Lesson Plan

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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 5

Objective: Find the volume of a given cube and rectangular prism using
cu.cm and cu. m

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Geometry - Understanding the concept of volume in mathematics through shapes

and measurements

2) Science - Applying the concept of volume in real-life scenarios such as calculating

the volume of liquids or containers

3) Economics - Utilizing volume calculations in determining the capacity of various

products or items for production and packaging


[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, Markers]

1) Idea - Conduct a quick quiz on basic volume concepts to gauge the students' prior

2) Idea - Challenge students to estimate the volume of different objects in the

classroom to spark curiosity


Activity 1: Exploring Cube Volume

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Cubes of various sizes, rulers

Significance - Understanding the formula for finding the volume of a cube and
applying it practically

Instructions - Measure and calculate the volume of each cube using cu.cm, then
convert to cu.m

1) Calculate the volume of a small cube (5pts)

2) Calculate the volume of a medium cube (5pts)

3) Calculate the volume of a large cube (5pts)


- Accuracy of calculations - 5 pts.

- Correct conversion to cu.m - 5 pts.

- Presentation of calculations - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the formula for finding the volume of a cube?

2) Why is it important to convert volume measurements to a standard unit like cu.m?

3) How can you apply the concept of volume in real-life situations?

Activity 2: Exploring Rectangular Prism Volume

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials - Rectangular prisms of various dimensions, calculators

Significance - Applying volume formulas to different geometric shapes

Instructions - Calculate the volume of each rectangular prism using cu.cm and cu.m

1) Calculate the volume of a small rectangular prism (5pts)

2) Calculate the volume of a medium rectangular prism (5pts)

3) Calculate the volume of a large rectangular prism (5pts)


- Accuracy of calculations - 5 pts.

- Conversion to cu.m - 5 pts.

- Justification of solution - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How is finding the volume of a rectangular prism different from finding the volume
of a cube?

2) What are the practical implications of understanding volume calculations in

everyday life?

3) Can you think of a scenario where knowing volume measurements is essential?

Inclusive Activity 3: Volume Scavenger Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - Encouraging students to observe and estimate volumes in their


Instructions - Go on a scavenger hunt around the school or community to identify

objects with known or estimated volumes

1) Estimate the volume of a basketball (5pts)

2) Measure the volume of a water cooler (5pts)

3) Calculate the volume of a classroom desk (5pts)


- Accuracy of estimation/measurement - 5 pts.

- Clear explanation of the process - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did your estimations compare to the actual volumes of the objects?

2) What challenges did you face in determining the volume of certain objects?

3) How can understanding volume measurements help you appreciate the world
around you?


Activity 1 - Teacher will guide students to understand the properties of cubes and
how they relate to finding volume

Activity 2 - Students will engage in group discussions to compare and contrast the
volume calculations for cubes and rectangular prisms

Activity 3 - Students will reflect on their scavenger hunt experience and discuss the
importance of volume measurements in real life

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Design a 3D model of a room using cubes and rectangular prisms, then
calculate its total volume

Task 2 - Conduct a survey among family members or neighbors to find out how they
use volume measurements in their daily activities

Supporting Material 1 - "Real-World Applications of Volume in Architecture"

Supporting Material 2 - "Exploring Volume in Nature: How Organisms Adapt to

Different Volumes"


[Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction]

[Instructional Materials: Worksheets, Answer Key]

Question 1 - Calculate the volume of a cube with side length 4 cm (5pts)

Question 2 - Convert 5000 cu.cm to cu.m (5pts)

Question 3 - Find the missing dimension of a rectangular prism with volume 72 cu.m
and one side length 3 m (5pts)


Question 1 - Explain why understanding volume measurements is crucial in

fields such as architecture and engineering. (Answer: Volume calculations help
in designing structures with precise measurements to ensure functionality and

Question 2 - Compare and contrast the volume formulas for cubes and
rectangular prisms, highlighting their similarities and differences. (Answer:
Both shapes involve multiplying length, width, and height, but rectangular prisms
have different sides and cubes have equal sides.)
Question 3 - Propose a real-life scenario where miscalculating volume
measurements could lead to significant consequences. (Answer: Incorrect
volume measurements in cooking recipes could result in unbalanced flavors and
ruined dishes.)


1) Design a poster that showcases the importance of volume measurements in

different industries such as construction, transportation, and packaging

2) Create a story or comic strip featuring characters who encounter volume-related

challenges and how they solve them using mathematical concepts.

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