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4: The Spirit of Truth inspired the writing of the Bible

Task 1: CFM9, p.31. Write learning objectives

Watch ‘Old Testament in 5 minutes’: (5.39)

Task 2: Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the word ‘Bible’ come from (p.32)? What is the literal translation of
A: The word Bible comes from the two Greek words- ‘ta bibila’ – which means ‘the
2. In just a sentence, summarise the content of the Bible (p.31)
A: The Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament in which Gods teachings
are presented in many different ways including poetry, stories and hyms.

3. The Bible consists of how many books? (p.31)

A: It consists of 71 books

4. The Bible is divided into two collections. What are they called? (p.32)
A: The old testament which tell us about God forming the people of Israel as Gods
own people and the New Testament which tells us about Jesus Christ and his

5. In just a couple of sentences, outline the content of the Old Testament and New
Testament. (p.32)
A: The Old testament tells about God forming the people of Israel as God’s own
people and preparing them for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God whilst the
New Testament tells about Jesus Christ and his teachings.

Task 3: CFM9, p32 / Internet Research

1. The writing of the Bible involved FOUR broad steps. List them. (P32)
- The people’s experience of God
- The development of an understanding of what these experiences meant
- The inspiration of writers who recorded these understandings
- The selection of inspired texts and the discarding of inaccurate and non-essential
2. In the early days of biblical times, experiences of God were passed on through the
oral tradition and later written down. Choose ONE EXAMPLE from the experiences
listed below and write a one paragraph summary in your own words.
A: (Exodus 14: 5-31) There were two armies, the Philistines and the Israelites, are
preparing for battle. A giant Philistine warrior named Goliath challenges the
Israelites to a single combat. David, a young shepherd boy, volunteers to fight
Goliath. David then defeats Goliath using a slingshot and a stone, despite Goliath's
superior size and armor. And last at not least,The Israelites win the battle, and David
becomes a hero. This story represents the themes of faith, courage, and the
importance of inner strength over physical size.

OPTION 1: Exodus 3: 1-22


Scene from The Prince of Egypt depicting Exodus 3:1-22 (the burning bush): (5.01)
Burning bush scene from TV series The Bible:

OPTION 2: Exodus 14: 5 – 31

Scene from The Prince of Egypt depicting Exodus 14: 5 – 31 (parting of the Red Sea): (6.51)

OPTION 3: 1 Samuel 17
Scene from tv series The Bible depicting the encounter between David and Goliath: (3.46)

Extension / optional task: The Oral Tradition and Aboriginal Australia

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples have oral traditions that go back more
than forty thousand years. These are the oldest living traditions in the world. See links below
for some wonderful examples of this oral tradition.
3. Why do Aboriginal people believe that it is important to hand these stories from
generation to generation?
A: I think Aboriginal people believe that

Historical development of the Bible

Task 4: Research and Report back to class: One period in the historical development of the
Bible (see CFM9, p.35)
In pairs, students are allocated one period of Jewish History from 1850BC to 135AD. They
have one class period to research / make notes on their given period (links below for
starters) and then give a 2-3 minute oral feedback to class. Time allowing, this task may be
extended to a powerpoint or equivalent.
Research links: CFM9, p.36-58

Task 5: Creative writing task: A Prophet’s Diary

1. In the Biblical sense, define PROPHET (CFM9, p44)
2. Briefly outline your understanding of the Sinai Covenant
See Exodus 19:

You are going to write a diary or journal entry shortly after God has spoken to the prophet
Amos. First, read source materials (links below):
Amos 1-9:@
Prophet Amos overview:

Imagine yourself in role as the prophet Amos. You have been spoken to by God about the
many ways in which the people of Israel have strayed away from God’s teachings.
Write a diary entry of no less than 3 paragraphs. Include:

 Your astonishment that God has spoken to you

 Expressing your thoughts and feelings about some of the things God has said to
 Decide how the people of Israel may return to God’s favour?

Task 6: So who wrote the Old Testament?

1. The Old Testament may be grouped under which three headings? (p46)
2. Create a table, listing the four groups of writers responsible for the writing of the Old
Testament, and the periods of their writing (CFM9, p.46).
3. Between approximately 700 – 800BC, what important event did the Old Testament
prophets Isaiah and Micah prophesise? Support your answer with at least one
quotation from each scripture. See:
Isiaiah 52-53:
Micah 5:1-6:

Task 7: Prophet Poster

Use A3 paper or a suitable software package to create a poster dedicated either to the
prophet Isaiah or Micah. Include:

 an image of the prophet

 at least 5 important facts about their life
 at least two quotations from their scripture
 an image of their prophecy.

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