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Listen to the test once. You can check your answers at the end of the video.

Questions 1-5
Complete the notes below
Write one word or a number for each answer.

Personal details
Name: Peter (1) ___________
Age: 18 to (2) _________ years
Occupation: (3) ____________
Address: 11 (4) _______ Road Kingsbury
Phone Number: (5) ____________

Course Details
Title: (6) _________
Start date: 26th of (7) _______
Method of payment: (8) _______
Reference: (9) _______
Special Requirements (if any)
Needs access for a (10)______________

Questions 11-15
Choose the correct answer.
11. Airbus started to build the plane in _____
A 2000
B 2001
C 2002
12. The maximum distance it can fly without stopping for fuel is ____
A 40, 801 km.
B 4,210 km.
C 14, 800 km.

13. The function of the stringers is to _____

A supply data for the computers.
B keep the plane cool.
C strengthen the wing panels.

14. Which form of transport is not used in the factory?

A trucks
B bicycles
C motorbikes

15. What did James Carr feel at the end?

A tiredness
B a kind of sadness
C a sense of achievement

Questions 16-20
Complete the notes below
Write one word only for each answer.

Date of travel:
21 (16) _______, return on 6 April.
Journey out: leave Waterloo Station (London) at 12:09,
arrive Paris at 15:59
Return journey:
(Remember the (17) _____ is at 9:30 p.m.) Leave Paris
Tickets £59 each (18) _____ ticket.
Remember to take (19) _____ of your age.
Check with (20) _____ for visa regulation.
Questions 21-25
Complete the information below
Write no more than two words or a number for each answer.

Day & date: Sunday (21) ________

Place : Brighton (22)_________
Registration time : (23) _________
- aim to raise over (24) ________ as a team and get a free t-shirt
-free Prize Draw for trip to (25) _________

Questions 26-30
Complete the Information below
Write no more than two words for each answer

Team details!
-must have a crew of 20 and elect a (26) ______
- under 18s need to have (27) ______ to enter
- need to hire 20 (28) ___________
- advised to bring extra (29) ________
- must choose a (30) __________ for the team


Questions 31-35
Label the diagram below
Write no more than two words for each answer
31. __________
32. ____________
33. ____________
34. ____________
35. ____________

Questions 36-40
Complete these sentences
Write one word only for each answer.
First evidence of the trumpet appeared in Ancient Egypt 3500 (36) _______ ago.
It became an orchestral instrument in the early (37) _______ century.
The trumpet often leads the brass section because of its loud and (38) ______ sound. The
trumpet is quite (39) ______ compared with other instruments. Some trumpeters now play the
(40) ______ horn instead.

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