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Category A. 2024
Key A
E XULTET Arr. Law. X. O. Ebuk

s,:l,:d :d :t, :d :r :d :d :t, :l,:t,:d :l, /s,:l,:d :d

Ex-ult let them exult, the hosts of hea- ven, ex-ult, let
d :- :- :- :t, :l,:t,:d :l,:l, /r :d :t, :l, :s,:f,:m,:s,:l,
Angel ministers of God exult, let the trumpet of sal- va-
l, /r, :l, :l,:d :l,:s, :f,:s,:l, :s,:f,:m, :m, /s,:l,:d :d
tion sound aloud our mighty King’s tri - umph! Be glad, let
t, :d :r : : d :t,:l, :t,:d :l, /s,:l,:d :d :- :-
earth be glad, as glory floods her, a- blaze with light from
t, :l,:t, :d :l, :l, /r :d :t, :l, :s,:f, :m,:s,:l,:l, :l, /
her e – ter- nal king, let the corners of the earth be glad
r,:l,:l,:l,:d :l,:s,:f,:s,:l,:s,:f,:m,:m, / s,:l,:d :d :- :-
Knowing an end to gloom and dark - ness. Rejoice, let mother
d :d :t,:d :r /d :- :- :- :- :- :t, :l,:t,:d :l,/
church also rejoice, arrayed with the lighting of his glo-ry,
r :d :t,:l,:s,:f,:m, :s,:l, :l, :l, /r,:l, :l, :l, :d
let this holy building shake with joy, filled with the migh-
l,:s, :f, :s,:l,:s,:f,:m,:m, / s, :l,:d :d :- : - : : d
ty voices of the peo - ples. (Therefore dearest friends, stan-
d :d :d :t, :d :r :d :t, :l,:t,:d :l, :l, / s,:l,:d :d
ding in the awesome glory of this ho - ly light, in-voke with
t, :l,:t,:d :l, / l,:l,:s, :f,:s,:l,:s,:f,:m, :m, / s,:l,:d :d
me, I ask you, the mercy of God al - migh - ty, that he, who
d :- :- :- :- :- :- :t, :d :r :d :d :t, :l,
has been pleased to number me, though un-wor-thy, a-mong the
t,:d :l, / s,:l,:d :d :- :- :- :d :t,:l,:t,:d :l, / l, :- :-
Le-vites, may pour into me his light un-sha-dowed, that I may
l, :- :s, :f, :s, :l, :s,:f,:m, :m,
sing this candle’s perfect prai - ses.)
s,:s,:l,:t,:l, :l, / s, :s,:l, :t, :l, :l,
(V) The Lord be with you. (R) And with your spirit.
volti subito
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page 2. EXULTET (Easter proclamation)

d :t,:l,:t,:l, :l, :s, / d :d :t,:l, :t,:l, :l,:l,:s,//

(V) Lift up your hearts (R) We lift them up to the Lord.
d :t, :l, :t, :t, :t,:s,:l,:t,:l,/ d :t,:l,:t,:l,
(V) Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. (R) it is right and
l, :s, l, :d :- :- :- :- :- / l, :d :- :- :- :d :t,:l,
just. It is truly right and just, with ardent love of mind and
t, / l, :d :- :- :- :- :- :t, :l, :t, / l, :d :- :- :t,
heart and with devoted service of our voice, to acclaim our God
d :r :d :d :d :d :d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t,/ t, :- :- :- :- :l,
in-vi-sible the al-migh-ty fa-ther, and Jesus Christ, our Lord,
t, :d ::t,:l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, /l, :d :- :- :- :- :-
His son, His On - ly be-got-ten. Who for our sake paid Adam’s
d :- :- :- :d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t, /l, :d : - :- :- :d :t, :l,
debt to the e- ter-nal fa- ther, and pouring out His own dear
t, : :t, :l, :t, :d :t, :l, :s, :s,:l,:t, :l,:t,:l, :l, /
blood, wiped clean the record of our an-cient sin- fulness.
d :t,:l,:s,:l,:d :- :d :t, :l,:l,:t,:t,:t,/ l, :d : - :t,
These then are the feast of Pass- o-ver, in which is slain
d :r / d :d:t,:l, :t, / t, : - : - : - : - : - :l,:s,
the Lamb, the one true Lamb, whose blood anoints the door-post
s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, /l,:d:r:d:t,:d:t,:l, :t, : : l, :d : d :t,
of be-lie-vers. This is the night, when once you led
d :r :d / d :t, :l, :l,:t,:t, / t, :t, :l,:t,:d :t, / t,
our forebears, Is-rael’s children, from slavery in Egypt and
t, :t, :t, :t,:l,:s,:s, :l,:t,:l,:t,:l,/d:t,:l,:s,:l,:d :l,
made them pass dry-shod through the red sea. This is the
t, / l, :d :d :d :t, :l,:t, / t,: - :- :l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,/
night that with a pillar of fire banished the dark-ness of sin.
d :t, :l, :t, / l, :d :- : - : - : - :- :- / d
This is the night that e-ven now, throughout the world, sets
d : - : - :- : - : - :t, :d :r :d / d : - : - :d :t,
Christian believers apart from worldly vices and from the gloom
volti subito
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page 3. EXULTET (Easter proclamation)

l, :t, /r :d :t,:l,:s,:l,:d :l, :t, / t, :d :t,:l,:s,:s,:l, t,

of sin, lea - ding them to grace and joining them to His
l,:t,:l,:l, / l,:d:r:t,:d :t,:l, :t, / l, :d : - : -
ho - ly ones. This is the night, when Christ broke the
d : - :t, :l, :t, / t, :l, :t,:d:t,:l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t, :l,
prison-bars of death and rose victori-ous from the un- der-
l, / l, :d : - : - :t, :l, :t, / t, :t, :l,:s, :s,:l,
world. Our birth would have been no gain, had we not been
t, :l, /l,:d:t, :d : - : - :d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t, :t,/l, :d :d
redeemed. O wander of your hum-ble care for us! O love, O
r :d :- :-:d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t,/t, :t,:l,:t, :d / t,:t,:l,:s,:s,:l,
charity beyond all telling, to ransom a slave you gave a - way
t, :l,/ l,:d :- :r :d:-:-:d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t, /t, :l, :t, :d
your Son! O truly necessary sin of A – dam destroyed complete-
t,:l, :s,:s,:l, :t, :l, / l,:d:t,:d:t,:l, :t, / t, : - : -
ly by the death of Christ! O hap- py fault that earned so
t, : - :d :t,:l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l,/ l,:d :r :d :t, :d :-
great, so glo-ri-ous a Re-dee- mer! O truly
d :t,:l, :t, / l, :d : - : - : - :d :t, :l, :t, / t,
bles-sed night, worthy alone to know the time and hour when
t, :l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, :l, / d :t, :l, : t, / l, : d
Crist rose from the un- derworld! This is the night of which
t,:l,:l,:t,:t, / l, :d : - : - :d :t, :l, :t, / t, :-
it is writ-ten: The night shall be as bright as day, dazzling
l, :t, :d :t, :t, /l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, / l, : d : - : -
is the night for me, and full of glad-ness. The sanctifying
d : - :t, :l, :t, /r:d:t,:l,:s,:l,:t,:t,:t, / d :- :d :t,:l,:t,
power of this night dis - pels wic-kedness, washes fault away,
l, :d : - : - : t, :l, :l,:t,:t, :l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, /
restores innocence to the fal- len, and joy to mour-ners,
r :d :t,:l,:s,:l,:t,:t,/ d:t,:l,:l,:t,:t, /t, :l,:s, :s,:l, :t,
drives out ha-tred, fosters con-cord, and brings down the
volti subito
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page 4. EXULTET (Easter proclamation)

l,:t,:l,/l, :d : - : - : - : - : - :t,:d :r :d /d : - : -
migh-ty On this your night of grace, O holy father, accept this
d : - : - :d :l,:l, :l,:t,:t,:t, / l, :d : - : - : - : - : -
candle, a so- lemn of- fering, the work of bees and of your
d:t,:l, :t, / t, : - : - : - : l, :t, :d / t, : - : -
servant’s hands, an evening sacrifice of praise, this gift from
t, :l,:s,:s,:l,:t, : l, / l, : d : - : - : - : - : t, :l,
your most ho - ly Church. But now we know the praises of this
l,:t,:t, / t, : - : - : - :t,:l,:s,:s,:l,:t, :l,:t,:l, /l,:d
pil-lar, which glowing fire ig-nites for God’s ho- nor, a fire
d : - : -:d :t, :l,:l,:t,:t, / t,:l,:t, :d :t,:t,:l,:s,:s,:l,
into many flames di- vi- ded, yet never dimmed by sharing of
t, :l, / l, :d :- : - :- :d :t,:l, :t, / t, : - : - :l, :t,
its light, for it is fed by mel-ting wax, drawn out by mother
d / t, :t, :l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, / l,:d:t,:d :d :d :t, :l,
bees to build a torch so pre-cious. O truly ble-ssed
t, / l, : d : - : - : - : - : - : t, :l, :t, / t, :t,
night, when things of heaven are wed to those of earth, and di-
l,:s,:s,:l,:t,:l,:t,:l, // l, :d : - :d :t,:l,:l,:t,:t, / l,
vine to the hu- mans. Therefore, O Lord, we pray you that
d : - :- / d : - : - : - : - : -:t,:l, :t, / l, :d :- :d:t,
this candle, hallowed to the honor of your name, may perse-vere
l, :t, / t, : - : - : - : - :l,:s,:s,:l,:t, :l, / l, :d : -
undimmed, to overcome the darkness of this night. Receive it
d : - :d :t,:l,:l,:t,:t, / t, :l,:t, :d :t, :l, :s,:s,:l, :t,
as a pleasing fragrance and let it mingle with the light of
l,:t,:l,/r :d :t,:l,:s,:l,:t,:t,: - : - : - :l,:s,:s,:l, :t,
hea-ven. May this flame be found still burning by the
l,:t,:l,:l, / l, : d : - : - : - : - :d:t,:l, :t, / l, : d
morning star: the one morning star who ne-ver sets, Christ your
d : : d : - : - : - : - : t, : d :r :: d : - : - : -
son, who, coming back from death’s domain, has shed his peace-
volti subito
page 4 of 6
page 5. EXULTET (Easter proclamation)
d : - : t, :l, :l,:t,:t, : t, / t, : l, : t, : d : : t,
ful light on hu - ma – ni - ty, and lives and reigns for
l, :s, :s, :l, :t, :l, :t, :l, // s, :s,:l,//
e - ver and e - ver. (R) A – men.
Key Bb 44 Allegro–Moderato AMIN! Solomon S. Fakarau
f 1. 2. 3. 4.
: / : d : - /d :-.s, l,.t,:d .r /m : - m . :f . /m . :r .
A..........min, A- ...........min, A – min, A - min,
: / : : / : d, : - /d, : - d,.r,:m,.f,/s, : -
A..........min, A..........min,
: / : : / : : / : d : - /d :-.s,
A..........min, A-
d :- /d : - d,.r,:m,.f,/s,:- d,. :m,. /f,. :r,. s,.s,: /d .d :
A – min, A..........min, A - min , A – min, A-min, A-min,
5. 6. 7.
d .d : .m /s .f :m .r d .m :m .m /r : .r m : .m /s .f :m ,r .d ,t,
A-min, A............ min, A - min, A-min, A- min, A....................
m,.f,:s,.l,/s, :f, m, .s, :s, .s,/s,: .s, s,: .s,/d .ta,:l, .s,
A..........min, A- min, A - min, A-min, A- min, A....................
l,.t,:d .r /m :fe s .m :d .d /t,: .t, d : .d /m .r :d .r
.................... min, A - min, A-min, A- min, A....................
d,. :m,. /l2. :t2. d, .d, :d, .m,/s,: .s, d : .d /m .r :d .s,
A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A- min, A....................
8. 9. 10. 11.
l,,t,.d ,t,:de .r /m :r d : .d /d : .d d .d :d .d /d :t, d : /
....................... min, A-min, A- min, A-min, A-min, A- min.
f, : - .l, /s, :s, s,: .s,/s,: .s, l, .l,:l, .l,/s, :s, s,: /
min, A - min, A- min, A-min, A- min, A-min, A-min, A- min.
d :d .d /d :t, d : .m /m : .m m .m :f .f /m :r m : /
min, A – min, A – min, A-min, A- min, A-min, A-min, A- min.
l, :f, .f, /s, : - d,: .d,/d : .d l, .l,:f, .f,/s, :s, d,: /
min, A – min, A – min, A-min, A- min, A-min, A-min, A- min.
12. 13. quartet p.
: .d :r .m /f ,m .f ,s :l .f m .s :f .r /d .m ,f :s ,f .m ,r
A............................... ...........min, A...........
: .m,:fe,.s, /l,,se,.l,,t,:d .t,,l, s, :- .s,/s, .d ,r :m ,r .d ,t,
A............................... min, A-min, A...........
: d .d : /l, .l, : d .m :r .t,/d . :
A-min, A - min, A..........min,
.s,:s, .s, d : - .ta,/l, :f, s, :- .s,/d, . :
A-min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A-min,
14. 15.
d .d : / .m ,f :s ,f .m ,r d .d : / .m ,f :s ,m .f ,s
min, A............. min, A...............
l,.s, : / .d ,r :m ,r .d ,t, l,.s, : / .s, :s, .s,
min, A............. min, A - min, A –
.m ,f :s ,f .m ,r /d .d : .m ,f :s ,f .m ,r /m .d ,r :m ,d .r ,d
A.... ........... min, A................min, A...............
.d ,r :m ,r .d ,t,/d .d : .s, :s, .s, /d : - .ta,
A............... min, A - min, A - min, A -

page 5 of 6 volti subito

page 6 Amin
16. Tutti f. 17. quartet p.
l ,se .l ,ta :d’.l /s .m :s ,f .m ,r d .m :m .m /r .r ,m :f ,s .f ,s
............. ....................... min, A - min, A - min, A................
d :- .l,/s, :f, m, .s, :s, .s, /s, . :d .d
min, A-min, A – min, A - min, A - min, A - min,
f ,m .f ,s :l .f /m .d :m ,r .d ,t, d .d :d .d /t, .t,,d :r ,m .r ,m
..................................... min, A - min, A - min, A................
l, :f, /s, : - .s, d, .d, :d, .m, /s, . :s, .s,
min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min,
Tutti f. 18. quartet p. 19.
m .d :m ,m .m /r .r ,m :f ,s .f ,s m .f :s ,f .m ,f /l ,se .l ,t :d’.l
min, A - min, A - min, A............... ....................................
s,.s, :s, ,s, .s, /s, . :d .d s, .s,: /d .d :
A-min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min,
d .d :d ,d .d /t, .t,,d :r ,m .r ,m d .r :m ,r .d ,r /m .f ,s :l .f
min, A - min, A - min, A............... ....................................
d .d :d, .m, /s, .s, :s, .s, d : - .ta, /l, :f,
A-min, A - - min, A - min, A - min, A – min, A -
20. f. Tutti 21. 22. 23.
s .m :s ,f .m ,r /d : .s, :s, .s, /d : :m /l :d f : - / - :f
... ...............min, A - min, A – min, A - min, A - min, A-
d .s, : - .f, /m, : .s, :s, .s, /d : :m, /l, :d, f,: - / - :f,
A-min, A - min, A - min, A – min, A - min, A - min, A-
m .d :m ,r .d ,t,/d : .s, :s, .s, /d : :m /l :d f : - / - :l
..................min, A - min, A – min, A - min, A - min, A-
s, : - .s, /d, : .s, :s, .s, /d : :m, /l, :d f : - / - :r
min, A - min, A - min, A – min, A - min, A - min, A-
24. 25. 26. 27.
l :s /f :f m :l /s : - .t, d : / :f m :f /m .s, :s, .s,
min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A- min, A - min, A - min, A -
m, :l, /l, :s, d :d /d : - .f, m,: / :t, d :t, /d .s, :s, .s,
min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A- min, A - min, A - min, A -
l :m /f :r m :f /m : - .r m : / :r d :r /d .s, :s, .s,
min, A - min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A- min, A - min, A - min, A -
d :d /r :ta, d :f, /s,: - .s, d,: / :s, d :s, /d .s, :s, .s,
28. 29. 30. 31.
d : - .ta, /l, :f, s,: - .s, /d : r : - /m : s : - /s :
min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A - min. A - min. Compolsury
d : - .ta, /l, :f, s,: - .s, /d : s,: - /s, : t,: - /d : Song
min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A - min. A - min. for
d : - .ta, /l, :f, s,: - .s, /d : t,: - /d : r : - /m : category
min, A - min, A - min, A - min. A - min. A - min. A
d : - .ta, /l, :f, s,: - .s, /d : s,: - /d, : s,: - /d :
Composed and Arranged By Typed by David Yahaya Jankoli
Solomon Stephen Fakarau AKA Mayen Almasihu!!!
08064112400 30th January, 2023 09061620134/08021367271

Choirmaster General Assistant Choirmaster

Aloysius Raymond Adviser on song Ishaku M. Ambima
Prince Samuel Wariya
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