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Chapter 6


A) Procedures needed to understand the Rockco:

 Audit strategy and plan
 So make sure that the auditor understand the scope, extent and direction of the audit by
understanding the nature of resources of rock and how they are deployed- when they
are deployed and the amount of resources need. Finally making sure how the resources
are supervised and directed.
 Furthermore, audit plan can make sure about the little details that might have been
missed when performing the overall approach- aka audit strategy. The auditor can make
sure that the audit plan is performed in its nature, extent and timeliness of audit
procedures and risk assessment. The nature, extent and timeliness of audit procedure is
basically- how, when, and what the audit will be done. The auditor can also supervise
the and direct the engagement of the team.
 The auditor can also perform intermin and final audit as well- its imp to understand that
these two are differnel level of audit performance but are of the same audit- The
difference lies in between the time purpose and work performed. An interment audit
preformed can detect the level of risk to be controlled, helping or reducing the number
of substantive testing needed in the final audit.
 Fraud and error can also be detected by the audit in order to understand the
management and the level of governance in the company as to see the level of
intergtiy remained in these levels of management.
 Surprise asset count test can also be done to figure out misappropriation.
 Can also check for fraudelnt reportinh as this company has variety of different brand
names they perform under.
 Laws and regulations on non compliance to make sure the firm follows ethical standards
when importing.
 Some audit procedures to identify non compliance is to understand, have koneldge on
the standards, have inspecting correspondence, obtain written representation, engage
with the rocks governance and management and lasty remain alert by having
professional skepticism.
 Maintain quality management by understanding the rocks engagement resources,
performance and engagement quality reviewer. Making sure the we the audit are
provided with all the resources and access to info need in order to perform the
 Have access to the audit documentation of the rocks in order to understand their
previous work ethic .



Credit checks are not repformed unless increase Inspect the credit checks meet within the credit
in credit limit is required by the customer, and limit of each reveicnale.
credit application is checked with credit agency- Obseves and make sure the credit checks are in
this reduces the risk of bad debts as sales are only performed.
recginuzed when sales are made reducing bad
debts. However increase bad debts can lead to
reduction in profit and cash flows and overtstad
revuvales if not written off.
Orders are entered by sales manager and diuble Can observe the sales assiant enering into sales
checked by the sales assiant over the system as well insocte the sales transactions
transactions, good alavuble and credit limit is not actually match with their credit limit.
crossed- this ensures that goods are given to thise Can verify if the good avaule are actually guven
customers that have promise of payubgf back as out in regard to the fact orders are not taken out
per their credit limit and thus makes sure there in over tjier credit limit.
no risk of bad debts occurung- whuhc in regards
can affect the profit of the company, cashflows by
decreasing them bith and if bad bets are not
written off can lead to iverstaed of debtors.
GDNs are given out when revied an order- packed Can actyally can go not the warehouse to inspect
by a member and then recehced by another and observed the members oaknng goods in
member to diuboe cjheck- this ensures that good terms of gdns received. Can sample test one if
sold are not messed up ir cinfued with different gdns to be despatched by checking the goods
gdns and also ensure that fraud and theft og match up aganstthe gdns primted out.
goods is refuced as dibble checked- this helps Check old sample of evdince if gdns to see if they
murray as less riskof theft, so less risk ir recution actyually match up with goods depstched.
of invetiry which could been over/under stated if
not aware of goods theft- and happy custmores
as endutrd gnds are no mmized up- aka better
image aka sales nit affected -aka proft it okay.
Four copies sent out of GDNs -this is good as it Aduitor can ehquire with customres when they
lets know the customr actually revcined the good, reciev the goods, can also insect an verfuy files of
sent to sale and accounts dep make sures ni recit in warhuse to see if they cross check with
reptation od misundetsinag arises- this helps sales and account dep atrments receipts.
murray to not have material misstaemtns in their
f/s and reucred erro of omission.
Sales invoices are raised by using gdns – this Csn double check and isnocet the invoices with
ensures inocies are actuukay free from errors and gnds from a cerrian sample to verify this control,
fraud as thye crossped with the gdns. Reduction The auditon can also enquire accounts
in errors nsf fraud receud the risk of misstaments ndepartemtn and sales department to see vefity
presnrt in f.s. also make sure correct aamunt have this.
been entered and no misyjndrtun wutht he
custimres- increasing good relationship with
Sales invoices are made pepried in regards the Isncetos or enwuire if the pricing system is
updated version of compies price list- aguan uodsste quarterly and whether or not sales
makes urea mouths are made correct- no angry inocies are made in respcti this.
Discounts are requestd by sales manager and Inscoest the samloe to see oast dosicnts and see
authirse by sadles director- segrtion if suies whenter any frau had 0coured
Increaser fraud and errors aka misstaments in f/s Observs the sles dietcr and mahne when they
and loss accours for firms- reducing the revenue if allow the disunt
wring disciutns aren made Veryf with inoces t0 and gnds an to check whenu
it accytlaluy need the dosucnt
Have others party to g8ve pit doucounts in orde
to reducr errors


1)goods and services are placed by requisition 1) Can test and observe the manager
which is pre-numbered and checked weekly. And authorize the requisitions, and can also
all requisitions are authorized by manager- this find someone independent to authorize
will cause segregation of duties and the requisitions. Can test a sample of
authorization. purchase requisition to check if they are
Weekly checks and pre0numbers help keep track pre-numbered and performed weekly.
of purchases reducing the risk of misstatements Can test and run the system by checking
occurring as well reducing misunderstanding and if requestions are pre-numbered.
repetition of goods bought- which will over all
can over/under state the payables. Segregation of
duties can cause high risk of fraud and errors.

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