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Describe Image

The given image is (topic) which gives the information about……… . The data is
given in the form of …….. (numbers, percentage).
The maximum value of ……. . After that, the minimum value of……we can see
different elements such as…………. . we can see different trends in given image.
However, we can see different years……….. . There are number of colors such
Finally, this picture is very informative.

The given image is a map of (Topic). The map shows a number of different
regions which include ( name of regions). It can be clearly seen that…….. on the
top. On the left side, we can see……. . Moreover, on the right side, we can
see…… . However, in the behind, we can see….. . There are number of colors in
this picture such as……. . Overall, the map/picture provides all the crucial
details related to the given regions.
The given image is process/cycle which gives the information about…….. . It has
multiple steps including (Mention the steps).
In the first step/stage, we can see……. .
In the second step/stage, we can see…….
In the following step/stage, we can see………,……….
At the last step……… is happening
Overall, this is very complex process/cycle and every step is important to
complete this process.
Retell Lecture/ Summarize Spoken Text
The main focus on the lecture was (topic). The first crucial aspect revealed in
the discourse was (keywords). Moreover, he also gives the information about
(keywords). Furthermore, he also discussed about (keywords). Additionally, he
also mentioned about(keywords). He highlighted the information
about(keywords).Lastly, this is very informative.
PTE Essay Writing Universal Template
One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the
number of people believing that <negative point of the topic>. There is a
widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life.
However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one

is that <positive point of the topic> and there are numerous other benefits in
various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one
benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance
productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and
convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as
augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned.

Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely

to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows
such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as
dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor
of <positive key point>.

In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits
of <positive key point> are indeed too great to ignore.

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