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EAM: Foundation Training Workbook

August 9, 2017
Course code: 01_0031130_IEN0394_EEN
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Table of contents
Table of contents ....................................................................................................................................... 3
About this workbook .................................................................................................................................. 7
Course overview ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Course description and agenda .............................................................................................................. 10
Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview .................................................................. 15
Infor EAM application overview ............................................................................................................... 16
Exercise 1.1: Log in to EAM ................................................................................................................ 17
Managing a personal account ................................................................................................................. 18
Exercise 1.2: Manage a personal account .......................................................................................... 19
Navigation and user interface ................................................................................................................. 20
Demo: Navigate the user interface ..................................................................................................... 22
Demo: Display List View versus Record View (split screen) .............................................................. 24
Exercise 1.3: Process records in a list using filters, sorting, resizing, and exporting ......................... 27
Demo: Enter and update fields ........................................................................................................... 31
Demo: Associate documents to a record ............................................................................................ 33
Demo: Manage comments .................................................................................................................. 35
Demo: Associate items to a record ..................................................................................................... 36
Exercise 1.4: Associate items to a record and manage comments .................................................... 38
Managing a Dataspy ............................................................................................................................... 41
Exercise 1.5: Manage a Dataspy ........................................................................................................ 42
Running reports ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Demo: Run a report............................................................................................................................. 45
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 46
Lesson 2: Start Center overview ............................................................................................................. 47
Start Center overview .............................................................................................................................. 48
Inbox overview ........................................................................................................................................ 49
Exercise 2.1: Personalize the Inbox.................................................................................................... 50
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) overview ............................................................................................. 52
Exercise 2.2: Personalize the KPIs ..................................................................................................... 53
Charts overview....................................................................................................................................... 54
Exercise 2.3: Display a chart .............................................................................................................. 54
Screen cache .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Exercise 2.4: Using screen cache ....................................................................................................... 56
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 58
Lesson 3: EAM equipment management ................................................................................................ 59
Equipment information ............................................................................................................................ 60
Setting up initial equipment information .................................................................................................. 61
Exercise 3.1: Set up basic equipment information .............................................................................. 62
Defining equipment ................................................................................................................................. 64
Exercise 3.2: Define an asset as equipment ...................................................................................... 66
Exercise 3.3: Define a system as equipment ...................................................................................... 67
Exercise 3.4: Define a location as equipment ..................................................................................... 68
Demo: Change an equipment number ................................................................................................ 69
Equipment hierarchies ............................................................................................................................ 70
Exercise 3.5: Create and maintain equipment hierarchy .................................................................... 75
Operator checklist ................................................................................................................................... 77
Demo: Create an operator checklist ................................................................................................... 78
Defining closing codes ............................................................................................................................ 80
Exercise 3.6: Define closing codes ..................................................................................................... 81
Equipment configuration and generation ................................................................................................ 82
Demo: Configure and generate equipment ......................................................................................... 83
Defining meter information ...................................................................................................................... 85
Exercise 3.7: Define and review meter information ............................................................................ 86
Setting up warranties .............................................................................................................................. 88
Exercise 3.8: Set up warranties .......................................................................................................... 89
Demo: Set up warranties for parts ...................................................................................................... 91
Maintaining equipment information ......................................................................................................... 92
Exercise 3.9: Maintain equipment information .................................................................................... 93
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 95
Lesson 4: Work configuration ................................................................................................................. 96
Work setup overview ............................................................................................................................... 97
Exercise 4.1: Define trades ................................................................................................................. 99
Demo: Define a qualification ............................................................................................................. 101
Defining employee information .............................................................................................................. 102
Exercise 4.2: Define employee information ...................................................................................... 104
Defining shift information ....................................................................................................................... 106
Exercise 4.3: Define shift information ............................................................................................... 107
Defining task plan information for work order planning ......................................................................... 109
Exercise 4.4: Define task plan information for work order planning ................................................. 111
Defining checklist information for work order planning ......................................................................... 113
Reviewing material lists for work order planning ................................................................................... 114
Exercise 4.5: Set up and copy material lists ..................................................................................... 115
Defining permits .................................................................................................................................... 117
Exercise 4.6: Define a permit and maintain permit body comments ................................................ 118
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 120
Lesson 5: Work management ................................................................................................................ 121
Work order processes ........................................................................................................................... 122
Creating and approving/rejecting work requests ................................................................................... 124
Exercise 5.1: Create, approve, and reject work requests ................................................................. 125
Processing work orders and work order activity ................................................................................... 127
Exercise 5.2: Define and create a work order and work order activity ............................................. 128
Applying transactions to work orders .................................................................................................... 130
Exercise 5.3: Add comments to a work order and book labor .......................................................... 131
Managing parts for work orders ............................................................................................................ 133
Exercise 5.4: Manage parts for work orders ..................................................................................... 134
Exercise 5.5: Additional costs for work orders .................................................................................. 136
Entering meter readings ........................................................................................................................ 138
Exercise 5.6: Enter meter readings for work order equipment ......................................................... 139
Viewing and modifying work orders ...................................................................................................... 140
Exercise 5.7: View and modify work order information ..................................................................... 140
Demo: Generate individual preventative maintenance work orders ................................................. 141
Scheduling work .................................................................................................................................... 142
Exercise 5.8: Schedule work for an individual work order ................................................................ 143
Demo: Batch work order scheduling ................................................................................................. 145
Completing and closing work orders ..................................................................................................... 147
Exercise 5.9: Close a work order ...................................................................................................... 148
Entering work orders on the Quick Entry screen .................................................................................. 150
Exercise 5.10: Create a work order on the Quick Entry screen ........................................................ 150
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 152
Lesson 6: Preventative maintenance .................................................................................................... 153
Preventative maintenance work orders ................................................................................................. 154
Exercise 6.1: Define PM routes for equipment ................................................................................. 158
Generating multiple work orders ........................................................................................................... 161
Demo: Generate a work order using the Generate WOs screen ...................................................... 162
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 163
Lesson 7: Material configuration ........................................................................................................... 164
Defining material configuration information ........................................................................................... 165
Exercise 7.1: Define material configuration information ................................................................... 167
Creating store bins ................................................................................................................................ 169
Exercise 7.2: Create a store bin ........................................................................................................ 170
Managing store parts information.......................................................................................................... 171
Exercise 7.3: Manage store parts information .................................................................................. 172
Managing manufacturer information ..................................................................................................... 174
Exercise 7.4: Define and associate manufacturer information ......................................................... 175
Managing suppliers ............................................................................................................................... 176
Exercise 7.5: Define a supplier ......................................................................................................... 177
Exercise 7.6: Create a supplier catalog ............................................................................................ 179
Demo: Global parts search ............................................................................................................... 180
Managing store and stock information .................................................................................................. 181
Exercise 7.7: Maintain stock information .......................................................................................... 183
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 185
Lesson 8: Materials movement .............................................................................................................. 186
Materials movement .............................................................................................................................. 187
Transferring parts .................................................................................................................................. 188
Exercise 8.1: Transfer parts .............................................................................................................. 189
Issuing and returning parts .................................................................................................................... 191
Demo: Issue/Return Parts screen ..................................................................................................... 192
Exercise 8.2: Issue and return parts from a part’s stock record ....................................................... 193
Creating and reviewing requisitions ...................................................................................................... 194
Demo: Generate a requisition ........................................................................................................... 195
Demo: Review automatic purchase order generation ....................................................................... 197
Exercise 8.3: Create a requisition ..................................................................................................... 201
Exercise 8.4: Copy a requisition ....................................................................................................... 203
Reserving parts ..................................................................................................................................... 204
Demo: Reserve and view part reservation ........................................................................................ 204
Viewing and modifying materials information ........................................................................................ 205
Demo: View and modify part information .......................................................................................... 206
Demo: View and modify part, store, and part price information ........................................................ 207
Viewing parts activity ............................................................................................................................. 208
Demo: Review the activity of parts .................................................................................................... 208
Reviewing physical inventory ................................................................................................................ 209
Demo: Complete a physical inventory .............................................................................................. 210
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 211
Lesson 9: Purchasing ............................................................................................................................. 212
Purchasing processes ........................................................................................................................... 213
Approving or rejecting part requisitions ................................................................................................. 214
Exercise 9.1: Approve/reject a part requisition ................................................................................. 215
Creating and modifying purchase orders .............................................................................................. 217
Exercise 9.2: Create and modify a purchase order .......................................................................... 219
Demo: Create a purchase order from a requisition ........................................................................... 221

Demo: Copy a purchase order .......................................................................................................... 222
Receiving and returning parts ............................................................................................................... 223
Exercise 9.3: Receive parts .............................................................................................................. 225
Exercise 9.4: Return parts to a supplier ............................................................................................ 227
Recording invoice vouchers .................................................................................................................. 229
Demo: Create and book invoice vouchers ........................................................................................ 231
Viewing transactions for purchase orders ............................................................................................. 232
Demo: View purchase order transaction and revision history .......................................................... 232
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 233
Lesson 10: Project management ........................................................................................................... 234
Defining project information .................................................................................................................. 235
Exercise 10.1: Define initial project information ................................................................................ 236
Setting up a project ............................................................................................................................... 237
Demo: Set up a project ..................................................................................................................... 239
Creating project work orders ................................................................................................................. 240
Demo: Create a project work order ................................................................................................... 241
Viewing project purchase orders ........................................................................................................... 243
Demo: Review project-associated purchase orders ......................................................................... 244
Comprehensive EAM process............................................................................................................... 245
Scenario: Perform EAM processing procedures ............................................................................... 245
Check your understanding .................................................................................................................... 253
Course summary ..................................................................................................................................... 254
Appendices .............................................................................................................................................. 255
Appendix A: User accounts ................................................................................................................... 256
Appendix B: Performing EAM processing procedures .......................................................................... 258
Scenario: Perform EAM processing procedures ............................................................................... 258

About this workbook
Welcome to this Infor Education course! We hope you will find this learning experience enjoyable and
instructive. This Training Workbook is designed to support the following forms of learning:
 Classroom instructor-led training
 Virtual instructor-led training
 Self-directed learning
This Training Workbook is not intended for use as a product user guide.

Activity data
You will be asked to complete some practice exercises during this course. Step-by-step instructions are
provided in this guide to assist you with completing the exercises. Where necessary, data columns are
included for your reference.
Your instructor will provide more information on systems used in class, including server addresses, login
IDs, and passwords.

Self-directed learning
If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, there may be instructor-recorded presentations
and/or simulations available to assist you.
If instructor-recorded presentations are available, a hyperlink to the recording will be included on the first
page of each corresponding Lesson.
If simulations are available, the demos and exercises throughout this Training Workbook will include
hyperlinks that allow you to view and/or practice the execution of the demo or exercise in a simulated
training environment.

Learning Libraries
Learning Libraries in Infor Campus include learning materials that are available to you online, anytime,
anywhere. These materials can supplement instructor-led training, providing you with additional learning
resources to support your day-to-day business tasks and activities.
Please note that if you accessed this Training Workbook directly via a Learning Library, you will not have
access to the Infor Education Training Environment that is provided with all instructor-led and most self-
directed learning course versions, as referenced above. Therefore, you will not be able to practice the
exercises in the specific Training Environment for which the exercises in this Training Workbook were

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 7

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Symbols used in this workbook

Hands-on exercise
For your reference Question

Instructor demonstration
Your notes Answer

Can be used for either

Important note Task simulation
(“Scenario” or “Discussion”)

8 About this workbook

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course overview
Estimated time
.5 hours

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
 Describe how to access and navigate EAM.
 Describe how to navigate and personalize the Start Center.
 Explain how to set up, create, and manage equipment in EAM.
 Explain how to define and configure work-related information.
 Discuss how to create, manage, schedule, and close work orders.
 Discuss how to create and manage basic preventative maintenance work orders.
 Describe how to define, configure, and manage materials.
 Summarize the processes and tasks associated with the movement of materials.
 Explain the processes and tasks associated with purchasing.
 Describe the main processes and functions associated with projects.

 Course description and agenda

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 9

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course description and agenda
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the essential core functions of the EAM
application suite with hands-on training of the most commonly implemented processes and
configurations. This training is for version 11.3 and previous versions.

Course duration
40 hours

 Customer User
 Pre-Sales Consultant
 Business Consultant
 Technical Consultant
 Support
 System Administrator

System requirements
 EDU: EAM 11.3 Training Environment

Reference materials
EAM reference materials are available from the following locations:
 EAM Help menu
 Infor Xtreme®

Course agenda
The agenda below details the contents of this course, including lesson-level learning objectives and
supporting objectives.

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

Course overview Review course expectations 1

1 EAM application and navigation Describe how to access and navigate 1

overview EAM.
 Define Infor EAM.
 Identify the business areas supported
by the Infor EAM application.
 Describe how to manage a personal

10 Course overview
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

 Describe how to use the navigation

features to enter basic information in
the Infor EAM user interface.
 Describe how to manage records and
relate external information to a
 Explain how to create and maintain a
 Describe how to run reports.

2 Start Center overview Describe how to navigate and 1

personalize the Start Center.
 Define the Start Center.
 Describe how to personalize the
 Describe how to personalize Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs).
 Describe how to display a chart.
 Describe how to use screen cache.

3 EAM equipment management Explain how to set up, create, and 1/2
manage equipment in EAM.
 Describe the EAM equipment
 Describe how to set up basic
equipment class, category, and
department information.
 Describe how to define equipment as
an asset, system, and location.
 Describe how to change an
equipment number.
 Discuss equipment hierarchies.
 Describe operator checklist
 Define closing codes.
 Describe the functionality for
equipment configuration and
 Define meter information.
 Describe how to set up warranties
and warranty parts.
 Describe how to maintain equipment

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 11

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

4 Work configuration Explain how to define and configure 3

work-related information.
 Describe work setup.
 Define trades and qualifications.
 Define employee information.
 Define shift information.
 Describe task plan information for
work order planning.
 Describe checklist information for
work order planning.
 Describe how to set up and copy a
materials list.
 Define a permit.

5 Work management Describe how to create, manage, 3

schedule, and close work orders.
 Discuss the work order process.
 Describe how to create, approve and
reject a work request.
 Describe how to process work orders
and work order activity.
 Describe how to apply transactions to
work orders.
 Describe how to manage parts for
work orders.
 Describe how to enter meter readings
for work order equipment.
 Describe how to view and modify
work orders.
 Describe how to schedule work for a
work order.
 Describe how to complete and close
a work order.
 Describe how to use the Quick Entry
screen to complete a work order.

6 Preventative maintenance Discuss how to create and manage 3

basic preventative maintenance work
 Describe how to define and schedule
preventative maintenance work
 Describe how to generate multiple
work orders using the Generate WO

12 Course overview
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

7 Material configuration Describe how to define, configure, and 4

manage materials
 Explain how to define material
configuration information.
 Describe how to create store bins.
 Describe how to manage store parts
 Describe how to manage
manufacturer information.
 Describe how to define supplier
 Describe how to manage stock and
stock information.

8 Materials movement Summarize the processes and tasks 4

associated with the movement of
 Discuss materials movement.
 Describe how to transfer parts.
 Describe how to issue and return
 Describe how to create a requisition.
 Describe how to reserve parts.
 Describe how to view and modify
materials information.
 Describe how to view parts activity.
 Describe how to complete a physical

9 Purchasing Summarize the processes and tasks 4/5

associated with purchasing.
 Describe how to approve or reject a
 Describe how to create and modify
purchase orders.
 Describe how to receive and return
 Describe how to record invoice
 Describe how to view purchase order
revision history.

10 Project management Describe the main processes and 5

functions associated with projects.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 13

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

 Describe how to define initial project

 Describe how to set up a project.
 Describe how to create project work
 Describe how to view project
purchase orders.
 Describe how to set up fundamental
procedures that represent the core
functionality of EAM.

Course summary Debrief course. 5

This section contains information that is not part of the instructional content of this course, but provides
additional related reference information.

Appendix Appendix title Content description

Appendix A User accounts This appendix provides a reference for student login

Appendix B Performing EAM This appendix provides the detailed steps to the Performing
processing EAM processing procedure scenario in Lesson 10.

14 Course overview
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and
navigation overview
Estimated time
3 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to access and navigate EAM. In this lesson,
you will:
 Define Infor EAM.
 Identify the business areas supported by the Infor EAM application.
 Describe how to manage a personal account.
 Describe how to use the navigation features to enter basic information in the Infor EAM user
 Describe how to manage records and relate external information to a record.
 Explain how to create and maintain a Dataspy.
 Describe how to run reports.

 Infor EAM application overview
 Managing a personal account
 Navigation and user interface
 Managing a Dataspy
 Running reports
 Check your understanding

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 15

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Infor EAM application overview
Infor EAM is the most configurable enterprise-grade asset management solution on the market. It gives
you the power to improve capital asset management in ways that increase reliability, enhance predictive
maintenance, ensure regulatory compliance, reduce energy usage, and support sustainability initiatives.
Available in industry-specific editions, it also gives you unparalleled flexibility to zero in on the specialized,
industry requirements that can turn your company's asset management into a competitive advantage.

Infor EAM will be referred to as EAM for the remainder of this Training Workbook.

EAM supports the following core business areas:

 Asset management
 Work management
 Materials management
 Purchasing
 Project management
 Scheduling
EAM is an enterprise-wide software application offering:
 Best-in-class asset management
 Industry-specific functionality
 Energy management
 Performance management
The EAM user interface is very simple to use. It combines the best features of a web browser and
Oracle® application design. EAM uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) to display dynamic data
based on an individual's configured preferences. Users who are new to EAM and more seasoned users
will both find the interface intuitive.





16 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Demo: Log in to EAM
Your instructor will demonstrate how to log in to EAM.





Exercise 1.1: Log in to EAM

In this exercise, you will log in to EAM.

Exercise steps

Verify you are logged in to the Training Desktop. If not, log in following instructions provided
by your course instructor.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, follow the instructions on the
course Lab On Demand screen.

1. Double-click the Infor EAM desktop icon. A Sign In screen opens.

2. Type <your assigned user ID> in the User name field. You may need to press Backspace to
remove inforuser. Note: Refer to Appendix A: User accounts to locate your assigned user ID
and password.
3. Type <your password> in the Password field.
4. Click Sign In. The EAM application opens.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 17

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Managing a personal account
A personal account contains your email address, system language, login password, and the duration that
you want success messages to display. Personal account information is accessed and can be modified,
as needed, through the My Account option on the screen header. It is important to always save My
Account information upon exiting the screen.

 If you change your user password and have any report schedules in Infor EAM Advanced
Reporting, you must renew your credentials in Infor EAM Advanced Reporting. Contact
your system administrator for more information.
 If Lightweight Access Directory Protocol (LDAP) (single sign-on, where your network
login and password are passed to EAM for access control) is enabled, the Current
Password, New Password, and Confirm Password fields are not displayed.
 If you modify Success Msg. Timeout or Language, you must log out, close all browser
sessions, and then log in to see the changes.





18 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Demo: Manage a personal account
Your instructor will demonstrate how to manage a personal account.





Exercise 1.2: Manage a personal account

In this exercise, you will manage a personal account.

Exercise steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Click the gray down arrow in the Header menu. A list of options displays.
3. Select My Account from the list of options. The My Account screen opens.
4. Click the drop-down arrow in the Success Msg. Timeout field. A list of options displays.
5. Select Until Closed from the list of options. Success messages will display until you click OK.
6. Type <a new email address> in the E-mail field. Note: You can use any email address you want.
7. Select English from the Language drop-down list.
8. Click the Save Record icon. A confirmation message displays at the top of the My Account
9. Click OK on the confirmation message.

You will click OK on all confirmation messages that you receive while working on
the exercises in this course.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 19

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Navigation and user interface
EAM is an Internet-based application. For Internet Explorer® (IE) versions 9 and higher, compatibility
mode must be enabled in order to access the EAM environment. EAM version 11 and higher are “browser
agnostic” and can be accessed using any commercial browser, including Google Chrome™, Internet
Explorer, Safari®, etc. If you want to bookmark the EAM login screen as a shortcut link, you may provide
the user ID in the URL. Additionally, your browser must be set up to allow cookies and enable
JavaScript® before accessing the login screens.
This lesson reviews EAM features and functions for fields, lists, records, associating documents or items
to a record, and managing comments.

The user interface

Once accessed, EAM includes several navigation options that allow you to quickly and easily find the
screens and information you need. You navigate through the system by clicking images, menus, buttons,
tabs, and hyperlinks on each screen.
The following table provides a description of the user interface component, what the component is used
for, and the actions that component performs.

User Use to: Actions


Header Access basic functions which Click the navigation tabs to access the
display on all screens. These major functional areas or modules within
include: Work, Materials, the system. The Header options vary
Equipment, Purchasing, Operations, based on the user group setup of the
and Administration. user.

Menu bar Display functions and menus (i.e., Click or hover the cursor over the
Work, Materials, Purchasing, etc.) navigation menus on the menu bar, and
that apply to a screen or screen on the system displays a “drop-down” menu
the menu bar. listing the selectable forms that apply to
that navigation menu.

Toolbar Access basic system functions (i.e., Hover the cursor over a button to view a
Save, New Record, Copy, etc.). pop-up description of the button's

Tabs Identify screens of information To add a tab: Click the More drop-down
associated with a screen within the list visible to the far right of the Record
system. Some tabs are displayed by View. EAM displays a list of additional
default, and others must be available tab options. The added tab will
manually added to the screen. not be saved by default after you log out
of the system.

20 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
User Use to: Actions

Permanently adding a tab is a security

function performed by your system

Message bar View system messages, errors, View messages after performing an
warnings, and options. action.

Right-click  Insert or update records (menu Right-click mouse

options options).
 Perform screen-specific
functions (screen-level options).
 Perform common functions that
are available on most screens,
such as audit trail (system-level
options displayed at the bottom
of the right-click menu).

Split screen  Select listed records and view Use the icons at the far right of the toolbar
them simultaneously on the to view the entire list (List View) or the
same screen. entire record. Press the middle icon to
display List View and Record View
simultaneously. Click the Expand Right
icon to view just the Record View or click
the Expand Left icon to view just the List

System  Perform system functions. Hold + press keys or key combinations

keyboard Examples: CTRL+F9 accesses
shortcuts My Account, CTRL+Q quits
EAM, etc. See the EAM User
Guide for a complete list of
keyboard shortcuts.

Help  Access the EAM User Guide.and  Press CTRL+H

EAM System Administrator  Click down arrow to the left of Work in
Guide the header and select Help

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 21

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The following image illustrates some of these basic EAM user interface components.

EAM user interface components

Demo: Navigate the user interface

Your instructor will demonstrate how to navigate the user interface.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. View the components of the Header.
o Work
o Materials
o Equipment
o Purchasing
o Operations
o Administration
3. Click the down arrow beside Equipment. A list of options displays.
4. Select Assets from the list of options. The Asset screen opens.
5. View the components of the toolbar on the Asset screen.
6. Select <any asset record> on the left side of the screen.
7. Click each tab to view screen options.
8. Click the Record View tab.
9. Right-click anywhere on the Asset screen to display the right-click options.

22 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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Screen layout
The screen in EAM displays records in a split, list, and or record view mode depending on the
preferences of the user. The default display format of the screen is defined by the system administrator in
the screen setup. Users can navigate between the three display options as needed.
The split screen, which is the system default for most screens, provides users with the option to perform
quick searches on key records data (e.g. description, organization) in list format, and then scroll down
and view or edit the record’s details in record view mode. It is noteworthy that the search performed in the
split screen would search all fields visible on the left, List view of the screen. Thus a search in the Work
Order screen in split view for MAINT would display records that contain the word in the Equipment, WO
Description or Department fields.
It is important to note that the records displayed in a split screen are subject to the restrictions applied by
the Dataspy for the given screen. To view the Dataspy, users need to access the List View of the form or
click the down arrow in the search bar.
The Expand Right icon displays the records in a simple list format, suitable for export to Microsoft®
Excel®. The Dataspy applied to the records is visible on the top-left section of the list. It also allows
access to any additional tabs available for the screen.
The Expand Left icon allows users to view details about a record in traditional record view mode. Record
View can be accessed by clicking the Expand Left icon or by double-clicking a record in List View mode.

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Demo: Display List View versus Record View (split screen)
Your instructor will demonstrate how to display List View vs Record View.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens. By default, it displays in Split View.
3. Click the Expand Left icon. This displays the screen in Record View. The image below identifies
the Expand Left icon.

4. Click the Expand Right icon. This displays the screen in List View. The image below identifies
the Expand Right icon.

5. Click the Split View icon. This displays the screen in Split View. The image below identifies the
Split View icon.





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Processing records in lists
A record is a compilation of information about or related to an item. EAM often displays information in list
or tabular format (e.g., List View or pop-up windows). Select a row in a list to view record details. You can
also quickly sort, filter, rearrange or resize fields, as desired.
The following table provides a description of the action and how it is used when processing records in

Action Use

Select row Select a row from List View and view the associated record in Record View.
EAM enables you to perform functions on the record selected.

Define quick Filter a list of records on screens (List View) or lookups to display only those
filters records that meet your specified criteria.
 The third field in the quick filter displays according to that field type (i.e.,
text box, drop-down list, lookup, radio button/check box, date).
 EAM applies the filters in addition to any filter criteria specified in a
Dataspy that is applied to the list. Note: Dataspys are discussed later in
this lesson.

Sort records Sort a list of records by any column in the list in ascending or descending order
by clicking the column title. Click once to sort the records in ascending order.
Click a second time to sort in descending order.

Arrange Drag and drop columns to arrange the order in which they are displayed.
columns  If the column header is dragged from left to right, EAM places the column
header after the target column.
 If the column header is dragged from right to left, EAM places the column
header before the target column.

Resize columns Click the line between the columns and drag it to increase or decrease
column width.

Save layout Save the layout so that it is used each time you return to that screen after
arranging and/or resizing columns.

Copy Copy information from one record to another within the same screen. Copying
a record creates an editable copy of the record and contains the same base
data. The Copy Record icon is only available and enabled on screens with List
View and Record View screens.

Export Export records from the EAM database directly into a Microsoft Excel file.
 The file can then be viewed using Microsoft Excel.
 EAM exports the results of the last query performed, even if those records
are not currently displayed on the screen (e.g., the screen has been
cleared, the number of records exceeds the screen display limit).

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Action Use

 The Export to Excel function exports a maximum of 64,000 records.

Display Total All List View screens have the ability to display the total record count, even if
Record Count this count exceeds the maximum number of records that can be displayed in
the List View.

 Custom fields on forms are displayed at the end of the filter drop-down list. Only
custom fields associated to the entity of the screen AND associated to a class with an
organization, for which the user has query rights, are displayed. If more than one
entity exists for the screen, then only the primary entity is used.
 To copy a record, you must have insert rights for the organization of the record you
are copying.





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Demo: Process records in a list using filters, sorting, resizing, and
Your instructor will demonstrate how to process records in a list using filters, sorting, resizing,
and exporting.





Exercise 1.3: Process records in a list using filters, sorting, resizing,

and exporting
In this exercise, you will do the following:
 Select rows in a list
 Define quick filters on a screen and a lookup
 Sort records
 Arrange and resize columns in a list and save the new layout
 Copy records
 Export records
 Display a total record count

Exercise steps

Part 1: Select rows in a list

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens. The List View for parts displays on the left and
the Record View of the selected part displays on the right in split-screen mode.
3. Click the Expand Right icon. The Part screen displays in a list.
4. Press and hold the Ctrl key on one of the rows. A row is highlighted.
5. Press and hold the Shift key on a second row. Two rows are highlighted.

Part 2: Define quick filters on a screen and a lookup

1. Click the (A) drop-down list under Part, before the Description column header.
2. Select Contains from the list of options.
3. Place your cursor inside the Description field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 27

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4. Type Valve.
5. Press F8. The Parts list is filtered and displays just those parts that meet your filter criteria.
6. Click the Clear Filter icon on the bottom right of the screen. Your filter criteria are cleared. The
image below identifies the Clear Filter icon.

Part 3: Sort records

1. Click directly on the word Part in the column header. The arrow in the column points up. The list
is displayed in ascending order.
2. Click directly on the word Part in the column header again. The arrow in the column points down.
The list is displayed in descending order.

Part 4: Arrange and resize columns

1. Click and hold the mouse on the Description column header.
2. Drag Description in front of the Category column header. A green check mark displays
indicating you can safely drop the item into its new position.
3. Click and hold the line between the Class and Description column headers. A double-arrow
cursor displays.
4. Drag the double-arrow cursor to the left to widen the width of the Description column.
5. Click Save Record. Your layout changes are saved.

Part 5: Copy a record

1. Click the Split View icon. List View displays in the left frame and Record View displays in the
right frame.
2. Select <any part of your choice> in List View. The Record View tab is selected.
3. Click the Copy Record icon. A copy of the record displays.
4. Complete the fields as needed to customize this record.
5. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays. A new record is created based on the
original from which it was copied.

Part 6: Export records

1. Click the Expand Right icon. Parts display in List View.
2. Click the Export icon on the bottom right of the screen. The image below identifies the Export
icon. Sheet 1.xls displays in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

3. Double-click Sheet 1.xls. An Excel spreadsheet opens populated with values from the EAM
record you selected.

28 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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4. Select File > Exit to quit Excel. It is not necessary to save the Excel spreadsheet. You return to

Part 7: Display a total record count

1. Click the Show Total Record Count icon on the bottom left of the screen. A pop-up window
opens indicating the total number of part records. The image below identifies the Show Total
Count Record icon.

2. Click OK.

A field is a single topic of information in a record. Required fields, noted by a red asterisk next to the field,
must be completed for a record to be valid. Fields that display with blue dots next to them indicate that the
field is hyperlinked. A hyperlink is a configurable link to another screen, which allows you to view and
retrieve information from another screen. Hyperlinks are configured by your system administrator.
If a field is not displayed, it is probably hidden. To resolve hidden fields, you will need to launch Screen
Designer to view all available fields. Right-clicking a field provides a list of options: Required, Protected,
Optional, Hidden, and Not Available. If the option displays with a gray background, that is the current
setting for the field. Simply select a different option to change the current setting.

Updating fields
The update fields feature is available only on the following List View screens:
 Work Orders
 Parts
 Equipment (assets, systems, positions, or locations)
 Requisitions
 Purchase Orders
The following table describes the action and result of that action.

Action Result

Right-click (in a Updates selected rows

field, in a grid)

Press Ctrl+click Selects/deselects an individual row; multiple individual row selections can be

Press Selects/deselects all rows between the first selected row and the last selected
Shift+click row

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Not all fields are available for update in the right-click options. If a field is protected or
hidden, it is not included in the list. In addition, some fields with associated special
business rules (e.g., prompting the user with a yes/no question) are excluded.

 The header at the top of the screen will always show the first record selected.
Therefore, if the list frame has multiple records selected, EAM remains on the
record displayed in the header. The multi-selection is lost when you leave the
 If a record being displayed in the header is no longer selected, EAM displays the
top-most selected record in the header.

Entering information into fields

There are five types of fields available when entering information into fields. The following table identifies
the field type and how the information is entered for each field type.

Field type Enter information by…

Text box Typing information directly into the field.

Drop-down list Clicking the field's drop-down arrow to select field input from a drop-down

Lookup (AKA "LOV" Clicking the field's search icon or pressing F9 to display a lookup screen
list of values) from which to select field input.

Date  Clicking the field's calendar icon to display a calendar from which to
select date input.
 Clicking in the field and then pressing the SPACEBAR to enter the current
date and timestamp, where applicable.
 Typing a date in a numeric format (e.g., 073017).

Radio button Selecting the radio button when there is a list of two or more options that are
mutually exclusive and you must select the choice.

Check box Selecting the check box when there are lists of options and you must select
any number of choices. You can have single or multiple check boxes.

 EAM only displays certain fields by default prior to customization. Your system
administrator has the rights to hide (hidden fields) and unhide fields as necessary.
 Search fields: If you type the first few characters of the value for which you are
searching, and then click the Lookup icon, all values containing the characters you
entered display.

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Demo: Enter and update fields
Your instructor will demonstrate how to enter and update fields.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <a part of your choice> that you want to update from List View. The row is highlighted
and displays the record details in Record View on the right in Spilt View mode.
4. Click the Expand Right icon. The list of records displays in List View.
5. Right-click <a selected record>. The option Update Field displays.
6. Select Update Field. The Update Field pop-up window opens.
7. Click the Field drop-down list. A list of field values displays.
8. Select Tracking Method as a field to update.
9. Select Stock from the New Value drop-down list.
10. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click Close.
12. Click the Split View icon. The record displays in Record View in the right-hand frame and List
View in the left-hand frame.
13. Confirm that Tracking Method with the field value Stock displays in Record View on the right.
14. Click the Expand Right icon. The list of records displays in List View.
15. Select <the same record from earlier in this exercise> in List View to update a second field.
16. Right-click <the selected record>. The Update Field option displays.
17. Select Update Field. The Update Field pop-up window opens.
18. Select Out of Service from the Field drop-down list.
19. Select the Set Value to Null check box.
20. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.
21. Click Close.

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Associating documents
Documents are associated to a record using the Documents tab. When associating a document to a
record, you specify whether EAM copies and/or prints document attachments that are linked to work
orders. For example, a technician who created an equipment record needs to attach a document to the
record (e.g., schematics, drawings, warranties).
The copy and print options displayed on the Documents screen change depending on the record to which
you are associating a document. Documents can be created as records in EAM and associated with
various entities. Such documents are uploaded into the system and are always available for printing.
Documents can also be uploaded by providing a link to the document location, e.g., a shared drive. In
such cases the document, if not uploaded into EAM, might not be available for a user who doesn’t have
access to the drive.
A document can also be disassociated from a record. When a document is disassociated, EAM removes
the document link from the record and updates the Documents list.

 Documents need to be saved as pdf files in order to be automatically printed with

 Modifying the copy settings of a document does not affect the copy settings of the
document already attached to any existing purchase orders or work orders.





32 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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Demo: Associate documents to a record
Your instructor will demonstrate how to associate documents to a record.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select More > Documents. Documents is added as a tab.
4. Click the Documents tab.
5. Click the Add Document icon. The Link Document pop-up window opens.
6. Click the Lookup icon in the Document field. The Documents pop-up window opens. A list of
pdf documents displays.
7. Select <a pdf document of your choice> from the list of documents.
8. Click OK. You return to the Link Document pop-up window.
9. Click Save. The document is associated with the record you selected.





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Managing comments
Comments provide additional information relevant to a record. Comments are entered and managed
through Add/Edit Comment screens in most EAM system modules. An Add/Edit Comments pop-up
window is accessed through the Comments tab or an Add/Edit Comments link on certain screens.
Through this screen, you can also specify whether the comment should print with the specified record. In
addition, comments automatically note the user and the time stamp.
The steps for entering comments are the same regardless of how you access the Add/Edit Comments
screen. To preserve all comments, do not erase existing comment text when modifying the comment.
Comments can be audited enabling users to retain all comment changes.
The Add/Edit Comments screen has its own toolbar, which includes a spell-check feature.

 To view or edit comments entered in another language, select the desired language.
The system displays that language's comments. If no comments were entered for the
selected language, EAM displays the comments for the user's default language.
 The Comments toolbar only displays when the HTMLCOMM install parameter is turned
 The spell-check feature relies on a third-party product called IE Spell to be installed. IE
Spell can be obtained at

The following table identifies the action and how that action is used for managing comments.

Action Use to…

Save Save an added or modified comment.

Erase Clear a comment, but not delete the link to the comment record.

Delete Delete the link to the comment record.

The Comments Audit Trail allows you to view comment history. However, you can only view audit
information if you have established audit control and changes have been made to the fields under audit.





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Demo: Manage comments
Your instructor will demonstrate how to manage comments
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Click <any record of your choice> from List View.
4. Click the Comments tab.
5. Click the Add Comment icon. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up window opens.
6. Type <any comment> in the message box.
7. Verify Print with Document is selected. This indicates that comments print on the associated
8. Click Save. The comment is associated with the record you selected. <The comment> with a
date stamp and user ID displays.
9. Double-click <your comment>.
10. Type <another comment> in the message box below <your original comment>.
11. Click Save. The comment is updated.





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Associating items to a record

Associate addresses
Mail, invoice, and delivery addresses can be associated with records and functions. Other contact
information, such as a mailing and email address, telephone, and fax number can also be captured in a
An address record can be deleted by selecting the address to be deleted and then clicking Delete
Address. EAM deletes the record and updates the Addresses list.

Associate parts
Parts can be associated with a number of entities in EAM. The functionality is particularly useful when
defining a parts associated list (sometimes referred to as bill of materials) for an equipment record. The
parts associated list displays the quantities of the part needed for the equipment, as well as the storeroom
availability of the parts.
To remove an associated part, select the part to remove, and then click Remove Part. EAM removes the
record and updates the parts associated list.

Demo: Associate items to a record

Your instructor will demonstrate how to associate items to a record.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Associate addresses to a record

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
3. Select <an asset of your choice> from List View.
4. Select More > Addresses. Addresses displays as a tab.
5. Select <any address type> from the Address Type drop-down list in the Address Details
section of the screen.
6. Type <any address of your choice> in the Full Address field.
7. Click the Submit icon. <The address you created> displays in the Addresses list.

Part 2: Delete an addresses from a record

1. Select <the address you just created>.
2. Click the Delete address icon in the Address Details section of the screen. The address is
deleted from the Addresses list.

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Part 3: Associate parts to a record (bill of material)
1. Select <an asset of your choice> from List View.
2. Click the Expand Left icon. The record displays in Record View.
3. Select More > Parts Associated. You need to click the down arrow to scroll through the list.
Parts Associated is added as a tab.
4. Click the Lookup icon in the Part field in the Part Details section of the screen. The Parts pop-
up window opens.
5. Select <a part of your choice> from the list.
6. Click OK.
7. Type <a quantity of your choice> in the Quantity field.
8. Click Submit. The part is associated to the asset in the Parts Associated list.

Part 4: View store room availability of the part

1. Select <your associated part>.
2. Select Actions > Stock Info in the Part Details section of the screen. The Stock Info pop-up
window opens showing stock availability.
3. Click Close.





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Exercise 1.4: Associate items to a record and manage comments
In this exercise, you use the basic functions to navigate EAM, manage items, and enter
comments. The basic functions you will perform include updating fields, processing record
lists, associating documents, managing comments, and associating items to a record.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Update fields

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <any record of your choice> you want to update from List View. The row is highlighted
and displays the record details in Record View on the right in Spilt View mode.
4. Click the Expand Right icon. The list of records displays in List View.
5. Right-click <your selected record>. Update Field displays.
6. Select Update Field. The Update Field pop-up window opens.
7. Click the Field drop-down list. A list of field values displays.
8. Select Tracking Method as a field to update.
9. Select Stock from the New Value drop-down list.
10. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click Close.
12. Click the Split View icon. The record displays in Record View in the right-hand frame and List
View in the left-hand frame.
13. Confirm that Tracking Method with the field value Stock displays in Record View.
14. Click the Expand Right icon. The list of records displays in List View.
15. Select <the same record from earlier in this exercise> in List View to update a second field.
16. Right-click <the selected record>. The Update Field option displays.
17. Select Update Field. The Update Field pop-up window opens.
18. Select Out of Service from the Field drop-down list.
19. Select the Set Value to Null check box.
20. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.
21. Click Close.

Part 2: Select rows in a list

1. Select the <same record from earlier in this exercise> in List View. The row is highlighted.
2. Perform one of the following options:
o Click a corresponding action icon (i.e., New Record, Next Record, Previous Record, Copy
Record, Help, or Screen Designer) to perform an action on the selected rows.
38 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview
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o Double-click <the row> to view the details of the record. The record opens in Record View.

Part 3: Associate documents to a record

1. Click the Split View icon.
2. Select <a record of your choice> in List View.
3. Click More. A list of options displays. These options are tabs you can select to appear on the
4. Select Documents. The Documents tab is added.
5. Click Create/Upload Document. The Create/Upload Document pop-up window opens.
6. Type <your assigned student ID TEST DOCUMENT> in the Document Code field. For example,
ST01_Test Document.
7. Type <your assigned student ID Attaching pdf Document> in the field to the right of the
Document Code field.
8. Select the Upload Document radio button.
9. Click Browse next to the File Name field. The Open window opens.
10. Double-click the EAM11.3 icon on the EAM desktop. The EAM 11.3 Foundation Course folder
11. Double-click the EAM 11.3 Foundation Course folder. The Infor EAM Start Center.pdf
12. Double-click Infor EAM Start Center.pdf. EAM opens the file, prepares it for uploading, and
populates the File Name field with the name of the file.
13. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays. The document displays in a folder hierarchy.
14. Double-click <your assigned student ID> TEST-DOCUMENT. The Link Document pop-up
window opens.
15. Select the Copy to Purchase Order check box. This enables EAM to attach this document to
any associated purchase order.
16. Review the following available options on the Link Document pop-up window.

Option Check this option if…

View Document You want to review the document.

Save You want to save the document after making

changes to the record.

Cancel You want to cancel the action.

Remove Document Link You want to disassociate the document.

Upload Document You want to send the document to another entity.

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17. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

Part 4: Add comments to a record

1. Click <a part of your choice> from List View.
2. Click the Comments tab.
3. Click the Add Comment icon. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up window opens.
4. Type <any comment> in the message box.
5. Verify Print with document is selected. This indicates that the comments print on the associated
6. Click Save. The comment is associated with the record you selected and displays with a date
stamp and user ID.

Part 5: Associate parts to an equipment record (bill of material)

1. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
2. Select <an asset of your choice> from List View.
3. Click the Expand Left icon. The record displays in Record View.
4. Select More > Parts Associated. Parts Associated is added as tab. Note: You may need to
click the down arrow to find Parts Associated.)
5. Click the Part field look-up icon in the Part Details section of the screen. The Parts pop-up
window opens.
6. Select <a part of your choice> from the list.
7. Click OK.
8. Type <a quantity of your choice> in the Quantity field.
9. Click Submit. The part is associated to the asset in the Parts Associated list.

Part 6: View store room availability of the part

1. Select <your associated part>.
2. Select Actions > Stock Info in the Part Details section of the screen. The Stock Info pop-up
window opens showing stock availability.
3. Click Close.

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Managing a Dataspy
A Dataspy is a named, pre-defined view of a list of records or a set of data. A Dataspy serves two
 It provides the layout of the List View of the screen.
 It acts as a filter, displaying records that match the parameter criteria defined in the Dataspy.
The Dataspy is the overall filter applied on a given screen. All records displayed in List View, or
searches performed using the quick search or multi-fields search function are subject to the data
restrictions imposed by the Dataspy.

Specifying Dataspy criteria

A Dataspy consists of four basic components listed in the following table. Through these components,
record-filtering criteria are specified when creating, editing, or copying a Dataspy. When the Dataspy is
applied to a list, EAM displays only the records that match the specified filter criteria in the sort order and
layout specified.

Component Description Example

Filter This component contains the Filter for all requisitions that have the status
conditional statements that make up a “equal to” approved, and a creation date
filter. “greater than” last Friday.

Sort This component specifies the order in Sort requisitions so that the most recently
which the records should be sorted. created requisitions are displayed at the top
of the list in descending order.

Layout This component specifies the fields Specify that the Requisition Description
that are displayed in the list and the column is displayed to the left of the
order in which those fields should be Requisition Number column and that the
displayed. Storeroom field is not displayed in the list.

Advanced This component specifies an Narrow a query further by adding a Where

additional Where clause used for clause. This component can be disabled for
filtering data. The Where clause is some users through security to prevent
appended to the Where clause corruption of existing Dataspys.
generated by the Dataspy filter. The
Where clause will be appended with
an “AND” statement if a filter has been

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Demo: Manage a Dataspy
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create, modify, and delete a Dataspy as well as
specify select Dataspy criteria.





Exercise 1.5: Manage a Dataspy

In this exercise, you will create, modify, copy, and delete a Dataspy as well as specify select
Dataspy criteria.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Edit an existing Dataspy

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Click Expand Right. EAM enables the Dataspy.
4. Click the Dataspy drop-down list located below the toolbar.
5. Select All Work Orders from the Dataspy drop-down list on the filter bar.
6. Click Edit next to the Dataspy drop-down list. The Dataspy pop-up window opens.
7. Click Copy.
8. Type <your assigned student ID Dataspy> in the field under Dataspy.
9. Click the first filter drop-down list.
10. Select Status.
11. Click the filter drop-down list located to the right of the equal sign (=).
12. Select Hold.
13. Click Layout in the left menu.
14. Select <any field of your choice> from the Available Fields list.
15. Click the Add Selected icon to move <your selected item> to the Visible Fields list.
16. Click Save. The Dataspy is saved and displays the results in List View.

42 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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Part 2: Modify the layout of the Dataspy
1. Select <your Dataspy> from the Dataspy drop-down list.
2. Click Edit. The Dataspy pop-up window opens.
3. Click AND underneath the filter field. AND is changed to OR.
4. Click the first filter drop-down list.
5. Select Status.
6. Click the filter drop-down list located to the right of the equal sign (=).
7. Select Ready – to Schedule/Assign.
8. Click Layout in the left menu.
9. Select Date Created from the Available Fields list.
10. Click the Add Selected icon to move Date Created to the Visible Fields list.
11. Drag fields in the Visible Fields list to rearrange the order.
12. Click Save. The Dataspy is saved and displays the results in List View.
13. Click the Dataspy drop-down list. The available Dataspys display including the one you just

Part 3: Delete a saved Dataspy

1. Select <your Dataspy>.
2. Click Edit. The Dataspy pop-up window opens.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Yes on the confirmation message indicating the Dataspy will be deleted.
5. Click the Dataspy drop-down list to confirm that <your Dataspy> is no longer in the Dataspy
drop-down list.

Hints for using Dataspys

The following list provides useful hints when working with Dataspys.
 EAM automatically includes a number of pre-defined public Dataspys. Only a system
administrator can modify a public Dataspy.
 Any Dataspy created by an R5 user is available to all users in the system.
 EAM can copy existing Dataspys. It is generally faster and easier to copy and modify a Dataspy
than to create one from scratch.
 Parentheses are used when running a query to group statements together when mixing AND/OR
 Enter relative dates by specifying + or – with units in days. For example, 1 is one day back, and
last week would be >= -7.

The R5 user group has full access to all functions, including data setup, system setup, and
system administration setups. R5 is one of the default groups that come with the system.

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Infor EAM User Guide
Please refer to the Infor EAM User Guide for specific information about searching for data
using a Dataspy.





44 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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Running reports
You can generate reports from the menu bar. For most reports, a Parameters screen is displayed that
requires you to enter selection criteria for the report. Some reports also include fields and group/sort order
screens in which you specify the way the reports will appear (similar to how you set up a Dataspy).
Reports are available in Adobe® Acrobat® format (pdf). The Acrobat file provides a preview of the report
prior to running and enables you to print the report to your local printer. EAM does not support numbers
with more than 16 digits.

Demo: Run a report

Your instructor will demonstrate how to run a report.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Reports > List of Stock. The List of Stock screen opens and report
parameters display. Note: You can also run reports from other selections on the header.
3. Click the Lookup icon in the Organization field. The Organizations pop-up window opens.
4. Select ORG1. Note: You can also double-click ORG1.
5. Click OK. ORG1 displays in the ORG field.
6. View the Report Options. Note: Use the defaults for Report Options.
7. Click the Print Preview icon. The List of Stock report opens as a pdf file. Note: You can also
click the Print Record icon.
8. Scroll through the List of Stock report to view the details.
9. Click the drop-down arrow located in the top-right corner of the screen. A list of options for
viewing the report in other formats displays:
o Excel Options
10. Click the right-facing arrow beside Excel Options. A list of Excel options displays:
o View in Excel 2007 Data
o View in Excel 2007 Format
o View in Excel 2002 Format
o View in CSV Format
11. Click X in the top-right corner of the List of Stock report to close it. You return to the List of
Stock screen.

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Check your understanding

Match each of the following user interface components with how it is used. The possible
user interface components are: Right-click options, Header, Split screen, and Toolbar.

Use User interface component

Access basic modules which display on all


Access basic system functions (i.e., Save,

New Record, Copy, etc.)

Perform screen-specific functions

Select listed records and view them

simultaneously on the same screen

Which two of the following options apply to a Dataspy?

a) You can only edit, save, and delete Dataspys that you created.
b) All users can modify a public Dataspy.
c) The layout component of a Dataspy specifies the order in which the records
should be sorted.
d) Dataspys act as a filter, displaying records that match the parameter criteria
defined in the Dataspy.

Where would a user change his or her password in EAM?




46 Lesson 1: Infor EAM application and navigation overview

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Lesson 2: Start Center overview
Estimated time
2 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to navigate and personalize the Start
Center. In this lesson, you will:
 Define the Start Center.
 Describe how to personalize the Inbox.
 Describe how to personalize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
 Describe how to display a chart.
 Describe how to use screen cache.

 Start Center overview
 Inbox overview
 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) overview
 Charts overview
 Screen cache
 Check your understanding

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Start Center overview
When you log in to EAM, the system displays the Start Center screen. On this screen, you can view Inbox
entries, key performance indicators (KPIs), and charts. To return to the Start Center from any screen, click
the gray down arrow on the Header and select Start Center.





48 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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Inbox overview
The Inbox displays user-defined information from different areas of the application, such as action items
for the users (e.g. overdue work orders), pending actions or activities (Inbox entries). The pending actions
or activities typically are process- or job-related and are configured by the system administrator based on
the business needs and requirements. You can hyperlink to other screens necessary to complete actions
or activities associated with Inbox entries directly from the Inbox. Inbox entries can either be user group-
specific or public, and can be assigned to specific user groups or defined as public entries that are
displayed for all users. The purpose of Inbox entries is to drive users to problem records or through a
process defined in the system.
The Inbox includes three drop-down list options, or folders, and associated screens of information:
 Operations
 Maintenance
 Management
You can specify the default Inbox tab and modify the text that appears on these tabs. Depending on your
system privileges, you can also modify the Inbox by adding and/or deleting entries.





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Demo: Personalize the Inbox
Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up, use, and modify the Inbox.





Exercise 2.1: Personalize the Inbox

In this exercise, you will set up, use, and modify the Inbox.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Specify the default Start Center Inbox tab

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Click the gray down arrow in the Header menu next to the Work menu item. A list of options
3. Select Start Center from the list of options. Inbox, Charts, and KPIs display on the screen.
4. Click the Inbox Folder drop-down list. Maintenance, Management, and Operations display in a
5. Select any one of the three options (i.e., Maintenance, Management, or Operations).
6. Click the Save as Default icon at the top of the Inbox pane. The displayed tab is set as the
default tab.

Part 2: Add entries to the Start Center Inbox

1. Click the Personalize icon at the top of the Inbox pane. The Personalize Your Inbox pop-up
window opens.
2. Type <a sequence number> in the Sequence field in the Inbox Entry Details section of the
screen. Note: You can also use the one EAM automatically provided.
3. Click the Lookup icon in the Inbox Code field. The Inbox Code pop-up window opens and
displays a list of available code options.
4. Select <a code of your choice> from the list.
5. Click OK. The code you selected populates the Inbox Code field.
6. Click the Folder drop-down list.
7. Select the tab (i.e., Operations, Maintenance, or Management) on which to place the Inbox

50 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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8. Select the Auto Refresh check box. Selecting Auto Refresh enables the automatic refresh of
the Inbox every time the Start Center is invoked.
9. Click the Submit icon. The Inbox Entries list is saved and updated.
10. Click Close. You return to the Start Center.

Part 3: Access screens from the Start Center Inbox

1. Double-click the Inbox entry, which you just added. A list of records displays matching the Inbox
2. Click the gray down arrow next to Work in the Header. A list of options displays.
3. Select Start Center. The Start Center displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 51

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Key Performance Indicator (KPI) overview
The Start Center displays KPIs and their scores. KPIs are user-defined parameters that measure
productivity or efficiency. EAM displays an icon and a score for each KPI on the Start Center. The Start
Center enables you to view the status of your work environment with respect to the KPIs specific to your job,
as well as your current score for each KPI. The scores for KPIs are calculated at regular intervals based on
the KPI definition.
The system administrator defines and grants access to the KPIs. KPIs can either be user group-specific
or public. Public KPIs are available to be displayed for all users. Depending on system privileges, you can
configure the Start Center to display KPIs based on your preferences. Modifying the sequence in which
KPIs are displayed is done through the Start Center. You can also delete KPIs.





52 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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Demo: Personalize the KPIs
Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up KPIs and access the screens associated with





Exercise 2.2: Personalize the KPIs

In this exercise, you will set up KPIs and access the screens associated with them.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Add KPIs to the Start Center

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Click the gray down arrow in the Header menu next to the Work menu item. A list of options
3. Select Start Center from the list of options.
4. Click the Personalize icon at the top of the KPIs pane. The Personalize Your KPIs pop-up
window opens.
5. Type <a sequence number> in the Sequence field in the KPI Entry Details section of the screen.
Note: You can also use the one EAM automatically provided.
6. Select <a code of your choice> from the KPI Code field.
7. Click Submit. The KPI Entries list is saved and updated.
8. Click Close.

Part 2: Access screens from Start Center KPIs

1. Double-click the KPI that you just added in the KPI pane. The screen associated with the KPI
2. Click the gray down arrow in the Header menu. A list of options displays.
3. Select Start Center from the list of options. The Start Center displays.

EAM only supports .gif files for the images displayed for KPIs on the Start Center.

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Charts overview
In addition to Inbox entries and KPIs, the Start Center displays charts based on user-defined SQL
statements. A chart is a graphical representation of data such as work orders assigned to specific

Demo: Display a chart

Your instructor will demonstrate how to display Start Center charts.





Exercise 2.3: Display a chart

In this exercise, you will display Start Center charts.

Exercise steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Click the gray down arrow in the Header menu next to the Work menu item. A list of options
3. Select Start Center from the list of options.
4. Select ORG1 from the Organization field in the Charts pane.
5. Select Work Orders Reported by Dept from the Chart Type drop-down list. This is the type of
chart you want to display.
6. Select Months from the Chart Period drop-down list.
7. Select All from the Department drop-down list.
8. Slide the Show Year/Year slider to the right. A chart and graph display based on your field
9. Hover the mouse over each the chart and graph to view the details. Note: A job runs every 24
hours that updates charts.

The selection criteria described above differs from chart type to chart type.

54 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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Screen cache
EAM provides the ability to add a screen-to-screen cache. Add to Screen Cache is a right-click option on
most screens. Once a screen is added to screen cache, the next time the user logs in, the newly added
screens will be listed as links at the bottom of the screen. The screen will load normally the first time it is
opened during a session but subsequent times it will load nearly instantly.
Selecting the link at the bottom of a screen that is cached will take you back to the screen in typical
startup mode.

The first time you cache a screen, you must log out of EAM and log in again to see the list of
screens cached.





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Demo: Using screen cache
Your instructor will demonstrate how to use screen cache.





Exercise 2.4: Using screen cache

In this exercise, you will use screen cache.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Add a screen to cache

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select the All Work Orders Dataspy from the search bar.
4. Press F8 to run the Dataspy.
5. Select <a work order of your choice>. The record details display in Record View.
6. Right-click any blank area of the Work Order screen in Record View. A list of options displays.
7. Select Add to Screen Cache from the list of options.
8. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
9. Select <an asset of your choice>. The record details display in Record View.
10. Right-click any blank area of the Asset screen. A list of options displays.
11. Select Add to Screen Cache from the list of options.
12. Click the gray arrow in the Header menu.
13. Select Logout.
14. Click X on the EAM tab to close EAM.
15. Log in to EAM following the steps in Exercise 1.1. An Assets link and Work Orders link display
at the bottom of the screen.
16. Double-click <one of the links>. The screen you cached opens.

Part 2: Remove a screen from cache

1. Right-click any blank area of the screen you accessed in part 1. A list of options displays.

56 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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2. Select Remove from Screen Cache from the list of options.
3. Log out of EAM following the steps in part 1.
4. Log in to EAM following the steps in Exercise 1.1. The screen is removed from the cached list.

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Check your understanding

What three things can be viewed from the Start Center screen?

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

What three drop-down list options or folders are available for selection from the Inbox?

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

Where can a user go to view user-defined parameters that measure productivity and




What functionality allows a user to access a screen using a link at the bottom of the screen?




58 Lesson 2: Start Center overview

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Lesson 3: EAM equipment management
Estimated time
4 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how to set up, create, and manage equipment. In
this lesson, you will:
 Describe the EAM equipment module.
 Describe how to set up basic equipment class, category, and department information.
 Describe how to define equipment as an asset, system, and location.
 Describe how to change an equipment number.
 Discuss equipment hierarchies.
 Describe operator checklist functionality.
 Define closing codes.
 Describe the functionality for equipment configuration and generation.
 Define meter information.
 Describe how to set up warranties and warranty parts.
 Describe how to maintain equipment information.

 Equipment information
 Setting up initial equipment information
 Defining equipment
 Equipment hierarchies
 Operator checklist
 Defining closing codes
 Equipment configuration and generation
 Defining meter information
 Setting up warranties
 Maintaining equipment information
 Check your understanding

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Equipment information
The equipment module is one of the core components of EAM. The setup of equipment determines to a
large extent the flow of transactions and cost information in the application.
Equipment records can be associated with a number of additional information such as warranties, meters,
bill of materials, drawings, etc.
There are four types of equipment used in EAM:
 Assets
 Positions
 Systems
 Locations
The definition of the equipment type is determined by the user and is dependent on the specifics of the
equipment and its function in the organization’s workflow.
The table below provides an overview of the different types of equipment and their typical application.

Equipment Description Example


Locations Locations are the physical locations of A pumping system is located in Room 104.
systems, positions, and assets.

Systems Systems are collections of positions If a pump stops working, you must turn off
and/or assets that work together so the entire water line to repair it.
that when one part goes down, all
parts are affected.

Positions Positions are functions performed by The pump that moves water from one tank
a general kind of asset. to another is a functional position, which
can be filled by any number of actual,
physical pumps (assets). Positions are also
called “functional positions.”

Assets Assets are the base unit of equipment An actual pump, motor, conveyor, vehicle,
information and the smallest tracking etc. is an asset.
unit for capital investments. Assets
are generally physical objects.

60 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Setting up initial equipment information
Initial equipment setup needs to be completed before the equipment can be used in the equipment

Set up equipment classes

Equipment classes provide a way to record basic identification and break down of equipment records for
searching and reporting purposes.

Set up departments
A department is the center or area that is responsible for the maintenance of equipment. A department
coordinates the work, assigns the appropriate crew, plans the work, and approves respective work
orders. The department is one of the core pieces of information in EAM and carries functions that go
beyond the general classification of records. It can also be used to provide additional security restrictions
for work-related information for system users.

 If custom attributes are created for equipment classes, those attributes roll down to the
category level and are visible in the Custom Fields section of the record.
 If classes have been created for a closing code, the general closing code cannot be
 A department cannot be deleted if it has already been used elsewhere in the system.





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Demo: Set up basic equipment information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up basic equipment class, equipment category
and department information.





Exercise 3.1: Set up basic equipment information

In this exercise, you will set up basic equipment class, equipment category, and department

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Set up equipment class

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Administration > Setup > Classes. The Classes screen opens.
3. Click the New Record icon. A blank Classes screen opens.
4. Click the Lookup icon in the Entity field. The Classes pop-up window opens.
5. Select OBJ-Equipment from the list of classes.
6. Click OK. OBJ populates the Entity field.
7. Type <your assigned student IDPIPE> in the Class field. This is the identifier.
8. Type <your assigned student ID Pipe for Pump> in the Description field.
9. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Set up equipment categories

1. Select Equipment > Setup > Categories. The Category screen opens.
2. Click New Record. A blank Category screen opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID CIRC PUMP> in the Category field. This is the identifier.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Circulation Pump> for the description. This field is located to the
right of the Category field.
5. Select PUMP from the Equipment Class field. <Your circulation pump> is valid for the PUMP

62 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: Set up a department

1. Select Equipment > Setup > Departments. The Department screen opens.
2. Click New Record. A blank Department screen opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID DPTCODE> in the Department field.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Department Code> for the description of the department. This
field is located to the right of the Department field.
5. Select ANDERSON - Dick Anderson from the Default Supervisor field.
6. Select MA-1 Main Store from the Default Store field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 63

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Defining equipment
An organization's assets, positions, systems, and locations are defined as equipment. Equipment must be
defined before associating parts or permits with that equipment or before setting up parent/child
Because equipment records are central to all functionality, EAM allows you to perform a number of
functions directly from the Asset, Position, or System screens using right-click functionality.

Defining assets
Generally, assets are defined as equipment that is tangible and touchable—things like machines,
vehicles, buildings, etc. Assets typically have manufacturers and serial numbers. When defining assets,
there are a few points to consider:
 An installation parameter (ASSETASS) determines whether assets are recognized at purchase
order creation or upon receipt for parts tracked by asset.
 If the AUTOANUM installation parameter is set to “YES,” the system automatically assigns an
asset number.
 The commission date of an asset defaults to the date its record is created.
 Criticality cascades to work orders when the asset requires maintenance.

Defining positions
Positions (also called functional positions) are next in the hierarchy of objects. Positions combine
processes and functions. They are like homes for assets or other positions. When defining positions,
there are a few points to consider:
 The commission date of a position defaults to the date its record is created.
 If a category is entered, for which calibration data has been defined, the system copies the
calibration and test point data to the position.
 Select the WO (Work Order) Completion field to create work orders against a generalized piece of
equipment in which you want to force the specification of a different piece of equipment before
closing the work order.

The WO Completion field prevents work orders written against the associated equipment
from ever being closed.

Defining systems
A system, the next element in the hierarchical object family, assembles assets and their functional positions.
A system is a collection of assets, positions, and perhaps other systems that work together toward common
goals and purposes.
Considerations when defining systems include the following:
 The commission date of a system defaults to the date its record is created.
 If a category is entered for which calibration data has been defined, EAM copies the calibration
and test point data to the system.

64 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Defining locations
Locations are the top level of the equipment hierarchy and, like other equipment, can have parents and
children with many sublevels. A facility with wings, floors, levels, and rooms is an example of a parent-to-
children location.
Locations identify where the system, functional position, or asset is physically located. An equipment
entity keeps its location until it is moved; that is, it can only be in one place at one time.
Considerations when defining locations include:
 Set up parent locations before setting up child locations.
 Parent locations cannot be deleted if child locations exist.
 The LOC entity governs locations.





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Demo: Define an asset as equipment
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define an asset as equipment.





Exercise 3.2: Define an asset as equipment

In this exercise, you will define an asset as equipment

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Asset screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID ASSET 1> in the Asset field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID ASSET 1> in the field to the right of the Asset field.
6. Select ELEC - Electrical from the Department field.
7. Verify that Installed displays in the Status field. If it does not display Installed, select it.
8. Select AIRCOMP - Air Compressor from the Class field.
9. Select the Production check box. This identifies the asset as being used in production.
10. Select the Safety check box. This identifies that safety precautions need to be observed when
working with this asset.
11. Verify that <today’s date> displays in the Commission Date field. This date can be changed by
clicking the Calendar icon and selecting the date the asset was put into service.
12. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

66 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Demo: Define a system as equipment
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a system as equipment.





Exercise 3.3: Define a system as equipment

In this exercise, you will define a system as equipment.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Systems. The System screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The System screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID SYSTEM 1> in the System field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID System 1> in the field to the right of the System field.
6. Select ELEC - Electrical from the Department field.
7. Verify that Installed displays in the Status field. If it does not display Installed, select it.
8. Select the Production check box.
9. Verify that <today’s date> displays in the Commission Date field.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 67

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Demo: Define a location as equipment
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define location as equipment.





Exercise 3.4: Define a location as equipment

In this exercise, you will define location as equipment.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Setup > Locations. The Location screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Location screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID LOCATION> in the Location field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Location> in the field to the right of the Location field.
6. Select ELEC - Electrical from the Department field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

68 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Changing equipment number
You can change the equipment code of a selected record. Only the equipment code itself is editable
although Equipment Description and Equipment Organization display when you open the Change
Equipment Number pop-up window. The equipment code can only be changed to a value that does not
currently exist in the r5objects table. All references to the old equipment number with the new equipment
number excluding eRecords and Audit Trail are updated.

Demo: Change an equipment number

Your instructor will demonstrate how to change an equipment number.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
3. Select <the asset you created in exercise 3.2>. The asset details display in Record View.
4. Right-click anywhere on the Asset screen. A list of options displays.
5. Select Change Equipment Number from the list of options. The Change Of Equipment number
pop-up window opens.
6. Type <your assigned student ID NEW EQUIPMENT> in the New Equipment field.
7. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays. The database is updated along with the number
of equipment references. Note: This may take a few seconds for the confirmation message to





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Equipment hierarchies
Equipment structure refers to the relationships between your various objects/equipment. A good
equipment structure serves the organization's needs with respect to cost accumulation, metering roll-
down, repairable spare exchange, and inspection routing.
Equipment hierarchies must be consistent with the hierarchy rules (e.g., a system cannot be the parent of
a location because locations are at the top of the hierarchy of equipment information). Assets, however,
are the exception to this rule.
Equipment types can be arranged in a structure, with systems at the top level and assets at the bottom.
Work orders can be written against any level of the structure, but most organizations generate jobs
against assets. Costs will also roll up a structure, and cost reports can be generated against a top-level
system to show work on all levels rolled into one number.
Basic rules for creating structure should be followed including:
 Systems can be parents to other systems, positions, and assets but cannot be children to
positions or assets.
 Positions can be parents to other positions or assets but can only be children to systems. Assets
are always subordinate to positions.
 Assets can be parents to other assets but only children to positions or systems.
Equipment can also have a many-to-many relationship in a hierarchy (for example, one asset linked to
two systems), but you run the risk of doubling reported work order costs when generating reports.
Location is not a top level to the structure, and you can create a parallel hierarchy of locations that relate
to the system-position-asset structure. Generally, more than one equipment item is related to a single
location, which simplifies your task in building a structure. A complicated location structure that has a one-
to-one relationship to all equipment will only make your life complicated, as well as limit some functions in





70 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Equipment structure examples
The following examples are not the only way to link equipment, but have been included to provide you
two graphic illustrations of linking equipment in structures. In smaller organizations, the structures may be
very simple and many assets may not even be placed in structures. Large organizations may have very
complex structures with many branches leading up long hierarchies to a single organizational point.
The following image is an example of a basic equipment hierarchy.

Basic hierarchy – system, position, asset

You should take time to plan out the equipment structure. A good planning method includes the following:
 Deciding what assets should be tracked, and which ones can be left out of EAM
 Organizing on paper how assets relate to systems, if at all
 Developing naming conventions for systems and assets that make logical sense to the
The following image is an example of planning out equipment structure.

Equipment structure

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Locations and equipment structure
Systems, positions, and assets can be associated with locations, which in EAM are simply records of
where you will find your equipment. Examples include cells on a production line, in the ceiling of a room,
or even at the top of a tower. Locations print on a work order to let a mechanic know where to locate the
equipment. Although costs roll up the equipment structure to the system level, you cannot track costs by
location using standard EAM records.
Locations can be built into structures and then associated with equipment.
Too often a tremendous amount of time and effort is put into designing location structures and this effort
may bring little return. Keep the structure simple and logical with physical or geographic placement as the
central concept.
The following image is an example of location and equipment structure.

Locations and equipment structure

Defining equipment hierarchies

A parent record must be defined before defining child records or parent/child relationships among
equipment. If a third level is added, the child becomes a parent, and the added piece of equipment is its
We learned earlier in this lesson that equipment in EAM is divided into four types:
 Locations
 Systems
 Positions
 Assets
Typically, you write work orders against assets, but you can design maintenance plans against all types.
72 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management
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Viewing equipment hierarchies
Equipment hierarchies are viewed on the Structure Details tab. The following table provides a description
of the structure attributes.

Structure attribute Description

Begins with a number This indicates that this equipment record is the highest level for
followed by equipment type that equipment type.
(e.g., 2003001A)

Blue highlight This indicates that the record is active. Children are shown in
detail in the right pane.

"+" before record This indicates that the equipment may have children not
displayed. Click the "+" to display child records.

"-" before record This indicates that the equipment has children that are
displayed. Click the "-" to hide child records.

"$" before record This identifies that the equipment's costs do not roll up to the
parent equipment. Use Toggle Cost Rollup to modify the
equipment record.

FLAG icon at end of record This indicates a child record.

Equipment hierarchy actions

Actions that can be performed on a selected or active record. The following table describes those actions.

Action Description

Drag and drop The drag and drop action is used to reorganize an equipment
hierarchy structure.
 A moved child record displays below the record on which it
was dropped.
 If an equipment record is moved to a new parent, its cost
and meter roll-up data also transfers to the new parent.
Un-link The Un-link action is used to remove the equipment relationship
of a selected parent or child.

Toggle Cost Rollup The Toggle Cost Rollup action is used to roll up costs and
history to a selected parent piece of equipment.

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Action Description

Show Parents The Show Parents action is used to view a list of all immediate
parents defined for the selected equipment. It identifies if a child
is dependent upon a parent.

Display as Focal Point The Display as Focal Point action is used to change the focus
of the structure details to be around the selected equipment.

Go to Selection The Go to Selection action is used to view the details of a

selected record in Record View.

Create WO The Create WO action is used to create a work order for a

selected piece of equipment in the hierarchy.

Viewing a parent record

A parent record provides a list of all immediate parents for a selected piece of equipment. Information
presented includes whether a child is dependent upon a parent. If this is the case, the Dependent check
box of the parent is selected. Only one parent can be identified as dependent for a child record. If a
location is a parent for the equipment, no parent can be identified as a dependent without removing the
direct relationship of the equipment with the location. When both the parent and child are locations, EAM
identifies the parent/child as dependent.





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Demo: Create and maintain equipment hierarchy
Your instructor will demonstrate how to first create an unlinked system. Your instructor will
then demonstrate how to create, define, maintain, and view equipment hierarchy.





Exercise 3.5: Create and maintain equipment hierarchy

In this exercise, you will first create an unlinked system. You will then create, define,
maintain, and view equipment hierarchy.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Create an unlinked system

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Systems. The System screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The System screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student UNLINKED SYSTEM> in the System field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Unlinked System> to the field to the right of the System field.
6. Select * DEFAULT/ALL DEPARTMENTS from the Department field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Locate equipment and add parent and child

1. Click the Structure tab. The Structure screen opens. You will build a family tree for equipment.
2. Click the first drop-down list under Equipment. This is the first filter in the Dataspy.
3. Select Systems from the first filter grid.
4. Select Organization from the second filter drop-down list in the Dataspy.
5. Click the down arrow next to (A). This is the third filter in the Dataspy.
6. Select = Equals.
7. Select ORG1 from the fourth filter drop-down list in the Dataspy.
8. Click Run. A list of assets that do not have a parent and are not children of other equipment

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 75

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9. Drag <your assigned student ID system> from the filter grid to Add Parent under Structure
10. Drag <another system> from the filter grid to the child. The child is located to the right of the
parent in the hierarchy tree. You have added the child to the hierarchy.

Part 3: Unlink systems

1. Select <the child> in Structure Details.
2. Select Actions > Un-Link. The equipment is removed from the hierarchy.

Part 4: Change equipment hierarchy focal point

1. Select <the system> under Add Parent.
2. Select Actions > Display as Focal Point. The equipment moves under the child. You have a
visual look of the equipment that is linked together.

Part 5: View equipment record details

1. Select <a piece of equipment>.
2. Select Actions > Go to Selection. The equipment displays in Record View.

Part 6: Toggle cost rollup

1. Click the Structure tab.
2. Select <the equipment> under Add Parent.
3. Select Actions > Display as Focal Point.
4. Select <a piece of equipment> under the child.
5. Select Actions > Toggle Cost Rollup. Cost are not rolled up as indicated by the icon displayed.
6. Select Actions > Toggle Cost Rollup. Costs are now rolled up allowing you to see the
associated costs.

Part 7: View immediate parent

1. Select <a piece of equipment>.
2. Select Actions > Show Parents. The Parent of: <Unlinked System> pop-up window opens.
This shows if it is a dependent parent.
3. Click Cancel.

Part 8: Create a work order

1. Select <a piece of equipment>.
2. Select Actions > Create WO. The Create Work Order/Activity pop-up window opens. You can
create the details of a work order.
3. Click Cancel. You will not create a work order at this time.

76 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Operator checklist
The operator checklist functionality in EAM is helpful in associating checklist items to equipment without
the need for creating a work order. Once an equipment and task plan are selected from the Operator
Checklist screen, the checklist items for the associated task plan can be viewed and completed. After the
checklist operator is finished with the checklist steps, the operator checklist record can be sent for review
or completed to end the process.
The operator checklist is where the checklist items from a task plan are associated with the equipment.
The detail section at the top of the screen is where the task plan and equipment are associated with the
checklist items populating in the editable grid below it.
Once the checklist items are created, the operator checklist record can either Move to Complete or Move
to Cancel.
One of the action available on this screen includes Create Follow-up WO. If the user selects the Create
Follow-up WO from the Actions menu, EAM generates follow-up work orders for all checklist items of the
selected operator checklist record where Follow-up is selected and where Follow-up WO – Activity No is
not populated.

 The Move to Complete button on this screen can be set to a status of Unfinished,
Review, or Complete based on the setting of the field filter setup screen.
 Unfinished lets you edit the operator checklist before the review process.
 Review moves it to the Review Operator Checklist screen.
 Complete completes the process populating an End Date/Time.

In the Checklist Control section of the screen, the two check boxes Reviewed By Required and
Performed by Required mean that the checklist will not be applied against equipment until these two
fields are populated in the Operator Workbench.
The Review Operator Checklist screen is used for reviewing the operator checklist records. After
reviewing the operator checklist record, the status can be moved to Complete on this screen. If any
checklist items require follow-up before completion, the Organization option OCCLFLUP checks if there
are any checklist items which require follow-up i.e. (follow up work order not created). Depending on the
setting, it will let you complete the record (if setting is YES); or let you complete with a warning (if setting
is WARNING). If it’s set to NO, this check is not performed.
The Operator Checklist for Equipment is a read-only tab on the equipment screens which lists all the
operator checklist records with the associated task plan record related to the header. Double-clicking a
record on this tab opens the read-only Checklist Items pop-up window listing all the checklist items for the
task plan record.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 77

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Demo: Create an operator checklist
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an operator checklist.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Create checklist

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Planning > Task Plans. The Task Plan screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Task Plan screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID TASK PLAN> in the Task Plan field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Task Plan in the field to the right of the Task Plan field.
6. Select the Active Checklist check box.
7. Type Follow Up Work Order in the WO Description field.
8. Select Breakdown from the WO Type drop-down list.
9. Select Open-Scheduled/Assigned from the WO Status drop-down list.
10. Click Save Record. Note: You must save the record so you can continue creating the checklist.
11. Click More > Checklist. The Checklist tab displays.
12. Type Visual Inspection in the unlabeled description field to the right of the Checklist Item field in
the Checklist Details section of the screen.
13. Type 1 in the Sequence field.
14. Note the following field values:
o Type - Checklist Item
o Required Entry – No
o Equipment Level – Header Equipment
15. Click Submit. The Checklist list is updated.
16. Type LOTO Required (lock out tag out) in the unlabeled description field to the right of Checklist
17. Type 2 in the Sequence field.
18. Select Question (Yes/No) from the Type drop-down list.
19. Click Submit. The Checklist list is updated with the second checklist item.
20. Type Measure Pressure in the unlabeled description field to the right of Checklist Item.
21. Type 3 in the Sequence field.
22. Select Checklist Item from the Type drop-down list.
23. Click Submit.
78 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management
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24. Click Save. The Checklist list is item is updated. Three checklist items display.

Part 2: Use checklist

1. Select Work > Additional Features > Operator Checklist > Operator Checklist. The Operator
Checklist Details screen opens.
2. Click the Lookup icon in the Equipment field. The Equipment Lookup pop-up window opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID> in the text box filter field next to Equipment.
4. Click Run. A list of <your equipment> displays.
5. Select <one of your pieces of your equipment>.
6. Click OK. You return to the Operator Checklist screen.
7. Select <your task plan> from the Task Plan field.
8. Click the Create Checklist button. <Your checklist> displays.
9. Select the three check boxes for the items you completed in the Results column.
10. Click Submit at the bottom of the screen.
11. Click the Move to Complete button.

The Repeating Occurrences check box on the Checklist Details form enables you to
identify a checklist item as a task that must be performed repeatedly. If you select
the Follow-Up check box, a follow-up work order is generated.

Part 3: View the completed checklist

1. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
2. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Search within All Assets field.
3. Press F8. <Your asset> displays in List View with the details in Record View.
4. Select More > Operator Checklists. <Your checklist> associated with the equipment asset





EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 79

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Defining closing codes
Throughout the life cycle of maintenance and repair work, it is helpful to register certain information
related to the sources of problems that resulted in the work and the nature of the work that remedied the
problems. Such information collection over time, allows a user to perform failure analysis to disclose
formerly unknown weaknesses in business processes, system design, operational utilization, and the like.
EAM defines four kinds of information that, collectively, contribute to this in-depth analysis. The
information types that define this information are known as closing codes, because typically the
information becomes available at the time the work order is being closed. These codes may be applied
against any repair job for any piece of equipment. The closing codes can be restricted to specific
equipment classes, if needed to provide a more targeted analysis.
The four kinds of closing codes include:
 Problem codes
 Failure codes
 Cause codes
 Action codes
Because the closing codes can be equipment-specific, they are defined as part of the equipment setup.
Typically, initial set up of the closing codes would be entered by a system administrator or other
authorized user.





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Demo: Define closing codes
Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up closing codes and associate closing codes
with classes.





Exercise 3.6: Define closing codes

In this exercise, you will set up closing codes and associate closing codes with classes.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Set up a closing code

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Setup > Closing Codes. The Closing Code screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Closing Code screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student IDPROB> in the Closing Code field
5. Type <your assigned student ID Problem Code> in the field to the right of the Closing Code field.
6. Select Problem Code from the Type drop-down list.
7. Clear the Valid for all Equipment Classes check box. Note: You may need to click the down
arrow to the right in the Equipment Details section of the screen to expose the Valid for all
Equipment Classes check box. The closing code is made available to associate with only
specific equipment based on the class defined for the equipment.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Associate closing code with a class

1. Click the Classes tab.
2. Select BLDG - Building from the Class field in the Class Details section of the Closing Code
3. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays. The Class list is associated with the closing

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 81

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Equipment configuration and generation
EAM uses an Equipment Generation screen to generate equipment records. The Equipment
Configuration screen is essentially a template to create assets. New records can also be created using
the Upload Utility.
The Equipment Configuration screen includes the following tabs:
 PM Schedules
 Maintenance Patterns
 Structure
 Calibration
 Test Points
 Safety
 Permits
 Depreciation
 Where Used
The Equipment Configuration screen includes the following fields and functions:
 Preventative Maintenance (PM) and maintenance pattern-specific fields are required for the
generation of PM and Maintenance Pattern (MP) work orders. These fields can be found on both
the Record View and the Details tabs.
 Sequence numbers that determine the equipment code for positions and systems are now unique
per organizations. For assets, they are still unique across organizations.
When warnings exist and organization option (GENEQWRN) is set to generate equipment, the system will
ask for confirmation.





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Demo: Configure and generate equipment
Your instructor will demonstrate how to configure and generate equipment.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Configure equipment

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Equipment Configuration > Equipment Configurations. The Equipment
Configuration screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Equipment Configuration screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PUMP> in the Equipment Configuration field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Vacuum Pump> in the field to the right of the Equipment
Configuration field.
6. Select <your department> from the Department field.
7. Select PUMP from the Class field.
8. Select <your category> from the Category field.
9. Select <an employee of your choice> from the Assigned To field.
10. Select Non-Production from the Criticality drop-down list.
11. Verify that Asset populates the Equipment Type field. If not, select it.
12. Verify that Installed displays in the Equipment Status field. If not, select it.
13. Verify that the Auto Number check box is selected. If not, select it.
14. Click the PM Schedules tab. Note: The information you added automatically saves.
15. Select AIRCOMP-PM-M - Monthly Aircompressor Inspection from the PM field.
16. Click Submit.
17. Click Save. A confirmation message displays. You have a preventative maintenance attached to
a configuration.

Part 2: Approve the configuration

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select Request Approval from the Status drop-down list.
3. Click Save Record.
4. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
5. Click Save Record.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 83

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Part 3: Equipment generation
1. Select Equipment > Equipment Configuration > Equipment Generation. The Equipment
Generation screen opens.
2. Type Generate Vacuum Pumps in the field to the right of the Session field.
3. Select <your vacuum pump configuration> from the Configuration field.
4. Type 5 in the Generate Count field.
5. Click Save Record.
6. Click the Create/Refresh Preview button located in the middle of the right side of the screen. A
confirmation message displays that a preview has been created.
7. Click the Details tab.
8. Select the record at the top of the screen. Details of the record display at the bottom of the
9. Click the Preview tab. The individual assets display.
10. Select Actions > Generate Equipment at the bottom of the screen. EAM generates the
equipment assets and assigns numbers to each asset.
11. Write down each number here. ____________________________________________________
12. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
13. Type <the first equipment number> in the Search within All Assets field.
14. Press F8. A detailed record displays.
15. Click the PM Schedule tab. The PM schedule is assigned to this asset.
16. Follow steps 13 through 15 to view the records for the remaining assets.





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Defining meter information
There are two types of meters: physical and logical. A physical meter is a tangible device, such as a car
odometer, that measures a particular usage of a piece of equipment. Physical meters have limits on how
much usage you can track before the meter resets to zero. Physical meters are defined in the Meters
In EAM, a logical meter is a relationship between a unit of measure and an object. This relationship is
defined to record the cumulative usage of an object throughout its operational life, regardless of how
many times a corresponding physical meter rolls over or was replaced. The cumulative usage or logical
meter reading, which is updated from readings taken from a physical meter, always increases over time—
it never rolls over. A logical meter can only be linked to one physical meter. An example of a logical meter
is the recording of the total mileage driven by a vehicle. The logical meter may show that the vehicle has
made 225,000 miles since it was manufactured. The corresponding physical meter may have rolled over
twice (at 99,999 miles each time) and presently reads 25,000.
Logical meters may be defined for any child objects to ensure that the usage recorded against a parent
object rolls down to that child object. A child object then incurs the readings of the parent object until it is
removed from the parent. If it is then fitted to another parent, its cumulative reading (logical meter) is
carried over and subsequently updated from readings taken from its new parent.
When a specified value or reading is reached on an object, EAM can generate a work order for
preventative maintenance. In order for the system to know when to do this, it needs some specific
information. The physical meters do not trigger the planned preventative maintenance mechanism
directly. A physical meter must always be linked to a type of usage/unit of measure in order for the system
to generate a work order.
Users can associate defined meter information of a logical meter with a piece of equipment. The attained
meter readings allow users to track equipment usage resulting in more effective management of
preventative maintenance. Managing equipment warranties, filing claims, as needed, and scheduling
preventative maintenance safeguard against costly equipment failures.





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Demo: Review and define meter information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define physical and logical meters, enter meter
readings, and view meter history.





Exercise 3.7: Define and review meter information

In this exercise, you will define physical and logical meters, enter meter readings, and view
meter history.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a new physical meter record

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Setup > Meters. The Meter screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Meter screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PHYSICAL METER> in the Meter field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Physical Meter> in the field to the right of the Meter field.
6. Select HUR (hour) from the Meter Unit field.
7. Type 999 in the Maximum Value field.
8. Type 200 in the Last Value field.
9. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Define a new logical meter

1. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
2. Select <your asset 1 asset> from the list.
3. Select More > Meters. Meter Details display at the bottom of the screen.
4. Select HUR from the UOM field.
5. Select Standalone from the Type of Meter drop-down list. Note: Standalone may have
6. Type 500 in the Total Usage field. This value is the usage of the logical meter.

86 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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7. Type 200 in the Usage Since Install field. This value is the usage of the logical meter since the
last change in the equipment hierarchy.
8. Select <your physical meter> from the Physical Meter field.
9. Select <yesterday’s date> from the Last Reading Date field.
10. Click Submit. The Meters list is updated.

Part 3: Enter meter readings

1. Select <the meter record> at the top of the screen.
2. Select Actions > Enter Meter Reading in the Meter Details section of the screen. The Add
Meter Reading pop-up window opens.
3. Select Reading from the Entry Type drop-down list.
4. Type 600 in the Value field.

You cannot enter a reading lower than the last reading.

5. Click Submit. The last meter reading displays on the record.

Part 4: View meter history

1. Select <the meter record> at the top of the screen.
2. Select Actions > View Meter History. The Meter History pop-up window opens. The history of
the meter readings displays.
3. Click Close.

Only the most recent meter readings can be deleted. To delete meter readings,
select them and click Delete Reading before you click Cancel. Save between each

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 87

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Setting up warranties
EAM provides the ability to record warranties against equipment, track warranty information, and process
warranty claims. Warranty documents include supplier and/or manufacturer information for the warranty.
The duration of the warranty and the percentages indicating the warranty coverage for different material
and labor expenses are also specified.

Associate warranties with equipment

Warranty documents are associated with specific pieces of equipment. Warranty terms are defined based on
equipment usage or date.
Warranty coverage records can be associated with an asset, position, or system. One or more warranty
coverage records may be established for a piece of equipment for tracking purposes to ensure that
stipulations of the warranty are adhered to both internally and externally. The installation parameter
COVDUPAC controls whether equipment can have multiple active warranty coverages. In general, there
are two types of warranty coverage records that can be tracked for equipment: calendar-based and usage-
 Calendar-based coverage records require a duration value expressed in days. The start and
expiration of this type of warranty for a given piece of equipment are expressed in terms of
calendar dates.
 Usage-based warranty coverage records require a duration value expressed in some unit of
measure other than days. The warranty's unit of measure must be defined as a logical meter for the
equipment. The start and expiration of this type of warranty for a given piece of equipment are
expressed in terms of usage.





88 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Demo: Set up warranties
Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up warranties, associate warranties with
equipment, and add calendar-based and usage-based coverage.





Exercise 3.8: Set up warranties

In this exercise, you will set up warranties, associate warranties with equipment, and add
calendar-based and usage-based coverage.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Set up an equipment warranty

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Warranty > Warranties. The Warranty screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Warranty screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID WARRANTY> in the Warranty field
5. Type <your assigned student ID Warranty> in the field to the right of the Warranty field.
6. Select Equipment from the Warranty Type drop-down list.
7. Select Standard from the Agreement Type drop-down list.
8. Select <today’s date> from the Agreement Start Date field.
9. Select <one year from today’s date> in the Agreement End Date field.
10. Type 30 in the Default Renewal Threshold field.
11. Type <an email address of your choice> in the Renewal Email Alert field.
12. Select Agreement Start Date from the Start Date Basis drop-down list in the Coverage Details
section of the Warranty screen.
13. Type 365 in the Default Duration field.
14. Verify that the Exclude PM Work Order check box is selected. If not, select it. A pop-up window
will display on a work order if the equipment is under warranty. You don’t need to do this for PMs
even if they are under warranty.
15. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 89
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Part 2: Add calendar-based warranty coverage to the equipment
1. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
2. Select <your asset 1 asset>.
3. Select More > Warranties. The Warranties tab displays.
4. Select <your warranty> from the Warranty field.
5. Select <a year from today’s date> from the Expiration Date field.
6. Verify that the Active check box is selected. If not, select it.
7. Click Submit. The Warranties list is updated.

 If using the COVDURUP installation parameter, you may modify the Duration
field of any warranty coverage record.
 If using the COVDUPAC installation parameter, equipment can only have one
active warranty coverage at any given time.
 The system automatically adjusts the Duration if the Start Date or Expiration
Date is modified.
 The system automatically populates the Expiration Date based on the Start
Date and the warranty Duration. This field may be modified as needed.
 The system automatically populates the Expiration Usage based on the Starting
Usage and the Duration UOM (unit of measure). This field may be modified as
 To delete warranty coverage from equipment, select the warranty record to
delete, and then click Delete Warranty Coverage. The system deletes the
record and updates the Warranties list.

90 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Warranty for parts
You can warranty parts in addition to equipment.

Demo: Set up warranties for parts

Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up warranties for parts.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Warranty > Warranties. The Warranty screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Warranty screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID WARRANTY PARTS> in the Warranty field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Warranty for Parts> in the field to the right of the Warranty field.
6. Select Part from the Warranty Type drop-down list.
7. Select Standard from the Agreement Type drop-down list.
8. Select <today’s date> from the Agreement Start Date field.
9. Select <one year from today’s date> from the Agreement End Date field.
10. Select Agreement Start Date from the Start Date Basis drop-down list.
11. Type 365 in the Default Duration field.
12. Type 30 in the Default Renewal Threshold field.
13. Type <an email address of your choice> in the Renewal Email Alert field.
14. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
15. Click the Parts tab.
16. Select <a part of your choice> from the Part field.
17. Type 365 in the Warranty Period field.
18. Select Replacement from the Reimbursement Type drop-down list.
19. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.




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Maintaining equipment information
Transfer equipment between organizations
Occasionally there is a need to physically transfer particular equipment within facilities to accommodate
changing manufacturing needs, etc. In such instances, EAM provides users the option to perform the
transfer for the equipment record within the system. An equipment transfer assigns the equipment record
to a new organization and brings all historical work order and cost information for the equipment.
You can only transfer equipment records with a system status of Installed. The system only copies
information that is valid within the equipment record's new organization.

View and modify equipment information

Equipment related to work orders or other events can be viewed or modified through the Asset, Position,
System, or Location screen. The equipment information available for viewing includes equipment costs,
material usage, and purchase orders for the equipment.





92 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Demo: Maintain equipment information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to maintain equipment information.





Exercise 3.9: Maintain equipment information

In this exercise, you will maintain equipment information.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Transfer a record

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
3. Select <your asset 1 asset>.
4. Right-click anywhere on the Asset screen. A list of options displays.
5. Select Transfer Equipment from the list of options. The Transfer Equipment pop-up window
6. Select <an organization of your choice> from the Organization field.
7. Select Installed from the Status drop-down list.
8. Click Transfer. EAM transfers the record.

Part 2: View work orders/events related to the equipment

1. Click the Events tab.
2. Type ATT in the Event Type field in the filter row.
3. Press F8. The transfers associated with the equipment display. Note: You can also click Run
instead of F8.

Part 3: View equipment costs

1. Type 100000 in the Search within All Assets field.
2. Press F8. A list of records displays.
3. Click the Costs tab. The cost breakdown associated with the asset displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 93

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4. Click the Refresh Cost Data button. EAM calculates the current cost information for the selected
equipment and updates the cost list. Note: You only need to follow this step if the Refresh Cost
Data button is enabled.

Part 4: View material usage

1. Select More > Material Usage. Material usage transactions for the asset display.

Part 5: View purchase orders for the equipment

1. Type 10001 in the Search within All Assets field.
2. Press F8. A list of records displays.
3. Select 10001 in List View.
4. Select More > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order tab displays.
5. Click Edit next to Outstanding POs Dataspy. The Dataspy pop-up window opens.
6. Click Copy.
7. Type <your assigned student ID All POs> in the Dataspy name field (unlabeled field).
8. Select No Filter from the first filter drop-down list.
9. Select No Filter from the second filter drop-down list.
10. Click the Layout tab.
11. Select Equipment from the Available Fields list.
12. Click Add Selected. Equipment moves to the Visible Fields list.
13. Click Save. <Your All POs Dataspy> is saved.
14. Click the Dataspy drop-down list.
15. Select <your All POs Dataspy>.
16. Click Run. The purchase order associated with this asset displays.

94 Lesson 3: EAM equipment management

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Check your understanding

What is the importance of the equipment module?




What are the four types of equipment in EAM?

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

What functionality in EAM associates checklist items to equipment without the need to create
a work order?




What is the importance of setting up departments?.




EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 95

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Lesson 4: Work configuration
Estimated time
4 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how to define and configure work-related
information. In this lesson, you will:
 Describe work setup.
 Define trades and qualifications.
 Define employee information.
 Define shift information.
 Describe task plan information for work order planning.
 Describe checklist information for work order planning.
 Describe how to set up and copy a materials list.
 Define a permit.

 Work setup overview
 Defining employee information
 Defining shift information
 Defining task plan information for work order planning
 Defining checklist information for work order planning
 Reviewing material lists for work order planning
 Defining permits
 Check your understanding

96 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Work setup overview
Creating the work order is the first step in the work order lifecycle. It begins when a person, department,
or company identifies work the maintenance department must complete.
Work orders can be created in a number of ways:
 By a request, where a work request is created, screened, and sent to the planner
 Directly, where an authorized requester creates a work order (skipping the screening process)
 Directly, where an authorized requester creates a work order and plans it
 Directly, where a dispatcher responds to a call and dispatches workers as needed
 Automatically, where the system generates work orders in support of refurbishment of repairable
 Automatically, where the system generates a preventative maintenance work order (equipment is
pre-defined along with service instructions)
Certain steps and data elements must be completed before defining work orders. Work order records rely
on work order types, equipment, departments, locations, requirement codes, employee records, trades
and shifts.
The labor component in EAM consists of the following:
 Employee
 Trades to which personnel belong
 Trade rate
 Departments to which the trades are associated
 Shifts - optional
Labor cost (which can be an estimate per hour, actual rate or burden rate) can be calculated at the
employee level or at the trade level.
Occupational types can be created to reflect the type of work that a trade can perform so that different
labor costs can be entered. They can also be created to reflect a degree of difficulty of work, for example,
apprentice vs. master, or general mechanical work vs. process logic control (PLC) work.
Departments are referenced on the Equipment screen as the group of people responsible for repairing
and maintaining certain equipment, and are also referenced on work orders when a work order is
generated for equipment. Departments are referenced at the user level to indicate to which department a
user belongs.

Defining trades
Organizations rely on a variety of highly skilled personnel to accomplish the many and diverse jobs for on-
going maintenance. These craftspeople might include electricians, carpenters, mechanics, and a host of
other specialized talents or trades. When work is completed, EAM charges the cost of employing trade
personnel (based on an hourly rate) to the appropriate job, asset, project, department, or whatever
administrative area the company determines to ensure correct cost accounting.
Based on an hourly rate, the system charges the cost of the trade back to the appropriate work order,
asset, or project, ensuring correct cost accounting. A single trade may have multiple rates based on the
type of work performed or the department associated with the trade for a specific work order. On the
Qualifications screen, you may associate qualifications with trades to establish the minimum qualifications
for an employee belonging to a trade to perform work for which the trade is selected.
When scheduling work, you can elect to assign the work to an employee and/or a trade. When booking
hours for the work, EAM calculates the labor cost of the hours to book based on the trade rate defined for
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 97
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either the employee or the trade rate defined for the trade, based on the setting of the install parameter.
Dates for the same trade type/department combination cannot overlap.

Defining trade rates

Rates for trades need to be defined when booking hours. EAM first checks to see if an hourly rate is defined
for the employee and if so, the hours are booked at that rate. However, if you have not defined the trade
rates for an employee, EAM assigns the hourly rate defined for the trade on the Rates tab of the Employee
To delete a rate from a trade, select the rate to delete on the Rates tab, and then click the Delete Rate
icon. EAM deletes the record and updates the Rates list.

Defining supplier trade rates

Supplier trade rates can be defined only after trades and trade rates have first been defined. Standard
trade rates for suppliers are defined on the Supplier Rates tab of the Trade screen. You can also define
rates on the Rates tab of the Supplier screen.
To remove a supplier rate, select the rate to remove, and then click Delete Rate. EAM removes the record
and updates the Rates list.

Qualifications and trades

You associate qualifications with trades to establish the minimum qualifications for an employee.
Qualifications are defined on the Qualification screen. After defining a qualification, you can associate it
with a trade. If an employee is associated with a trade for which there is a qualification, the employee
must have an active record of that qualification on his or her personnel record. Employee qualifications
are active if the employee has completed the necessary training course/requirements and the training has
not expired as indicated by the start date and expiration date for the qualification on the employee's
personnel record. Employees can also be temporarily disqualified for qualifications as necessary on their
personnel records.
If you have associated a qualification with a trade, and you associate a trade with a work order activity,
you can only schedule employees associated with the selected trade who have the active qualifications
required for that trade to be assigned/scheduled to perform the work.
If you delete a qualification previously associated with a trade, then the deleted trade qualification will no
longer be required for any subsequent work order activities to which the trade is assigned.
Likewise, if you add a new qualification to a trade or update an existing qualification associated with a
trade, the new/updated trade will not affect any existing work order activities to which the trade is
assigned. However, the added/updated qualification will be required for any subsequent work order
activities to which the trade is assigned, and EAM displays a message indicating the number of open
work orders for the trade.
You can select and deselect Active to temporarily activate/deactivate a qualification as necessary.

98 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Demo: Define trades
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a trade, trade rate, and supplier trade rate.





Exercise 4.1: Define trades

In this exercise, you will define a trade, trade rate, and supplier trade rate.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a trade

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Setup > Trades. The Trade screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Trade screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID TRADE> in the Trade field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Trade> in the field to the right of the Trade field.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Define trade rate

1. Click the Rates tab. Note the organization defaults to the organization of the user.
2. Select N-Normal time from the Hours field.
3. Select * DEFAULT/ALL DEPARTMENTS from the Department field.
4. Type 20.00 in the Hourly Rate field.
5. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
6. Select <two years from today’s date> from the End Date field.
7. Click Submit. The Rates list is updated.

Part 3: Define supplier trade rates

1. Select More > Supplier Rates.
2. Select <a supplier of your choice> from the Supplier field.
3. Type 30.00 in the Hourly Rate field.
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 99
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4. Select ORG1 from the Organization field.
5. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
6. Select <two years from today’s date> from the End Date field.
7. Click Submit. The Supplier Rates list is updated.

Defining qualifications
You define qualifications to establish a set of occupational standards and/or required job-related training
for personnel, tasks, trades, and/or work order activities. After defining a qualification, associate the
qualification with personnel, tasks, trades, and/or work order activities to establish your criteria for
qualification enforcement of work activities. Qualification enforcement is determined by the WOQUAL
installation parameter.
If you are using qualification enforcement, you can only assign/schedule an employee who has the
necessary qualifications to perform the work for which a qualification is required. If a qualification is
associated with a trade, task, or work order activity, the employee must have that qualification on his or
her personnel record. Employee qualifications are active if the employee has completed the necessary
training course/requirements for the qualification and the qualification duration has not expired.
You can also define qualifications as training records to create a historical record of job-related training
employees receive that does not need to be tracked for qualification enforcement.
If you deselect Active for a qualification, then you can no longer associate the qualification with any
subsequent personnel, tasks, trades, and/or work order activities. However, if the deactivated qualification
is already associated with any personnel, tasks, trades, and/or work order activities, the qualification will
still be required for any existing personnel, tasks, trades, and/or work order activities.

EAM automatically validates whether the qualification is current based on the start date and
expiration date for the qualification. If the qualification is current, the system selects Qualified.
If the duration of the qualification has expired or is not current, the system automatically
deselects Qualified.
Selecting Temporarily Disqualified overrides the qualification expiration date, and the
qualification is no longer valid even if the qualification has not expired.





100 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Demo: Define a qualification
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a qualification.
 To prepare the system for future exercises, this demo must be completed.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Create a qualification record

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Setup > Qualifications. The Qualification screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Qualification screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID QUA> in the Qualification field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Qualification> in the field to the right of the Qualification field.
6. Verify the Active check box is selected. If not, select it.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Associate qualifications with trades

1. Select Work > Setup > Trades. The Trade screen opens.
2. Select <your trade> from List View.
3. Select More > Qualifications. The Qualifications tab displays.
4. Select <your qualification> from the Qualification field.
5. Click Submit. The Qualifications list is updated.





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Defining employee information
You define employee information to track full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees, and then define
wage rates for employees to establish a specific hourly pay rate for an employee. Also, you may record
labor availability exceptions for individual employees and for groups. You may associate qualifications
with employee codes to establish qualifications for personnel. Finally, you can associate specific
employee positions with certain functions. Correctly defined employees makes scheduling possible.

Defining employee codes

An employee code is used to represent individual employees. These codes are then used to track full-time,
part-time, and seasonal personnel. You must designate a trade for an employee when you define the
employee code.
Note that the employee code is different from the user code used to log on to the system. The Employees
list would typically be larger than the User list since it could cover all personnel who perform work order
activities. The user list is limited to the actual users who have access to the system. Typically, a user
would be defined as an employee in addition to being listed as a user. These can be linked on the
Employee Screen by defining the Associated User field.

Defining wage rates for employees

Wage rates are defined for employees to establish a specific hourly pay rate for an employee. Rates for
employees can be defined based on the employee's level of experience, training, etc. Therefore,
employees belonging to a designated trade can have different pay rates than other employees belonging
to the same trade.
When scheduling work, you can assign the work to an employee and/or a trade. When booking hours for
the work, EAM calculates the labor cost of the appropriate work order, asset, or project based on the
hourly pay rate defined for the employee or the trade. Therefore, when booking hours, the labor cost for
performing work can be based on the rate defined for either the employee or the trade.
Dates for the same type of hours/department /organization combination cannot overlap. To delete a rate,
select the rate to delete on the Employee screen, Rates tab, and then click Delete Rate. EAM deletes the
record and updates the Rates list.

Recording labor availability exceptions

EAM uses labor availability records to calculate the available hours for employees. You can create
exceptions for individual employees using the Availability Exceptions tab of the Employee screen.
Labor availability exceptions can also be created for a group of employees; for example, create an
exception for all employees on Christmas day. When recording a labor availability exception for a group,
the selected employee record is not affected.

Associating qualifications with employee codes

You associate qualifications with employee codes to establish qualifications for your personnel. By
associating qualifications with an employee, you can establish the criteria to determine whether an
employee is qualified to perform work.

102 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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After defining a qualification, you can associate qualifications with an employee's record such as training
courses for a qualification, continuing education units (CEUs), course cost, and certification/qualification
period/duration and dates.
If you are using qualification enforcement for work, an employee must have the necessary qualifications
for you to be able to schedule the employee for the work for which the qualification is required.
You can also define qualifications as training records to create records of any job-related training
employees receive that does not need to be tracked for qualification enforcement.
To remove a qualification, select the qualification to remove on the Qualification screen in List View, and
then click the Remove Qualification icon. The system removes the record and updates the Qualifications

Transferring employees between organizations

The Transfers tab on the Employee screen can be used to transfer an employee from one organization to
another. Because the Employee table is keyed on employee code only, not organization, special steps
are taken to ensure orphan records are not created when the organization on the employee record is
When a transfer is initiated, EAM creates a new employee record called historic employee code. EAM
then updates every transaction that referenced the original employee with this new historic employee
code. Once completed, the original employee is no longer referenced anywhere in the system so an
organization can be changed by the system without creating orphan records.





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Demo: Define employee information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define employee codes, wage rates, and labor
availability exceptions for individual employees and employee groups.





Exercise 4.2: Define employee information

In this exercise, you will define employee codes, wage rates, and labor availability exceptions
for individual employees and employee groups.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define an employee code

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Setup > Employees. The Employee screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Employee screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID EMPLOYEE> in the Employee field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Employee> in the field to the right of the Employee field.
6. Select * DEFAULT/ALL DEPARTMENTS from the Department field.
7. Select <your trade> from the Trade field.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Define an employee wage rate

1. Click the Rates tab. ORG1 defaults in the Organization field.
2. Select N-Normal time from the Hours field.
3. Select * DEFAULT/ALL DEPARTMENTS from the Department field.
4. Type 25.00 in the Hourly Rate field.
5. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
6. Select <two years from today’s date> from the End Date field.
7. Click Submit. The Rates list is updated.

104 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Part 3: Transfer employees between organizations
1. Select More > Transfers. The Transfers tab displays.
2. Select FACILITY-Facility Maintenance from the New Organization field.
3. Type <your assigned student ID 2> in the Historic Employee Code field.
4. Click Submit. The Transfers list is updated.

Part 4: Transfer the employee back to ORG 1

1. Select ORG1 from the New Organization field.
2. Type <your assigned student ID 1> in the Historic Employee Code field.
3. Click Submit. The Transfers list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 105

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Defining shift information
Shifts are integral for the scheduling and planning functionality of the system as well as calculating labor
availability. Shift information includes the shifts used within an organization, the days per shift, and
associating employees with the defined shifts.
Employees are defined on the Employee screen and are assigned to a specific shift. You can assign an
employee to multiple shifts, but the dates of the shifts cannot overlap.
To remove an employee from a shift, select the employee to remove on the Shift screen, Employees tab,
and then click the Remove Employee icon. The system removes the record and updates the Employees
It is possible to create many shift schedules and have one person assigned to more than one shift.
You use employee availability exceptions to record the dates when employees are not available as part of
the regular shift schedule.





106 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Demo: Define shift information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a shift within an organization and specify the
days for the shift.





Exercise 4.3: Define shift information

In this exercise, you will define a shift within an organization and specify the days for the

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a shift

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Setup > Shifts. The Shift screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Shift screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student number S> in the Shift field. Note: You are limited to the number of
characters in this field. Example, 01 S.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Shift> in the field to the right of the Shift field.
6. Type 7 in the Days in Rotation field.
7. Select <today’s date> from the Shift Start Date field.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Define days per shift

1. Click the Days tab.
2. Type 1 in the Day Number field.
3. Type 8 in the Number of Hours field.
4. Select 06 from the first Start Time drop-down list.
5. Select 00 from the second Start Time drop-down list.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 107

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The Start Time field uses a 24-hour clock.

6. Click Submit. The Days list is updated.

7. Type 2 in the Day Number field.
8. Type 8 in the Number of Hours field.
9. Select 14 from the first Start Time drop-down list.
10. Select 00 from the second Start Time drop-down list.
11. Click Submit. The Days list is updated.

Part 3: Define an employee for a shift

1. Click the Employees tab.
2. Select <your employee> from the Employee field.
3. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
4. Select <six months from today’s date> from the End Date field.
5. Click Submit. The Employees list is updated.

108 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Defining task plan information for work order
A task plan is a pre-defined set of work order activity details that may be referenced on an activity of a
work order or preventative maintenance (PM) schedule to minimize data entry and ensure consistent
planning for jobs. Details include the cost of a task for a supplier, prices for common tasks, instructions,
estimated people required, estimated time requirement and employee qualifications to perform the task.

Task plan instructions

Task plan instructions are entered on the Instructions tab on the Task Plan screen. When a task plan is
associated with a work order activity, the instructions print on the actual work order job card. Specific task
plan instructions can be added to specify whether the instructions should print with the specified record.
You can format comments using the HTML Editor Toolbar.
The system does not display a link for the original instruction after the instruction is modified. To preserve
all instructions, do not delete any previous instruction text when modifying instructions.

Task plan suppliers

Although multiple suppliers may be associated with a task plan, only one supplier may be the preferred
supplier for a specific task plan.
To remove a supplier, select the supplier to remove, and then click the Remove Supplier icon. EAM
removes the record and updates the Suppliers list.
If the organization of the selected task plan is common, EAM displays only those organizations to which
you have access. If the organization of the selected task plan is specific, EAM displays only the
organization of the task plan.

Task plan prices

The cost of a task plan for a supplier is defined on the Supplier screen, whereas prices for common tasks
are defined on the Prices screen, if you are using multi-organization security.
With multi-organization security, you can centrally maintain prices of task plans used across all of your
To delete a price for a supplier, select the price to delete on the Task Plan screen, Suppliers tab, and
then click the Delete Price link. EAM deletes the record and updates the Prices list.

Task plan checklists

EAM offers the ability to create instruction checklists as part of a task plan record and display the
checklist on associated work orders, as well as print them out on the work order form. The checklist is in
addition to the regular task plan instructions and is meant to be used to capture a pre-defined set of steps
that needs to be followed when performing a specific task plan. It offers the capability of generating
follow-up work orders based on findings of the steps and other advanced functionality.

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Associating qualifications with task plans
You associate qualifications with task plans to establish the minimum qualifications for an employee to
perform tasks associated with work. After defining a qualification, you can associate it with task plans.
When you select a task plan to which you have associated qualifications for a work order activity, you can
only assign or schedule an employee to perform the work order activity who has an active record of the
required qualifications for that task on his or her personnel record.
When you add a new qualification to a task plan or update an existing qualification associated with a task
plan, the new or updated task plan does not affect any existing work order activities for which the task
plan is selected. However, the added/updated qualification will be required for subsequent work order
activities for which the task plan is selected.
If you delete a qualification previously associated with a task plan, then the deleted task plan qualification
will no longer be required for any subsequent work order activities for which the task plan is selected.
However, the deleted task plan qualification is still required for any existing work order activities for which
the task plan has been selected.

Enhanced planning capabilities are available.

110 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Demo: Define task plan information for work order planning
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define task plan information, including the cost of a
task for a supplier, prices for common tasks, and employee qualifications to perform the task.





Exercise 4.4: Define task plan information for work order planning
In this exercise, you will define task information, including the cost of a task for a supplier,
prices for common tasks, and employee qualifications to perform the task.

Exercise steps

For your reference

The instructor and the self-directed learner created a task plan in an earlier lesson. You will
need to create a new task plan in this exercise using a different naming convention. For
example IN01 Task Plan 2.

Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a task

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Planning > Task Plans. The Task Plan screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Task Plans screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID TASK PLAN> in the Task Plan field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Task Plan> in the field to the right of the Task Plan field.
6. Select <your trade> from the Trade field.
7. Type 24 in the Estimated Hours field.
8. Type 1 in the People Required field.
9. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add task instructions

1. Click the Instructions tab.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 111

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You did not need to save the record in part 1. You could click the Instructions tab
and EAM saves the record.

2. Click the Add Instruction icon. The Add/Edit Instructions pop-up window opens.
3. Type <instructions of your choice> in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-up
4. Verify that the Print with Document check box is selected to print the instructions on the
associated work order. If not, select it.
5. Click Save. You return to the Instructions tab. The time stamp, date, and user who created the
instructions display.

Part 3: Modify task instructions

1. Double-click <your instructions>. The Add/Edit Instructions pop-up window opens.
2. Type <additional instructions of your choice> in the white space underneath the first set of
3. Click Save. <Your modified instructions> display. Note the time stamp, date, and user who
made the modification display.

Part 4: Define price for a common task

1. Select More > Prices. The Prices tab displays.
2. Select ORG1 from the Organization field.
3. Type 150.00 in the Price field.
4. Click Submit. The Prices list is updated.

Part 5: Associate qualifications to a task

1. Select More > Qualifications. The Qualifications tab displays.
2. Select <the qualification created by your instructor> from the Qualification field. Note: For
the self-directed learner, you will select the qualification you created.
3. Click Submit. The Qualification list is updated.

112 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Defining checklist information for work order
Checklists support work orders that may require several steps. For example, imagine you have a
preventative maintenance work order. The steps to complete the work order might include: inspect, clean,
and lubricate.
 Checklist items can be associated to parts as mentioned in an earlier lesson. Checklist items are
created if a matching part is found on the Parts Associated tab of the equipment, or in case of
linear equipment, on the Linear References tab.
 An organization option controls what type of follow-up is created. This can be either a follow-up
work order or a deferred maintenance activity.
 The route has impact on the inspection points that are included on the checklist. Points not on the
route will also not appear on the checklist.





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Reviewing material lists for work order planning
Certain work orders always require the same materials. A material list is a pre-defined list of parts that
may be referenced on an activity of a work order, preventative maintenance schedule, or standard work
order to minimize data entry and ensure consistent material planning for jobs.
When defining a material list, you first define the header information and then add part line items. A
material list must contain at least one part line item. A material list code cannot have the prefix “V-” as this
prefix is reserved only for system use.
Material lists can be copied to expedite the creation of a new material list. When you copy a material list,
all of the details of that list are copied into the new material list, which you can then modify as needed.
To delete a part line from a material list, select the part line to delete from the list on the Material List
screen, Parts tab, and then click the Delete Part Line icon. EAM deletes the record and updates the Parts





114 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Demo: Set up and copy material lists
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a material list, add part lines, and then copy
that material list to create a new one.





Exercise 4.5: Set up and copy material lists

In this exercise, you will define a material list, add part lines, and then copy that material list
to create a new one.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a material list

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Planning > Material Lists. The Material List screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Material List screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student number MATERIAL LIST> in the Material List field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Material List> in the field to the right of the Material List field.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add a part

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select 100-Bushing BBLK from the Part field.
3. Select Stock from the Planned Source drop-down list.
4. Type 20 in the Quantity field.
5. Select the Reserve check box.
6. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 3: Copy a material list

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Right-click anywhere on the Material List screen. A list of options displays.

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3. Select Copy Material List from the list of options. The Copy Material List pop-up window opens.
4. Type <your assigned student ID MATERIAL LIST 2> in the two New Material List fields.
5. Verify all check boxes are selected. This ensures that all values will carry over to the new material
6. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays. <Your Material List and New Material List>
display in List View.
7. Select <your New Material List>.
8. Click the Parts tab. The parts display in the Parts list.

116 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Defining permits
Permits are defined to link safety or authorization information to work orders. For example, you may
define a “hot” work permit regarding welding in a restricted area; a “confined space entry” permit when
workers must complete the work in an enclosed production space such as a tank or vessel; or a “lockout-
tagout” permit when the equipment involved must be completely stabilized or cut off from operational
power supplies.
Before associating a permit with a work order, the work order must first be defined. Permits are added to
work orders on the Permits tab of the Work Order screen. When a permit is added, EAM automatically
flags a new permit as Active. This setting cannot be changed while adding the permit reference to the
work order; however, you may deactivate a permit after adding it.
Permits can also be associated with equipment records and applied to all work orders for the equipment
A permit can be deactivated through the Permits tab of the work order, but it cannot be deleted after it has
been added as a permit reference for a work order.
Specific permit instructions and comments can be added or modified on a permit on the Permit Body tab.
Comments can specify whether the comments should print with the specified record. Comments can be
formatted using the HTML Editor Toolbar.
After a comment is modified, EAM does not display a link for the original comment. To preserve all
comments, do not delete existing comment text when modifying the comment.





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Demo: Define a permit and maintain permit body comments
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a permit and add, modify, and delete permit
body comments.





Exercise 4.6: Define a permit and maintain permit body comments

In this exercise, you will define a define a permit and add, modify, and delete permit body

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a permit

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Permit to Work > Permits. The Permit screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Permit screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student number PERMIT> in the Permit field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Permit> in the field to the right of the Permit field.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add permit body comments

1. Click the Permit Body tab.
2. Click Add Comment. The Add/Edit Comment pop-up window opens.
3. Type Confined space entry in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-up window.
4. Click Save.

Part 3: Modify permit body comments

1. Double-click <your comments>. The Add/Edit Comment pop-up window opens.
2. Type <additional permit comments> in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-up
3. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

118 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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4. Click the Record View tab.
5. Select Request Approval from the Status drop-down list.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
7. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 119

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Check your understanding

What does the labor component in EAM consist of?




What do you associate with qualifications?




What is the importance of defining employee information?




120 Lesson 4: Work configuration

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Lesson 5: Work management
Estimated time
4 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to create, manage, schedule, and close
work orders. In this lesson, you will:
 Discuss the work order process.
 Describe how to create, approve and reject a work request.
 Describe how to process work orders and work order activity.
 Describe how to apply transactions to work orders.
 Describe how to manage parts for work orders.
 Describe how to enter meter readings for work order equipment.
 Describe how to view and modify work orders.
 Describe how to schedule work for a work order.
 Describe how to complete and close a work order.
 Describe how to use the Quick Entry screen to complete a work order.

 Work order processes
 Creating and approving/rejecting work requests
 Processing work orders and work order activity
 Applying transactions to work orders
 Managing parts for work orders
 Entering meter readings
 Viewing and modifying work orders
 Scheduling work
 Completing and closing work orders
 Entering work orders on the Quick Entry screen
 Check your understanding

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Work order processes
We learned in an earlier lesson that work orders can be created in a number of ways. To summarize,
work orders can be created as follows:
 By request - A work request is created, approved, and sent to the planner (optional).
 Directly - An authorized requester creates a work order (skipping the approval process) and sends
it to the planner or an authorized requester creates a work order and plans it.
 Automatically - The system generates a preventative maintenance work order (equipment is pre-
defined along with service instructions).
During the planning process, a planner reviews the work, identifies the skills needed to complete the work,
and orders the materials. The planner can use the materials module to check on the availability of parts and
reserve parts needed. The purchasing module is used to order parts directly from a vendor or procure
services or rental equipment. Planning is a vital part of the work process in order to accurately staff and
schedule work orders.
After the planning phase, a scheduler can use EAM to calculate available and required labor, view past due
work, and reschedule work. The work is performed, hours are booked, and the work order is closed.

Work order status flow

Both standard and preventative maintenance work orders are tracked in EAM by status. Allowable actions
are determined by a work order's status. Work order statuses are defined for the security groups in the
status authorization matrix based on the actual work order processes that are implemented.
EAM comes with several preconfigured work statuses such as Work Request, Ready to Schedule, and
Complete. Other statuses based on one of the system statuses can be created and included in the status
authorization flow. For example, a status called Material Hold based on a system status of R can be
created; a status, Work Completed also based on a status of R can be used by maintenance technicians
to mark the work orders they have completed and route them to a supervisor. Because the underlying
status is R for an open work order, such records would not be considered closed until a supervisor makes
the final status change.
The status possibilities and work order flow are extremely flexible and can be configured to meet virtually
all organizational requirements. It is important to note that email notifications are generally based on
status changes and can be used to further automate and guide the work order process.

122 Lesson 5: Work management

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The following table identifies the work order status flow for standard and preventative maintenance.

Standard Preventative maintenance

Action  Status Action  Status

1 Work order Work Request Planned PM work Awaiting Release

awaiting approval

2 Work order Ready to Schedule PM work order Ready to Schedule

approved generated

3 Schedule labor Scheduled Schedule labor Scheduled

4 Begin work In Progress Begin work In Progress

5 Work finished Complete Work finished Complete





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Creating and approving/rejecting work requests
Work requests are generally internal requests for maintenance work submitted by users who do not have
rights to create work orders. EAM offers a special requester license to the system at a fraction of the cost
of a regular license. Users assigned to the Requestor group have very limited access to the system and
can only create and view work requests and requisitions.
An example of a work request would be an operations or production employee who notices a problem
with a piece of equipment and submits a work request to maintenance to have it fixed.
Once a work request is created, it can be approved or rejected. In order to respond to a work request, you
must have the appropriate level of status change authorization.





124 Lesson 5: Work management

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Demo: Create, approve, and reject work requests
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create, approve, and reject work requests.





Exercise 5.1: Create, approve, and reject work requests

In this exercise, you will create, approve, and reject work requests.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Create a work request

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Requests. The Work Request screen opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Work Request> in the Description field.
4. Select <your equipment> from the Equipment field. The Department field is populated with the
department associated with the equipment.
5. Select Breakdown from the Type drop-down list. This is the default.
6. Note the following:
o The value in the Status drop-down list is Work request.
o The value in the Date Reported field is the current date and time. This can be changed.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays. Note the work request number in the Work
Request field.
8. Click Add Comment in the Comments section of the screen. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up
window opens. Note: You may need to click the Expand panel icon in the Comments panel to
see this option.
9. Type Leaking forklift in Bay 3 in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-up window.
10. Click Save. <Your comments> display in the Comments section of the Work Request screen.
Note the time stamp, date, and user who entered the work request.

Part 2: Copy a work request

1. Click the Copy Record icon on the Work Request screen. <Your work request> is copied. Note
that the comments do not display.
2. Type <your assigned student ID Work Request 2> in the Description field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 125

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3. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
4. Click Add Comment in the Comments section of the screen. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up
window opens.
5. Type <a description of your choice> in the in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-
up window.
6. Click Save. <Your comments> display in the Comments section of the Work Request screen.
Note the time stamp, date, and user who entered the work request.

Part 3: Review work requests

1. Select Work > Review Work Requests. The Review Work Requests screen opens.
2. Double-click <your first work request. <Your work request> displays.
3. Select Required at first opportunity or shutdown from the Priority drop-down list.
4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
5. Click Add Comment. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up window opens.
6. Type <a description of your choice> in the in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-
up window.
7. Click Save. <Your comments> display below <your first comments> in the Comments section
of the Work Request screen.

Part 4: Approve a work request

1. Select Work > Review Work Requests. The Review Work Requests screen opens.
2. Select the check box beside <your first work request>.
3. Click the Approve button. A confirmation message displays.

Part 5: Reject a work request

1. Select the check box beside <your second work request>.
2. Click the Reject button. The Reject Reason pop-up window opens.
3. Type Faulty Sprayer in the Reject Reason field.
4. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

Work requests, once submitted, are available to be viewed and edited by authorized
users in the Work Order screen. They can be found by searching for the status of
the work request.

126 Lesson 5: Work management

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Processing work orders and work order activity
Work orders are used for the repair of broken equipment, modification of equipment to meet safety and
environmental standards, to indicate that the work can be performed during a normal workday, and to
record information concerning equipment problems. These work orders can either be independent or part
of a much larger project.
When creating a work order, you must define a header and activities, specify any activity qualifications,
and add labor and equipment requirements and scheduling needs.
Throughout the work order work process, a work order's status and information such as work order cost
and service request details can be reviewed. When the work order has been completed, it is closed.
It is important to note that the work order activity is integral to the proper use of the work order record. All
work order transactions revolve around the activity—labor and parts scheduling, booking labor hours,
creating requisitions and purchase orders. They are always associated with a work order and one of its
activities. It is impossible to perform any work order operations, such as booking or scheduling labor
hours or issuing parts without having at least one work order activity.





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Demo: Define and create a work order and work order activity
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create work order, define a header and activities, add
and schedule labor and equipment, and assign qualifications to the work order.





Exercise 5.2: Define and create a work order and work order activity
In this exercise, you will create work order, define a header and activities, add and schedule
labor and equipment, and assign qualifications to the work order.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Add a work order record with work record details

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Work Order screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Work Order> in the Work Order field.
5. Select <your asset> from the Equipment field.
6. Select <your location> from the Location field.
7. Confirm that ORG1 displays in the Organization field. If it is not correct, select it.
8. Select Ready to Schedule/Assign from the Status drop-down list.
9. Select the Safety check box.
10. Select Rupture from the Problem Code field.
11. Select Required within one month from the Priority drop-down list.
12. Select DWHITE – Dan White from the Reported By field.
13. Select ANDERSON – Dick Anderson from the Assigned By field.
14. Select DOEJ – John Doe from the Assigned To field.
15. Select <today’s date> from the Sched Start Date field.
16. Select <60 days from today’s date> from the Sched. End Date field.
17. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

128 Lesson 5: Work management

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Part 2: Define a work order activity
1. Select <your task plan> from the Task Plan field in the Activity section of the screen. Note the
values that populate the Trade, Estimated Hours, and People Required fields. These values
are tied to the task plan.
2. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: Define a second activity

1. Click the Activities tab. <Your first activity> displays.
2. Select BOIL-Boiler Tech from the Trade field. Note the value that populates the People
Required field.
3. Type 40 in the Estimated Hours field.
4. Select <today’s date> from the Sched Start Date field.
5. Select <60 days from today’s date> in the End Date field.
6. Select the Hired Labor check box.
7. Click Submit. The Activities list is updated.

 Hours can only be scheduled for work orders with activities.

 If a work order has multiple activities, the Activity-Trade to Schedule field must
be populated from the values in the drop-down list.
 You may delete work order activities as long as no other records referring to
the activity have been created.

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Applying transactions to work orders
Booking labor for work orders
Booking labor for a work order refers to recording the number of hours that employees have worked for
each work order activity. You may book labor hours before closing a work order or wait until a specified
number of days has passed after closing a work order depending on the parameters.
Hours can only be booked against work orders with activities. Hours cannot be booked against work
orders with a system status of Q (Work Request) or work orders that are part of a scheduling session.
The setting of the COMDAYS installation parameter indicates the number of days you can book hours
after a work order is completed. If the number of days between the completion date of the work order and
the current system date is greater than the value specified for COMDAYS, EAM does not allow you to
book hours for a work order.
EAM automatically applies any remainder hours worked to the last equipment record on the Equipment
tab of the Work Order screen.

Booking vendor hours for work orders

Booking vendor hours for a work order means to record the number of hours that vendors work for each
work order activity. You may book vendor hours before closing work orders or wait until a specified
number of days after closing work orders.

Booking labor by employee

Booking labor by employee for a work order means to record the hours required for an employee to
perform a work order or non-work order job.

Booking or scheduling labor for crews

The Book Labor and Schedule Labor tabs of the Work Order screen allow for the recording or scheduling
of crews. When populated and the record submitted, EAM creates a booked or scheduled labor record for
each employee associated with the crew. Either a single employee or a crew can be entered, but not
both. Detail information, including hours worked, is duplicated for each employee who is a member of the





130 Lesson 5: Work management

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Demo: Add comments to a work order and book labor
Your instructor will demonstrate how to add comments to a work order and book labor.





Exercise 5.3: Add comments to a work order and book labor

In this exercise, you add comments to a work order and book labor.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Add comments to a work order

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View. <Your work order> displays in Record View.
4. Click the Comments tab.
5. Click Add Comment. The Add/Edit Comments pop-up window opens.
6. Type Punctured by nail on floor in the white space of the Add/Edit Instructions pop-up window.
7. Click Save. <Your comment> displays with a time stamp, date, and user who created the

Part 2: Book labor by employee

1. Click the Book Labor tab.
2. Click the Add Labor icon in the Labor Details section of the Work Order screen.
3. Select <your activity> from the Activity drop-down list.
4. Select DWHITE – Dan White from the Employee field.
5. Select <last Monday’s date> form the Date Worked field.
6. Type 4 in the Hours Worked field.
7. Click Submit. The Book Labor list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 131

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You can also book labor by selecting Work > Process > Book Labor By Employee.
This way is useful for the employee who wants to book his/her labor for the entire

8. Select Work > Process > Book Labor By Employee. The Book Labor By Employee screen
9. Select DWHITE – Dan White from the Employee field.
10. Click the Lookup icon in the field to the right of the WO-Activity field under Labor Details. The
Work Orders pop-up window opens.
11. Select <your work order> from the list.
12. Click OK. <Your trade> displays.
13. Select <your trade>.
14. Click OK.
15. Select <today’s date> from the Date Worked field.
16. Type 2 in the Hours Worked field.
17. Click Submit. The Book Labor by Employee list is updated.

 To copy a line, select the line and click Actions > Copy Record.
 To clear fields, click the Clear icon to clear the information before you submit
the information.
 To correct booked labor overage, enter a negative value in the Hours Worked
 Use the F9 key in data entry fields for convenient lookups.

132 Lesson 5: Work management

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Managing parts for work orders
The Parts tab of the Work Order screen is used to add or reserve parts to work orders, import a
preplanned parts list, delete a planned part, delete a reservation, create a parts requisition, or view a list
of parts that have been planned for a work order.
You may also issue parts from a store to a work order, or return unused parts from a work order back to a
store on the Part screen. If the planned source of a part is external and a direct purchase, you must
create a parts requisition to obtain the part.
A dedicated parts issue/return screen is also available, which allows warehouse users to quickly issue a
number of parts on work orders. The screen is also required to be used for direct parts received into a
warehouse that need to be issued on work orders. The use of the dedicated parts issue screen is
discussed and demonstrated later in this training.
To delete a planned part, select the planned part to delete, and then click the Delete Planned Part icon.
To delete a part reservation, select the part reservation to delete, and then click the Delete Reservation
icon. EAM deletes the record and updates the Parts list.





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Demo: Manage parts for work orders
Your instructor will demonstrate how to view and reserve parts for a work order as well as
add, import, issue, request, and return parts to/from a work order.





Exercise 5.4: Manage parts for work orders

In this exercise, you will view and reserve parts for a work order as well as add, import, issue,
request, and return parts to/from a work order.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Add a planned part

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View. <Your work order> displays in Record View.
4. Click the Parts tab.
5. Select <a part of your choice> from the Parts field.
6. Select <your trade activity> from the Activity drop-down list.
7. Select Direct Purchase from the Planned Source drop-down list.
8. Type 2 in the Planned Qty field.
9. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 2: Reserve parts for work orders

1. Click the Add Part icon in the Parts Detail & Planning section of the Work Order screen.
2. Select FOUNDATIONPART from the Parts field.
3. Select <your trade activity> from the Activity drop-down list.
4. Select Stock from the Planned Source drop-down list.
5. Type 3 in the Planned Qty field.
6. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

134 Lesson 5: Work management

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Part 3: View planned parts for work order
1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Right-click anywhere on the Work Order screen. A list of options displays.
3. Select View Planned Part Availability from the list of options. The Planned Part Availability
pop-up window opens. The parts for the activity display.
4. Select FAC-Main from the Store field in the Planned Part Availability pop-up window.
5. View the value in the Available Quantity field.
6. Click Close.

Part 4: Import a parts list

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select Actions > Import Parts List in the Parts Detail & Planning section of the Work Order
screen. The Import Parts List pop-up window opens.
3. Select Material List from the From drop-down list.
4. Select <your material list> from the field to the right of the From drop-down list.
5. Select <your trade activity> from the Activity drop-down list.
6. Select the check box beside <the part to import>.
7. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 5: Create a parts requisition

1. Select <the part you chose in part 1 of this exercise> from the Parts list on the Work Order
2. Select Actions > Create Parts Requisition in the Parts Detail & Planning section of the Work
Order screen. The Create Parts Requisition pop-up window opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Part Requisition> in the Description field.
4. Select FAC-MAIN from the Store field.
5. Select BWELLS – Bob Wells from the Requested By field.
6. Select AMPROBE from the Supplier field.
7. Select the check box <for your activity>.
8. Click Create Requisition. A confirmation message displays.

Part 6: Issue parts to a work order

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select the FOUNDATIONPART from the Parts list.
3. Select FAC-MAIN from the Store field.
4. Select Issue from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
5. Type 5 in the Quantity field.
6. Select *T.B.D. from the Bin field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 135

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7. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 7: Return parts from a work order

1. Select FOUNDATIONPART from the Parts list.
2. Select FAC-MAIN from the Store list.
3. Select Return from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
4. Type 5 in the Quantity field.
5. Select <today’s date> from the Date field.
6. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Additional costs for work orders

The Additional Costs tab on the Work Order screen provides a method to enter dollar amounts that you
would like to add to a work order. This tab allows you to capture and record work order cost information
instead of doing a transaction.

Demo: Additional costs for work orders

Your instructor will demonstrate how to add additional costs for work orders.





Exercise 5.5: Additional costs for work orders

In this exercise, you will add additional costs for work orders.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View. <Your work order> displays in Record View.
4. Click the Additional Costs tab.
5. Select <boiler tech activity> from the Activity drop-down list.
6. Select Hired Labor from the Cost Type drop-down list.
7. Type Certified Electrician Inspection in the Cost Description field.
136 Lesson 5: Work management
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8. Select <today’s date> in the Date field.
9. Type 250.00 in the Cost field.
10. Click Submit. The Additional Costs list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 137

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Entering meter readings
You can view recent meter readings for equipment, and you can also add a new meter reading for
equipment on a work order.
In many cases, the meter for a piece of equipment on a work order is the child meter of a meter attached
to the parent equipment in an asset hierarchy. In such cases, the new meter reading also needs to be
entered and submitted for the parent equipment or meter so that the new reading rolls down to all target
equipment children of the parent within the asset hierarchy.
You can delete a meter reading if you find that the reading has been entered in error by clicking the Delete
Reading icon. However, you cannot modify an existing meter reading value.





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Demo: Enter meter readings for work order equipment
Your instructor will demonstrate how to enter meter readings for work order equipment.





Exercise 5.6: Enter meter readings for work order equipment

In this exercise, you will enter meter readings for work order equipment.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View. <Your work order> displays in Record View.
4. Select More > Meter Readings. The Meter Readings tab displays.
5. Select Hour from the UOM drop-down list. The target equipment populates the Equipment field.
6. Select Reading from the Entry Type drop-down list.
7. Select <today’s date> from the Date/Time field. The current time displays.
8. Type 100 in the New Value field.
9. Click Submit. The Meter Readings list is updated.

 The meter for the equipment on a work order can be the child meter of a meter
attached to a parent of the equipment. In such cases, the parent equipment
and parent meter should receive the new reading submitted for the child meter,
and the new reading must roll down to all of the child equipment of the parent.
 The Last Value field is zero when the new meter reading record is the first entry
made for the UOM of the target equipment.

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Viewing and modifying work orders
You can view or modify work order information on the same screens which you entered the information.
After selecting a work order, you can view/modify information for that work order such as:
 Work order status
 Work order costs
 Child work orders on a parent work order
 Service request details
 Equipment custom fields from a work order
 Purchasing for work orders

Demo: View and modify work order information

Your instructor will demonstrate how to view and modify work order information.





Exercise 5.7: View and modify work order information

In this exercise, you will view and modify work order information.

Exercise steps

Part 1: View work order detail

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View.
4. Type <a change to the name of the work order> in the field to the right of the Work Order field.
5. Press F10. A confirmation message displays. Note: Pressing F10 is another way to save the

Part 2: View work order costs

1. Click the Cost Summary tab. Costs associated with the work order display.

Part 3: View purchasing for a work order

1. Select More > Purchasing. The Purchasing tab displays. <Your parts requisition> displays.

140 Lesson 5: Work management

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Procuring services for work orders
EAM enables you to procure services for a service work order. To do so, click the Activities tab on the
Work Order screen. In the Activities Details section of the screen, select the check box for Hired Labor
and indicate the type of labor in the Labor Type field. This flags the work order activity as being eligible to
be included in the procurement process. Users can initiate a purchase requisition for the services, or refer
to the work order activity when creating a service purchase order.

Demo: Generate individual preventative maintenance work orders

Your instructor will demonstrate how to generate individual preventative maintenance work
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Process > Release Individual PM WOs. The Release Individual PM WOs
screen opens. A list of preventative maintenance work orders displays.
3. Note the value in the WO Status field, A = Awaiting Release.
4. Select <a preventative work order of your choice> from the list.
5. Type R in the WO Status field.
6. Select <today’s date> in the Scheduled Start Date field.
7. Select the Print All Released PM check box.
8. Click the Update PMs button. EAM generates the preventative work orders for the selected
records as pdf files. EAM also retains the records that have been successfully updated in the
Release PMs list enabling you to print the released preventative maintenance work orders
9. Scroll through the preventative maintenance work order to view the details.
10. Click X in the top-right corner of the preventative maintenance work order to close it. You return
to the Release Individual PM WOs screen.





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Scheduling work
Scheduling a work order includes reviewing current work order schedules, calculating labor availability,
and viewing labor utilization. Work orders can also be unscheduled or rescheduled, as needed.
Work order scheduling is the simplest and fastest way to perform basic scheduling tasks within the
system without creating background scheduling sessions. It does offer some of the features from the
more advanced functions, such as labor availability but is more informal in its use.

Work order labor availability

Labor availability for a work order is calculated using the total number of hours that are available for work
during a given period. This calculation is used to schedule labor.
The Organization, Trade, and Department fields serve as filters for employees who are associated with
specific organizations, trades, and departments. Complete any combination of these fields to calculate
labor availability for all employees that match that specific combination. Leave these fields blank to
calculate labor availability for all active shifts.

Labor utilization
Labor utilization for a day is specified on the calendar by color. The following table is an example of the
colors relative to the threshold percentage.

Color Description

Light Unscheduled (% Scheduled = 0)


Green Lightly scheduled (% Scheduled < Threshold)

Yellow Moderately Scheduled (% Scheduled >= Threshold)

Orange Full Scheduled (% Scheduled = 100)

Red Over Scheduled (% Scheduled > 100)

You may also calculate labor availability on the Record View tab of the Employee screen. EAM totals
employee exceptions for trade and department to calculate the total amount of labor hours available for a
specific timeframe.
You may only change a new status for a work order when it has a system status of R.

Infor strongly recommends that you calculate labor availabilities before scheduling work
orders in the system.

142 Lesson 5: Work management

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Freezing/unfreezing a schedule
A schedule can be temporarily frozen to compare the actual work done against the work scheduled.
Frozen activity schedules cannot be updated. You cannot update work orders that are part of a frozen
schedule but you can cancel the schedule to begin editing.

Demo: Schedule work for an individual work order

Your instructor will demonstrate how to schedule and view an individual work order.





Exercise 5.8: Schedule work for an individual work order

In this exercise, you will schedule and view work for an individual work order.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a work order schedule

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View.
4. Select More > Schedule Labor. The Labor Schedule tab displays.
5. Select + to insert a new record.
6. Select <your trade activity> from the Activity field. Note that <your trade> populates the Trade
7. Select BWELLS – Bob Wells from the Employee field.
8. Select <today’s date> from the Scheduled Date field.
9. Click Submit. The Schedule Labor list is updated.

Part 2: Review a work order schedule

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select <tomorrow’s date> from the Sched Start Date field in the Scheduling section of the
Work Order screen. The date changes in the Sched End Date field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 143

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3. Select <the last day of this current week> from the Sched End Date field.
4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Batch work order scheduling

There are three ways in which you can create batch work order scheduling:
 Work order daily scheduling
 Work order scheduling
 Work order load balancing

When using the work order daily scheduling or work order load balancing methods, EAM
starts a session and freezes all work orders. In order to unfreeze the work orders, you must
access the Parameters screen and cancel the session.

144 Lesson 5: Work management

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Demo: Batch work order scheduling
Your instructor will demonstrate how to perform batch work order scheduling.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Perform work order daily scheduling

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Planning > Work Order Daily Scheduling. The WO Daily Scheduling
screen opens.
3. Click the Expand panel icon in the WO Scheduled Start Date Range section of the WO Daily
Scheduling screen. The Start Date and End Date fields display.
4. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
5. View the criteria in the Scheduling Options section. The Threshold Percent Between
Lightly/Moderately Scheduled field is the percentage of daily employee available hours to
designate the point at which the calendar switches between lightly scheduled and moderately
6. Click the Create/Refresh Previews button.
7. Click the Equipment Preview tab. You can select the pieces of equipment you want to schedule
within the organization.
8. Click the WO Activity Preview tab. All the unscheduled work order activity available for
scheduling displays.
9. Click the Employee Preview tab. All employees available for scheduling displays.
10. Click the Daily Scheduling tab. You perform daily scheduling from this tab. A pop-up window
opens with the message that daily scheduling has been started, changes cannot be made, and
relevant work order and employee records have been locked.
11. Click OK.
12. Hover the mouse over the green cells of the schedule to view availability. A red cell indicates the
employee is over-scheduled.
13. Drag <a work order> to a green cell on the schedule that is associated with an employee. The
value in the Hours Remaining to be Scheduled column should be zero.
14. Click the Close Session and Update Work Orders icon located above the schedule on the right
side of the screen. A pop-up window opens with the message that all WO and scheduling
changes made in the session will be updated.
15. Click Yes. Print Work Order opens as a pdf file.
16. Click the X in the top-right corner of Print Work Order to close it. You return to the WO Daily
Scheduling screen.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 145

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Part 2: Perform work order scheduling
1. Select Work > WO Planning > WO Scheduling. The WO Scheduling screen opens. You can
view the schedule by employee or trade/department.
2. Select Employee from the Schedule By drop-down list.
3. Select <your employee> in the Trade field.
4. Click the Calculate Availability button. The Calculate Availability pop-up window opens.
5. Select ORG1 from the Organization field.
6. Click Calculate. A confirmation message displays.
7. Click Close. You return to the WO Scheduling screen.
8. Hover the mouse over the cells of the schedule to view availability.
9. Drag <a work order> from the left panel to an available cell in the schedule.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: Perform work order load balancing

1. Select Work > WO Planning > WO Load Balancing. The WO Load Balancing screen opens.
Note the parameters that can be set. Note that 30 displays in the Schedule Window (Days) field.
2. Click the Process button located at the bottom of the WO Load Balancing screen. The Preview
tab is selected. A list of work orders displays within the date range specified.
3. Click the Lock Selected Work Order button. A confirmation message displays. This prevents
any further action while you are working on the scheduling. The Balance Load tab is selected.
4. Drag a work order on the timeline to reschedule work. Note the availability designated by green or
red cells below the timeline. This allows you to balance the work load.
5. Click Close Session and Update Work Orders. A confirmation message displays.





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Completing and closing work orders
A work order must be completed before it can be closed. In addition to unfinished tasks, certain
installation parameters can also prevent a work order from completing. If you close a work order that is a
template work order and that work order has children attached, EAM recalculates and updates the status
of all child work orders attached. If you close the last child work order in a sequence, EAM recalculates
the requested start and end dates for all child work orders.

Closing work orders on the Quick Close screen

You can quickly close completed work orders on the Quick Close screen. When a work order number is
entered on this screen, EAM quickly closes the work order by automatically assigning the work order a
status of Completed with the current date as the date completed. This quick process, however, does not
prevent you from updating any work order information or book additional hours for the work order
activities on this screen.

Reopening a closed work order

Closed work orders are reopened when changes to the work order are required or when requisitions or
purchase orders related to the closed work order must be generated. If your system configuration allows
for the reopening of closed work orders, only users with the proper authorization may actually reopen the
closed work orders.





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Demo: Close a work order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to close a work order using the Quick Close screen.





Exercise 5.9: Close a work order

In this exercise, you will close a work order using the Quick Close screen.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Create a work order to close

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Work Order screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Work Order to Close> in the field to the right of the Work Order
5. Confirm that ORG1 displays in the Organization field. If it is not correct, select it.
6. Select <equipment of your choice> from the Equipment field.
7. Select Breakdown from the Type drop-down list.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
9. Select Open – Scheduled/Assigned from the Status drop-down list.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Close the work order

1. Click the Closing tab.
2. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
3. Select <today’s date> from the Date Completed field.
4. Type 2 in the Downtime Hours field.
5. Select <a problem code of your choice> from the Problem Code field.
6. Select <a failure code of your choice> from the Failure Code field.
7. Select <a cause code of your choice> from the Cause Code field.

148 Lesson 5: Work management

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8. Select <an action code of your choice> from the Action Code field.
9. Select Add Comment in the Work Performed section of the Work Order screen. The Add/Edit
Comments pop-up window opens.
10. Type Changed Part in the white space of the Add/Edit Comments pop-up window.
11. Click Save.
12. Select Completed from the Status drop-down list.
13. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 149

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Entering work orders on the Quick Entry screen
The Quick Entry screen is used not only to create a work order, but also to update and complete it. When
you create a work order, EAM automatically enters a status of Ready–to Schedule/Assign. You can insert
and update activities, book labor for existing activities, issue parts to an activity, and add or view work
order comments and activity comments.

Demo: Complete a work order on the Quick Entry screen

Your instructor will demonstrate how to complete a work order on the Quick Entry screen.





Exercise 5.10: Create a work order on the Quick Entry screen

In this exercise, you will create a work order on the Quick Entry screen.

Exercise steps

Part 1: Create a work order via the Quick Entry screen

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Quick Entry. The WO Quick Entry screen opens.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Quick Entry> in the field to the right of the Work Order field.
4. Select <equipment of your choice> from the Equipment field.
5. Select Breakdown from the Type drop-down list.
6. Select <a trade of your choice> from the Trade field.
7. Type <a number of your choice> in the Estimated Hours field.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
9. Select Open-Scheduled/Assigned from the Status drop-down list.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

150 Lesson 5: Work management

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You must save the record first before you can change the value in the Status drop-
down list.

11. Click Save Record.

Part 2: Close the work order via the Quick Entry screen
1. Select Work > WO Quick Close. The WO Quick Close screen opens.
2. Select <your quick entry work order> from the Work Order field.
3. Select <today’s date> from the Date Completed field.
4. Type <the number of down time hours> in the Downtime Hours field.
5. Select <a problem code of your choice> from the Problem Code field.
6. Select <a failure code of your choice> from the Failure Code field.
7. Select <a cause code of your choice> from the Cause Code field.
8. Select <an action code of your choice> from the Action Code field.
9. Type <comments of your choice> in the Closing Comments field.
10. Select <an activity of your choice> from the Activity drop-down list.
11. Select <a trade of your choice> from the Trade field.
12. Select <an employee of your choice> from the Employee field.
13. Select N – Normal time from the Type of Hours field.
14. Type <a number of your choice> in the Hours field.
15. Click the Save Hours icon.
16. Select Completed from the New Status drop-down list.
17. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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Check your understanding

What must be selected to flag a work order activity as being eligible for the procurement




Match each of the following statuses for standard work orders with the associated action.
The possible statuses are: Scheduled, Work Request, In Progress, Complete, and
Ready to Schedule.

Action Status

Work order submitted, awaiting approval

Work order approval

Work finished

Schedule labor

Begin work

152 Lesson 5: Work management

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Lesson 6: Preventative maintenance
Estimated time
3 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to discuss how to create and manage basic preventative
maintenance work orders. In this lesson, you will:
 Describe how to define and schedule preventative maintenance work orders.
 Describe how to generate multiple work orders using the Generate WO screen.

 Preventative maintenance work orders
 Generating multiple work orders
 Check your understanding

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 153

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Preventative maintenance work orders
Preventative maintenance (PM) work orders are periodic work orders for specified frequencies based on
calendar or meter readings. Preventative maintenance work orders apply to both single pieces of
equipment or to systems that include several pieces of equipment.

PM routes and equipment within routes

A route is a list of equipment that may be associated with a work order or preventive maintenance
equipment record as an indication of the scope of work to be performed (i.e., number of repetitions).
Several pieces of equipment that are serviced together often follow a particular route and are identified by
a route code.
Routing templates apply to similar equipment requiring the same maintenance action and to equipment that
move so frequently that updating routes may be impractical. When a template is selected, EAM generates a
dynamic list of all equipment that might apply to that work order, regardless of where the equipment is

PM schedules
PM schedules generate periodic work orders for specified frequencies based on usage (meter) or
frequency (time).
The following table describes fields on the PM Schedule screen that help to enhance PM schedules.

PM release field Description

OK Window % The OK Window % field is the percent of time or meter units from the
due date or meter interval in which you are not ready to perform the PM
work order. For example, you have only seen 85% of the interval pass
and no work order should be released. In this case, the OK Window %
would be 85%.

Near Window % The Near Window % field is the percent of time or meter units from the
due date or meter interval in which it would be acceptable to release a
PM work order. For example, you can go ahead and execute a PM
schedule because your equipment broke after 86% of the interval
passed. In this case, the Near Window % would be set at 86%.

Release Window % The Release Window % field releases the PM work order within a
certain percentage of days or meter units, such as “release a PM if the
meter reading is within 95% of the next due value.” In this case, the
Release Window % would be set at 95%.

154 Lesson 6: Preventative maintenance

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PM work orders will not be automatically released if within the OK or Near Window, but instead this is a
subjective decision on your part. The Release Window is affected when PM work orders are released by
the application. Typically, the OK and Near values are back-to-back, such as 85% and 86% respectively
to prevent having a dead time interval in your planning.
In the following image, the PM work order will release on day 350 instead of day 365 and you could
manually release the PM work order as early as day 314.

PM work order 365 days example

PM schedule types
The generation of PM work orders is determined by the PM type on the schedule.
There are three PM types:
 Fixed
 Variable
 Duplicate
Both fixed and variable are dependent on closing the preceding work order before EAM generates the
next one in the schedule. A fixed schedule is based on the date or reading when the last PM was
originally due. A variable schedule is based on the date or reading on which the last PM was completed.
Duplicate allows work orders to be generated based on the pre-defined sequence regardless of the status
of the preceding work order.

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The following table describes and provides an example of each PM type.

PM type Description and example

Fixed The next PM work order is due at a fixed interval according to the previous due
date. For example, if your monthly PM was released on March 5th, the next
one will come due on April 5th. The next work order will not be released until
the previous one is marked completed.

Variable The next PM work order is due at a variable interval according to the previous
work order completion date. For example, if your monthly PM was released on
March 5th and completed on March 17th, then the next due date will be April
17th. The next work order will not be released until the previous one is marked

Duplicate A fixed schedule recalculates the due date even if the previous work order is
still open. This type can produce duplicate PM work orders.

Nesting references
When creating PM schedules to generate periodic work orders, you can establish a “nesting reference”
between major and minor PMs to bypass a minor PM that coincides with the release of a major PM.
Although you can establish this relationship, EAM determines which PM to bypass based on the length of
the PM periods and if the associated existing major PM has a status of Released. This selection is
independent of the specified nesting tolerance. You cannot manually specify which PM is major or minor.
When bypassing a nested minor PM, the system assigns a status of Bypassed to the minor PM until the
major PM is completed. Upon completion of the major PM, the system automatically assigns the
applicable status, Completed or Rejected, to the minor PM. Additionally, if you change the status of a
released major PM to Awaiting Release, EAM also sets the status of any related bypassed minor PMs to
Awaiting Release.

A release window is not available for duplicate PM schedules.

Defining activities of PM schedules

Activities of PM work orders are defined similar to non-PM work orders. However, EAM uses Start and
Duration field values together with PM work orders. EAM automatically populates each activity added with
the next available line number and populates the People Required, Start, and Duration fields with a
default value of one.
If two activities have the same start date with durations of ½ day (.5) each, EAM schedules the first
entered activity to be performed in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
To delete an activity from the PM, select the activity to delete, and then click the Delete Activity icon. The
system deletes the record and updates the Activities list.

156 Lesson 6: Preventative maintenance

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Defining equipment for PM schedules
Once all the elements needed to build an effective PM work order (namely activities and associated tasks
and material lists are in place), users can put together the schedule for generating the work order. One
thing to keep in mind—as soon as an equipment record is added on a PM schedule record and assigned
a next due date, a work order is created with a status of Awaiting Release. This really does not affect how
work orders are generated, but helps explain why work order numbering will never be sequential. The
work order will stay dormant and not visible in the regular Work Order screen until it has been generated.
If monitoring equipment by runtime or cycle counts, it is possible to generate PM work orders according to
meter readings. Preventative maintenance can be scheduled by date, meter reading, or both. The work
order is generated when the scheduled date is reached, or when the meter threshold is met. If the
preventative maintenance is performed by meter, then the PM schedule type must be set to Variable.

Equipment routes
When adding equipment to PM schedules, it is possible to define equipment routes and associate them to
the equipment on the PM. Depending on the install parameters in place, the system can generate child
work orders for the equipment in the route at the time the parent equipment work order is created. The
child work orders are usually controlled through the parent work order, e.g. closes automatically when the
parent is closed. Costs are typically split evenly across all equipment and work orders of a route, unless a
specific selection is made by a user. Typically, you will schedule the route under the parent system for all
of the assets on the route. Routes are scheduled like equipment, even though the records represent lists
of equipment.
Updating the route for existing PM equipment does not affect the creation or deletion of Multiple
Equipment Child (MEC) work orders for any existing PM work orders that are pending for the PM

Perform On/Perform On Day

The Perform On/Perform On Day field on the Equipment tab of the PM Schedule screen or the PM
Schedule tab of the Asset screen establishes a frequency that forces the PM due date to be an
occurrence on a weekday in the month. For example, a PM can be predetermined to be due on the first
Wednesday, the third Friday, or the last Monday of the month in which it would normally be due.

Releasing PM work orders

You can release PM work orders awaiting execution in a batch by selecting the work orders to be released,
changing their work order status to Released, and updating the scheduled start date, if needed.
After EAM completes the batch release process, it retains the records that have been successfully
updated in the Release PMs list allowing you to print the released PM work orders individually or in a
If you have established a nesting reference between major and minor PMs to bypass a minor PM that
coincides with the release of a major PM, EAM bypasses the minor PM as indicated by the nesting

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 If your system has been set up to require an electronic signature to authorize status
changes to PM work orders, the system displays the eSignature pop-up window when
status changes occur for major and minor PM work orders associated with each other
through a nesting reference.
 Adding a dormant period to PM equipment does not affect any previously created or
released PM work orders.

Demo: Define PM routes for equipment

Your instructor will demonstrate how to define PM routes for equipment.





Exercise 6.1: Define PM routes for equipment

In this exercise, you will define PM routes for equipment

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define PM routes and equipment within routes

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > WO Planning > Routes. The Route screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Route screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID ROUTE> in the Route field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Route> in the field to the right of the Route field.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
7. Click the Equipment tab.
8. Select 10013 – BURLWOOD DR from the Equipment field.
9. Click Submit. The Equipment list is updated for the route.

Part 2: View work orders per PM schedule

1. Select Work > WO Planning > PM Schedules. The PM Schedule screen opens.
2. Select AIRCOMP-PM-M Monthly Aircompressed Inspection from List View.
158 Lesson 6: Preventative maintenance
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3. Click the Work Orders tab. A PM work order for this PM schedule displays.

Part 3: Define a PM schedule

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Click New Record. The PM Schedule screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID PM SCHEDULE> in the PM Schedule field.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PM Schedule> in the field to the right of the PM Schedule field.
5. Select Fixed from the Type drop-down list.
6. Select Preventive maintenance from the WO Type drop-down list. Note the other values that
can be selected for PM schedules.
7. Type 5 in the Duration field.
8. Select Required at first opportunity or shutdown from the Priority drop-down list.
9. Type 30 in the Perform Every field.
10. Select Days from the drop-down list to the right of the Perform Every field.
11. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 4: Define an activity

1. Click the Activities tab.
2. Select <your task plan> from the Task Plan field. Note the values in the following fields which
are linked to the task plan:
o Trade
o Estimated Hours
o Start
o Duration
3. Select <a material list of your choice> from the Material List field.
4. Click Submit. The Activities list is updated.

Part 5: Define equipment for PM schedules

1. Click the Equipment tab.
2. Select <your equipment> from the Equipment field.
3. Select <your department> from the Department field.
4. Select <a location of your choice> from the Location field.
5. Select <your route> from the Route field.
6. Select <a week from today’s date> in the Due Date field.
7. Select <your employee> from the Assigned To field.
8. Select ANDERSON – Dick Anderson from the Supervisor field.
9. Click Submit. The Equipment list is updated.

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Part 6: Attach a PM schedule to equipment
1. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
2. Select <an asset of your choice>.
3. Click the PM Schedules tab.
4. Select <your PM schedule> from the PM field. Note the value in Perform Every field which is
linked to the PM schedule.
5. Select <a week from today’s date> in the Due Date field.
6. Click Submit. The PM Schedules list is updated.





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Generating multiple work orders
You can change status or update multiple work orders using the Generate/Release WO screen. This
screen consists of two tabs:
 Parameters – define the selection criteria for locating the work orders to process in the batch.
 Preview – preview, select/deselect the work orders in the batch prior to processing them.

The Parameters tab is used to specify the manner in which the system processes the work orders during
the batch generation process.
EAM releases the fixed or variable PM work orders based on their due dates if the option, Release WOs
for Fixed/Variables PMs, is selected. If a dormant period for the equipment attached to the fixed/variable
PM is specified, EAM temporarily postpones the release of the fixed/variable PM. It recalculates the next
due date for a fixed PM falling within a dormant period by incrementally adding the PM period to the due
date until the due date for the PM is greater than the specified dormant end date for the equipment.

To force the system to always include duplicate PM work orders in the generation by default,
select the option and save the parameters as default.

The Preview tab lists all of the work orders selected for processing based on the selection parameters.
From this list you can preview each work order and then select or deselect the work order to be included
in the batch generation process before you actually process the work order batch.

The Preview tab also displays work orders in which PM equipment is locked by a PM
forecasting session. If an attempt to generate these work orders is made, however, an error is





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Demo: Generate a work order using the Generate WOs screen
Your instructor will demonstrate how to generate a work order using the Generate WOs
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Process > Generate WOs. The Generate WOs screen opens.
3. Select <two weeks from today’s date> in the Generate Through field.
4. Select the Print Summary Report check box.
5. Select the Print Work Orders check box.
6. Click the Process button. Work orders display that fit the parameters you entered.
7. Select the check box beside the work order you want to generate. Note: You can select the
check box beside Select to select all work orders.
8. Click the Generate button. The work order is generated as a pdf file for the selected record.
9. Scroll through the work order to view the details.
10. Click X in the top-right corner of the work order to close it. You return to the Generate WOs

If any errors occur, EAM changes the visual attribute to red and displays an error
message beside the work order.





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Check your understanding

What is a PM work order?




What is the difference between a fixed and variable PM schedule?




What screen allows you to change status or update multiple work orders?




To what status do you change a PM work order awaiting execution?




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Lesson 7: Material configuration
Estimated time
5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to define, configure, and manage materials.
In this lesson, you will:
 Explain how to define material configuration information.
 Describe how to create store bins.
 Describe how to manage store parts information.
 Describe how to manage manufacturer information.
 Describe how to define supplier information.
 Describe how to manage stock and stock information.

 Defining material configuration information
 Creating store bins
 Managing store parts information
 Managing manufacturer information
 Managing suppliers
 Managing store and stock information
 Check your understanding

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Defining material configuration information
The materials management module streamlines part and material management that operates to support
maintenance and repair needs while helping to reduce overall storeroom stock holdings. Each storeroom
transaction is recorded. Stock balances are adjusted constantly. Because inventory information is online,
parts are stocked that are needed when required for the work order. By knowing exactly in
inventory at any given time, it is possible to readily plan and schedule maintenance tasks.
The materials management module is designed to work hand-in-hand with the work management and the
purchasing modules (although these modules are not required). The overall maintenance cycle tends to
be circular in nature.
Before materials can be used, basic information must first be established or configured. This information
includes commodity and tax codes, lots, and units of measure, in addition to more advanced functionality
like currencies and reasons for return.

Manufacturers often produce items in volume batches called lots. Lots are a numeric or alphanumeric
method of indicating that an item is a member of a group of items that are produced at the same time.
Depending on the system settings, the system can automatically generate lot numbers when items are
received. In most cases, the ideal lot number method is used. Items requiring lot tracking receive a lot
assignment. Those items that do not need lot tracking are simply placed in the stock system as is.
Lot numbers assigned by EAM can be cross-referenced to the manufacturer's lot numbers to track
defective parts when notified by the manufacturer.
You can also manually define lot codes to identify the exact lot or batch number when stocking parts in
stores. After defining a lot, you can update the lot record as necessary. However, you cannot modify a lot
or organization for an existing lot record.

Tax codes
Tax codes are defined to be applied to materials and purchases. Tax codes represent the definition of tax
coding structure that consists of a tax rate type, a tax rate code, a value for tax rate code, a tax code, and
a value for the tax code.
Tax code records represent the combination of tax rate codes and tax code information that establish a
structure that will apply all of the applicable taxes to materials and purchases based on transaction dates
and the established tax structure created within a tax code. You can create any number of tax codes to fit
any tax situation. You can also enter multiple rate codes for each tax code, as necessary.

Units of measure (UOM)

Measurements for storing and issuing stock items can depend on the item itself or on the supplier. All
system store transactions are based on inventory units of measure (how the items are actually stored). All
quantities referred to on the bill of materials are also based on inventory units of measure.
Purchasing items in units of measure, different from that in which you stock them, requires that you
convert the unit of measurement to purchase the correct amount. When the inventory unit of measure and
the purchase unit of measure are exactly the same, the conversion factor is one. If they are not the same,
use the following formula: purchase UOM x conversion = issue UOM.

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When the buyer sends out requests for quotes to suppliers, the supplier might provide a price based on a
unit of measure that is different than the purchase unit of measure. This is the quotation unit of measure,
and you then need to supply a conversion factor between the quotation UOM and the purchase UOM
when creating the purchase order or requisition.

You cannot delete a unit of measurement if it is being used elsewhere in the system. If you
want to hide the unit of measure in the system lookups, select Out of Service. This feature is
especially useful for discarding many of the pre-defined International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) units that you may never use.





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Demo: Define material configuration information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define material configuration information.





Exercise 7.1: Define material configuration information

In this exercise, you will define material configuration information.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define commodity codes

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Setup > Commodities. The Commodity screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Commodity screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID COMMODITY in the Commodity field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Commodity> in the field to the right of the Commodity field.
6. Press F10 to save the record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Define tax rate type

1. Select Materials > Setup > Tax Rate Types. The Tax Rate Type screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Tax Rate Type screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID number> in the Tax Rate Type field. For example, type 01 if
your student ID is ST01.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Tax Rate Type> in the field to the right of the Tax Rate Type
5. Press F10 to save the record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: Define tax rates

1. Select Materials > Setup > Tax Rates. The Tax Rate screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Tax Rate screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID TAX RATE> in the Tax Rate field.

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4. Type <your assigned student ID Tax Rate Rate> in the field to the right of the Tax Rate field.
5. Select <your tax rate type> from the Type field.
6. Select Include Part Taxes in Stock Value check box.
7. Press F10 to save the record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 4: Define values for tax rates

1. Click the Values tab.
2. Select <today’s date> from the Start Date field.
3. Select <one year from today’s date> in the End Date field.
4. Type 6 in the Percentage field.
5. Click Submit. The Values list is updated.

Part 5: Define tax codes

1. Select Materials > Setup > Tax Codes. The Tax Code screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Tax Code screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID TAX CODE> in the Tax Code field.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Tax Code> in the field to the right of the Tax Code field.
5. Press F10 to save the record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 6: Define rates for tax codes

1. Click the Rates tab.
2. Select <your tax rate> from the Rate field.
3. Click Submit. The Rates list is updated.

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Creating store bins
Stores are created in EAM to define specific locations for storing parts. When creating stores, EAM
automatically populates the price type for the store, but you can modify the price type for each store as

Store bins
To further define a part's location in a store, a part is given a bin. Bins are useful for locating and issuing
parts and for supporting physical inventory counts of part holdings. Bins are created using the Store
screen. The Out of Service option can only be selected if the bin is empty, i.e., no quantity of the part on
hand is in the bin.
To delete a bin, select the bin to delete, and then click the Delete Bin icon. EAM deletes the record and
updates the Bins list. You can only delete a bin if there are no existing part records associated with the





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Demo: Create a store bin
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a store bin.





Exercise 7.2: Create a store bin

In this exercise, you will create a store bin.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a store

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Setup > Stores. The Store screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Store screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID STORE in the Store field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Store> in the field to the right of the Store field.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Create two store bins

1. Click the Bins tab.
2. Type <your assigned student ID BIN 1> in the Bin field.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Bin 1> in the Description field.
4. Click Submit. The Bins list is updated.
5. Type <your assigned student ID BIN 2> in the Bin field.
6. Type <your assigned student ID Bin 2> in the Description field.
7. Click Submit. The Bins list is updated.

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Managing store parts information
Creating and managing parts information for a business has far-reaching effects. Once you include this
information in the database, it is used frequently by buyers, storeroom employees, planners, managers,
and other individuals throughout the organization.

Creating parts
Parts are created to identify which assets, parts, and tools are entered into inventory. When creating
parts, you can classify and categorize parts, identify serialized parts, and specify tax codes, warranty
information, tracking methods, buyers, and preferred suppliers. This information facilitates the requisition
and purchasing process. Parts can also be set up as repairable spare parts known as cores in EAM.

Associating manufacturers with parts

Manufacturer records can be established and associated with part and equipment records.

Associating suppliers with parts

Suppliers’ records can be established and associated with part and equipment records.

Defining substitute parts

In EAM you have the ability to define parts that can be substituted for other parts. Parts do not have to be
substituted in a one-to-one relationship.

Changing part numbers

During the requisition and purchase order process, EAM allows users the option to purchase items that
do not exist in the master parts list by assigning a temporary part number. System-generated part
numbers begin with the character “N.” Changing part numbers allows users to “merge” part records and
their respective transaction history.
Another use for the part number change is in situations when part codes are based on a supplier's
catalog number for the part. It might be necessary to update part codes if a supplier’s catalog is updated
to not lose its association with the supplier catalog number. By updating the existing part code, EAM
retains the purchasing history and historical information for the part and avoids creating a new part to
associate with the updated supplier catalog numbers.





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Demo: Manage store parts information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create, maintain, substitute, and change part
numbers of stored parts.





Exercise 7.3: Manage store parts information

In this exercise, you will create, maintain, substitute, and change part numbers of stored

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create parts

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Part screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PART> in the Part field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Part> in the field to the right of the Part field.
6. Select EA from the UOM field.
7. Select <your tax code> from the Tax Code field.
8. Select Stock from the Tracking Method drop-down list.
9. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Associate a manufacturer with a part

1. Select More > Manufacturers. The Manufacturers tab displays.
2. Select <a manufacturer of your choice> from the Manufacturer field.
3. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Manufacturer Part Number field.
4. Select the Primary check box.
5. Click Submit. The Manufacturers list is updated.

172 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Part 3: Associate a supplier with a part
1. Click the Suppliers tab.
2. Select <a supplier of your choice> from the Supplier field.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Supplier Part> in the Supplier Part Description field.
4. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Catalog Reference field.
5. Type 14.00 in the Gross Price field.
6. Type 1 in the Minimum Order Qty field. This value represents the supplier’s minimum order
quantity for the part.
7. Select EA from the UOP field. Note: UOP is Unit of Purchase.
8. Type 1 in the Qty. per UOP field. The value in this field converts the unit of purchase to the unit
of measure. If the units are the same, the value is one.
9. Type 3 in the Lead Time (Days) field.
10. Click Submit. The Suppliers list is updated.

Part 4: Change part numbers

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Right-click anywhere on the Part screen. A list of options displays.
3. Select Change Part Number. The Change Part Number pop-up window opens.
4. Type <your assigned student ID NEW PART NUMBER> in the New Part field.
5. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.

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Managing manufacturer information
EAM allows you to maintain a list of manufacturers and associate them with parts in order to define
manufacturer part numbers and drawing numbers. It is noteworthy that both Manufacturer Part Number
and Drawing Number are key fields in the manufacturers catalog table. Manufacturer Part Number in
particular is a very important field, available on multiple parts-associated screens and it can be used
when trying to find part records based on the manufacturer part number, instead of the “in house” part





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Demo: Define and associate manufacturer information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define manufacturer information and associate parts
with the manufacturer.





Exercise 7.4: Define and associate manufacturer information

In this exercise, you will define manufacturer information and associate parts with the

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define manufacturer information

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Setup > Manufacturers. The Manufacturer screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Manufacturer screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID MANUFACTURER> in the Manufacturer field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Manufacturer> in the field to the right of the Manufacturer field.
6. Select <a supplier of your choice> from the Supplier field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Associate a part with a manufacturer

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select <your part> from the Parts field.
3. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Manufacturer Part Number field.
4. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 175

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Managing suppliers
Large maintenance organizations deal with many suppliers. There are suppliers for parts, equipment,
services, rentals, office supplies, and more. The Supplier screen is the primary screen for setting up a
supplier network. Within this screen, you can establish a list of suppliers, create a catalog of parts provided
by specific suppliers, and list contacts for suppliers. You can also associate addresses for suppliers.
You can also create a supplier hierarchy to establish parent/child relationships between suppliers. When
creating a supplier hierarchy, you cannot designate a supplier as a parent supplier if the supplier is already
designated as a child in a supplier hierarchy. Additionally, a supplier cannot have multiple parent suppliers,
nor can a supplier be a parent supplier to itself within a supplier hierarchy. After defining supplier
information, you can update information for both suppliers and their catalogs as necessary; however, you
cannot delete a supplier record or a record from a supplier's catalog if they have been associated with
another record within the system.

Defining suppliers
You define suppliers to create records for the suppliers in your supplier network.
Purchase Site and Services indicate whether you can purchase materials and/or services from the
supplier. If you deselect Purchase Site, you cannot select the supplier for purchase orders for materials.
Likewise, if you deselect Services, you cannot select the supplier for purchases for services or labor.
Additionally, you can specify minimum and maximum order values for the supplier to establish limits for
purchasing from this supplier. EAM prevents you from creating purchase orders or requisitions for the
supplier if you exceed the specified maximum or fail to meet a minimum order value for purchasing
materials or services.

Copying suppliers
The copy supplier feature copies a supplier, including all details.





176 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Demo: Define a supplier
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a supplier.





Exercise 7.5: Define a supplier

In this exercise, you will define a supplier.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Define a supplier

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Setup > Suppliers. The Supplier screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Supplier screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID SUPPLIER> in the Supplier field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Supplier> in the field to the right of the Supplier field.
6. Select English from the Language drop-down list.
7. Type USD in the Currency field.
8. Select the Service Provider check box. This identifies the supplier providing services. You would
leave this check box clear if the supplier is only for purchasing materials.
9. Type 3 in the Lead Time (Days) field. This identifies the average number of days the supplier
needs to provide the ordered goods or services.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add supplier address information

1. Click the Addresses tab.
2. Select Mail from the Address Type drop-down list.
3. Type <a phone number of your choice> in the Telephone field.
4. Type <a street address, state, and zip code of your choice> in the Full Address field.
5. Click Submit. The Address list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 177

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Part 3 Define supplier contacts
1. Click the Contacts tab.
2. Type 1 in the Sequence Number field.
3. Type <a name of your choice> in the Name field.
4. Type <an email address of your choice> in the Primary E-mail field.
5. Type <a phone number of your choice> in the Primary Phone field.
6. Click Submit. The Contacts list is updated.

Part 4: Copy supplier information

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Right-click anywhere on the Supplier screen. A list of options displays.
3. Select Copy Supplier from the list of options. The Copy Supplier or Customer pop-up window
4. Type <your assigned student ID Supplier 2> in the New Supplier or Customer fields. You will
need to do this in both fields.
5. Verify that all Copy Record Options check boxes are selected.
6. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.
7. Click the Contacts tab. <Your contact> displays.

Create a supplier catalog

You can create a supplier catalog to establish and maintain a list of the materials provided by a supplier.
A supplier catalog allows you to do the following:
 Add services to suppliers - If you enter Purchase UOM, enter Qty. per unit of purchase to indicate
the unit of purchase in relation to the unit of measure that the supplier has defined for the service.
 Define rates for suppliers - When automatically populating Hourly Rate on any screen, EAM
populates the field based on the information entered on the Rates tab of the Supplier screen. If
you do not define a rate for a supplier, EAM populates Hourly Rate based on the information
entered on the Rates tab of the Trade screen if applicable. Dates for the same trade and rate
combination cannot overlap.
 Associate commodities with suppliers – You can define commodity codes before associating
commodities with suppliers. EAM allows you to associate multiple commodities with each

178 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Demo: Create a supplier catalog
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a supplier’s catalog with services and rates





Exercise 7.6: Create a supplier catalog

In this exercise, you will create a supplier catalog

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a supplier catalog

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Setup > Suppliers. The Supplier screen opens.
3. Select <your supplier> from List View.
4. Click the Parts tab.
5. Select <your part> from the Part field.
6. Type <your assigned student ID Part> in the Supplier Part Desc field.
7. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Catalog Reference field.
8. Type <a price of your choice> in the Gross Price field.
9. Select the Preferred Supplier check box.
10. Type EA in the UOP field.
11. Type 1 in the Qty per UOP field. Note that the Lead Time (Days) field value carries over from the
12. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 2: Define supplier rates

1. Select More > Rates. The Rates tab displays.
2. Select <your trade> from the Trade field.
3. Type 50.00 in the Hourly Rate field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 179

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4. Select <today’s date> in the Start Date field.
5. Select <one year from today’s date> in the End Date field.
6. Click Submit. The Rates list is updated.

Global search for parts

EAM offers a global search function for part records. By design, the global search options in the Dataspy
and quick filter on Materials/Parts will search for not just the Part field, but also the values for the Supplier
Catalog Reference, Alternative Catalog References, and Manufacturer Part Number fields.

Demo: Global parts search

Your instructor will demonstrate how to perform a global parts search.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Click Expand Right. Parts display in List View.
4. Select Global Search from the Part drop-down list on the right-side of the screen.
5. Select Contains from the (A) drop-down list.
6. Type 123 in the field to the right of the (A) drop-down list. This searches for part number,
manufacturer part number, supplier catalog reference, and alternative catalog reference.
7. Click Run. A list of parts displays. Note: You can also press F8 instead of clicking Run.
8. Scroll through the list to see if any of the parts displays the numbers 123. Part number 10008
Bearing 20mm does not display the 123 sequence.
9. Double-click 10008 Bearing 20mm. Part number 10008 displays in Record View.
10. Click the Suppliers tab. The number 123 displays in the Catalog Reference column.





180 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Managing store and stock information
EAM allows users to associate a part record with one or several storerooms. Within each storeroom, the
part can be stored in one or multiple bins. It is possible to have a part record without a store and stock
record, as is typically the case with expense parts. It is also possible to have a part with a store record but
without a stock (bin) record for the given storeroom. This is a setup usually seen with on-demand, direct-
issue parts.
The store record for a part defines its automatic reorder information, as well as its price type and price,
and other basic store parameters, such as min/max levels, default printer, etc. The part price is critical in
determining not only the inventory value on hand, but also the cost of the part when it is being used in the
system. EAM allows you to set price type (valuation method) for either an entire store, or on a part-by-part
There are five different accounting methods available for calculating the part value as the following table

Method Description

Average price In the average price method, a weighted average is taken for each part, and
the value is continuously calculated as parts are received and used. Each
unique part number has the same value, regardless of quantity in the bin—for
example, all 60 watt bulbs in the same bin are each worth the same,
regardless of the last purchase.

First In-First Out In the FIFO method, when a part is taken out of inventory, the cost of the first
(FIFO) part received is recorded. Subsequent issues of the part will use the next
historical cost. The first parts put on the shelf are used before the last part.

Last price In the last price method, parts are issued at the last receipt price according to
the EAM purchasing module.

Last In-First Out In the LIFO method, when a part is taken out of inventory, the cost of the last
(LIFO) part received is recorded. Subsequent issues of the part will use the previous
historical cost. The last parts put on the shelf are used before the first part.

Standard price In the standard price method, a periodically adjusted fixed price is usually
taken from the supplier’s catalog. This method requires continuous review and
update of various supplier price lists for manual adjustment.

Typically, price type is set according to the organization’s accounting rules. If no preference is given, the
average price method is generally chosen. Once a price type is selected, it cannot be changed, or the
inventory value calculation will restart from the day of the change. FIFO and LIFO also present special
issues when calculating how much parts are worth on a work order.

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Price valuation may be set for each store or at the part level, depending on how your
application was configured. Also the price type will have a default setting of average, last
price, or standard, depending on how your application is configured. Within one set of
configuration options, you can have a different price type for each store. However, your
system may be configured to calculate part value on the part level, not the store level.
Check with your system administrator to make sure you know how parts are valued in your

Creating storeroom records for parts

Associating stores with parts enables you to specify detailed inventory information for specific parts, such
as minimum stock levels and reorder quantities that determine how your company's stock levels are
You can also define part prices at the stock level enabling you to enter and update pricing information for
each store in which the part is held.
Additionally, if you use LIFO or FIFO as the price type for the part in the store, EAM inserts a record for the
part when the part is received to stock that includes the part, price, quantity, store, and transaction date.

Entering stock information for parts

When you enter stock information for parts, you can select the store, bin, and lot for the part in a store.
EAM enters the price based on the calculated base price of the part, and you can modify the price as
If you do not enter a quantity on hand for the part when entering a stock record, EAM creates a new stock
record for the part but does not create a stock transaction.
If you are using LIFO/FIFO as your pricing method, EAM creates a record for the part and creates a
receipt transaction for the stock initialization of the part.





182 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Demo: Maintain stock information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to associate parts to a store and enter stock information
for parts.





Exercise 7.7: Maintain stock information

In this exercise, you will associate parts to a store and enter stock information for parts.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Associate parts to a store

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Parts screen opens.
3. Select <your part> from List View.
4. Click the Stores tab.
5. Select <your store> from the Store field.
6. Select A from the ABC Class drop-down list. The value in this field defines to which class to
associate stock items. EAM uses this information to perform a ABC analysis.
7. Select Reorder level from the Stock Method drop-down list.
8. Type 2 in the Reorder Level field.
9. Type 3 in the Order Qty field.
10. Select <your bin 1> from the Default Bin field.
11. Select Last in first out price from the Price Type drop-down list.
12. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 2: Enter stock (bin) data

1. Click the Stock tab.
2. Select <your store> from the Store field.
3. Select <your bin 2> from the Bin field.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 183

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4. Type 5 in the Qty. on Hand field.
5. Click Submit. The Stock list is updated.

Part 3: View transactions

1. Click the Transactions tab.
2. Move the horizontal scroll bar to the right to view transaction details for the parts.
3. Note the following fields:
o Date Last Issued –This is when the item was issued to the floor, for a piece of equipment,
for a project, etc.
o Date Last Received – This is through a direct purchase, stock purchase, requisition or
receipt, or stock adjustment.
4. Select Materials > Setup > Stores. The Store screen opens.
5. Select <your store> from List View.
6. Click the Transactions tab. The transactions for <your store> display.

184 Lesson 7: Material configuration

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Check your understanding

What functionality does EAM have for managing store part information?




How are bins used?




What is the importance of the store record for a part?




How can you establish and maintain a list of the materials provided by a supplier?




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Lesson 8: Materials movement
Estimated time
5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to summarize the processes and tasks associated with the
movement of materials. In this lesson, you will:
 Discuss materials movement.
 Describe how to transfer parts.
 Describe how to issue and return parts.
 Describe how to create a requisition.
 Describe how to reserve parts.
 Describe how to view and modify materials information.
 Describe how to view parts activity.
 Describe how to complete a physical inventory.

 Materials movement
 Transferring parts
 Issuing and returning parts
 Creating and reviewing requisitions
 Reserving parts
 Viewing and modifying materials information
 Viewing parts activity
 Reviewing physical inventory
 Check your understanding

186 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Materials movement
EAM helps you track the multitude of materials movement functions that take place in a maintenance
organization. You may transfer needed parts, issue parts to work orders, and return unused parts to their
stores. You are also able to perform physical inventories and report discrepancies.
When inventory reaches its specified reorder point, EAM generates a requisition to replenish the stock.
You then receive the parts or return parts to suppliers.
Finally, EAM provides the functionality for you to review the current value of stock in inventory, view lists
of reserved stock, and determine where parts have been used.





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Transferring parts
When you transfer parts from store to store, EAM creates a stock record for the transferred part in the
receiving store. The price type defaults to the price type of the receiving store. Store-to-store transfers
also have the option of a requisition and a status to show where the items are between stores.
Transfer parts between bins to move materials within the same storeroom; the old bin location for the part
remains associated with the record after a bin move and needs to be deleted manually, if needed.

Transfer parts between bins

Transferring parts between bins does not create a stock record transaction because inventory levels for
the part remain the same.
You cannot enter a transaction quantity greater than one when issuing parts tracked by asset. If you want
to issue multiple quantities of a part tracked by asset, you must transfer the part with a transaction
quantity of one until you have transferred the total number of the part tracked by asset that you want to
transfer from the sending bin to the receiving bin.

Quick store-to-store transfers

The Quick Store-to-Store Transfer screen allows you to transfer materials between storerooms without
having to create requisitions and formal receipt records. When transferring parts using the Quick Store-to-
Store Transfer screen, you must define a transfer header and then add as many part records as there are
parts to transfer. Before submitting your transaction, you can edit part records by selecting the part in the
Transaction Details list. EAM displays the part record in the detail section where you can edit information
related to the transfer as necessary. If a stock record does not exist in the receiving store, a new stock
record is created when the transaction is submitted. EAM’s confirmation includes the transaction number.
Since this tracking feature is not used for this type of transfer, store-to-store transfers should be reserved
for very quick material movements. Available quantities in the sending and receiving warehouses are
adjusted immediately after the system saves the transaction.





188 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Demo: Transfer parts
Your instructor will demonstrate how to transfer parts between bins and perform the quick
store-to-store transfer.





Exercise 8.1: Transfer parts

In this exercise, you will transfer parts between bins and perform the quick store-to-store

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Transfer parts between bins

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <your part> from List View.
4. Click the Stock tab.
5. Select <the stock you want to move>.
6. Select Actions > Transfer Part between Bins. The Transfer Part between Bins pop-up
window opens.
7. Select <your bin 1> from the New Bin field.
8. Type 1 in the Transfer Qty field.
9. Click Submit. The Stock list is updated by transferring the specified quantity of the part from the
sending bin to the receiving bin and updates the Qty. on Hand field for the selected bins on the
Stock list.

Part 2: Quick store-to-store transfer

1. Select Materials > Transactions > Quick Store-to-Store Transfer. The Quick Store-to-Store
Transfer screen opens.
2. Type <your assigned student ID Store to Store Transfer> in the Transfer Desc field.
3. Select <your store> from the From Store field.
4. Select FAC-MAIN from the To Store field.
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 189
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5. Select <your part> from the Part field.
6. Select <your bin 1> from the From Bin field.
7. Select * T.B.D. from the To Bin field.
8. Type 1 in the Transfer On Hand Qty field.
9. Click the Add to List icon. The Transaction Details list is updated. Note: You may receive the
following message: “The part not held in requesting store and Part does not exist in the selected
supplier’s catalog. Record will be created.” Click OK.

The Add to List icon looks exactly like the Submit icon.

10. Click Submit Transaction in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

11. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

190 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Issuing and returning parts
Parts are issued from stores for work orders, equipment, or projects. Unused parts and parts needing
repair are returned to the stores. At your discretion, you can issue parts from inventory using two
 At the work order level from the Work Order screen, Parts tab
 Through the materials module using the Issue/Return Parts screen
Parts can be issued to five different codes as permitted by user group authorization as the following table

Code Description

Work Order - A part can be issued to a specific activity on a work order and a single work
Activity order can have different parts issued to different activities.

Project - Budget Although parts can be issued to a work order, which can affect an
associated project budget, parts can be issued directly to an established
budget in EAM.

Equipment Parts may be issued directly to an equipment ID.

Cost codes Parts may be expensed by issuing them to a cost code.

Employee Parts can be issued to an employee (controlled by an install parameter).

Issuing/returning parts from a stock record of a part

Parts can be issued from the stock record of a part on the Stock tab of the Part screen using the Issue
Part pop-up window. You must select either a valid combination for Work Order–Activity/Equipment or for
Work Order–Activity/Project–Budget to submit the issue/return, or you can select to make the issue/return
to an individual piece of equipment or an individual project – budget.
The majority of the time, parts are issued and returned via a work order. You can also issue and return
parts from a part's stock record.

Issue/Return Parts screen

The Issue/Return Parts screen supports the process for parts warranty. A Warranty check box, if
selected, flags the part as being under warranty. There are also options for printing return labels.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 191

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Demo: Issue/Return Parts screen
Your instructor will demonstrate the Issue/Return Parts screen.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Issue part

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Transactions > Issue/Return Parts. The Issue/Return Parts screen opens.
3. Select MA-1 from the Store field.
4. Click the Lookup icon in the WO-Activity field. The Work Orders pop-up window opens.
5. Select <your work order/activity> from the list of work orders.
6. Click OK.
7. Select <your trade>.
8. Click OK.
9. Select 100-BUSHING BLK from the Part field.
10. Select 1-C from the Bin field.
11. Type 1 in the Transaction Qty field.
12. Click Add to List. The Parts list is updated.
13. Click the Submit Transaction button. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Return part

1. Select Return from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
2. Select <your work order/activity> from the WO/Activity field.
3. Select <your trade> form the WO/Activity field.
4. Select 100-BUSHING BLK from the Part field.
5. Select 1-C from the Bin field.
6. Type 1 in the Transaction Qty field.
7. Click Add to List. The Parts list is updated.
8. Select Actions. A list of options displays. You can print labels using the options.
9. Click anywhere on the screen to close the list of options.
10. Click Submit Transaction. A confirmation message displays.

192 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Demo: Issue and return parts from a part’s stock record
Your instructor will demonstrate how to issue and return parts from a part’s stock record.





Exercise 8.2: Issue and return parts from a part’s stock record
In this exercise, you will issue and return parts from a part’s stock record.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Issue part

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <your part> from List View.
4. Click the Stock tab.
5. Select <a stock line that has inventory>.
6. Select Actions > Issue Part. The Issue Part pop-up window opens.
7. Select <your work order and activity> from the Work Order - Activity field. The Department
field is populated because it is associated with the equipment.
8. Select <your employee> from the Issue To field.
9. Type 1 in the Issue Qty field.
10. Click Submit. The part is issued.

Part 2: Return part

1. Select <a stock line>.
2. Select Actions > Return Part. The Return Part pop-up window opens.
3. Select <your work order and activity> from the Work order - Activity field.
4. Type 1 in the Return Qty field.
5. Select <your employee> from the Issue To field.
6. Click Submit. The stock record is updated with the return part.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 193

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Creating and reviewing requisitions
Requisitions can be generated based on low stock levels or on demand for materials. To generate a
requisition for parts that need to be purchased, you must set up a preferred supplier on the Stores tab of
the Part screen or a preferred supplier on Record View of the Part screen. If purchasing from a supplier,
catalog price is needed for the system to generate the low stock requisition. For orders replenished by a
storeroom, the part needs to have a valid part price.

Generating requisitions from low stock

EAM offers automatic requisition generation for low stock levels based on parameters set by the users.
EAM provides three stock replenishment methods:
 Min/Max
 Reorder level
 On-demand
EAM also enables you to generate requisitions for external repairs of repairable spare parts.
To generate requisitions from low stock, EAM generates a default requisition for all parts below the
acceptable level to reach the specified stock level for the parts.
To implement a stock replenishment method, you must specify a stock method for the part and enter a
minimum quantity, maximum quantity, order quantity, and/or a reorder level on the stock record,
depending on the stock method you have selected. You also must enter a preferred supplier or preferred
storeroom and appropriate part price.
When generating requisitions, EAM may generate more than one requisition. Based on the parameters
you enter on the Generate Requisitions screen, EAM may select part lines with multiple store, supplier,
and/or buyer combinations. When you click Generate, EAM generates a different requisition for each
individual store/supplier/buyer combination.

Generating requisitions using the on-demand method

If you are using the on-demand method, there is no minimum quantity of the part to maintain. EAM
generates a requisition for the part when there is demand for the part (e.g., there is a reservation for the
part) but there is not enough of the part in stock to fill the reservation. If you make reservations for an
event in the distant future, EAM generates a requisition for the required materials. Infor recommends the
implementation of company policies to restrict reservation usage to a reasonable time frame in order to
minimize excessive inventory.
EAM uses the information you supply in Default Approver to populate Approved By on the Requisition
screen. If Auto Req. Status on the Stores screen is set to A (Approved) and you do not enter a default
approver, EAM populates Approved By on the Requisitions screen with your user ID.

194 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Demo: Generate a requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how to generate a requisition
 Only an instructor should perform this demo to ensure this exercise works as intended.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Define preferred supplier, reorder quantity, stock method, and order quantity
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select 10003 from List View.
4. Click the Stores tab.
5. Select MA – 1 Main Store from the Stores list.
6. Select <a supplier of your choice> from the Preferred Supplier field.
7. Type 150 in the Average Price field.
8. Select Reorder Level from the Stock Method drop-down list.
9. Type 2 in the Reorder Level field.
10. Type 5 in the Order Qty field.
11. Click Submit.

Part 2: Generate the requisition

1. Select Materials > Process > Generate Requisitions. The Generate Requisitions screen
2. Select <a supervisor of your choice> from the Requested By field.
3. Click the Parts Preview tab. Requisition lines display based on the parameters set to generate a
requisition such as below reorder level or on-demand. Note that each requisition line is selected.
You can clear any of the check boxes as needed.
4. Select the Print Requisition check box.
5. Select the Select check box to clear all check boxes.
6. Select <the requisition line for part 10003>.
7. Click the Generate button. The requisition displays in a pdf file. displays.
8. Scroll through the requisition to view the details.
9. Write the requisition number here. _________________________
10. Click X in the top-right corner of the requisition to close it. You return to the Generate
Requisitions screen.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 195

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Part 3: Approve the requisition
1. Select Materials > Requisitions. The Requisition screen opens.
2. Select <your part requisition> from List View. Note that the status is Unfinished.
3. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.





196 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Reviewing automatic purchase order generation
If you are a buyer with the proper authorization, you can automatically generate purchase orders with
Unfinished, Ready for printing, or Approved status from existing requisitions on the Generate POs screen.
You must also have sufficient monetary approval limits for the following:
 Purchase order line or header level for the purchase order
 PO approval on the Users screen to generate or approve the purchase order
When generating automatic purchase orders, EAM may generate more than one purchase order. Based
on the search criteria you enter on the Generate PO screen, EAM may return requisition lines with
multiple store and/or supplier combinations. When you select Create PO, EAM generates a different
purchase order for each individual store/supplier combination.
This process is the natural next step in the low stock replenishment method after the requisitions have
been generated and approved.

Demo: Review automatic purchase order generation

Your instructor will review automatic purchase order generation.
 Only an instructor should perform this demo to ensure this exercise works as intended.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Process > Generate POs. The Generate POs screen opens.
3. Verify that the value in the Organization field is populated with ORG1.
4. Verify that the value in the PO Status field is Unfinished.
5. Select <a supervisor> from the Originator field.

You can add other parameters to generate the purchase order requisition.

6. Click Process. The Generate POs screen opens. All eligible POs display. Some lines are not
selected due to not having a defined supplier. Note: You can also click the Preview tab.
7. Select the Select check box to clear all check boxes.
8. Select <a PO line> with a defined supplier.
9. Click Generate. A confirmation message displays with the number of records processed.

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198 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Creating requisitions
You create requisitions on the Requisition screen to request materials or services from outside vendors. A
requisition consists of a requisition header and requisition lines. You can create a requisition for stock
items, direct materials, or services. Stock items are materials that are kept in a store and are tracked for
inventory. Direct materials are items that you requisition specifically for work orders.
The life cycle of a requisition is controlled by the requisition status. When you create a requisition, the
system assigns Unfinished as the status of the requisition.
Supplier is an optional field for the requisition because it is possible to assign the requisition lines to
purchase orders for multiple suppliers. If a supplier is selected at the requisition header, all lines would be
procured from the same supplier and the requisition can be assigned only to a purchase order for the
same supplier.
When updating a requisition's status, you can also update other information on the requisition. However,
EAM enables or protects the fields available for update based on whether or not lines have been added to
the requisition, as well as the status to and from which you are updating.
Once the requisition has been approved, it can be used to generate a purchase order (if it has a supplier
at the header level), or its lines can be assigned to appropriate purchase orders.

 Status change authorizations are set up on the Status Authorizations screen.

 In addition to having the appropriate status change authorization to change the status of
a requisition, you must also have been granted sufficient monetary approval limits on the
header level or at the line level for requisitions to approve a requisition. If the total value
of a requisition exceeds your requisition approval at either the header or the line level,
then you cannot approve the requisition.

Creating requisition headers

Requisition headers provide basic requisition information, such as description, requester, etc. When you
specify a work order and activity at the requisition header level, EAM automatically assigns the selected
work order and activity to each of the requisition lines. You can only select work orders with a status of
Released or Closed for which the date completed on the work order is earlier than the number of days set
in the REQDAYS installation parameter.

Adding parts to requisitions

Parts are added to requisitions after creating the requisition header. If you do not know the part number of
a part to be added to the requisition, you can search for the part using the supplier catalog reference
number or the manufacturer part description.
EAM automatically populates some fields on the requisition line with information entered on the
requisition header. While the status of an individual requisition line is Unfinished, you can complete or
update information on the requisition line as necessary. However, EAM protects some fields that can be
automatically populated from the requisition header.
Additionally, when you requisition a part cataloged on the Part screen, EAM also retrieves information
from the part record and automatically populates basic parts fields. If you need to requisition a part you
have not yet created on the Part screen, you can create a requisition for a “N part,” allowing EAM to
create a part number starting with the letter N.

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After adding all of the necessary parts to the requisition, update the status of the requisition as necessary
based on your status change authorization privileges. Status change authorizations are set up on the
Status Authorizations screen.
If the part has no price in the supplier's catalog, EAM retrieves the price from the stock record of the part.
If you have entered a supplier and you also enter a new supplier catalog reference, EAM creates a new
record of the part in the supplier's catalog.
If you have entered a manufacturer and you also enter a new manufacturer part, the system creates a
new part record for the manufacturer.
If you select Direct Materials as the type for the requisition line, you must enter a value in the Work Order–
Activity field.

Adding services to requisitions

Services are added to requisitions when your organization needs to hire external labor.
It is important to note that the work order activity for which the requisition is created needs to have both
the work order and activity on the requisition header and the Hired Labor check box selected for the
activity on the Activities tab of the Work Order screen. EAM restricts the association of a work order
activity with only one requisition or purchase order line. Thus, if the work order requires multiple
requisition or purchase order lines, it will need to have an activity record for each purchase line.
It is possible to quickly create a work order and activity on the Services tab of the Requisition screen
without having to open the Work Order screen by selecting the Create Work Order/Activity option and
creating a work order and activity for the requisition.

Copying requisitions
The Copy Requisition feature, accessed by right-clicking as compared to clicking the Copy Record icon,
copies a requisition, including all details. This is especially helpful if you continuously order the same





200 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Demo: Create a requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a requisition header, add a part, add a service
(external labor), and create a work order





Exercise 8.3: Create a requisition

In this exercise, you will create a requisition header, add a part, add a service (external
labor), and create a work order and activity for the service.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a requisition header

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Requisitions. The Requisition screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Requisition screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Requisition> in the Requisition field. Note: EAM will
automatically generate a requisition number after you save the record.
5. Select <your store> from the Store field.
6. Select BWELLS – Bob Wells from the Requested By field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add parts to a requisition

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select <your part> from the Part field.
3. Type 1 in the Requested Qty (UOM) field. Note: There is a value in the field. You can type over
it if the value is different than what you are requesting.
4. Type 40.00 in the Price (UOM) field.
5. Select <three days from today’s date> in the Requested Before field.
6. Click Submit. The Requisition Parts list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 201

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Part 3: Add services for hired labor to a requisition
Note: The work order used in this exercise must have an activity associated with it, the Hired Labor check
box is selected, and a supplier entered.
1. Click the Services tab.
2. Click the Lookup icon in the Work Order-Activity field.
3. Select <your work order> from the list of work orders.
4. Click OK.
5. Select BOIL from the Work-Order Activity field.
6. Click OK.
7. Type 500.00 in the Price field.
8. Select <three days from today’s date> in the Requested Before field.
9. Select Hours from service from the Type drop-down list.
10. Type 10 in the Hours Requested field.
11. Click Submit. The Services list is updated.

Part 4: Create a work order and activity for requisition services

1. Click the Services tab.
2. Select Actions > Create Work Order/Activity. The Create Work Order/Activity pop-up window
3. Select <your equipment> from the Equipment field.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Equipment> in the W/O Description field.
5. Select Ready-to-Schedule/Assign from the Status drop-down list.
6. Select Breakdown from the Type drop-down list.
7. Select <two days from today’s date> in the Sched. Start Date field.
8. Select <three days from today’s date> in the Sched. End Date field.
9. Select <your trade> from the Trade field.
10. Select <two days from today’s date> in the Activity Start Date field in the Activity Details
11. Select <three days from today’s date> in the Activity End Date field Activity Details section.
Note: You may receive a message that the Activity Start Date and Activity End Date occurred
outside the date range specified by Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date. Click Yes to
12. Type 10 in the Estimated Hours field.
13. Type 3 in the People Required field.
14. Click Submit. You return to the Service Details section of the Requisition screen. Values
populate the Service Details section.
15. Type 50.00 in the Price field.
16. Click Submit. The Services list is updated.
202 Lesson 8: Materials movement
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Demo: Copy a requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how to copy a requisition.





Exercise 8.4: Copy a requisition

In this exercise, you will copy a requisition.

Exercise steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Requisitions. The Requisition screen opens.
3. Select <a requisition of your choice> from List View.
4. Right-click anywhere on the screen in Record View. A list of options displays.

Using the Copy Record icon copies the requisition header. The Copy Requsition
option allows you to copy the entire requisition.

5. Select Copy Requisition from the list of options. The Copy Requisition pop-up window opens.
6. Type <your assigned student ID Copy Requisition> in the Requisition field.
7. A confirmation message displays.
8. Click Save Record.
9. Click the Parts tab. All the parts information is copied.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 203

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Reserving parts
Reserving parts for work orders allows users to adequately manage the future material needs of an
organization. Parts reservations are included in the low stock requisition process.

Demo: Reserve and view part reservation

Your instructor will demonstrate how to reserve and view part reservation
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Select <your work order> from List View. Note: The work order must have an activity attached.
4. Click the Parts tab.
5. Select <a part of your choice> from the Part field. Note: There should be a quantity associated
with the part.
6. Select <the activity> attached to this part from the Activity field.
7. Select <the store attached to this part> from the Store field.
8. Type 2 in the Planned Qty field.
9. Type 2 in the Reserved Qty field.
10. Click Submit. The Planned and Reserved quantities display at the top of the screen in the Parts





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Viewing and modifying materials information
Part information can be viewed and modified as necessary.
Price information for parts can also be updated. Revaluation of price information for parts is calculated
either at the time of the approval of a receipt for a part or at the time of the approval of an invoice for a
part, depending on your system installation parameters. Manually updating the price of a part also
changes its valuation.
You can change the default price type for a specific part and update the average, last, and standard
pricing information for a part, if your system allows it. You can also update and specify default price types
for individual parts, as necessary.
Part records can be deleted; however, you cannot delete a part record once any of the following have
 The part has been associated with a piece of equipment.
 The part has been recorded into stock.
 The part has been used in a pick list.
 The part is referenced by a purchase requisition.
 The part has a store transaction against it.
 The part has been allocated or reserved.





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Demo: View and modify part information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to view and modify part information.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <a part of your choice> from List View.
4. Type <an addition to the description> in the Part field. Note: You can modify any parameter.
5. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.





206 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Viewing and modifying stock information for parts
You can view and modify stock information for parts to update the quantity of a part in stock. You can only
update the quantity on hand when modifying stock information for parts. Store, Bin, Price, and Lot are
protected fields. If you enter a new quantity on hand for the part, EAM creates an approved stock
transaction for the difference between the old quantity and the new quantity and reflects it in the parts
transaction history.

Demo: View and modify part, store, and part price information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to view and modify part, store, stock, and part price
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Modify store information for a part

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <a part of your choice> from List View.
4. Click the Stores tab.
5. Select <part line> at the top of the screen. Details for that part display at the bottom of the
6. Change any of the parameters associated with the store information.
7. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 2: Modify price information for a part

1. Select <a part of your choice> from List View.
2. Click the Stores tab.
3. Select <part line> at the top of the screen. Details for that part display at the bottom of the
4. Type <a new price> in the Average Price field.
5. Click Submit. The price of <the part> is updated in Order Details and on the part line.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 207

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Viewing parts activity
Part activity information is available on the Transactions tab of the Part screen, as well as on the
Transactions tab on the Store screen. Activity information for a part includes usage, demand, active
purchase orders, requisitions, purchase order history, when/where the part has been used, stock values
for LIFO/FIFO, stock for stores, stock levels by store, bin stock, stock transactions, stock in-transit, and
part reservations.

Demo: Review the activity of parts

Your instructor will demonstrate how to review the activity of parts.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: View the activity for a part

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
3. Select <your part> from List View.
4. Click the Transactions tab. Transactions for <the part> display.

Part 2: View transaction activity for a store

1. Select Materials > Setup > Stores. The Store screen opens.
2. Select <your store> from List View.
3. Click the Transactions tab. Parts activity for the store displays.





208 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Reviewing physical inventory
Physical inventory is the process that involves inventory personnel going to the storeroom and counting
the number of parts on hand. EAM does not place a freeze or a lock on the parts you include in the
physical inventory. Therefore, if you leave a physical inventory open for a period of time, you may find
that there is a discrepancy between the physical inventory on the shelves and what is in EAM because
someone could have issued parts that were part of your physical inventory process.
Once you have initiated the physical inventory and selected the Parts tab of the Physical Inventory
screen, you have two ways to print the inventory list. You can export the items on the Parts tab to
Microsoft Excel and print a spreadsheet. Or select Materials > Reports > Print Physical Inventory List and
select to print the physical inventory you initiated. You are not required to count all the parts in your list. If
the physical inventory parts on hand are the same as the expected quantity, you should still enter that
quantity so that EAM records it in the transaction history of the part. It shows that you counted it and there
was no discrepancy.
Physical inventory counts need to be approved before the system updates the quantity on hand with
values from the physical inventory count.





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Demo: Complete a physical inventory
Your instructor will demonstrate how to complete a physical inventory.
 Only an instructor should perform this demo to ensure this exercise works as intended.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Transactions > Physical Inventory. The Physical Inventory screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Physical Inventory screens displays as a blank screen.
4. Select <FAC-MAIN> from the Store field.
5. Type Main Store Inventory in the Description field.
6. Select <a bin> from the From Bin field.
7. Select <a bin> from the To Bin field.
8. Click the Parts tab. The parts that are to be inventoried display.
9. Type <the actual quantity of each part counted> in each cell that corresponds to the part in the
Physical Qty column.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click the Record View tab.
12. Select Approved from the Status field.
13. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

 You can enter quantity counted only for the parts counted and ignore any parts
brought into the counting list if they were not included in the physical count.
 The inventory level is not updated until the status is changed to Approved.





210 Lesson 8: Materials movement

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Check your understanding

What is the difference between transferring stock between stores and transferring stock from
bin to bin?




What two methods are available for issuing parts?

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

What criteria must be entered when using automatic requisition generation for low stock




What is required of a buyer to approve or reject a requisition?




EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 211

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Lesson 9: Purchasing
Estimated time
6 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the processes and tasks associated with
purchasing. In this lesson, you will:
 Describe how to approve or reject a requisition.
 Describe how to create and modify purchase orders.
 Describe how to receive and return parts.
 Describe how to record invoice vouchers.
 Describe how to view purchase order revision history.

 Purchasing processes
 Approving or rejecting part requisitions
 Creating and modifying purchase orders
 Receiving and returning parts
 Recording invoice vouchers
 Viewing transactions for purchase orders
 Check your understanding

212 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Purchasing processes
Purchasing is the link between the storeroom and actual maintenance activities. Parts must be purchased
and stocked before they can support your proactive maintenance organization. The purchasing process
begins with a person, department or organization needing something. That something can be direct
materials, stock items, or services.
The purchasing function may follow several different processes depending upon the business





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Approving or rejecting part requisitions
Before a purchase can be processed, the requisition for that purchase must be approved. Once a
requisition is created, it is submitted for authorization. You must have sufficient status change
authorization to approve or reject a requisition. In addition, you cannot approve requisitions that exceed
your requisition approval limit.
Part requisitions can be approved or rejected singularly or in multiples using the Select option. To select
all the lines at once, select the check box in the Select column header. To deselect all the lines at once,
clear the same check box.
Double-click a requisition to view its details.





214 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Approve/reject a part requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how approve/reject a part requisition.





Exercise 9.1: Approve/reject a part requisition

In this exercise, you will approve/reject a part requisition.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a requisition

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Requisitions. The Requisition screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Requisition screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID EAM Requisition to Approve> in the field to the right of the
Requisition field.
5. Select <your store> from the Store field.
6. Select DACOSTAT – Tony DaCosta from the Requested By field.
7. Select <your assigned student ID> from the Default Approver field. For example, if your
assigned student ID is ST01, select ST01.
8. Click the Parts tab. The requisition number displays next to Requisition in the left corner of the
9. Select <a part of your choice> from the Part field. Note: A pop-up window may open with
messages, “The part not held in requesting store and Part does not exist in the selected
supplier’s catalog. Record will be created.” Click OK.
10. Verify that the following fields are populated. If not, populate with the following values:
o Type <a quantity of your choice> in the Requested Qty (UOM) field.
o Type <a price of your choice> in the Price (UOM) field.
11. Select <tomorrow’s date> from the Requested Before field.
12. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated for the requisition.
13. Click the Record View tab.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 215

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14. Select Awaiting Approval from the Status drop-down list.
15. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
16. Write your requisition number here. _____________________________

Part 2: Copy a requisition

1. Click Copy Record. The Requisition screen displays a screen with the fields populated with the
same values.
2. Type <your assigned student ID EAM Requisition to Reject> in the field to the right of the
Requisition field.
3. Click the Parts tab.
4. Select <a part of your choice> from the Part field.
5. Verify that the following fields are populated. If not, populate with the following values:
o Type <a quantity of your choice> in the Requested Qty (UOM) field.
o Type <a price of your choice> in the Price (UOM) field.
6. Select <tomorrow’s date> from the Requested Before field.
7. Click Submit. The Parts list for the requisition is updated.
8. Click the Record View tab.
9. Select Awaiting Approval from the Status drop-down list.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
11. Write your requisition number here. _____________________________

Part 3: Approve a requisition

1. Select Purchasing > Review Part Requisitions. The Review Part Requisition screen opens.
2. Select the check box beside <your requisition to approve>.
3. Click Approve. A confirmation message displays.

Part 4: Reject a requisition

1. Select the check box beside <your requisition to reject>.
2. Click Reject. The Reject Reason pop-up window opens.
3. Type Not Budgeted in the Reject Reason field.
4. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

216 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Creating and modifying purchase orders
Many times managers, supervisors, engineers, or other people in your organization have the authority to
create purchase orders without going through the requisition process. You may also be a buyer who
needs to make quick spot buys without going through requisition approvals. EAM allows you to skip the
requisition process and go directly to the purchase order.
The purchase order creation process has several steps. First, create the purchase order header and then
add line items for parts and services. At this stage, you can also adjust part charges, associate clauses,
create work orders and activities for service lines, and direct purchases, or add approved requisition lines
to the purchase orders.
The purchase order approval is subject to the monetary approval levels set for the users. The actual
purchase order approval is accomplished by changing the status in Record View to Approved.

Adding parts/services
EAM allows several default purchase order line types. The following tables describes how each default
purchase order line type is used.

Purchase order line Use


Stock The stock purchase order line type is used for stock part items received to
the storeroom. Users can add items from the parts master list or create “N
parts” on the fly.

Direct materials The direct materials purchase order line type is used for parts purchased
for a specific work order/activity (or equipment). Users can add items from
the parts master list or create “N parts” on the fly. Typically, such items
when received are automatically issued by the system against the entity
they were purchased for and not received into inventory. An installation
parameter controls this function and can be changed as necessary.

Fixed price The fixed price purchase order line type is used for service purchase
orders. An existing work order activity (or equipment) is associated with a
purchase order line with a fixed price. The order quantity is always one
and the price is the value of the service. The service, when received, is
recorded against the work order activity from the purchase order line.

Hours for service The hours for service purchase order line type is used for service
purchase orders as an existing work order activity (or equipment) is
associated with a purchase order line for a set number of hours at a
defined rate. The service, when received, is recorded against the work
order activity from the purchase order line.

Contract hire The contract hire purchase order line type is used for service purchase
orders. Unlike the other two service purchase order types, contract hire
does not require the pre-existence of a work order/activity or equipment.
The service however must be received against a valid work order.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 217

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Extra charges/discounts
You can only apply extra charges or discounts to a saved part line with a status of Unfinished. If items are
covered under a specific contract with a supplier, EAM displays contract and discount information after
you add lines to the purchase order. Contract and discount apply only to individual orders.

Coping an existing purchase order

Purchase orders can also be created by copying an existing purchase order. The Copy PO function
copies all details of the existing purchase order into a new purchase order and sets the status of the new
purchase order to Unfinished. In this status, modifications to the new purchase order can be made, as





218 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Create and modify a purchase order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create and modify a purchase order by adding a
header and part details as well as apply additional purchase order functions.





Exercise 9.2: Create and modify a purchase order

In this exercise, you will create and modify a purchase order by adding a header and part
details as well as apply additional purchase order functions.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a purchase order header

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Purchase Order screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Purchase Order> in the field to the right of the Purchase Order
5. Verify that Unfinished is selected in the Status drop-down list. If not, select it.
6. Select <your store> from the Store field.
7. Select BWELLS – Bob Wells from the Originator field.
8. Select <two weeks from today’s date> from the Due Date field.
9. Select <your supplier 2> from the Supplier field. The Currency and Exchange Rate fields are
populated with values because they are associated with <your supplier>.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
11. Write your purchase order number here. _________________________________

Part 2: Add part details to the purchase order

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select <your part> from the Part field.
3. Select Stock items from the Type drop-down list.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 219

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4. Type 1 in the Purchase Qty. (UOP) field.
5. Type 1 in the Requested Qty. (UOM) field.
6. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 3: Create new parts for a purchase order

1. Select Actions > Create Part in the Part Details section of the screen.
2. Type <your assigned student ID New Part for Purchase Order> in the field to the right of the Part
3. Select Stock items from the Type drop-down list.
4. Type 3 in the Purchase Qty. (UOP) field. Note that 3 populates the Requested Qty. (UOM) field.
5. Type 5.00 in the Price (UOP) field.
6. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated with the new part. Note: The part number has the prefix

Part 4: Add service details to the purchase order

1. Click the Services tab.
2. Select Hours from service from the Type drop-down list.
3. Click the Lookup icon in the Work Order – Activity field.
4. Select <your work order>.
5. Click OK.
6. Select <your BOIL activity>.
7. Click OK. The Hours Requested field and Price (UPO) field are populated because they are
associated with your work order/activity. The Due Date field is populated because it was created
on the purchase order header. Note: If no work order/activity is assigned, select Actions >
Create Work Order/Activity to create one.

The Hired Labor check box of the work order/activity must be selected.

8. Select the Freeze Rate check box. This freezes the exchange rate throughout the purchase order
approval process.
9. Click Submit. The Services line is updated.

Part 5: Approve the purchase order

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
3. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

220 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Create a purchase order from a requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a purchase order from a requisition.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Materials > Requisitions. The Requisition screen opens.
3. Select 10002 from List View.
4. Right-click anywhere on the Requisition screen. A list of options displays.
5. Select Generate PO from the list of options. A confirmation message displays.
6. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
7. Select <your purchase order>.
8. Click the Parts tab. The Parts list displays because it carried over from the requisition.





EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 221

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Demo: Copy a purchase order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to copy a purchase order.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen opens.
3. Select 10001-SPOT BUY from List View. 10001-SPOT BUY displays in Record View.
4. Right-click anywhere on the 10001-SPOT BUY record. A list of options displays.
5. Select Copy PO from the list of options. The Copy PO pop-up window opens.
6. Review the Copy Record Options.
7. Type <your assigned student ID SPOT BUY COPY> in the New PO Description field.
8. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays. The purchase order you copied displays in List





222 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Receiving and returning parts
Parts can be received against existing purchase orders or for items purchased without a purchase order
such as credit card purchases (stock items only). EAM automatically updates the status of requisitions
and purchase orders to Complete when all lines of the requisition or purchase order are received. If there
are subsequent returns affecting the requisition or purchase order, EAM opens the affected record and
automatically changes the status accordingly.

Receiving parts against purchase orders

When receiving parts against an existing purchase order, the purchase order receipt header must first be
created so you can receive purchase orders to your location. Your receipt header can be created based
on an outstanding purchase order or for a specific supplier.
Once you create a receipt header, EAM allows you to retrieve outstanding purchase order lines on the
Active Lines tab. If you entered a purchase order on the receipt header, EAM displays all outstanding part
lines for the selected purchase order. If you entered a supplier and store on the receipt header, EAM
displays all outstanding part lines on all purchase orders for that supplier.
From the Active Lines tab, select which parts to receive and identify bin and/or lot locations in which to
receive them.
When you approve lines on a purchase order receipt, EAM moves the lines from the Active Lines tab to
the Processed Lines tab, changes the status of the receipt from Unfinished to Approved, and adds the
received parts to stock unless otherwise indicated.

Viewing processed lines for purchase order receipts

You can view processed lines for purchase order receipts to see purchase order lines that have already
been approved on a purchase order receipt. Once you approve a line on a purchase order receipt, the
line cannot be used with any other purchase order receipt.

Creating non-purchase order receipts

You can create non-purchase order receipts to receive parts into a store without a purchase order to
facilitate credit card purchases or any other type of purchase made without using a purchase order.
After creating a non-purchase order receipt, you can update the receipt status as necessary based on
your status change authorization privileges. EAM enables and/or protects the fields available for update
based on the status from which you are updating the receipt.
To remove a part line, select the part line to remove, and then click Remove Part. EAM removes the
record and updates the Parts list.
The non-PO receipt function function is only available for stock parts. Items received via this process
cannot be returned to a supplier.

Returning parts to a supplier

Damaged or incorrect parts can be returned to the supplier after the usual receipt process has been

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 223

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EAM does not allow you to return goods received via the Non-PO Receipt screen because you have no
purchase order number or requisition as a reference. To return such items, you need to make an
arrangement between your company and your supplier and manually adjust the quantity on hand.
If you are returning parts from a store, then all received part lines are available for return. To remove a
part, select the part to remove, and then click the Remove Part icon. EAM removes the part and updates
the Parts list.





224 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Receive and return parts
Your instructor will demonstrate how to receive and return parts.





Exercise 9.3: Receive parts

In this exercise, you will receive parts.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a purchase order header receipt

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > PO Receipts. The PO Receipt screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The PO Receipt screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Purchase Order Receipt> in the field to the right of the PO
Receipt field.
5. Select <your purchase order> from the Purchase Order field. The following fields are
populated because they came from the purchase order header:
o Supplier
o Store
The Date Received field displays the current date and time. This can be changed.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
7. Write the purchase order receipt number here. ____________________________

Part 2: Receive outstanding purchase order lines

1. Click the Active Lines tab.
2. Select Actions > Retrieve Parts (Skip Packing List). The Active Lines list displays with the
outstanding part lines based on the information you entered on the purchase order receipt
3. Select <the part line>. Information about the part line displays in the Active Line Details section
of the screen.
4. Verify that the Bin field is populated with a value. If not, select a bin.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 225

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5. Click Submit.
6. Select Actions > Approve Part.
7. Follow steps 3-6 to receive the outstanding purchase order lines for the remaining part.

Part 3: View processed lines

1. Click the Processed Lines tab. The <processed lines> display.

Part 4: Create non-purchase order receipts

1. Select Purchasing > Non-PO Receipts. The Non-PO Receipt screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Non-PO Receipt screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Non Purchase Order Receipt> in the field to the right of the PO
Receipt field.
4. Select Unfinished from the Status drop-down list.
5. Select <your supplier> from the Supplier field.
6. Select <your store> from the Store field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
8. Write the non-PO receipt number here. ____________________

Part 5: Add parts to a non-purchase order receipt

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select <your part> from the Part field. The Bin field is populated with a value.
3. Type <a quantity of your choice> in the Receipt Qty field.
4. Type <a price of your choice> in the Price field.
5. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 6: Approve the non-purchase order receipt

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select Approved from the Status field.
3. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

226 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Return parts to a supplier
Your instructor will demonstrate how to return parts to a supplier.





Exercise 9.4: Return parts to a supplier

In this exercise, you will return parts to a supplier.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.

Part 1: Create a supplier return header

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Supplier Returns. The Supplier Return screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Supplier Return screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Select <your purchase order> from the Purchase Order field. Note the following fields that are
populated with values:
o Supplier Return with the <name of your purchase order>
o Supplier
o Return From
o Store
5. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
6. Write the supplier return number here. _________________________________

Part 2: Add parts to the supplier return

1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Select Actions > Retrieve Parts in the Part Detail section of the screen. The Parts list displays
with part lines that have been received against the purchase order.
3. Select <your part> from the Part field.
4. Type 1 in the Return Qty field.
5. Click Submit.
6. Click the Record View tab.
7. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 227
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8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: Review transactions

1. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
2. Select <your part> from List View.
3. Click the Transactions tab. A list of transactions displays for <your part>. The most recent
transactions display at the top of the list. Note the receipt and return of <your part>.

228 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Recording invoice vouchers
Invoice vouchers are used to verify invoices against purchase order lines and received quantities. EAM
also allows for the recording of credit and debit notes and non-purchase order invoice vouchers.

Creating invoice vouchers

Invoice vouchers are used to create a record of a supplier's bill and are the last step in the standard
three-way match purchasing verification process. Invoice vouchers verify that the cost of the invoice lines
matches the cost of the associated order lines within a specified range of tolerance. The process also
performs a check on the receipts, making sure that the supplier invoice is for services and parts actually
received by the customer. The range of tolerance can be based on an absolute dollar amount or on a
percentage, as defined on the Organization screen.
It is possible to create invoice voucher records for a single purchase order by specifying the order number
in Record View of the invoice. It is also possible to associate an invoice voucher with multiple invoices
from a supplier by leaving the purchase order blank in Record View and only specifying a supplier. EAM
would then allow users to select order lines from any approved and non-invoiced lines from that supplier.
An invoice voucher type determines the criteria for voucher approval. The following table describes the
invoice types and the associated approval.

Invoice voucher type Voucher approval

Invoice The invoice type is approved only after matching line items.

Debit note or credit The debit note or credit note is approved only if the original invoice
note voucher is approved and if the invoice voucher does not exceed your
approval limits.

Non-purchase order n/a

Upon approval of the invoice voucher, EAM captures the price, freezes the exchange rate if foreign
currencies are used, and updates prices.
You cannot delete an invoice voucher unless the status is Unfinished or there are no detail lines
associated with the invoice. The value in the Payment Due Date field cannot be before the value in the
Registration Date field, and the value in the Registration Date field cannot be before the value in the
Invoice Date.
Invoices that exceed the tolerance levels set up for the organization can only be approved manually by
authorized users. Inventory and service process are only updated when the invoice has been approved.

Creating invoice voucher lines from purchase order lines

You cannot create invoice voucher lines from purchase order lines unless the invoice voucher type is
Invoice and the purchase order has a status of Approved for the supplier on the invoice voucher header.
If the invoice voucher type is debit note or credit note, only purchase order lines associated with the
original voucher are available.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 229

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Entering extra charges or discounts to invoice voucher lines
You use the Copy from PO function to copy extra charges or discounts from the purchase order line and
save them to the invoice voucher line. You can add additional extra charges or discounts either before or
after copying from the purchase order. Click Copy from PO to copy the extra charges or discounts from
the purchase order line and save them to the invoice voucher line.

Creating costs for invoice vouchers

The Extra Charges/Discounts button on the Lines tab of the Invoice Voucher screen applies costs to
specific invoice voucher lines. Discounts must be entered as negative values. The Costs tab applies costs
to the invoice voucher header. You cannot apply costs to the invoice voucher unless the status of the
header is Unfinished.
To delete a cost, select the cost to delete, and then click the Delete Cost icon. EAM deletes the record
and updates the Costs list.

Viewing invoice voucher line item information

Unlike other forms within EAM, you must first run a Dataspy to view invoice voucher line item information.





230 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Demo: Create and book invoice vouchers
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create and book invoice vouchers.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Create invoice voucher headers

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Invoice Vouchers. The Invoice Voucher screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Invoice Voucher screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Invoice Voucher> to the right of the Invoice Voucher field.
5. Type <a supplier invoice number of your choice> in the Supplier Invoice field.
6. Select 10026 from the Purchase Order field.
7. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Add a line item to an invoice voucher

1. Click the Lines tab.
2. Select Actions > Import Lines. The Import Lines pop-up window opens.
3. Select the check box beside <one of the lines>. This is the line that has been received.
4. Click Attach. <The line> is updated. Note the value in the Qty. Invoiced (UOP) field.
5. Select <the line>.
6. Type <the price> in the Price field. Note the value in the Price column to determine the value to
7. Click Submit. The value changes on <the line> in the Qty. Invoiced (UOP) field.

Part 3: Enter extra charges or discounts to an invoice line voucher

1. Click the Costs tab.
2. Select Pre-tax extra charge/discount from the Type field.
3. Type -5 in the Amount field. Note that $5.00 was taken off the total cost. The negative amount is
used for a discount; a positive amount is used for additional charges.
4. Click Submit. The Costs list is updated.

Part 4: Approve the invoice

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select Match/completed from the Status drop-down list.
3. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 231

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Viewing transactions for purchase orders
Receipt and return transactions for a selected purchase order are viewable on the Purchase Order
screen, Transactions tab.
The PO Revision History screen provides you with a view of the different purchase order releases and is
useful when comparing how the revisions have changed.

Demo: View purchase order transaction and revision history

Your instructor will demonstrate how to view purchase order transaction and revision history.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: View purchase order transactions

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen opens.
3. Select <your purchase order> from List View.
4. Select More > Transactions. The Transactions list displays with receipts and returns.

Part 2: View revision history

1. Select Purchasing > PO Revision History. The PO Revision History screen opens.
2. Select Purchase Order 10026. This purchase order has Revision Number 1 and Revision 2.
3. Select Revision Number 1.
4. View the Revision Number field.
5. View the Purchase Order Totals section.
6. Click the Parts tab. Parts included in this purchase order display.
7. Click the Services tab. Services included in this purchase order display.
8. Select Revision 2.
9. View the Revision Number field.
10. View the Purchase Order Totals section. This section displays totals that have changed from
Revision 1.

232 Lesson 9: Purchasing

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Check your understanding

Where can you view different purchase order releases to compare revision changes?




What status must a saved part line on a purchase order be to apply extra charges or




What are invoice vouchers?




What is the advantage of using the Copy PO function for purchase orders?




EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 233

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Lesson 10: Project management
Estimated time
6 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the main processes and functions associated
with projects. In this lesson, you will:
 Describe how to define initial project information.
 Describe how to set up a project.
 Describe how to create project work orders.
 Describe how to view project purchase orders.
 Describe how to set up fundamental procedures that represent the core functionality of EAM.

 Defining project information
 Setting up a project
 Creating project work orders
 Viewing project purchase orders
 Comprehensive EAM process
 Check your understanding

234 Lesson 10: Project management

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Defining project information
Project management in EAM allows for special projects to be defined in addition to the work created in
the work management and asset management modules. Large projects can be broken down into more
manageable subprojects, and individual work orders can be assigned at each step. You can also set up
budget requirements and monitor costs for projects, including charging work orders and purchase orders
against projects. EAM displays actual costs, committed costs, and planned costs, thus eliminating
guesswork. The budgeted amount and expenditures for each subproject (budget code) are monitored and
validated against the budget amount.

Budget codes
Once initial projects are defined, they can be associated with one or several budget codes. Restrictions
can be placed on the projects, determining which users can create purchase orders for the project, as
well as the overall project approval permissions.
Approved projects and their budget codes can be associated with work orders. The work orders in turn
can be associated with purchase requisitions and purchase orders. All transactions that impact the history
and costs of a project work order are automatically rolled up to the project record, providing for an easy
and convenient overview of costs and activities.





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Demo: Define initial project information
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define initial project information.





Exercise 10.1: Define initial project information

In this exercise, you will define initial project information.

Exercise steps
Note: This exercise is a prerequisite to other exercises and must be done in sequence.
1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Projects > Project Budgets. The Project Budget screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Project Budget screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PROJECT BUDGET> in the Project Budget field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Project Budget> in the field to the right of the Project Budget
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

236 Lesson 10: Project management

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Setting up a project
A budget amount needs to be included for each project. Once the project is approved, EAM saves the
budget amount. The budget amount can be updated later if the budget changes. EAM retains the original
value and stores revision information against that amount.

Parent and child projects

A parent project can have one or more child projects associated with it. The parent project with budget
codes is to be defined before defining child projects. For example, if the parent project is building a new
road, set up a project with the budget for the road construction, and then define individual steps for each
child project, such as surveys, excavation, infrastructure, paving, seal coating, and painting. Any changes
to labor and material estimates for child projects are validated against the parent project budget.

Associating pre-defined budget codes with projects

One or more pre-defined budget codes can be associated with each defined project. Once associated,
the budget amount for each code for the project needs to be defined. EAM monitors the expenditures for
parts and labor for the project and any child projects. The budgeted amount and expenditures for each
subproject is validated against the budget amount. You should regard the budget code amount values
defined on the Budgets tab as sub-budget values, in comparison with the budgets defined on the Record
View tab of the Projects screen. After a project is complete, EAM freezes all associated budget items.

Linking default budget codes with projects

Default budget codes for a project are defined on the Project Budget screen. These default codes can be
linked with a project to retrieve all budget codes for which default codes are specified on the Project
Budget screen.

Granting purchasing authorization permissions for projects

Authorization needs to be granted for individuals to create requisitions and/or purchase orders for a
specific project. If you add authorized users to a project, no other users can create requisitions and/or
purchase orders for the project.
Likewise, an individual can only approve purchase requisitions and purchase orders for the project if you
selected Approver for the user and if the user has the proper authorizations set on the Status Change
Authorizations screen. If you specify authorized users as approvers for a project, no other users can
approve requisitions and/or purchase orders for the project. You select an approver to enable a user to
approve purchase requisitions and purchase orders for the project.
If you do not add any authorized users to a project, any user with the appropriate group-level permissions
can create requisitions and purchase orders for the project.
To remove a user, select the user to remove, and then click Remove User. EAM removes the record and
updates the User Authorization list

Viewing project hierarchy

The Sub-projects tab on the Project screen provides you with a project hierarchy view of information. This
information includes all child projects and subprojects that are related to the parent project.

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When setting up a project, if any users are defined using the User Authorization tab, only
users listed there will be able to perform functions associated with the project. To leave the
project open to all users, do not specify any entries in this list.





238 Lesson 10: Project management

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Demo: Set up a project
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create, define, associate, link, and review a project.
 To prepare the system for future exercises, this demo must be completed.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Define project basics

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Projects > Projects. The Project screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Project screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID PROJECT> in the Project field.
5. Type <your assigned student ID Project> in the field to the right of the Project field.
6. Select DACOSTAT – Tony Dacosta from the Coordinator field.
7. Select <four weeks prior to today’s date> from the Estimated Start Date field.
8. Select <three weeks prior to today’s date> from the Estimated End Date field.
9. Select <four weeks prior to today’s date> from the Actual Start Date field.
10. Select <three weeks prior to today’s date> from the Actual End Date field.
11. Type 50,000 in the Current Budget field.
12. Select <today’s date> from the Budget Date field.
13. Click the Budgets tab. A confirmation message displays that <your budget> is saved.
14. Select <your budget> from the Budget field in the Budget Details section of the screen.
15. Type 50,000 in the Budgeted Amount field.
16. Type 50,000 in the Estimate to Complete field.
17. Click Submit. The Budgets list is updated.
18. Click the Record View tab.
19. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
20. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Grant purchasing authorization permissions for a project

1. Select More > User Authorization.
2. Select <your assigned user ID> from the User field.
3. Select the Approver check box. This indicates the authorized user can approve purchase
requisitions and purchase orders for the project.
4. Click Submit. the User Authorizations list is updated.
EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 239
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Creating project work orders
You create project work orders by creating new work orders in the work management module or by
associating work orders created previously with a project.

Creating new project work orders

After defining the project and any subprojects, use the Work Order screen to create the appropriate work
orders. To link the work order to a specific project, enter a project budget on the work order.

Associating existing work orders with projects

EAM allows you to associate existing work orders with a project without having to create a new work
order. When a work order is associated with a project, all costs for the work order are charged to the

Generating shutdown work orders

You generate shutdown work orders directly from the Project screen if the nature of your project requires
that you to take equipment out of service. A shutdown work order is no different than any other work order
with the exception that you create shutdown work orders in the Project screen and specify a shutdown
identification code for the project.
After creating shutdown work orders, you can view them in List View of the Work Order screen. Newly
created shutdown work orders contain a system status of Released or the equivalent to that system
status based on your system configuration. You may only create shutdown work orders for a project once.

Viewing all work orders associated with projects

All work orders related to projects can be viewed on the Project screen.
From the Work Orders tab, work orders can be detached from the project. To remove a work order, select
the work order to be removed and select Detach WOs. EAM only detaches those work orders that have
no costs or transactions associated with them.





240 Lesson 10: Project management

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Demo: Create a project work order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a new project work order, associate an
existing work order, and view work orders associated with the project.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps

Part 1: Create new project work order

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Work Order screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type <your assigned student ID Project Work Order> in the field to the right of the Work Order
5. Select 100-101 from the Equipment field. Required fields are populated with values.
6. Select EL - Electrical from the Trade field.
7. Type 1 in the Estimated Hours field.
8. Type 1 in the People Required field.
9. Select <your project and project budget> from the Project-Budget field.
10. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
11. Write the work order number here. _____________________

Part 2: Associate existing work order with project

1. Select <a work order of your choice> from List View.
2. Click the Record View tab.
3. Select <your project and budget> from the Project-Budget field.
4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 3: View work orders associated with project

1. Select Work > Projects > Projects. The Project screen opens.
2. Click Expand Right.
3. Select Approved Projects from the Dataspy.
4. Click Run. A list of approved projects displays.
5. Select <your project>.
6. Click Expand Left. Project Details display.
7. Click the Work Orders tab. The work orders associated with the project displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 241

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
In order to generate a project shutdown of a work order, multi-organization security
(MOS) must be enabled for shutdown as this setting is organization-specific.





242 Lesson 10: Project management

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Viewing project purchase orders
Purchase orders associated with a specific project can be viewed on the Project screen. Information in
the list includes the purchase order number, status, creation date, supplier, store, purchase order type,
total cost, and outstanding balance.
Purchase order headers are not directly associated with projects because a single purchase order may
include parts and/or services for several projects. However, an individual order line of a purchase order
can be project-specific. EAM automatically associates an order line, both for parts or services with a
project when the order line links to a work order activity that is part of a project. When a purchase order
has at least one order line associated with a project, EAM displays the purchase order in the Project list.





EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 243

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Demo: Review project-associated purchase orders
Your instructor will demonstrate how to review project associated purchase orders.
 If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this

Demo steps
1. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Purchase Order screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Purchase Order for Project> in the field to the right of the
Purchase Order field.
4. Select FAC-ELEC from the Store field.
5. Select APPR-ALL from the Originator field.
6. Select <two days from today’s date> from the Due Date field.
7. Select AIRCENTERSSC from the Supplier field.
8. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
9. Click the Parts tab.
10. Select 1000-COUPLING BLK from the Parts field.
11. Select <your work order-activity associated with the project> from the Work Order-Activity
12. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated. The line item is associated with the work order which is
associated with the project. Note the value in the Project-Budget field.
13. Select Work > Projects > Projects. The Project screen opens.
14. Select Approved Projects from the Dataspy drop-down list.
15. Press F8. All approved projects display in List View.
16. Select <your project>.
17. Select More > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Orders tab displays. Purchase orders
associated with the project display.





244 Lesson 10: Project management

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Comprehensive EAM process
In this section, you will put into practice the EAM processing procedures from the previous lessons. You
will set up equipment, define stores, set up reorder levels, create a preventative maintenance schedule,
and perform other essential core functions of EAM.

Scenario: Perform EAM processing procedures

In this scenario, you will practice the fundamental procedures that represent the core
functionality of EAM. You are encouraged to experiment with this scenario as a means to
understand system behavior, and apply the knowledge and skill you have learned in this
course. You will find the detailed steps in Appendix B of this Training Workbook. Use the field
values provided in the tables below that are associated with each exercise part and step.

Part 1: Create an asset and system equipment records

Use the values from the table below in step 4.

Field name Value

Asset <your assigned student ID


Field to the right of <your assigned student ID

the Asset field Scenario Asset>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

Use the values from the table below in step 8.

Field name Value

System <your assigned student ID


Field to the right of <your assigned student ID

the System field Scenario System>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 245

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Part 2: Link equipment records from part 1 to a hierarchy
Use the values from the table below in step 2.

Field name Value

First drop-down Type

list in the

Second drop- Equals

down list

Third drop-down Asset

list in the

Part 3: Create a part

 Associate it with a preferred supplier
 Associate it with a preferred manufacturer
Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

Part <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the Part field Scenario Part>


Tracking Method Stock

246 Lesson 10: Project management

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Use the values from the table below in step 6.

Field name Value

Supplier AMPROBE

Supplier Part <your assigned student ID

Description Scenario Part Description

Catalog Reference <your choice>

Gross Price 10.00

Preferred Select

Use the values from the table below in step 9.

Field name Value

Manufacturer 3M

Manufacturer Part <your choice>


Primary Select

Part 4: Set up the part in an existing storeroom

 Define average price
 Define reorder level and order quantity

Use the values from the table below in step 2.

Field name Value

Store MA-1 Main Store

Average Price 10.00

Stock Method Reorder level

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 247

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Field name Value

Reorder Level 2

Order Qty. 5

Part 5: Assign the part to a bin and enter quantity on hand (greater than zero)
Use the values from the table below in step 2.

Field name Value

Store MA-1 – Main Store

Bin 1-A

Qty. on Hand 1

Part 6: Create a PM schedule for the asset you created in part 1

Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

PM Schedule <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the PM Scenario PM Schedule>
Schedule field

Type Fixed

WO Type Preventive Maintenance

Perform Every 30; Days

Part 7: Generate a PM work order for the PM schedule you created in part 6

248 Lesson 10: Project management

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Part 8: Create and approve a project using the project budget code you created earlier in this
Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

Project <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the Project field Scenario PM Project>

Coordinator DOEJ – John Doe

Part 9: Create a work order and associate it to your project

 Create two activities for the work order
 Select the Hired Labor check box for the second activity
Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

Work Order <your assigned student ID

Scenario Project Work

Project-Budget <your scenario project and


Equipment <your scenario asset>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

Use the values from the table below in step 7.

Field name Value

Trade BOIL – Boiler Tech

People Required 1

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 249

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Estimated Hours 1

Use the values from the table below in step 9.

Field name Value

Trade ME - Mechanical

People Required 1

Estimated Hours 1

Hired Labor Select

Part 10: Schedule the employee for the work order activity you created in part 9
Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

Activity Boiler Tech

Employee RRAMONO - Ray Ramono

Part 11: Issue the part you created in part 3 to the work order activity you created in part 9
Use the values from the table below in step 2.

Field name Value

Part <your scenario part>

Activity Boiler Tech

Quantity 1

250 Lesson 10: Project management

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Part 12: Book labor hours for the work order activity you created in part 9

Part 13: Create and approve a purchase order as follows:

 For the stock using the part you created in part 3 for the work order activity you created in part 9
 For direct materials creating an N part for the work order activity you created in part 9
 For service (hours from service) for the second work order activity you created in part 9
Use the values from the table below in step 3.

Field name Value

Purchase Order <your assigned student ID

Scenario Purchase Order>

Store MA-1

Originator DACOSTAT – Tony


Supplier AMPROBE

Use the values from the table below in step 11.

Field name Value

Part <your assigned student ID

Direct Materials Screw>

Purchase Qty. 5

Requested Qty. 5

Price (UOP) 10.00

Work Order- <your scenario project work

Activity order>

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 251

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Use the values from the table below in step 14.

Field name Value

Type Hours from service

Work Order- <your scenario project work

Activity order>

Hours Requested 1

Price (UOP) 50.00

Part 14: Receive materials for the PO you created in part 13

Part 15: Book vendor hours for the PO you created in part 13

Part 16: Close work orders you created in parts 7 and 9

Part 17: View work order cost, project cost, and equipment cost and events

Part 18: View equipment history report





252 Lesson 10: Project management

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Check your understanding

What happens if a budget amount for a project changes?




What is the result of not adding authorized users to a project?




You have set up child projects for a parent project. What is the result if any of the budget
costs for those child projects change?




EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 253

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Course summary
Estimated time
.5 hours

Learning objectives
Now that you have completed this course, you should be able to:
 Describe how to access and navigate EAM.
 Describe how to navigate and personalize the Start Center.
 Explain how to set up, create, and manage equipment in EAM.
 Explain how to define and configure work-related information.
 Discuss how to create, manage, schedule, and close work orders.
 Discuss how to create and manage basic preventative maintenance work orders.
 Describe how to define, configure, and manage materials.
 Summarize the processes and tasks associated with the movement of materials.
 Explain the processes and tasks associated with purchasing.
 Describe the main processes and functions associated with projects.

 Course review

254 Course summary

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
The following are included in this section:
 Appendix A: User accounts
 Appendix B: Performing EAM processing procedures

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 255

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Appendix A: User accounts
Your instructor will assign you a student user ID from the table listed below to use for class exercises.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, refer to the Training Desktop Login
Instructions on the Lab On Demand page.

Course Name/Code = EAM Foundation - 01_0031130_IEN0394_EEN

Training Environment ID User Password

Entry Point (VM)

Training Desktop Server for All Infor Infor 123


EAM Application User ID User name Password

Instructor login (for course IN01 gdeinfor2\in01 !nfor08


Student logins (for course ST01 gdeinfor2\st01 !nfor08


ST02 gdeinfor2\st02 !nfor08

ST03 gdeinfor2\st03 !nfor08

ST04 gdeinfor2\st04 !nfor08

ST05 gdeinfor2\st05 !nfor08

ST06 gdeinfor2\st06 !nfor08

ST07 gdeinfor2\st07 !nfor08

ST08 gdeinfor2\st08 !nfor08

ST09 gdeinfor2\st09 !nfor08

ST10 gdeinfor2\st10 !nfor08

ST11 gdeinfor2\st11 !nfor08

ST12 gdeinfor2\st12 !nfor08

ST13 gdeinfor2\st13 !nfor08

256 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course Name/Code = EAM Foundation - 01_0031130_IEN0394_EEN

Training Environment ID User Password

Entry Point (VM)

Training Desktop Server for All Infor Infor 123


EAM Application User ID User name Password

ST14 gdeinfor2\st14 !nfor08

ST15 gdeinfor2\st15 !nfor08

ST16 gdeinfor2\st16 !nfor08

ST17 gdeinfor2\st17 !nfor08

ST18 gdeinfor2\st18 !nfor08

ST19 gdeinfor2\st19 !nfor08

ST20 gdeinfor2\st20 !nfor08

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 257

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Appendix B: Performing EAM processing
This appendix provides the detailed steps to the Perform EAM processing procedures scenario.

Scenario: Perform EAM processing procedures

In this scenario, you will practice the fundamental procedures that represent the core
functionality of EAM. You are encouraged to experiment with this scenario as a means to
understand system behavior, and apply the knowledge and skill you have learned in this
course. The detailed steps provide the values for you to use.

Part 1: Create an asset and system equipment records

1. Ensure you are logged in to EAM. If not, refer to Exercise 1.1.
2. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
3. Click New Record. The Asset screen displays as a blank screen.
4. Type or select the values from the table below.

Field name Value

Asset <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the Asset field Scenario Asset>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

5. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

6. Select Equipment > Systems. The System screen opens.
7. Click New Record. The System screen displays as a blank screen.
8. Type or select the values from the table below to create a system asset.

Field name Value

System <your assigned student ID


258 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the System field Scenario System>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

9. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Link equipment records from part 1 to a hierarchy

1. Click the Structure tab.
2. Type or select the values from the table below to link equipment records.

Field name Value

First drop-down Type

list in the

Second drop- Equals

down list

Third drop-down Asset

list in the

3. Click Run. A list of assets displays that do not have a parent and are not children of other
4. Type <your assigned student ID> in the Code field of the filter row.
5. Press Enter. Your scenario asset> displays.
6. Drag <your scenario asset> to <your scenario system asset> (child).

Part 3: Create a part

Note: You will associate the part to a preferred supplier and preferred manufacturer.
1. Select Materials > Parts. The Part screen opens.
2. Click New Record. The Part screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create a part.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 259

© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Part <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the Part field Scenario Part>


Tracking Method Stock

4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Suppliers tab.
6. Type or select the values from the table below to associate your part to a supplier.

Field name Value

Supplier AMPROBE

Supplier Part <your assigned student ID

Description Scenario Part Description>

Catalog <your choice>


Gross Price 10.00

Preferred Select

7. Click Submit. The Suppliers list is updated.

8. Select More > Manufacturers.
9. Type or select the values from the table below to associate the part to a preferred manufacturer.

Field name Value

Manufacturer 3M

Manufacturer <your choice>

Part Number

260 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Primary Select

10. Click Submit. The Manufacturers list is updated.

Part 4: Set up the part in an existing storeroom

Note: You will define the average price, reorder level, and order quantity.
1. Click the Stores tab.
2. Set up the part in an existing storeroom by typing or selecting values from the table below.

Field name Value

Store MA-1 Main Store

Average Price 10.00

Stock Method Reorder level

Reorder Level 2

Order Qty. 5

3. Click Submit. The Stores list is updated.

Part 5: Assign the part to a bin and enter quantity on hand

Note: The on-hand quantity must be greater than zero.
1. Click the Stock tab.
2. Assign the part to a bin and enter the quantity on hand.

Field name Value

Store MA-1 Main Store

Bin 1-A

Qty. on Hand 1

3. Click Submit. The Stock list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 261

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Part 6: Create a PM schedule for the asset you created in part 1
1. Select Work > WO Planning > PM Schedules. The PM Schedule screen opens.
2. Click Create New Record. The PM Schedule screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create a PM schedule for the asset.

Field name Value

PM Schedule <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the PM Scenario PM Schedule>
Schedule field

Type Fixed

WO Type Preventive Maintenance

Perform Every 30; Days

4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Equipment tab.
6. Select <your scenario asset> from the Equipment field.
7. Select <today’s date> from the Due Date field.
8. Click Submit. The Equipment list is updated.

Part 7: Generate a PM work order for the PM schedule you created in part 6
1. Select Work > Process > Release Individual PM WOs. The Release Individual PM WOs
screen opens.
2. Scroll through the list of PM work orders to find <your scenario PM schedule>.
3. Select <your scenario PM schedule>.
4. Type R in the WO Status field.
5. Click the Update PMs button. A confirmation message displays.

262 Appendices
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Part 8: Create and approve a project
Note: Use the project budget you created earlier in this lesson.
1. Select Work > Projects > Projects. The Project screen opens.
2. Click Create New Record. The Project screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create your project.

Field name Value

Project <your assigned student ID


Field to the right <your assigned student ID

of the Project Scenario Project>

Coordinator DOEJ – John Doe

4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Budgets tab.
6. Select <your project budget> from the Budget field.
7. Type 15000 in the Budgeted Amount field. Note: A pop-up window may open with the message
that the sum of the budgeted amount is greater than the current budget.
8. Click OK.
9. Click the Record View tab.
10. Type 15000 in the Current Budget field.
11. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
12. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
13. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 263

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Part 9: Create a work order and associate it to your project
Note: Create two activities for the work order and select the Hired Labor check box for the second
1. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
2. Click Create New Record. The Work Order screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type or select the values from the table belwo to create a work order.

Field name Value

Work Order <your assigned student ID

Scenario Project Work Order>

Project-Budget <your scenario project and


Equipment <your scenario asset>

Department *DEFAULT/ALL

4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

5. Write the work order number here. _____________________________
6. Click the Activities tab.
7. Type or select the values from the table below to create the first activity.

Field name Value

Trade BOIL Boiler Tech

People Required 1

Estimated Hours 1

8. Click Submit. The Activities list is updated.

9. Type or select the values from the table below to create the second activity.

Field name Value

Trade ME - Mechanical

People Required 1

264 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Estimated Hours 1

Hired Labor Select

10. Click Submit. The Activities list is updated.

Part 10: Schedule an employee for your work activity

1. Select More > Schedule Labor.
2. Click Add Schedule.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to schedule the employee.

Field name Value

Activity Boiler Tech

Employee RRAMONO – Ray Ramono

4. Click Submit. The Schedule Labor list is updated.

Part 11: Issue the part you created in part 3 to the work order activity you created in part 9
1. Click the Parts tab.
2. Type or select the values from the table below to issue the part.

Field name Value

Part <your scenario part>

Activity Boiler Tech

Quantity 1

3. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

Part 12: Book labor hours for the work order activity you created in part 9
1. Click the Book Labor tab.
2. Select RRAMONO from the Employee field.
3. Type 1 in the Hours Worked field.
4. Click Submit. The Booked Labor list is updated.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 265

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Part 13: Create and approve a purchase order
Note: You will create and approve a purchase order for the stock using the part you created in part 3 for
the work order created in part 9; direct materials creating an N part for the work order activity you created
in part 9; and service (hours from service) for the second work order activity you created in part 9.
1. Select Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen opens.
2. Click Create New Record. The Purchase Order screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create a purchase order.

Field name Value

Purchase Order <your assigned student ID

Scenario Purchase Order>

Store MA-1 Main Store

Originator DACOSTAT – Tony DaCosta

Supplier AMPROBE

4. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

5. Write the purchase order number here. _____________________________
6. Click the Parts tab.
7. Select <your scenario part> from the Part field.
8. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.
9. Select Direct materials from the Type drop-down list.
10. Select Actions > Create Part.
11. Type or select the values from the table below to create the part for direct materials.

Field name Value

Part <your assigned student ID

Direct Materials Screw>

Purchase Qty. 5

Requested Qty. 5

Price (UOP) 10.00

266 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Field name Value

Work Order- <your scenario project work

Activity order>

12. Click Submit. The Parts list is updated.

13. Click the Services tab.
14. Type or select the values from the table below to add services.

Field name Value

Type Hours from service

Work Order- <your scenario project work

Activity order>

Hours Requested 1

Price (UOP) 50.00

15. Click Submit. The Services list is updated.

16. Click the Record View tab.
17. Select Approved from the Status drop-down list.
18. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 14. Receive materials for the PO you created

1. Select Purchasing > PO Receipts. The PO Receipt screen opens.
2. Click Create New Record. The PO Receipt screen displays as a blank screen.
3. Type <your assigned student ID Scenario PO Receipt> in the field to the right of the PO Receipt
4. Select <your scenario purchase order> from the Purchase Order field.
5. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
6. Click the Active Lines tab.
7. Select Actions > Retrieve Parts (Skip Packing Slip). The Active Lines list is updated.
8. Select Actions > Approve All Parts.
9. Click the Record View tab. The value in the Status field is Approved.

EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 267

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Part 15: Book vendor hours for the PO you created
1. Select Work > Work Orders. The Work Order screen opens.
2. Select <your scenario project work order> from List View.
3. Select More > Book Vendor Hours.
4. Select <your scenario purchase order and hours from service> from the PO-Line field.
5. Type 1 in the Hours Worked field.
6. Click Submit. The Book Vendor Hours list is updated.

Part 16: Close work orders you created in parts 7 and 9

1. Click the Record View tab.
2. Select Completed from the Status drop-down list.
3. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.
4. Select <your scenario PM schedule work order> from List View.
5. Select Completed from the Status drop-down list.
6. Click Save Record. A confirmation message displays.

Part 17: View work order cost, project cost, and equipment cost and events
1. Select <your scenario project work order> from List View.
2. Click the Cost Summary tab. Costs display in itemized columns.
3. Select Work > Projects > Projects. The Projects screen opens.
4. Select Open Projects from the Dataspy drop-down list.
5. Press F8. Open projects display in List View.
6. Select <your scenario project> from List View.
7. Select More > Costs. Costs for the project display.
8. Click the Record View tab.
9. View the costs in the Budget Details section.
10. Select Equipment > Assets. The Asset screen opens.
11. Select <your scenario asset> from List View.
12. Click the Costs tab. A breakdown and preventative maintenance display for <your scenario
13. Click the Events tab. A listing of what has occurred for this equipment displays.

Part 18: View equipment history report

1. Select Equipment > Reports > Equipment History. The Equipment History screen opens.
2. Select <your scenario asset> from the Equipment field.
3. Click Print Preview. The Equipment History report opens as a pdf file providing information of
worked performed on the asset.

268 Appendices
© 2017 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
4. Click X in the top-right corner of the Equipment History report to close it. You return to the
Equipment History screen.





EAM: Foundation Training Workbook 269

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