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Ayesha Preparation

Q1. Read the comprehension. /6

Emma has a new bicycle. It is bright pink and shiny. It was a gift from her uncle
Saim. He hides it behind the bushes to give her a surprise. When Emma looked
behind the bushes and saw the bicycle, she jumped with joy. It was just what she
wanted. She gave her uncle a big hug. She loves her new bicycle and she loves her
uncle too.

(a) Answer the following questions.

I. What colour is the bicycle? /1


II. Where did the uncle hide the bicycle? /1


III. What did Emma do when she saw the bicycle? /1


(b) Identify any two common nouns, two proper nouns, two verbs and two adjectives from
the passage and write them below in the given table. /

Common Nouns Proper Nouns Verbs Adjectives

(c) State whether the following statements are true or false.

I. Emma has an old bicycle. _____________

II. Emma loves her new bicycle. ______________
III. Emma’s uncle hid the bicycle behind the bushes. _____________
IV. Emma’s bicycle colour is yellow. _______________

Q2(a) Fill in the blanks with the correct

option. /1.5

I. Yesterday I __________ happy and my friends ___________ were excited about

the school picnic. ( was – had – were )

II. She _________ a colourful balloon at the birthday party. ( was – had )
III. __________ did the cat hide under the bed? ( who – why )

Q2(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs ending with

s/ed/ing. /1.5

I. The dog ___________ loudly at the strangers.

II. She ___________ the door and entered the room.
III. The children are ______________ happily in the park.

Q3. Write 30-40 word passage on the Recipe Writing using two nouns, two adjectives, and
two verbs.


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