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Persuasive Essay

“Freedom of speech is a myth in today’s world”

Students name: Shantanu Barua

ID: 22301108
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Course Title: English Fundamentals
Section: 29
Semester:Fall 2022

Submitted to: Hasna Khanom ,Senior Lecturer ,Brac Institute of Languages (BIL)

Topic: “Freedom of speech is a myth in today’s world”


Grabber: "Please take me to the hospital' -Abrar Fahad.

Connecting Sentences (background information): Through this line we can feel the pain
of Abrar Fahd. How he wanted to survive . It's very shameful for a nation and university
because in a popular well known university of country a student got killed by his political
hell mates because of a political freelock post. Abrar Fahad's BCL Hall mates thought
Abrar was committed with the opposing political party because of a political facebook post
, posted by Abrar Fahad which indicates his expression against the government . Mone
Over, free speech was under fire at America's university .Some students in a event
known was bipartisan free speech event at Yak Law School was did protest for kill free
speech .Its purely shows that nobody is free to talk or share their expression freely in
today's world where everyone has the equal rights to express their point of view and

Thesis Statement: In today’s world, freedom of speech is nothing but a myth because
governments around the world restrict people’s voices. There is an increase of religious
intolerance and gender discrimination in all pervasive.
Reason 1 (Body Paragraph 1)

Topic Sentence 1:I believe that freedom of speech is a myth because. There is a restriction
around the world of people’s voices by the government.

Supporting Idea 1:Nobody can raise their voice or suppose to express their expression
because of the fear of death or to get attacked by the political parties..

Evidence: According to “A student in Dhaka was killed”(2019) Abrar Fahad was killed
by his BCL hallmates.

Supporting Idea 2: Some countries made different laws and restrictions to prevent
freedom of speech.

Evidence 1: According to “What Regions Don’t” like The United states,North Korea,
Barma citizens cannot have freedom of speech

Concluding Sentence: This is how freedom of speech is riveted by the government or

their supporters, where people have five common rights and freedom of speech is one of

Reason 2 (Body Paragraph 2)

Topic Sentence 1: Different regions making life hard for different religions.

Supporting Idea 1: Discrimination because of following a certain religion.

Evidence: According to Fenton, Siobhan (2016), a renowned French restaurant refused to

serve Muslim customers because he believes all Muslims are terrorists.

Supporting Idea 2: Some nations or communities are restraining people from practicing
their own religion.

Evidence: According to a recent United Nations report, Christians are barred from
practicing their religion, and those caught doing so are “subject to severe punishments”. In
interviews with The New York Times in 2012, four North Koreans said that they had been
warned that the gulag awaited those who spoke to journalists or Christian missionaries.
Concluding Sentence: Therefore, many people misbelief many things about certain
religions and they practice this behavior in their real life, which often causes discrimination
for people of other religions.

Reason 3 (Body Paragraph 3)

Topic Sentence 1: Human rights violation and protests against it are prohibited by many
authorities and governments.

Supporting Idea 1: Many nations are still overlooking rights of transgender people.

Evidence: According to a report of HRW, a huge number of transgender people in

Bangladesh who are locally known as “Hijra” often experience bullying and harassment as
they do not know about their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Supporting Idea 2: Protesting at public places are not allowed

Evidence: According to Rayyan, Al (2022), a man who was wearing a jersey declaring
support for anti-government protesters in Iran was escorted by security officers of the
stadium during a FIFA World Cup match.

Concluding Sentence: Therefore, we are still oblivious of human rights such as

transgender people and woman equality, and speaking against it have no result as the
freedom of speech has no effect in this sector either.


Restatement of the Thesis: In short,because of restriction of peoples voice by the

government ,increase of religious intolerance and gender discrimination is all pervasive,we
can say that in todays world freedom of speech is a myth and a forgotten practice.

Suggestions / Recommendations: But anyway, if the population rises up, these rights can
be achieved back, as the people are the most powerful. They should hold the government
and government endorsed big companies guilty of their crimes and charge them of
transparency. And we should also ensure proper social education and morals so that people
with different ideas can live in peace under one sky. And most of all, administrations
should stop playing two-face by hyping up freedom of speech everywhere and violate the
cause in the same manner.
Clincher: Its high time to all people gather together against this suppression and move
forward with a mentality to erase silence that no mother have to see their child's dead
anymore and to bring peace in the world.

“Freedom of speech is only a myth in today’s world”

"Please take me to the hospital' -Abnar Fahad. Through this line we can feel the pain of
Abrar Fahd. How he wanted to survive . It's very shameful for a nation and university because in
a popular well known university of country a student got killed by his political hell mates because
of a political freelock post. Abrar Fahad's BCL Hall mates thought Abrar was committed with the
opposing political party because of a political facebook post , posted by Abrar Fahad which
indicates his expression against the government . Mone Over, free speech was under fire at
America's university .Some students in a event known was bipartisan free speech event at Yak
Law School was did protest for kill free speech .Its purely shows that nobody is free to talk or
share their expression freely in today's world where everyone has the equal rights to express
their point of view and comment.Therefore,In today’s world, freedom of speech is nothing but a
myth because governments around the world restrict people’s voices. There is an increase of
religious intolerance and gender discrimination in all pervasive.

Firstly, i believe that freedom of speech is a myth because there is a restriction around the world
of peoples voice by the government.To begin with,:Nobody can raise their voice or suppose to
express their expression because of the fear of dead or to get attack by the politcal
partys.According to “A student in Dhaka was killed”(2019) Abrar Fahad was killed by his BCL
hallmates in the varsity residential hall for critising a water-sharing (Testa and Feni river)
contract between two countries (India and Bangladesh.Abrar shared his own point of view and
expression in his facebook post about the Teesta and Feni river issues.The post went viral and
got so much response and gor this post his hallmates thought he was against the decision of
government and a member of opponent political group known as Islam Chatra Shibir and for
that purpose they tourtured him unstoply untill he die and at a moment after heavy torture of
them he died.Moreover Some countries made different laws and restrictions to prevent the
freedom of speech.According to “What Regions Don’t” like The United states,North Korea,
Barma citizens cannot have freedom of speech.Government created some laws and rules for
using social accounts and prevent peoples froom express their expression against the government
because government thoughts that for their expression a group of people raise against them and
there will happen problems among the country .This is how freedom of speech rivet by the
government or their supporters, where people have five common rights and freedom of speech is
one of them.

In short,because of restriction of peoples voice by the government ,increase of religious

intolerance and gender discrimination is all pervasive,we can say that in todays world freedom
of speech is a myth and a forgotten practice.But anyway, if the population rises up, these rights
can be achieved back, as the people are the most powerful. They should hold the government and
government endorsed big companies guilty of their crimes and charge them of transparency. And
we should also ensure proper social education and morals so that people with different ideas can
live in peace under one sky. And most of all, administrations should stop playing two-face by
hyping up freedom of speech everywhere and violate the cause in the same's high time
to all people gather together against this suppression and move forward with a mentality to
erase silence that no mother have to see their child's dead anymore and to bring peace in the

Sources used :

“A student in Dhaka was killed for criticizing a water-sharing deal between India
And Bangladesh”(2019) ;

“What Countries Don’t Have Freedom of Speech?”(2020);Reference

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