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Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz

Republic OSH STATE

DEPARTMENT clinical disciplines 3

«Approved» «Agreed»
at the meeting of the Department of clinical Chairman of the EMC IMF candidate of
Disciplines 3Protocol № medicine, associate
from 2023 Salieva R.Sh
Head of chair, candidate of medical
sciences Abdyrahmanov B O

on discipline: medical radiology and radiation therapy
for students of the 3-year full-time department, studying in the
direction:560001medical radiology and radiation
(code number and name of the specialty)

Total - 3
Course -
Semester - 5
Total labor intensity - 90
hours Lectures - 18
Seminars - 27
hours SIW -
45 hours
Number of control points
(RC) - 1 Exam 5 semester,
The syllabus is compiled on the basis of a working program on medical radiology and
radiation therapy and the state educational standard.

the name of the department: DEPARTMENT OF clinical DISCIPLINES 3

Contact Information:
(mode of stay at the department)

(tel .: work, mob, email address;)

Data on the teachers: candidate of medical sciences Abdurahmanov B. O.
Absamatov R R Kadyrkulova J Ymynapazova N Y

2022 -2023academic year

Osh - 2021
1. The purpose of mastering the discipline
To determine the place and possibilities of radiation diagnostics and radiation
therapy in a complex of diagnostic methods and treatment of various tumor and non-tumor
diseases for clinical practice, teach the basics of nuclear physics, the biological effects of
ionizing radiation on the human body, the principles of radiation hygiene, methods of
protection against radiation, diagnostic capabilities of the main methods of radiation
diagnostics and radiation therapy .
2. Learning outcomes (ROE) and student competencies formed in the process of
studying the discipline " Medical Radiology and Radiation Therapy "
In the process of mastering the discipline, the student will achieve the following learning
outcomes (RO) and will have the appropriate competencies:

Code RO OOP and its wording OOP competencies

PO7 - Able to assess PK-14 - is capable and ready to conduct and

morphological, physiological interpret a survey, physical examination, clinical
conditions and pathological examination, the results of modern
processes and apply research laboratory instrumental studies, write a medical
methods for sick adults and children card for an outpatient and inpatient patient of an
to solve professional problems adult and a child;
PK-15- is able to apply aseptic and antiseptic
methods, use medical instruments, and master
the technique of caring for sick adults and
Knows and understands:
 fundamentals of nuclear physics, biological fundamentals of the effects of ionizing
radiation on the body, methods of radiation protection and dosimetry,
 principles of image acquisition with radiation diagnostic methods (X-ray,
ultrasound, radionuclide methods, computed and magnetic resonance imaging);
 biological basis of exposure to ionizing, ultrasonic, magnetic resonance radiation;
 diagnostic capabilities of various methods of radiation diagnostics;
 main radiation signs of diseases:
 Radiation signs of traumatic injuries of bones and joints.
 Radiation signs of osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, benign and
 malignant diseases of the osteoarticular system, osteochondrosis. Radiation signs
of lung and heart disease.
 Radiation diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system.
 Radiation diagnosis of stroke and cerebral ischemia.
 Radiation signs of "emergency conditions".
 Radiation signs of liver and gall bladder diseases.
 Radiation signs of diseases in nephrology and urology.
 Radiation signs of vascular damage.
 Radiation signs of thyroid and mammary gland disease.
 collect and analyze patient health information;
 determine the appropriateness, type and sequence of application of radiation
diagnostic methods. Identify the type of radiation study;
 establish contraindications to the use of radiation diagnostic methods;
 give recommendations on preparation for radiation examination;
 to identify the image of human organs and indicate their main anatomical structures
on the results of radiation examinations (tomograms, radiographs, etc.);
 to analyze the results of radiation diagnosis using the protocol of radiation
examination or consultation of a specialist in radiation diagnosis;
 to determine the radiation signs of " emergency conditions" (intestinal obstruction,
free gas in the abdominal cavity, pneumohydrothorax, traumatic injuries of bones and
joints, urolithiasis );
 solve deontological issues related to radiation
 diagnosis and therapy.
 using the radiation examination protocol, find the changes in the presented
radiographs, tomograms, sonograms, analyze them.

3. Technological map of the discipline " Medical radiology and radiation therapy "
M odul Audit CPC Lectures Practical CPC RK IR Points
hour point Hour Point hour point
I 45 45 18 60 27 60 45 60 60 b 60
Total: 45 h 45 h 18 h 6 0b 27 h 6 0b 45 h 60 b 60 b 40b 100b

4. Card accumulation of points in the discipline " Medical radiology and

radiation therapy "
Module 1 (30 b)
lek prakt. srs RK IR
Topics H b h B h b
Theme 1 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 2 2 30 2 30 5 30 60 b 40b
Theme 3 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 4 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 5 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 6 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 7 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 8 2 30 2 30 5 30
Theme 9 2 30 2 30 5 30
Total 18 60 27 60 45 60
5. Summary of the discipline " Medical radiology and radiation therapy "
1. Introduction to radiation diagnostics. General issues of radiation
diagnosis. X- ray Computed tomography. Current state and prospects of
development of radiation
diagnostics. Introduction to radiology. X-ray as a scientific and clinical discipline.
The main stages of development of domestic and foreign radiology. Organization of
work of
the department of radiation diagnostics. General characteristics of emissions used for
diagnostics. X-ray properties. Principles of radiation protection. Sources of radiation
used for diagnostic purposes.
2. Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound Ultrasound examination: the principle of
image acquisition; types of ultrasound examinations. Doppler ultrasound. Diag
osticheskie possibilities of the method. Magnetic resonance imaging: the principle of
acquisition; contraindications to the use of the method. Diagnostic capabilities of the
method. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy i. Angiography. Interventional Radiology.
Diagnostic and therapeutic vascular and extravascular interventions under the control of
radiation imaging techniques. Radionuclide study .
3. Radiation diagnosis of lung disease. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. (X-ray,
computed tomography) 1-part. Normal x-ray anatomy of the lungs (dividing
the lungs into lobes, segments, roots of the lungs, pulmonary pattern, lymph
nodes). Semiotics of lung diseases .
4. Radiation diagnosis of lung disease. 2-part. Tuberculosis, trauma, oncology.
Malignant lung tumors. Central cancer. Peripheral cancer. Differential diagnosis of
spherical formations in the lungs. Bronchioloalveolar cancer. Sarcoma of the lung.
Carcinoid. Metastatic lung
tumors. Miliary carcinosis and cancer lymphangitis. The value of special research methods in
the diagnosis and determination of the prevalence of the process according to the TNM
5. Radiation diagnosis of diseases of the heart and vascular system. Methods for
examining the heart and blood vessels: radiography, radiography, computed tomography,
echocardiography. Ultrasound examination of blood vessels. X-ray functional techniques:
X-ray cinematography, X-ray kimografiya. X-ray contrast techniques: catheterization of
the heart and angiocardiography, coronarography, pneumopericardium, aortography,
selective angiography , phlebography, lymphography. Radiation anatomy of the heart.
Radiation study of heart function.
6. Radiation diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Radiation diagnostic
methods used in the study of these organs: radiography, fluoroscopy. Pressure tests.
Samples of Valsalva and Muller. CT scan. MRI Ultrasound I. Radionuclide diagnostics.
Contrast agents used for X- ray diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. By cooking the
patients to the study. X-ray diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines. Radiation
diagnosis of diseases of the esophagus (cancer, diverticulum l, varicose veins). Radiation
diagnostics of diseases of the stomach (gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, operated
stomach) . 7. Radiation diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal
system. Methods of X-ray examination: radiography, tomography, contrast arthrography,
fistulo and abscessography, soft tissue pneumography, computed tomography, MRI. X-ray
anatomy of bones and joints.
8. Radiation diagnostics in nephrology and urology . Methods of radiological
examination of the kidneys and urinary tract: panoramic non-contrast radiography;
excretory and retrograde urography; antegrade pyelography; cystography; descending
and ascending
cystourethrography; renal angiography, computed tomography, MRI, ultrasound.
Indications and contraindications for the study. The principles of preparing the patient for
the study. Tactics of radiation research. Normal x-ray anatomy of the kidneys. Anomalies
in the development of the urinary system. Radiation pattern with major kidney damage
(pyelonephritis, nephritis, stones, tumors, cysts, injuries).
9. Radiation diagnostics in neurology .
10. Radiation pattern in brain damage.
6. The calendar and thematic plan of discipline:
No. Sections Lect. Pract. CPC

Introduction to radiation diagnostics. General

issues of radiation diagnosis. X-ray Computed
1 2 5
tomography. 2

Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound

2 2 2 5

Radiation diagnosis of lung

disease. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. (X-ray, computed 2 2
3 5
tomography) 1-part.

Radiation diagnosis of lung disease. 2-

4 part. Tuberculosis, trauma, oncology. 2 2 5

Radiation diagnosis of diseases of the heart and

5 vascular system. 2 2 5

Radiation diagnosis of diseases of the

gastrointestinal tract. 2 2 5

Radiation diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the

musculoskeletal system. 2 2 5

8 Radiation diagnostics in nephrology and urology

2 2 5

9. Radiation diagnostics in neurology 2 2 5

Total: 27 4

6.1 . Thematic planning :

No. Sections Lectures Practical lessons

Introduction to
X-ray tube
radiation The history of the
device. X-ray
1 diagnostics. General development of
radiology issues radiology.
measures. The
main methods of
the principle of
History of development image
Magnetic resonance
of ultrasound acquisition;
2 imaging. Ultrasound
tomography types of
ultrasound. Diag
possibilities of the
method. Magnetic
imaging: the
principle of image
to the use of the
capabilities of the
method. Magnetic
The division
Radiation diagnosis
Semiotics of lung of the lungs
3 of lung diseases
diseases into lobes and
diseases of the
Radiation diagnosis Semiotics of lung Lung cancer.
of lung diseases diseases Tuberculosis
Methods for
examining the
heart and blood
Radiation diagnosis of
5 diseases of the Semiotics of heart
cardiovascular system disease
examination of
blood vessels. X-
ray functional
techniques: X-ray
kimografiya. X-
ray contrast
catheterization of
the heart and
, coronarography,
m, aortography,
angiography ,
Normal X-ray of
Radiation diagnosis of Semiotics of
the digestive
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
6 tract. Diseases of
gastrointestinal tract. diseases
the esophagus,
stomach, large
ulcers, strictures,
polyps, cancer)
Radiation diagnosis of
Normal X-ray
diseases and injuries of Semiotics disease th
7 anatomy of the
the musculoskeletal ODE
organs of
ODS. Fracture.
healing. Bone
Normal x-ray anatomy of the
Radiation diagnosis
Semiotics of MVS MVS. Hydronephrotic transformation,
8 of diseases of the
diseases developmental abnormalities, cancer,
urinary system.
kidney cysts

Radiation diagnostics Semiotics of diseases in radiation picture with brain damage (cyst
in neurology the nervous system tumors)
Radiodiagnosis of the Semiotics of disease of Normal x-ray anatomy and pathology
thyroid gland the thyroid gland thyroid gland
X-ray diagnostics in Semiotics of disease in Normal x-ray anatomy and pathology
ophthalmology ophthalmology ophthalmology otolaryngology and
otolaryngology and otolaryngology and dentistry
dentistry dentistry
Radiation diagnostics Semiotics of disease in Normal x-ray anatomy and pathology in
in oncology oncology oncology
X-ray diagnostics in Semiotics of disease in Features of examination of children
pediatrics features of pediatrics features of
examination of examination of children

6 . 2. Extracurricular independent work of students :

Topic Study questions Practical skills Forms of control Kolich. hours


Introduction to radiation Be able to evaluate Test

1 diagnostics. General issues of radiographs. control. Solving 5
radiation diagnosis. X- Clinical Tasks
ray Computed tomography.

Magnetic resonance Be able to Test marketing

2 imaging. Ultrasound recognize ultrasound control. The 5
tomography solution of
clinical radiation

P aspoznat and evaluate Test

Radiation diagnosis of lung
3 basic lu chevye symptoms control. Solving 5
disease. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. (X-
and diseases of the lungs Clinical Radiation
ray, computed tomography) 1-part.
are damaged, Problems

4 P aspoznat and evaluate Test control. 5

Radiation diagnosis of lung basic lu chevye symptoms
disease. 2-part. Tuberculosis, and disease-damaging
trauma, oncology. injury of the lungs

5 Radiation diagnosis of diseases of P aspoznat and assess the Test control. 5

the heart and vascular system. main lu chevye symptoms
of heart disease
Radiation diagnosis of diseases of Collection of medical
6. the gastrointestinal tract. history, work with a Test control. 5
medical history
( outpatient card).
Knowledge of clinical
Construction of
a differential diagnosis.
Establishing diagnosis.
P aspoznat and assess the
main lu chevye symptoms
of gastrointestinal diseases
Radiation diagnosis of diseases and P aspoznat and assess the Test control.
7. injuries of the musculoskeletal main lu chevye symptoms 5
system. of diseases of the
locomotor apparatus

8. P aspoznat and evaluate Test control.

Radiation diagnostics in basic lu chevye symptoms Writing essays.
nephrology and urology of renal diseases of the 5
urinary tract

9. Radiation diagnostics in neurology P aspoznat and assess the Test control. 5

main lu chevye symptoms
of central nervous system

7. Educational and methodological support of the course

Radiology and Imaging for Medical Students 2010 by David Sutton .
Basic Radiology 2nd Editio n / Michael YM Chen.
8. Scoring Policy
The student can score points for all types of classes. At lectures and workshops - for activity, attendance, solving situational
problems and the presence of abstracts. At the final control - a maximum of 6 0 points: for a test or a written answer. For the implementation of
the CDS - 60 points.
For example:
Module 1: in one lecture, a student can score up to 60 points (maximum in 9 lectures up to 60 points), in one practical lesson - up to 6 0
points (maximum in 9 lessons up to 6 0 points), in one classroom lesson - up to 6 0 points (maximum for 9 lessons up to 60 points) and in the
Republic of Kazakhstan - up to 60 points, total modulo a student can score up to 6 0 points.
The discipline score is set as the sum of the grades for the modules for which the discipline is structured (60 points), and from the grades
in the final control - exam (40 points).
The mark for the module is defined as the sum of the grades of the current educational activity and the grades of the mid-term modular
control, expressed on a multi-point scale (60 points).
I. Module Evaluation
The mark for the module is defined as the sum of the marks of the current educational activity (in points) and the mark of the
intermediate module control (in points), which is set when assessing theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The maximum number of points
that a student can gain when studying each module is 6 0 points, including 6 0 points for current educational activities, and 6 0 points according
to the results of midterm control .
A) Assessment of current learning activities. When evaluating the mastery of each topic of the module, the student is given points for attendance
and for passing the test papers. This takes into account all types of work provided by the methodological development for the study of the topic.
B) Boundary control of semantic modules takes place in two stages:
1. oral interview;
2. written test control.
Students are allowed to retake only unsatisfactory grades, positive grades are not retaken.
Assessment of extracurricular work of students.
A) Assessment of students' independent work.
Independent work of students, which is provided on the topic along with classroom work, is evaluated during the current control in the corresponding
practical lesson. The level of assimilation to those that are submitted only for independent work is evaluated at the midterm control.
B) Assessment of the individual work (tasks) of the student.
Students (optional) can choose one of the individual assignments on the topic of the module. It can be WIRS or NIRS in the form of:
1. preparation of a review of scientific literature (abstract);
2. preparation of illustrative material on the topics addressed (multimedia presentation, a set of tables, diagrams, figures, etc.);
3. conducting research within the framework of the student scientific circle
4. publication of scientific reports, reports at scientific conferences, etc .;
5. participation in the olympiads.
Points for individual assignments are awarded to the student only if they are successfully completed and defended (prizes in relevant
competitions). The number of points that are awarded for individual work is added to the total points scored by the student during the exam.
II. Final control - exam.
The final control is carried out upon completion of the study of all topics of the discipline. Students who have attended all classroom
classes provided for by the curriculum (practical classes, lectures) are allowed to the final control and, when studying the module, scored a sum
of points not less than the minimum amount (see Osh State University Bulletin No. 19.).
A student who, for good reason, had missed classes (practical classes, lectures), is allowed to eliminate academic arrears within the next
2 weeks following the admission. For students who missed classes without good reason, the decision to practice them is made individually by the
dean of the faculty, as well as penal points.
Course Policy:
The educational process is organized on the basis of a credit-modular system in accordance with the requirements, using a modular-rating system
for assessing student performance using the AVN information system.

5th semester
Module 1
in lectures
Rating 2 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+ 5
Points 20 thirty 35 40 46 fifty 56 60
on practical exercises
Rating 2 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+ 5
Points 20 thirty 35 40 46 fifty 56 60
on the CDS
Rating 2 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+ 5
Points 20 thirty 35 40 46 fifty 56 60

9. Estimated Information
10. Course policy
Student Requirements:
a) compulsory attendance of classes;
b) Activity during practical exercises;
c) Preparation for classes, for homework and CDS, etc.
a) Delay and departure from classes;
b) the use of cell phones during class;
c) Deception and plagiarism;
d) Untimely delivery of tasks, etc.

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