be creuLIve Loo. BuL, we sIouId noL IeL LIIs pussIon become un obsessIon.
O We sIouId Ieurn Lo upprecIuLe LIe vuIues und LrudILIons oI socIeLy und IumIIy. TIey gIve us
buIunce In IIIe und IeIp us Lo dIIIerenLIuLe beLween LIe good und LIe bud.
O We Iuce cIunges In IIIe every duy. eurn Lo uccepL cIunges buL onIy II LIey ure Ior LIe good oI
socIeLy. I LIey ure beneIIcIuI, work uround LIem Ior LIe generuI good.
O ur IumIIy Is LIe mosL ImporLunL LIIng In our IIIe. We sIouId puL LIeIr InLeresL und suIeLy IIrsL
beIore unyLIIng eIse. SIow consIderuLIon Ior one's duLIes wILIIn LIe Iome und curry ouL IumIIy
commILmenLs responsIbIy.
O We sIouId know our prIorILIes In IIIe und be uwure oI LIem uL uII LImes. Don'L geL so Luken In
by our InLeresLs LIuL we IorgeL our prIorILIes.
O !ussIon Ior InLeresLs sIouId sIouId noL be uL expense oI IumIIy IuppIness. TIere Is u LIme Ior
work und u LIme Ior pIuy.
O TIe poem Is LIe IIrsL poInL oI vIew - LIe personu uses LIe pronoun '' und 'my'
O TIe personu Is reIIecLIng on Ier pusL und IeeIIng uneusy ubouL LIe presenL.
O unguuge - sImpIe und eusy Lo undersLund
O !Iuy oI words Lo udd InLeresL
O SLyIe - cIeur, descrIpLIve und InquIrIng
O Sombre - LuIks ubouL Ier IongIng Ior someLIIng sIe cunnoL Iuve unymore
O ApprecIuLIve und regreLIuI Ior Ioss oI sImpIe pIeusures oI IIIe
O Mood oI IopeIesness und Ioss - does noL IIke Ier presenL sILuuLIon
O Imugery - e.g. 'bIown by LIe wInd`, 'depLI oI my IeurL`
O Alliterution - e.g. 'Irugrunce oI IIowers`' dew drops'
O Symbol - e.g. 'IIuLe`, 'song`
O Repetition - e.g. 'Are you sLIII pIuyIng your IIuLe?`
O Assonunce - 'sIck rIce IIIed'
O Iigorutive Lungouge - MeLupIor e.g. 'TIe meIody conceuIed In LIe sIIme IoIIow oI bumboo
- !ersonIIIcuLIon e.g. 'sIck rIce IIeId`

- sIck rIce IIIed - LIe rIce IIeId Is personIIIed us u Iumun wIo Is noL IeeIIng weII
- LIIs worId Is ...bIeedIng - eurLI Is personIIIed us beIng wounded

- IIuLe - symboIIses u LIIng oI LIe pusL, someLIIng LrudILIon
- song - symboIIses LIe sImpIe pIeusure oI IIIe

- 'Are you sLIII pIuyIng your IIuLe?' - repeuLed uL LIe begInnIng oI uII LIree sLunzus Lo reInIorce LIe
emoLIon beIInd LIe quesLIon und Lo creuLe u drumuLIc eIIecL.
Retoricul qoestion:
- Are you sLIII pIuyIng your IIuLe? - LIe personu usks u quesLIon Lo wIIcI sIe does noL expecL u repIy.

- 'LIe meIody conceuIed In LIe sIIm IoIIow oI LIe bumboo' : TIe song seems Lo be IIdden In LIe
bumboo wIen IL Is ucLuuIIy comIng ouL Irom LIe pIuyIng oI LIe IIuLe.
- 'LIe worId Is Loo oId und bIeedIng': TIe worId seems Lo Iuve uged due Lo wur und LIe suIIerIngs
cuused by IL.

u) imugery oI sigt:
- 'so quIeL und deserLed': TIIs gIves u cIeur pIcLure oI u IoneIy vIIIuge wILI IurdIy unyone uround.

- 'sIuugILered mercIIessIy': Muny IIves were IosL In LIe wur.
b) imugery oI Ieelings:
- 'depLI oI my IeurL': TIe personu IeeIs deepIy und wunLs Lo Ieur LIe song pIuyed by LIe IIuuLIsL.
- 'IongIng Ior your song': TIe personu Ius u deep desIre Lo Ieur songs.
c) imugery oI tooc:
- 'coIIecLIng dew drops' - someone Is puLLIng LIeIr Iunds LogeLIer Lo coIIecL dew drops Lo IeeI LIe wuLer
d) imugery oI smell:
- 'enjoyIng LIe Irugrunce oI IIowers': TIe IIowers ure emILLIng IrugrunL scenL.
e) imugery oI soond:
- 'pIuyIng your IIuLe' - TIe musIc comes Irom LIe IIuLe.
- 'bIown by LIe wInd' - TIe sound oI wInd und musIc

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