DW - Revision - QNS

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In data warehouse technology, a multiple dimensional view can be implemented by a relational

database technique (ROLAP), or by a multidimensional database technique (MOLAP), or by a
hybrid database technique (HOLAP).
a) Briefly describe each implementation technique.
b) For each technique in (a), explain how each of the following functions may be implemented:
i. The generation of a data warehouse (including aggregation)
ii. Roll-up
iii. Drill-down
iv. Incremental updating
c) List the four (4) phases of the data warehouse design.
a) Explain four (4) factors that motivated the use of OLAP mining (OLAM).
b) Explain any five (5) problems that are encountered in developing and managing a DW w
c) Parallel DBMS enables architectures can be symmetric multiprocessing and massively
parallel processing. Distinguish between these two parallel DBMS parallel hardware
d) Identify any three main type of code that Oracle Warehouse Builder produces.
a) Explain the differences between two OLAP operators ranking and Windows calculations.
b) Use and SQL code show the use of ranking and Windows calculation OLAP operators
c) Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) is a key component of the Oracle Warehouse solution.
Identify and explain any four (4) features of Oracle Warehouse Builder.
d) Explain any three (3) data anomalies which can be encountered by the Data Analyst
during the data transformation process.
a) You have been hired as a database specialist on an organisation that want to implement
a data warehouse. Discuss with aid of diagrams any three data warehouses architectures

b) With the aid of a diagram explain the processes that are involved in the development of
a data warehouse solution.
Consider a data warehouse at a university system that has three dimensions time, lecturer and
student and the two measures count and charge, where charge is the tuition fee that the
lecturer charges a student for each session.
a) Identify and discuss any three (3) classes of schemas mostly used to model data a DW
b) Choose one of the classes of schema presented in (a), draw a schema diagram for the
above data warehouse showing all the keys.
c) Using the base cuboid (day, lecturer and student), what specific OLAP operations should
be performed in order to list the total fee collected by each lecturer in 2020?
d) Assume that the data is stored in a relational database, write an SQL statement that will
produce the same results as in (c) above with the schema fee (day, month, year, lecturer,
student, count, charge).

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