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Echoes of Despair: Deconstructing Erdogan’s Narratives on the Global Plight of

Muslims in UN Speech of 2019

This research aims to explore the president Tayyip Erdogan’s speech in United Nations General Assembly in
2019 through a deconstructive lens, unveiling latent significance and discrepancy in his standpoints on
global plight of the Muslims. This study seeks to unveil intricacies shaping Tayyip Erdogan’s rhetoric, by
pinpointing linguistic intricacies and analyzing narrative strategies. this study analyze how he communicates
hardships and inequities endured by the Muslims globally through utilizing affective and persuasive
technique to inspire deep understanding among people globally. Deconstructive Analysis is viewed as an
impactful approach to explore power dynamics and underlying ideologies in a text. The transcript of
Erdogan’s speech was acquired from the video (with subtitles) from YouTube. The time duration of the
under-study speech is 34:35 minutes. The transcript and video of the speech were employed in the analysis
of the collected data. Through deconstructive analysis of the speech, power dynamics were revealed. The
analysis of sentimental techniques used by Erdogan highlights his intentional incorporation of emotional
elements to influence audience reactions. The examination unveiled latent assumptions, providing insight
into Erdogan’s discourse.
Key words: Deconstructive Analysis, Muslim Plight, Erdogan’s speech, Power Dynamics
Aims and objectives:
The main aims and objectives of this research includes:
1. Analyze how linguistic choices forms discourse on Global Plight of Muslims.
2. Examine the rhetorical techniques, latent meanings and contradiction in Tayyip Erdogan’s speech.

Research Questions:
The main Research questions of this research includes:
1. How does Tayyip Erdogan use linguistic deconstruction in his speech to unveil Global Plight of
2. What specific sentimental and rhetorical techniques are used by Erdogan in his speech?

In the vicinity of 1960, Jacques Derrida evolved a new theory called ‘Deconstruction’ to dismantle the
binary opposition, or hierarchical structures existed in the western ontology which commenced with Plato.
This concept of deconstruction had been originated from the notion of ‘Destruktion’ of the renowned
German thinker Martin Heidegger’s (Heidegger, 1962, pp.67-72). Deconstruction has two facets such as
textual and abstract. The first one is concerned with discovering the latent meaning of the writings in terms
of ‘critical analysis of the writing. The second one concentrates on dismantling or breaking the hierarchical
structure or division that prefers one notion over another, one concept over another, one philosophy over
another and so on. The main object of deconstruction is to decline the ontological presumptions that
fabricated hierarchical structures. Western ontology constructed a dualistic ideology such as
presence/absence, speaking/ writing, good/evil, true/false, truth/error, identity/ difference, mind/matter,
subject/object, being/ nothingness, man/woman, soul/body, life/death, nature/culture, white/black, etc.
(Derrida, 1972, p.viii). Derrida’s approach of deconstruction was an inclination to dismantle this chain of
hierarchical structure and make a state where no hierarchy would exist further. Here, deconstruction didn’t
mean destruction, rather anything that had been built before must be deconstructed i.e., scientific theories,
great philosophies, concepts, historical ideas, so that the pre-existing belief of the human mind would be
altered. furthermore, Derrida tried to “reveal the binaries/dualism and deconstruct them without preferring
one element over the other by asserting the truth of the uncertain hesitant” (Balkin, 1994)
Linguistic study has become foundational to academic disciplines, involved with politics. Nevertheless,
political analysts on the one hand, and language experts and discourse analysts on the other hand emphasis
on various facets when they explore the connection between language and politics, and they also implement
various techniques and theories in doing so. Political analysts are primarily involved with ramifications of
political decisions and actions for (the history of) a society, and they might be interested in political
actualities which are built through discourse. Language experts, on the other hand, have always been
particularly interested in language structures used to get politically significant messages across to the
recipients, to fulfil a specific function. (Editorial: Political Speeches and Discourse Analysis:Christina
Schaffner 1997)
Leaders utilize discourse or communication to disseminate their philosophical thoughts, cultural practices,
fundamental values, or any other significant messages to acquire the confidence and backing of their
audience. Language use in leadership has always been critical. Leaders often use discourse-based linguistics
influence to get the intended outcomes. There is no doubt that political leaders often use language to
disseminate their perspectives. Politicians attain success because of their "capability to use persuasive
language," according to Jones and Peccei (2004); by employing suitable, persuasive language, they attain
their objective of influencing their audience of the truthfulness of their perspectives (Bayram, 2010).

literature Review
Our perception of language is the basis of our societal fabrication and individual or collective dynamics, and
research in sociolinguistics has attempted to clarify this connection between language use and the
significance of perspectives. A specific discourse, verbal or text, can originate from various sources such as
power, cultural or societal context, geographical area or social standings. A study was carried out by
Bayram, F. (2010) which examined the recognition of identity and context through use of language in
political discourse, primarily anchored in Norman Fairclough's assumptions in CDA. This study analyzes
rhetorical tactics of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a discussion in the World
Economic Forum in Davos in January 2009 were analyzed within the context of his ideologies and cultural
and societal background.
Furthermore, another research is conducted by U Khalil, M Islam, SA Chattha, F Qazalbash ,2017 to
analyze how a political leader can promote his ideology through diplomatic language use. This research
analytically examined the speech of Imran Khan - Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaaf (PTI), a major
political party in Pakistan - which he conveyed from Shoukat Khanam hospital two days earlier to the
general elections (2013) in Pakistan. This study has attempted to unveil the ideologies which functioned
behind the delivered speech. The researchers analyzed how various language analysis tools have been
employed to present or attain political power/goals. The chosen speech has been examined through
qualitative analysis using the theoretical framework of Fairclough which he suggested in 1995, and with the
help of alternative tools, e.g. referential strategies, repetition, lexical selection, favorable self-portrayal and
unfavorable depiction of others. It is discovered that political discourse is often intentionally created to
project specific ideologies, which are always situated in the discourse in an implied way. Moreover,
politicians use certain narrative strategies to convince people to follow their latent programs. It may be
recommended that the codes and symbols of political discourse must be analyzed to make it simple for the
common people.
Another study was carried out by Samina Sarwat, Abdul Hameed Panhwar, Zubaida, Waheed Shahzad, Syed
Khuram Shahzad, 2024. This study analyzes Tayyip Erdoğan's speech in UN using the CDA theory suggested
by Fairclough and the theory of Persuasion proposed by Aristotle. Descriptive qualitative method is
employed in this study. The data of Erdogan’s speech was collected from web page (America Times News
Service September 21, 2022) and the video (with subtitles) from YouTube which has 30 30-minute time
duration. Both the transcript and video of the speech were used in the examination of the data. The speech of
Erdogan has been investigated to show how he motivated and influenced his adherents to conform to his
purpose. Derived from the study's findings, it can be said that symbolic expressions, modal, auxiliaries, and
self-referential pronouns are used very effectively and broadly in the compelling speech of Erdogan.
Moreover, a study was conducted by Dr. Waqasia Naeem, Sobia Javaid, Muhammad Tayyab, which aimed
at examining socio-political ideologies concealed in Khan’s, Mohammad’s, and Erdogan’s speeches
conveyed at UNGA’s 74th session regarding the humanitarian crisis. The study analyzes how political
leaders (Khan, Erdogan and Mohammad) influence the populace by using compelling language to obtain
authority in their societies. Furthermore, this is a qualitative study. The data is gathered through purposive
sampling. The data is examined through thematic analysis through Ven Dijak's (2005) socio-cognitive
model. The study concluded that the previously stated leaders explore various concerns that contribute to the
humanitarian crisis, for example, worldwide inequity, malfeasance, Islamophobia, and so on. Furthermore,
this study discovers the rhetorical techniques that the leaders have used in their speeches at global political
events. Nevertheless, they do not foreground the potentialities/opportunities that could cause adverse
feedback for their worth. The study is noteworthy for understanding the latent ideologies present in the
language of political figures.

Another study was carried out by Ahmad, Israr; Raja, Arshad Mehmood; Shah, Muhammad Munhib,2022
which aims at analyzing transitivity patterns used by Imran Khan (the ex. PM of Pakistan), Mahathir
Mohammad (The ex. PM of Malaysia), and Recip Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey’s president) in their UNGA
speeches on Islamophobia. Employing Fred Halliday’s model of transitivity patterns. The study examines
the similarities and differences present in speeches and what role transitivity patterns play in the meaning-
making process. Qualitative analysis is used for analytical purposes. The transcript is categorized in speeches
into clauses, specific data tables. The examination of the collected data shows that eighty-five (85) clauses in
Imran khan’s speech, thirty-one (31) in Mahathir Mohammad’s speech, and twenty-one (21) clauses in
Tayyip Erdogan’s speech, various types of transitivity processes have been employed. Imran Khan and
Mahathir Muhammad employ five and Tayyip Erdogan does four (out of the six process types proposed by
Halliday). The study concludes that the most distinguished process types in all three speeches are material
and relational processes.
Another research is done by F Zaheer - Jahan-e-Tahqeeq, 2023 to examine Oscar Wilde’s (1854-1900) The
Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) and the theory of Aestheticism through deconstructive lens. The study
focuses on the setting and characters of the understudy novel through qualitative analysis. The novel The
Picture of Dorian Gray showcases the characters named Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton and Basil
Hallward who exemplifies various aspects of theory of Aestheticism and disclose how these characters fail
to comprehend the limitations of human manifestations and the flaws of these characters’ thinking. A
significant body of study has employed deconstructive analysis within literary texts. Nonetheless, a notable
gap is present in its implementation to political discourse, as political discourses are often analyzed and
examined through CDA. The employment of deconstructism in this context remains untouched. Hense, this
study exceptionally employs deconstructive analysis to examine Tayyip Erdogan’s Speech in UN, providing
a different theoretical framework to look at political discourses.

Theoretical framework

This study employs theoretical framework of deconstructive analysis to examine Tayyip Erdogan’s Speech
in UN on Muslims’ Plight. The theory, deconstructism was proposed by Jacques Derrida. This theory is
employed to unveil Tayyip Erdogan’s rhetorical techniques, implicit meanings and power dynamics in his

Analysis and Discussion

"The honorable president, distinguished heads of states and governments, distinguished secretary-general,
esteemed delegates," is how Tayyip Erdogan commenced his speech. This polite and refined address
recognizes the appearance of significant world leaders at the assembly and establishes the tone for the speech
on critical issues. Erdogan conveys his appreciation for the UN delegates on behalf of himself and his nation.
"With my most heartfelt emotions, on behalf of my personal self and my nation," the speaker communicates
admiration for the delegates. This considerate act reinforces his dedication to representation of Turkey and
himself on the world stage and infuses uprightness and recognizes the UN’s leadership's efforts. Erdogan
offer congratulations to Mr. Muhammad Bundy for being president of UN Assembly’s 74th session. He
recognizes the new leadership at the UN and wishes him for a successful period: Erdogan articulates
optimism and invocation that the General Assembly’s 74th session will envelop the globe with peace and
humanity. This hopeful outlook harmonizes with the comprehensive objectives of the UN and highlights the
significance of unified initiatives towards world prosperity and progress
After extending his greetings and gratitude to the delegates, Erdogan proceeds by quoting the great scholar
Rumi, who described equality as “sharing amongst the people the rights and obligations appropriately and
allocating to them what they are entitled to.” This quote prepares the environment for Erdogan’s discourse
on inequality by organizing it within the framework of equitable distribution of rights and obligations. He
validates that in this modern world, rights and obligations are not distributed fairly. He spotlights the
disproportion among various parts of the globe, where a few experiences affluence in life and have access to
everything, while others are dying due to hunger, destitution and deprivation. This perception emphasizes
the commonness of inequality worldwide. By indicating the adverse effects of unfairness, he emphasizes the
pressing need to tackle this problem to guarantee worldwide prosperity and a high standard of living.
Erdogan recognizes the establishment of the UN after World War II with the goal of eliminating injustice.
Nevertheless, he expresses disappointment that the global community is slowly declining its capability to
fight obstacles such as extremism, malnutrition, and climate crisis. This pinpoints the necessity for initiatives
to address world inequality efficiently. Erdogan recognizes the subject of the 74th session of General
Assembly, which centers on inspiring collaborative undertakings for impoverishment elimination, high-
quality education and inclusion While he values the subject, he highlights the significance of comprehending
collaboratively accomplished goals, signifying the necessity for tangible measures beyond just worldwide
unity He presents that it is not acceptable for a lesser number to get luxuries of life, while others dies in
impoverishment. He alerts them that the security of human beings is in jeopardy. Erdogan pinpoints
Turkey’s dedication to philanthropic beliefs, quoting its initiatives in supplying assistance and welcoming
multitudes of refugees escaping strife and oppression. This emphasizes Turkey’s role as a preemptive actor
in dealing with worldwide inequality. Erdogan’s perception on unfairness and worldwide issues supplies a
thorough examination of the dominant inequalities and unfairness globally. He highlights the pressing
requirement for joint effort to tackle these problems, advocates for changes within global organizations and
reasserts Turkey’s dedication to advocating equality and principles of humanity worldwide. Erdogan
requests to the world community to back Turkey's efforts aimed at advocating elimination of poverty and
Furthermore, he reveals the inequity in the world between nuclear powers and non-nuclear nations,
highlighting the disproportion in world power dynamics. He asserts that this inequity weakens world
equilibrium. He emphasized that the rules should be the same for everyone. Use of weapons either should be
prohibited for all countries, or everyone should be allowed to use nuclear power.
He also stressed the importance of combatting climate crisis, as global warming poses significant dangers to
the world in future. He urges the world leaders to prioritize addressing this threat instead of investing in
weapons. He underscores the importance of enhancing the UN effectiveness in combatting global issues like
use of weapons and climate crisis. By providing aid to refugees who reside in Turkey, he draws attention to
Turkey as "the most generous country." He offers several solutions to address the use of weapons and
climate catastrophe. Among these actions are enhancing the UNGA and promoting justice and equitable
globally. He requests that the world's leaders work together to find solutions to these issues.
Erdogan talks about Turkey's attempts to solve global issues, including organizing the establishment of a
safe zone in Syria and hosting the third summit of the African Union-Turkey Partnership in 2020. He extends
an invitation to all nations to back Turkey's actions and policies, which are founded in conscience, ethics,
and justice. Erdogan draws attention to the humanitarian situation in Syria, highlighting Turkey's efforts to
aid Syrian refugees and its involvement in the fight against terrorist groups in the area. To address the
continued conflict and humanitarian suffering in Syria, he begs for international support. Erdogan makes a
call for cooperation between nations to solve climate change and nuclear disarmament. He highlights how
crucial international collaboration and solidarity are to accomplishing common aims and objectives in these
crucial areas. To sum up, Erdogan's speech on climate change and nuclear disarmament emphasizes how
critical it is for countries to work together and take coordinated action to confront global issues. He urges for
swift action to lessen the effects of climate change, stresses the significance of justice and equity in nuclear
disarmament efforts, and underscores Turkey's responsibility in handling humanitarian crises and supplying
humanitarian help. Erdogan makes a plea to the world community during his speech to cooperate to make
significant advancements in these vital sectors for the good of all people.
Erdogan lists the Syrian situation as one of the top concerns the world community is now dealing with. He
emphasizes the gravity of the situation, citing data on the number of dead, displaced people, and refugees,
and characterizing it as a humanitarian disaster and a symbol of injustice since 2011. He draws attention to
the hardships that millions of Syrians—including deprivation, death, and displacement—face because of the
ongoing conflict. He brings up security issues related to the Syrian crisis, such as the dangers posed by
terrorist groups that are active in the area. Citing instances of terrorist assaults against Turkish nationals, he
emphasizes Turkey's efforts to fight terrorism and maintain the security of its borders. Erdogan talks on
Turkey's military activities in Syria, including Operation Euphrates Shield, which is intended to secure areas
near the border and fight terrorist organizations. In conclusion, Erdogan's speech on the Syrian crisis
emphasizes the conflict's humanitarian effects, Turkey's important role in helping Syrians in need, and the
necessity of international cooperation and support for a successful resolution to the crisis. Erdogan hopes to
rally support for measures to lessen the suffering of millions of Syrians and move toward a peaceful
resolution of the conflict by using his address to draw attention to the continued pain that they experience.
In his discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Erdogan draws attention to the complex and protracted
problems in the Middle East. He draws attention to the conflict's historical background and regional effects.
Injustice and Violations of Human Rights: Erdogan highlights the brutality, oppression, and displacement
committed against the Palestinian people in addition to the injustice and violations of their human rights. He
draws attention to the hardships that Palestinians face because of Israeli occupation and urges action from
other countries to alleviate their situation. Erdogan brings up the brutality and injustice that Palestinians have
recently experienced, including the killing of an innocent woman by Israeli security forces. He demands
accountability and justice for the victims and denounces such violent crimes. Israeli Settlement Expansion:
Erdogan denounces the growing Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory, calling them a serious hindrance
to peace and a transgression of international law. He demands a halt to settlement growth and denounces
Israeli occupation and colonial tactics. Erdogan talks about Jerusalem's role as a disputed issue in the
conflict, highlighting how important it is to both Israelis and Palestinians. He demands respect for the
religious and cultural significance of the city and denounces Israeli attempts to change Jerusalem's legal and
historical status. Erdogan makes a plea to the world community to aid the Palestinian people in their fight for
autonomy and justice. To address the underlying causes of the dispute and move toward a fair and long-
lasting resolution, he urges nations to stand together and cooperate. Erdogan reiterates support for an
independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem as part of a two-state solution to the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict. He stresses the significance of talks to attain a comprehensive peace accord and urges
for the creation of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders. Erdogan berates the
international community for not doing enough to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian problem and carry out
pertinent UN resolutions. He demands that real steps be taken to protect Palestinian rights and make Israel
answerable for its deeds. Erdogan uses Turkey's historical and cultural ties to the area to portray his country
as a steadfast backer of the Palestinian cause. He asks for the worldwide recognition of Palestine as an
independent state and highlights Turkey's dedication to promoting Palestinian rights on the international
scene. Erdogan denounces Israeli policies of occupation and colonization, draws attention to the continued
injustices and breaches of Palestinian human rights, and asks for worldwide support for the Palestinian cause
in his exposition of the struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people. Erdogan wants to use his address
to draw attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people and to rally support for initiatives aimed at
bringing about a fair and long-lasting resolution to the issue.
Erdogan presents the Cyprus crisis as an ongoing issue that has not been settled after years of talks. Erdogan
berates the Greek Cypriot side for unjust policies that deny the Turkish Cypriots a share of political authority
and economic success. Erdogan urges for a settlement that ensures the security and rights of Turkish
Cypriots and reiterates Turkey's position as the Turkish Cypriot people's guarantor, based on international
trade treaties. Erdogan emphasizes the value of cooperation and fair sharing while denouncing the unilateral
acts of certain regional nations that heighten tensions over energy supplies. Erdogan emphasizes Turkey's
commitment to communication and collaboration in order to reach a long-term solution while calling for a
just and peaceful settlement of the Cyprus conflict. Erdogan views the Libyan crisis as a regional war with
significant ramifications for the humanitarian and economic domains. Erdogan highlights how crucial it is to
install a democratic government in Libya that is founded on the free will of the populace to bring stability
and prosperity to Europe and North Africa. Erdogan emphasizes respect for the decisions and free will of the
Libyan people while pleading for international assistance to end the country's situation. Erdogan emphasizes
the necessity of a diplomatic settlement to the Libyan situation and underlines Turkey's dedication to
advancing efforts for regional stability and prosperity.
Erdogan also refers to the crises in Yemen and Qatar as continuous wars with dire ramifications for the
humanitarian and economic fronts. Condemnation of operations: stressing the necessity of an expeditious
resolution of disputes, he denounces operations in Yemen and Qatar that have had negative humanitarian and
economic effects. Call for conversation: He urges all sides to look for diplomatic solutions and advocates for
conversation and a peaceful conclusion to the problems in Yemen and Qatar. He emphasizes Turkey's
dedication to offering aid to lessen the suffering of people impacted by the crises in Yemen and Qatar. In
expressing support for initiatives to bring wealth and peace back to Yemen and Qatar, he highlights the
significance of international collaboration in settling regional disputes.
Erdogan emphasizes the necessity for a logical framework to settle conflicts while addressing worries about
Iran's actions and associated threats. He urges all sides to pursue diplomatic solutions and refrain from rising
tensions to bring about a reasonable resolution to the Iran problem. In expressing support for diplomatic
attempts to address worries about Iran's actions, he emphasizes the value of communication and
collaboration in settling conflicts in the region. He emphasizes the need of multilateral collaboration in
preserving peace and stability in the area and urges for international assistance for attempts to address the
Iran crisis. The significance of communication, collaboration, and diplomacy in settling crises and advancing
regional peace and stability is emphasized by Erdogan's talk on other issues in the region. He talks on
problems including the Cyprus issue, the Libyan crisis, the conflicts in Yemen and Qatar, and worries about
Iran's actions, highlighting Turkey's dedication to promoting efforts for a peaceful conclusion and providing
humanitarian aid. Erdogan hopes to increase international support for initiatives to properly resolve regional
crises and bring attention to them through his speech.
Additionally, Erdogan presents the Kashmir dispute as a protracted problem that has been unresolved for 72
years, emphasizing its importance in south Asia and its consequences for international peace and security.
He acknowledges the origins of the Kashmir conflict in the 1947 British Indian partition and the ensuing
territorial disputes between India and Pakistan as he briefly discusses the conflict's historical background.
Citing the suffering of the Kashmiri people, who have been under siege and unable to exercise their basic
rights for decades, he highlights the humanitarian consequences of the conflict. Erdogan emphasizes the need
for fairness and equity in resolving the problems of all parties concerned and advocates for a peaceful,
diplomatic solution to the Kashmir dispute. He calls on the international community to assist in efforts to end
the war in Kashmir, emphasizing the need of communication and diplomacy in bringing about a long-term
resolution. Erdogan places a strong emphasis on the need to resolve the conflict's underlying issues and
provide justice and equality for the people of Kashmir, especially their right to self-determination. He raises
concerns about alleged abuses of human rights in Kashmir, pointing to evidence of oppression, violence, and
limitations on the right to free speech. Erdogan stresses the significance of guaranteeing the protection of
civilians and their fundamental rights and demands accountability for abuses of human rights in Kashmir. He
emphasizes the significance of settling the Kashmir dispute for the stability of the South Asian region,
stressing its ramifications for safety and security. Additionally, he emphasizes how crucial it is for India and
Pakistan to communicate and negotiate to resolve the Kashmir dispute and stop tensions from rising higher.
He urges the international community—including the UN—to take the initiative to mediate and facilitate
talks between Pakistan and India to end the war in Kashmir. Erdogan highlights that in order to resolve
regional disputes like the Kashmir dispute and advance peace and stability in South Asia, multilateral
engagement and cooperation are essential. Erdogan reaffirms Turkey's support for the rights and well-being
of the Kashmiri people by expressing solidarity with them and their aspirations for justice, freedom, and self-
determination. In Kashmir, he calls on all sides to follow international law and human rights, stressing the
significance of preserving the values of equality and justice. Erdogan's speech on the Kashmir dispute
emphasizes the necessity of a diplomatic, nonviolent resolution, the value of regional stability, the necessity
of addressing violations of human rights, and the responsibility of the international community in assisting in
the process. Erdogan hopes to accomplish three things with his speech: increase public awareness of the
Kashmir problem, rally support from around the world for initiatives to resolve it and reaffirm Turkey's
commitment to the rights and welfare of the Kashmiri people.
Furthermore, Erdogan highlights the gravity of the issue and the pressing need for international attention and
action by characterizing the Rohingya crisis as a humanitarian calamity affecting the Rohingya Muslims in
Rakhine State, Myanmar. Erdogan acknowledges the long-standing prejudice and persecution that the
Rohingya minority in Myanmar has experienced and briefly discusses the historical background of the
Rohingya problem. Erdogan denounces the crimes against the Rohingya Muslims, pointing to the
conclusions of the UN-appointed Independent Commission of Inquiry, which noted that the events carried
out in Myanmar were motivated by genocidal intent. Erdogan has expressed serious concerns about the
ethnic cleansing, displacement, and brutality against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar, among other
human rights violations. He emphasizes Turkey's continuous efforts to provide help and support to the
Rohingya population to lessen their suffering. He calls on the international community to respect the values
of justice and human rights, highlighting the significance of holding those responsible for human rights
abuses in Myanmar.
Erdogan also discusses Islamophobia and Xenophobia as serious risks to international peace and security,
emphasizing how these attitudes have grown because of an increase in racist, discriminatory, and anti-
Islamic speech around the globe. Erdogan briefly discusses the background of xenophobia and Islamophobia,
recognizing the prejudice, ignorance, and intolerance that lie at their core and the harm they cause to
oppressed groups, especially Muslims and immigrants. He denounces the spread of hateful, discriminatory,
and racist speech, noting that it has a negative effect on interfaith harmony, societal cohesiveness, and
cultural diversity. He exposes the role played by populist politicians in inflaming tensions and dividing
society as they take advantage of xenophobia and Islamophobia for political advantage. He lists specific
instances of hate speech and prejudice directed towards Muslims, immigrants, and refugees; these include
violent acts, terrorist attacks, and discriminatory laws. Erdogan emphasizes the necessity of institutional and
legal measures to combat racism and Islamophobia, calling for accountability from those guilty for spreading
hate speech and instigating violence against vulnerable people. He emphasizes the necessity for inclusive
and tolerant cultures that welcome variety and uphold human rights by highlighting the detrimental effects of
xenophobia and Islamophobia on social cohesion, integration, and community connections. He emphasizes
the negative effects of xenophobia and Islamophobia on the economy and society, highlighting obstacles to
work, education, and healthcare for excluded groups as well as their social exclusion and marginalization. He
emphasizes the value of education and awareness-raising campaigns to dispel myths and biases regarding
Muslims, immigrants, and refugees and to foster compassion, tolerance, and unity in their place. Erdogan's
talk on Islamophobia and Xenophobia emphasizes the ways in which these phenomena are becoming more
prevalent and pose a serious threat to international peace and security. It also discusses how these
phenomena affect marginalized communities and how inclusive and tolerant societies, responsible
leadership, and international cooperation are needed to combat them. Erdogan hopes to accomplish these
goals with his speech by bringing attention to the perils of Islamophobia and xenophobia, encouraging
support for countermeasures, and restating Turkey's dedication to advancing human rights, diversity, and
tolerance on the global scene.
Furthermore, he emphasizes the necessity of fortifying and reinvigorating the United Nations to successfully
tackle modern global issues. He mentions the United Nations' founding and highlights its contributions to
peace, security, and development in his brief overview of the organization's past. Erdogan lists the main
obstacles that the UN must overcome, such as the public perception that it is incapable of resolving global
problems like injustice, poverty, terrorism, and climate change. Erdogan cites ongoing conflicts,
humanitarian crises, and environmental destruction as instances of the UN's inefficiency and ineffectiveness
in tackling these issues. He also discusses Turkey's plan to become a regional UN hub, stressing the
advantages that could result from this designation for both the UN and Turkey.

Erdogan's 2019 speech to the UN General Assembly summed up Turkey's complex involvement in
international affairs. Erdogan began his speech with the customary salutations and acknowledgements,
highlighting Turkey's diplomatic stance on the global arena and setting a polite tone for the speech. He
moved quickly into a speech about current injustices and global crises, emphasizing the urgent need for
cooperation to solve problems like poverty, terrorism, and climate change. By doing this, Erdogan
emphasized the value of shared accountability and coordinated international action, positioning Turkey as a
proactive supporter of multilateral initiatives in the elimination of poverty and inclusive development.
Additionally, Erdogan covered a wide range of regional and global topics in his speech, carefully dissecting
each to convey Turkey's position and proposed course of action. Erdogan presented Turkey as a resolute
humanitarian player dedicated to easing the suffering of impacted populations, from supporting nuclear
disarmament and fighting climate change to handling humanitarian disasters like the Syrian conflict and the
Rohingya issue. His passionate appeal for justice in settling disputes, such as those involving Palestine and
Israel and Kashmir, emphasized Turkey's steadfast support for the rights of marginalized groups and its
demand for international cooperation in redressing historical wrongs.
Erdogan's proposal for Turkey to serve as the UN's regional hub and his demand for UN changes also
marked a turning point in his speech. Erdogan positioned Turkey as a proactive change agent in the
international system by pushing for structural reforms inside the UN to improve its efficacy and
representation. His plan to make Turkey the UN's regional center stressed the strategic significance of the
nation and its dedication to promoting tighter cooperation and coordination of UN operations throughout the
region. Erdogan aimed to strengthen Turkey's position as a major factor in determining global governance
and furthering the interests of the international community with these efforts. Essentially, Erdogan's 2019
UN General Assembly speech demonstrated Turkey's proactive approach to global issues and its dedication
to advancing justice, peace, and collaboration globally. By tackling a wide range of problems and putting up
workable answers, Erdogan emphasized Turkey's responsibilities as a global player. Erdogan intended to
revive international cooperation in addressing shared difficulties and pursuing common goals for a better
world by skillfully articulating Turkey's vision and aspiration.
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