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1. What had been the topic of discussion at Dabney’s last evening?

What did the little man say

when he was asked to narrate his own story?
Ans:- The topic of discussion at Dabney’s last evening was about events that cannot be
explained by natural causes. The little man insisted that whatever he spoke was the truth, unlike
the made-up stories that other iterated, he also termed his story as a self-completing
‘occurrence’ which personally happened to him.

2. While staying in great Ormond Street, how was the narrator affected by the face on the wall?
Ans:- The face affected our narrator greatly as his thoughts were filled with it. As days went by
and the narrator had the time to recover from his illness, he was affirmative that maybe there
was indeed a man alive with the same face, he was sure about it. So, he began searching for
him everywhere even though his efforts were useless. The search drove him to insanity, to the
point where he neglected everything.

3. How during influenza did the author find changes in the face on the wall?
Ans:- The face on the wall appeared and felt like most of those that take in form on damped and
patchy walls. The author didn’t notice anything strange at first but after falling sick due to
influenza he did notice sudden and interesting changes. The face on the wall gradually had a
stronghold on the narrator as it grew more and more real and remarkable. The face occupied all
his thoughts as he took into account the features that the face had.

4. How did the face control the narrator and how was he forced to go for a real search?
Ans:- As the face on the wall became more prominent, the narrator’s hunger for finding the man
increased. He began searching for him everywhere; he went to places where large people
would gather like in political meetings, football matches, railway stations etc. He went frenzy and
neglected everything else. He would search him in hoards of men and never laid an eye on
women during that time.

5. How did the narrator search the man and what had been the result?
Ans:- The narrator searched the man in places where many people would gather at once, i.e.,
football matches, political meetings, railway stations etc. He would always stare at people’s
faces in an attempt to find even a small bit of resemblance, this activity however made the
crowd think he was some mad person. Needless to say, it drove him crazy as he neglected
everything else he had in life until he did found the man in a taxi which was heading

6. How did the narrator find the man? On following the man what did he find?
Ans:- The narrator found the man in a taxi which was going east along Piccadilly. He followed
the man to Charing Cross station and saw him with ladies and a little girl. After finding out that
the mysterious man was heading to France, our narrator decided to tag along. Failing at first, he
didn’t lose hope but moved forward only to at last meet the man whose face was on the wall in
front of his cabin door.

7. How are the death of the man and the disappearance of the face from the wall seemingly
Ans:- The narrator noticed how the perfectly visible face had turned faint overnight just when the
news of an American millionaire’s motor accident made to the headlines of the newspaper. He
was confused at first but later upon realizing that it is the same person whom he was frantically
searching for a while back, he examined the face again. This time though he witnessed it
disappearing completely from the wall. The man died as well. This suggests that the life of the
said person and his face on the wall are connected.


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