Azar, Basic English Grammar, PP 215-220

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Azar, Basic English Grammar, pp 215- 220

Decide if the words in bold are general or specific.

1. The eggs are delicious. general specific

2. Are eggs healthy? general specific

3. Please pass the salt. general specific

4. I love salt! general specific

5. Apples have vitamin C. general specific

6. The apples have brown spots. general specific

Looking at grammar. (Chart 7-7)

Complete the sentences with the or ∅ (no article).

1. Oranges are orange, and __∅__ bananas are yellow.

2. Everybody needs ____ food to live.

3. We ate at a good restaurant last night. ___ food was excellent.

4. ____ salt tastes salty, and ____ pepper tastes hot.

5. ____ coffee has caffeine.

6. ____ coffee in the pot is fresh.

7. ____ pages in this book are full of grammar exercises.

8. ____ books have pages.

9. I like ____ fruit. I also like vegetables.

Which one (a or b) is right? Why?

1. Mark is at an electronics store. There are five tablets. He buys one.

a. He buys a tablet.

b. He buys the tablet.

2. Pat is at a music store. There is only one guitar on the shelf. She buys it.

a. She buys a guitar.

b. She buys the guitar.

Martha is at the library. There is one book about Nelson Mandela.

a. She checks out the book about Nelson Mandela.

b. She checks out a book about Nelson Mandela.

4. Misako walks outside and looks up at the sky.

a. She sees the sun.

b. She sees a sun.

5. Horses are my favourite animals.

a. I love the horses.

b. I love horses.

6. There are fifty cars in a parking lot. Ten cars are white.

a. The cars in the parking lot are white.

b. Some cars in the parking lot are white.

Use a/an or the.

1. A: Do you have _a_ pen?

B: There's one on ____ counter in ______ kitchen.

2. A: Where are ____ keys to______ car?

B: I'm not sure. You can use mine.

3. A: Shh. I hear ____ noise.

B: It's just ____ bird outside, probably ____ woodpecker. Don't worry.
4. A: Henry Jackson teaches at ____ university.

B: I know. He's_____ English professor.

A: He's also the head of _______ department.

5. A: Hurry! We're late.

B: No, we're not. It's five o'clock, and we have ____ hour.

A: No, we don't. It's six! Look at ____ clock.

B: Oops. I need ____ new battery for my watch.

Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. Harry _has_ some money.

2. I don't have__any__ money.

3. Do you have _some/any_ money?

4. Do you need ______help?

5. No, thank you. I don't need______help.

6. Kalil needs____help.

7. Diana usually doesn't get____ mail.

8. We don't have fruit in the apartment. We don't have _____apples, ______ bananas, or ______ oranges.

9. The house is empty. There aren't ______ people in the house.

10. I need ______ paper. Do you have ______ paper?

11. Heidi can't write a letter because she doesn't have ______ paper.

12. Sasha is getting along fine. He doesn't have ______ problems.

13. I need to go to the grocery store. I need to buy ______ food. Do you need to buy ______ groceries?

14. I'm not busy tonight. I don't have ______ homework to do.

15. I don't have ______ money in my wallet.

16. There are ______ beautiful flowers in my garden this year.

Complete the sentences with these words. If necessary, use the plural form.

I think this part is a bit hard. Let me know if you agree or not.

bush glass match strawberry

centimetre homework page thief

dish inch paper tray

edge information piece valley

fish knife sex (ha ha!) weather

foot leaf size woman

1. I want to light a candle. I need some __ matches_.

2. __________ fall from the trees in autumn.

3. The application asked for my name, address, and _________ : male or female.

4. Some __________ , forks, and spoons are on the table.

5. I want to take the bus downtown, but I don't know the bus schedule. I need some __________ about the bus


6. I need to write a composition. I have a pen, but I need some ________.

7. Plates and bowls are called _________.

8. Married __________ are called wives. Married __________ are called wives.

9. There are a lot of trees and __________ in the park.

10. Ike is studying. He has a lot of _________ to do.

11. My dictionary has 437 _______.

12. This puzzle has 200 ________.

13. A piece of paper has four _________.

14. Mountains are high, and __________ are low.

15. When the temperature is around 35°C (77°F), I'm comfortable. But I don't like very hot _________.

16. __________ steal things: money, jewellery, cars, etc.

17. __________ are small, red, sweet, and delicious.

18. People carry their food on __________ at a cafeteria.

19. Sweaters in a store usually come in four _________: small, medium, large, and extra large.

20. In some countries, people usually use cups for their tea. In other countries, they use __________ for their tea.

21.Toshiro has five __________ in his aquarium.

22. There are 100 __________ in a metre.

23. There are 12 __________ in a foot.

24. There are 3 __________ in a yard.

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