Understanding The Basic of Circuits Final Copy Modified Word Version

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• What Is a Circuit and How It

• Symbols of different components
of a circuit
• Cells and Batteries
• Switches, Bulbs and Other
• Voltage, Current and Resistance
• Different Types of Circuits
• Series Circuit
• Parallel Circuits
• Overall Circuits
In our modern world, electricity is
the driving force behind our gadgets
and devices, and at the heart of it all
is the intriguing concept of circuits.
This Presentation breaks down the
essential components and principles
of circuits in a way that is ensuring
a deeper understanding of this
fundamental aspect of our
technological landscape.
A circuit is a closed loop that allows
electricity to flow. It consists of four
basic parts: a power source,
conductors, a load, and a control
mechanism. The power source
provides the energy to the rest of the
circuit. Conductors, such as wires,
allow the electric current to flow
easily. The load is the device that
uses the electricity, such as a light
bulb or a motor. The control
mechanism, such as a switch,
allows you to control the circuit turn
it on and off..
Cells and Batteries are the power
sources of circuits. Cells are single
units for converting chemical
energy to electrical energy with
limited power. Batteries are
combinations of cells for higher
voltage and more electrical energy,
some batteries even are
rechargeable for multiple uses.
Therefore, batteries are used when
more energy
Switches control the flow of current
within a circuit, either allowing or
interrupting the passage of
electricity. Bulbs, on the other hand,
convert electrical energy into light.
Other components, such as resistors,
capacitors, and inductors, contribute
to regulating current, storing energy,
and modifying signal
Voltage, also known as electrical
potential, represents the electrical
pressure that pushes the electric
charge forward Electrical Current is
the flow of electrical charge. And,
resistance interferes the current flow
and limits it. Together, they allow
the circuit to function properly.
Circuits are not just made in a
single type. Circuits come in
various configurations, each serving
specific purposes. Two primary
types are series and parallel circuits.
Their main difference is series
circuits have only one path for
electricity to flow. On the contrary,
parallel circuits have multiple paths
for electricity to flow.
Circuits can be arranged in series or
parallel. In a series circuit,
components are connected in one
branch of the circuit, forming a
single pathway for current. The
electric current flows through the
components on the path one by one.
So, if one component breaks or
stops working, the whole circuit
will stop working.
On the other hand, we have parallel
circuits. In a parallel circuit, all
electronic components are on a
different branch of the circuit ,
creating multiple pathways for
electric current. Each component,
like a light bulb or a buzzer, gets its
own special path for the electricity
to travel through. So, if one
component breaks or stops working,
the others will continue to work
Circuits are closed pathways for
electric current, powering electronic
devices. Components like switches
and resistors control current flow.
And components like bulbs and
motors use the current flow.
Voltage, current, and resistance are
fundamental requirements for
working with circuit operation.
Cells and batteries provide essential
energy sources. Series circuits
follow a single, specific path, while
parallel circuits consist of multiple
pathways. Understanding circuit
symbols and configurations is
crucial for designing and optimizing
electronic systems.
Team members and Their Parts-
Soummo - Overall Circuits +
Alvee - Voltage, Current and
Zaheen - Series circuits
Pushan - Parallel circuits
Mumit - Different types of
Circuits + What is a Circuit and
How it works
Tahsan - Cells and Batteries
Anuvab - Symbols of Different
Components of a Circuit
Ariyan - Bulbs, Switches and
Other Components
1. Topics
2. Introduction
3. What is a circuit and how it works
4. Symbols of Different Component
of a Circuit
5. Cells and batteries
6. Switches, bulbs and other
7. Voltage, current and resistance
8. Different types of circuits
9. Series Circuits
10. Diagram of a Series circuit
11. Parallel circuits
12. Diagram of a Parallel circuit
13. Overall circuit
14. Thank you everyone

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