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March 18, 2022

Mr. Anthony J. DeNova III

County Administrator
Passaic County
401 Grand Street
Paterson, New Jersey 07505

RE: American Rescue Plan State and Local Relief Fund

Hinchliffe Stadium, Paterson

Dear Mr. DeNova,

The restoration of Hinchliffe Stadium and construction of the adjacent parking garage, to which the
Passaic County Improvement Authority is a lead lender, is making strong progress toward completion by
the end of 2022. The project is nearing 50% completion as of the writing of this letter. Erection of the
garage has commenced while the stadium effort will start to focus on the last of the seating bowl repairs
and waterproofing, field work, and other infrastructure.

We have been able to achieve this progress despite significant challenges to the schedule and budget due
to unforeseen conditions in the field. Among these conditions are far more extensive repairs in the locker
room area, the presence of substantial rock ledges at shallow depths, and a lack of infrastructure
previously believed to be available. All new scope of work is subject to COVID-19 pandemic price
increases, supply chain issues, and equipment availability.

Our team is simultaneously planning a further expansion of the scope of the project to become a travel,
tourism, and recreation destination. The initial planning and design for the preservation and restoration of
Hinchliffe Stadium focused primarily on creating a community facility for the City of Paterson and the
Paterson Public Schools District, which is, of course, a function that it will continue to serve. However,
Hinchliffe Stadium is the only mid-sized (5,000 to 15,000 seats) open-air, multi-purpose stadium within a
25-mile radius serving a population of five million people. Expansion of its infrastructure will firmly
establish Hinchliffe Stadium as a regional destination for cultural heritage tourism, African American
history, entertainment, sporting events, and publicly-accessible open space.

For these reasons we are seeking an allocation of $2,920,775 of American Rescue Plan funding from
Passaic County to pay for the following measures, all of which we believe to be eligible based on
guidance from the United States Department of the Treasury:

• Unforeseen Conditions
o Additional locker room masonry repairs - $1,484,045
o Drilling through rock for the construction of Liberty Street sewer line - $249,919
o Revised stormwater drainage due to lack of existing connection - $250,000

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