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8 Health, Safety & Ethics Unit 1 I Health, Safety & Ethics Unit 1Learning Objectives By the end of Unit
1, learners should be able to:• Show an understanding of computer laboratory guidelines.• Apply
the rules and regulations of using the computer laboratory.• Adopt safety precautions when using
an ICT tool.• Demonstrate proper care of computer equipment.• D iscuss the social and economic
effects of the use of computers in the context of particular computer applications.|1.1 The
Computer RoomThe computer laboratory is a specialist room different from your usual
classroom.Many expensive electronic devices are found there, which are under the supervision
oflaboratory auxiliary. For your own health and safety there are guidelines that you need to
follow.|1.2 Introduction Observe the picture and read the guidelines to follow in the computer
laboratory. (see next page) 9 |1.3 Computer Laboratory GuidelinesREPORT 1. Seek your teacher’s
permission before: • Entering the laboratory • Using the devices (Computer, Printer, Scanner ,
Projector) • Accessing the internet • Inserting removable devices/disks • Changing any computer
settings • Moving, changing or deleting files on the computer 2. Always • Adopt a proper sitting
posture • Keep the computer laboratory clean • Maintain silence and do not disturb other users. •
Keep Food and drink away from computer equipments • Move around the laboratory in an orderly
manner 3. Report to your educator any: • Loose or broken cables • Malfunction or Damaged
equipment • Unusual activities Quick Test 1.3 Observe the picture and tick ( √ ) any guidelines that
have not been followed. Statements Tick (√) 1. Eating and drinking in the computer laboratory 2.
Good Sitting position 3. Trailing Wires 4. Dirty computer Laboratory 5. Running in the computer
laboratory10 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & Ethics Work out : Word ProcessingGo to page 100 and work
laboratory10 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & Ethics Work out : Word ProcessingGo to page 100 and work
out Word Task 1 only|1.4 Adopt safety precautions when using ICT toolsComputers are safe to use if
they are handled properly. It can be potentially dangerous ifmisused since they operate using
electricity. Learning about safety precautions is importantbut adopting them is even more. Some
Safety precautions you need to adopt when using ICT tools • A void eating and drinking near
computers as it can result to electric shock for the user. • Computers use lots of wires and if not
well arranged this may cause users to trip over. • Do not insert objects in the system unit. •
Overloading of power socket may cause overheating and even fire. • Switch off computer before
connecting or disconnecting any cables. • Opening the system unit while the computer is ON is life
threatening. • Don’t switch your computer ON if socket is damaged. • M ake sure your computer is
on a strong table as some parts are heavy and can cause injury if they fall on people. • Place your
computer in a well ventilated space to prevent overheating of equipment. • Do not try to repair your
computer as you are not trained for. SAFETY FIRST 11 Work out : Word ProcessingGo to page 101
and work out Word Task 2 only Quick Test 1.4Safety Precautions 4 Fill in the CROSSWORD ACROSS 1.
too high temperature 3 1 DOWN12 1. no room and no ................. 2. ................. shock 3. . ................
may cause tripping over when no well arranged 4. t oo many connections in a socket12 Unit 1 I
Health, Safety & Ethics Work out : PresentationGo to page 118 and work out Presentation Activity 2
only|1.5 Guidelines for proper care of computer equipments 1. Do not switch your computer on
and off too quickly, wait at least 2 minutes. 2. S can any disks with an antivirus software before
using them. 3. Do not use your computer during heavy rain or lightning. 4. Never leave your
computer in direct sunlight. 5. Always shut down your computer after use. need to look 6.
Computers should be kept in well ventilated rooms.for one 7. Protect your computer from dust and
liquids. 13 Quick Test 1.5Find and circle OFF SCAN LIGHTNING SUNLIGHT COMPUTER C OMP U T E R
and economic effect of the use of computers Activity 1.6 CommunicationDevelopment of science
and technology has Business Workdirect effect on our daily life as well as in oursocial life.
Computers are used in various fields. FieldsSome of the major computer application fieldsare
discussed below.Discuss with you educator. Education Banking14 Unit 1 I Health, Safety &
Ethics|1.6.1 E-Commerce ( Business)Electronic commerce means the buying and selling of goods
and services using the internet.Exercise 4: Observe the table below which shows two ways to buy a
product.Steps without e-commerce with e-commerceChoosethe productBuythe productDelivery
ofthe product Activity 1.6.1Observe the picturesNow we can discuss about the differences
betweene-commerce and traditional shopping.Use these hints- Place where the products are
displayed?- Modes of delivery?- Types of payment? 15 How are the products displayed?
TRADITIONAL COMMERCE E-COMMERCE............................................................................................
......... ............................................................................................ How are the products delivered?
TRADITIONAL COMMERCE E-COMMERCE............................................................................................

......... ............................................................................................ What is the mode of payment?
TRADITIONAL COMMERCE E-COMMERCE............................................................................................
......... ............................................................................................ Did you knowTools requiredWhen doing
an e-commerce transaction the following are needed.• A computer, a tablet PC or a smart phone.•
Internet connection.16 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsQuick Test 1.6.1Using the statements given
below, classify them as benefits or drawbacks.Statements1 You can choose from a variety of
products from different countries.2 Not everyone is connected to the Internet.3 The product
received may not be the same as ordered.4 You stay at home and do your shopping.5 There is a risk
of hacking (unauthorized access).6 It may be difficult to return the good or get help from the seller.7
It is easier and quicker to check for the best price.8 The shop owner saves on warehouse and other
operational costs.9 There is a risk of virus infection.10 The product is cheaper.11 You may have to
wait a long time before you receive the product.12 You can shop anytime (24 hours a day and seven
days a week).13 You are not able to try the item before you purchase it.14 No need to travel to the

........................ 17 |1.6.2 Teleworking ( Work) Home OfficeThe use of ICT has changed the traditional
work practices. Now,it is possible to do office work from home using computers
andtelecommunications facilities.This way of working is called teleworking or telecommuting.Tools
requiredPersonal Computer or Laptop and Internet connection.Benefits of Teleworking Benefits to
Employers Benefits to Employees• They save on rental and office running costs. • They work in a
relaxed environment.• Travel expenses and other travel-related • No travel costs • Better
work/family life balance. problems are reduced. • Handicapped persons may also work.Drawbacks
of Teleworking Benefits to Employees • They do not meet other workers. Benefits to Employers • T
hey may be tempted to spend time on • E mployers do not have direct control over personal work.
teleworkers.18 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsQuick Test 1.6.2Fill in the blanks with the following
words:Travel Family Costs Teleworking HandicappedWorking from home is called
........................................... Many people prefer to work this way becausethey can look after their
.......................................... at the same time. .......................................... persons canalso work. There is
no need to .......................................... to the office. Moreover, employers are happybecause they save
on office running ...........................................Traditional bankingIn Traditional banking, a person goes
to a bankto do the following transactions:• Open/close account• Deposit/withdraw money• Check
balance• Exchange of foreign currency• Money Transfer• Apply for loan Find out Did you
knowAccompany your parents next time To perform transactions,they go to the bank and note
down you need to call in personyour observations. and bring along your ID Card to prove your
identity. Usually you have to queue up and wait for your turn.Observation
..................................................................................................... 19 |1.6.3 E-bankingE-banking also known
as online banking (or Internet banking) refers to the use of internet toperform bank transaction
such as:• Transfer money from one account to another. Did you know• O nline payments (of bills or
purchases through e-commerce).• Check account balance. User ID/Username is an identification
used by a person to access a computer system. Password is a secret key/codeThe bank provides an
E-banking web-site. Users must have User ID and password.Password is used to avoid unauthorized
access to the account.E-banking allows cashless transactions.Tools needed INTERNETCustomers
with their devices Bank servers to store information about customers.20 Unit 1 I Health, Safety &
Ethics Find outVisit an online banking websiteof a local bank and note downyour
...................................................................................................................................Services provided by E-
banking to customers Check bank balanceTransfer Pay billsmoney online Services Create Apply
fornew accounts loan Print bank statements 21 Benefits of E-banking Benefits to Customers
fornew accounts loan Print bank statements 21 Benefits of E-banking Benefits to Customers

Benefits to Bank• Transactions can be done from home • Banks can attract new customers•
Transactions can be done at any time (24/7) • Bank can operate 24 hours a day• No need to stand in
queues • No need to employ many staff• Can request for bank statement instantly • Save costs on
rent and salary• Can apply for loan Drawbacks to Customers Drawbacks to Bank• N eed to have
internet facilities to access web • Need to buy expensive computers and site specialist workers to
develop web site• Fear of hacking and fraud • I f web site is not working , customers will• N eed to
be aware of fake E-mail that can not have access to their account steal personal informationQuick
Test 1.6.31. U nscramble the letters below to make seven words related to E-BANKING. Then use
the letters in the boxes in the new words to solve the E-BANKING RIDDLE!CUNAO ___ C ___ ___ ___ T
OLIN ___ N ___ ___ ESAEC ___ C ___ _ __ S SORPWD ___ A ___ S ___ ___ ___ NETTRI ___ N ___ ___ ___ E
___MAELI M _ __ ___ LAn identification used by a person to access a computer system.___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ 22 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & Ethics2. S tate whether the following statements are related to
traditional banking or E-banking or both. Put a tick (√) in the appropriate column(s). Traditional
Banking E-BankingPay billsOpen/close accountUse of ID cardDeposit/withdraw moneyApply for
loanCheck balanceUse of Login (e.g. UserID)Money Transfer|1.6.4 ATM (Banking) Did you knowA
teller is someone who worksfor a bank and is responsiblefor doing bank transactions.Instead of
going to a bank to perform some transactions, you can use an ATM (Automatic tellermachine). It is a
machine located outside the bank or at another location. 23 An example of an ATM Services offered
by an ATMScreen Receipt Card Speaker A customer needs his/her bank card withbuttons Printer
Reader ?? a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to perform the following operations:Display Cash
Deposit we have • withdraw cashScreen Dispenser Slot speakers • transfer funds between accounts
• view account balances here? • deposit cash and cheques Keypad • refill prepaid mobile phone •
pay bills Find out : ATM SimulatorVisit this web site in your computer laboratory or at
home. Work out : Presentation on ATM
Go to page 120 and work out Presentation Task 2 only Quick Test 1.6.4ATM has also its limitations.
Tick (√) the services not offered at an ATM. To top up your mobile phone account To open and close
customer accounts To use coins To pay CWA monthly bills To view the last five transactions done in
your account To apply for a loan 24 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & Ethics|1.6.5 E-learning ( Education)E-
Learning (Electronic learning), means using a digital device and electronic resources to learn.Tools
needed for e-learningTo be able to correctly carry on with e-learning a student need to have:• A
computer / laptop/ tablet PC/ smart phone Find out• Speakers or headphones • A microphone • Any
specific software or website Visit an E-learning web site at school or at home. E.g.
Khanacademy.comTick (√) what you have observed after visiting the website. True False Statements
1. To top up your mobile phone account 2. To open and close customer accounts 3. To use coins 4.
To pay CWA monthly bills 5. To view the last five transactions done in your account 25 Quick Test
1.6.5Circle the tools required to perform E-learning. Computer Book Headphone Scanner|1.6.6
Video conferencing (communication) Components of a video conferencing Camera TV or Monitor
Microphone SpeakersVideoconferencing allows people from different locations to see and talk to
each other usingcomputer and Internet facilities.Tools requiredPC or Laptop, microphone, webcam,
speakers, and Internet connection.26 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsBenefits to Videoconferencing
Drawbacks to Videoconferencing• Large savings in travelling. • S ome problems like poor sound
and• N o time wasted in travelling to other images or network failure may arise. cities/ countries. •
It is less personal than face-to-face• Meetings can be organised at short meetings. notice. •
Important documents cannot be signed.• D isabled people are not disadvantaged. • Time zones
Important documents cannot be signed.• D isabled people are not disadvantaged. • Time zones

are different in different• It is safer (from terrorist attacks/ parts of the world. accidents). •
Language barrier. Think DevicesWhich other devices, apart from 1.
...........................................................................................your computer, can be used for 2.
...........................................................................................videoconferencing? 3.
........................................................................................... 4.
........................................................................................... Quick Test 1.6.6 Column BMatch Column A with
Column B PC, microphone, webcam, speakers, Internet. Column A Network failure. People from
different locations see Videoconferencing and talk to each other. Benefit of videoconferencing No
travel expenses. Drawback of videoconferencing Videoconferencing tools 27 END OF UNIT
QUESTIONSExercise 1Complete the crossword below by referring to the pictures. I S N SR R V RSFill
in the blanks below with the appropriate words related to the pictures given above.1. No Food &
........................................... should be allowed in the computer laboratory.2. Do not insert metal
objects such as ........................................... into the computer casing.3. Ask permission to the teacher
before inserting any .......................................... into the computer.4. Ensure that there are no trailing
........................................... in the computer laboratory.5. Know the location of the
........................................... extinguisher in your laboratory28 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsExercise
2State whether the following statements are True or False:1. Eating chewing gum is allowed in the
Computer lab. 2. Pupils should seek the teacher’s permission before using computers.3. Adjustable
chairs should be used in the computer lab.4. Insert metal objects into the computer casing. 5. Pupils
may touch broken cables. Exercise 3Fill in the blanks with the following words:permission bag
computer eats taskinstructions cables quietly immediately dangerous Shayna is a student in Grade
7. She listens carefully to all the .......................................... given by herteacher. She never
.......................................... or drinks in the computer laboratory. She keeps
her.......................................... on the rack provided, sits .......................................... in front of the
...............................designated by laboratory auxiliary and does the .......................................... given by
the teacher.She does not touch .......................................... or electric sockets because she knows that
they can be........................................... She always asks for the teacher’s ..........................................
before using her pendrive. In case of any problem she informs her teacher
...........................................Exercise 4List some safety precautions you take when using your computer
at home or at
.................. 29 END OF UNIT QUESTIONSExercise 5Re-arrange the following list of steps to withdraw
money from an ATM.An example has been done for you.Enter your PIN 1Choose the amount you
want by pressingthe screen buttons or use pad to enter amountInsert your ATM cardTake your
cashSelect “Withdrawal” from the list of transactionsTake your cardTake your receiptExercise 6E-
banking Word SearchSee how many of the 5 words related to e-banking you can find in the puzzle
below.List down the words.DTAYOE 1. ...........................................................................................I YC ENN
2. ...........................................................................................RBCNL F 3.
2. ...........................................................................................RBCNL F 3.

...........................................................................................EAEO I N 4.
...........................................................................................S N SMN B 5.
...........................................................................................UK S C ED30 Unit 1 I Health, Safety &
EthicsExercise 7a) Define the term e-
...........................................................................b) List down 3 services provided by e-
....................c) Distinguish between e-banking and traditional
....................d) State 2 benefits and 2 drawbacks of e-banking to customers.BENEFITS
............................................................. 31 END OF UNIT QUESTIONSe) State 2 benefits and 2 drawbacks
of e-banking to the bank.BENEFITS
.............................................................Exercise 8 E-banking E-LearningFill in the blanks with the words
given in the box belowTeleworking E-commerce ATM Video Conferencing1. ...........................................
is when a person or a business, buy or sell over the Internet .2. T o work from home or a location
close to home using computers and telecommunications facilities is called
............................................3. ........................................... refers to the use of internet to perform bank
transactions.4. ........................................... means to use a computer and ICT tools to learn from
home.5. An ........................................... is a machine located outside the bank or at another location.6.
........................................... allows people from different locations to see and talk to each other using
computer and Internet facilities.32 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsExercise 9Tick (√) the appropriate
computer and Internet facilities.32 Unit 1 I Health, Safety & EthicsExercise 9Tick (√) the appropriate

tools required to perform the following online activities Personal Computer Internet Connection
Mouse Microphone Webcam Printer SpeakersTeleworkingE commerceATMVideo Conferencing
EbankingE- Learning 33 34 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and Fundamentals 2Computer Operations
Unitand FundamentalsLearning Objectives By the end of Unit 2, learners should be able to:•
Distinguish between hardware and software.• Describe the components of a computer system.•
State the use of various computer peripherals.• Distinguish between application and system
software• Describe various types of computers• Demonstrate an understanding of the unit of
measurement of CPU speed• Demonstrate an understanding of binary data|2.1 Hardware and
SoftwareA computer system needs both hardware (physical parts) and software (computer
programs).Hardware is the name given to the physical parts of the computer system.The parts can
be:Internal (found inside the system unit) orExternal (connected to the system unit).|2.2 Internal
Hardware• MotherboardThe motherboard is the central circuit board. All components plug into the
motherboard. PCI Slot Back Panel with (Can connect connections fo peripheralssound cards etc) and
USB Memory CPU SlotGraphics card slot Slots for RAM (Memory)Hard Disk Drives Slotsand DVD-
ROMS 35 Other hardware connected to the motherboard• Processor (Central Processing Unit)The
CPU is the brain of the computer and isresponsible for all data processing.• Internal Memory (RAM
and ROM)Random Access Memory (RAM) and ReadOnly Memory (ROM) are two types of
internalmemory used to store computer data thatcan be directly accessed by the CPU.• Power
supplySends power through cables to themotherboard and other components.• Graphics CardA
device that plugs into the motherboardand enables the computer to display imageson the monitor.•
FanIt keeps the CPU cool and stops it fromoverheating.• Sound CardA sound card allows the
computer to producesound as well as allows users to connectmicrophones to the system. 36 Unit 2
I Computer Operations and Fundamentals|2.3 External Hardware componentsExternal hardware
components are called peripheral devices. Computer peripherals aredevices that are connected to a
computer system to expand its abilities.They may be input devices, output devices or storage
devices. Input Central Processing OutputDevices Unit Devices Storage Devices PeripheralPeripheral
Peripheral OUTPUT INPUTPeripheral Peripheral 37 Peripherals |2.3.1 Input/output an storage
DevicesExternal hardware components are called peripheral devices. Computer peripherals are
devicesthat are connected to a computer system to expand its abilities.They may be input devices,
output devices or storage devices. Input Devices Devices used to enter data and instructions into
the computer. Some examples are keyboard, mouse, barcode reader, scanner, joystick, touch pad,
digital camera and microphone. Output Devices Devices used by the computer to show us
information in a suitable form. Some examples of output devices are monitor, printer, speakers and
headphones. Storage Devices Devices used to store data for later use. Some examples of storage
devices are hard disks, optical discs, USB Flash drives and memory cards. 38 Unit 2 I Computer
Operations and Fundamentals Work out : Word ProcessingGo to page 104 and work out Word Task
3 only Quick Test 2.1.31. State whether the following statements are True or False: (a) The computer
can work with hardware only. (b) The fan keeps the CPU cool. (c) All components plug into the
motherboard. (d) A printer is an example of a storage device. (e) A peripheral device may be an
input device.2. Match Column A with Column B. An example has been given. Column A Column
BComputer peripherals Allows the computer to produce sound.Sound card Enables the computer to
display images.ROM Physical parts of a computer system.Hardware Input/Output/Storage
devices.Graphics card The main circuit board.Motherboard Internal memory. 39 Suggested Activity :
Identifying computer partsAsk your teacher to show you the parts inside a system unit. Work outGo
Identifying computer partsAsk your teacher to show you the parts inside a system unit. Work outGo

to page 103 and work out Spreadsheet Activity 4 only|2.4 Software Did you knowSoftware is the
name given to computer A program is a set ofprograms which provide instructions that tell
instructions to performthe computer hardware what to do and how a specific do it. Software
ExamplesWord Processor Spreadsheet Computer Games Operating System40 Unit 2 I Computer
Operations and Fundamentals|2.4.1 Two main categories of softwareSoftware is classified as
system software and application software. Software System Applicationsoftware softwareThe
system software manages and controls the computer whereas the application softwareenables the
user to do a specific task.System software is the most important software that runs on a computer.
It is a set of programsthat controls the computer hardware and provides a platform for running
application software.Examples of system software:• Operating systems (OS) Software that acts as an
interface between the user and the computer system. E.g. Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and
Mac OS X.• Utility programs Software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the
computer. E.g. Anti-virus software, disk defragmenter, file manager.Application software refers to
programs designed to help the user perform specific tasks. 41 Examples of application software:•
Word processing software To create documents such as letters, reports or assignments.•
Spreadsheet software To organize data in rows and columns, perform calculations and present
data in the form of charts and graphs.• Graphics software To create and colour drawings.•
Presentation software T o display information in the form of a slide show.• Web browser To
access the Internet and view web pages.• Games package To play computer games. Quick Test
2.4.11. Fill in the blanks by selecting words from the given list:Important game software system
specific application(a) Computer hardware cannot function without ...........................................(b)
The two categories of software are .......................................... software and ..........................................
software.(c) A computer .......................................... is an example of software.(d) System software is
the most .......................................... software that runs on a computer.(e) Application software helps
the user to perform a .......................................... task.42 2. Match Column A with Column B. Unit 2 I
Computer Operations and Fundamentals Column A Column B System software Presentation
software. Operating System Anti-virus software. Application software Example of operating system.
Utility program Acts as a user interface between the user Android and the computer system.
Manages and controls the computer.|2.5 Bits and BytesThe word bit is a shortening of the words
\"Binary digIT\", that is “0” and”1” (The “bi” in binarymeans two) For example: 1011. Everything you
say to a computer has to be put in terms ofthese two numbers.A BYTE is a group of 8 bits. It is used
to represent a character.COUNTING THE NUMBER Did you knowOF BITS AND BYTEA character in
computing terms can be a Human beings have 10 fingers and we haveletter, a number or any other
characters and been used to count numbers in group of tens.even a blank space is a character.
Computers, however, operate using the base-2For example: number system, also known as the
binaryEach character is represented by one byte number system.and each byte is made up of 8 bits.
So countthe number of byte and the number of bits So computers use binary numbers, and
therefore use binary digits in place of decimal digits. Everything you say to a computer has to be put
in terms of these two numbers. 43 First byte Second byte Third byte Fourth byte Fifth byte P O W E
R8 bits for a character Letter “P” = 8 bits Letter “O” = 8 bits Letter “W” = 8 bits Therefore adding the 5
letters Letter “E” = 8 bits (5bytes) from the word power Letter “R” = 8 bits gives you 40 bits Quick Test
2.5How many bytes and bits can you count in the word COMPUTER?Number of bytes =
........................................... bytesNumber of bits = ........................................... bitsHow many bytes and
bits can you count in the sentences below?i) Using computer is fun. Number of bytes =
bits can you count in the sentences below?i) Using computer is fun. Number of bytes =

........................................... bytesii) 1 2th March 1968 – Mauritius Independence day. Number of

bytes = ........................................... bytesiii) 50, St. Georges street, Port-Louis. Number of bytes =
........................................... bytes44 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and Fundamentals|2.6 Types of
computers Did you knowComputers can be classified by size and power. These types of computers
are:1. Microcomputer2. Mini computer3. Mainframe computer4. Supercomputer1. Microcomputer•
Also known as Personal Computer (PC)• Easy to use• Small in size• Low cost• Low Computing power•
Only one user at a time• Used for personal applications in everyday lifeTypes of
Microcomputers:Smart phones Desktop PC Laptop photo?Tablette Palmtop Personal Digital
Assistant2. Minicomputer• Medium sized and bigger than microcomputers• Average cost• Average
Computing power• 10- 60 users at a time• Used in small business companies, banks or
supermarkets 45 3. Mainframe Computer• Large size and bigger than minicomputer• High cost•
High Computing power• 100 users at a time• Used in large business organizations such as insurance
Companies or universities4. Super Computer• Largest and fastest• Most expensive• Very High
Computing power• Used in very large sized organization such as weather forecasting and space
exploration. Quick Test 2.61. Classify the different types of Computers starting from the Fastest to
the slowest Types of Computers2. Complete the table below showing the difference between the 4
types of computers from the given list. Size (Smallest, Large, Largest, Medium) Cost (Expensive,
Cheap, Cheapest, Most Expensive) No. of Users (10, 100, 1) Size Cost No. of UsersMicrocomputer
smallestMinicomputerMainframeSupercomputer46 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and
Fundamentals|2.7 Speed of the CPUCPU clock speed, or clock rate, is measured in Hertz —
generally in gigahertz, or GHz.Gigahertz (GHz)Higher units of measurement Did you know1 KHz =
1000 Hz1 MHz = 1000,000 Hz (1 million) 1 instruction per Second = 1 Hertz (Hz)1 GHz = 1000,000,000
Hz (1 billion) 100 instructions per Second = 100 Hertz (Hz) Find out : Steps to know CPU speedFollow
these stepsMyPC-> right click -> propertiesNote the processor speed. Your processor model and
speed will be displayed. The speedis measured in gigahertz (GHz). This is the speed of a single core
of your processor. If yourprocessor has multiple cores (most modern processors do), each core will
be this speed.SCREEN SHOT to redo Avatar : note down the speed of the computer you are using 47
END OF UNIT QUESTIONSExercise 1 need clearer screen shots / jpegWrite the number that
corresponds to the hardware component in the above picture.Motherboard Hard disk driveRAM
Expansion cards/ graphics card/Monitor sound card/ network card CPU Mouse Keyboard Power
supply Optical disk drive 48 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and FundamentalsExercise 2a)
Differentiate between hardware and
.........................................................................................................................................b) Distinguish
between system software and application
.........................................................................................................................................Exercise 32. Match
each of the following peripherals to its use:Keyboard To produce hardcopies.Mouse To enter
each of the following peripherals to its use:Keyboard To produce hardcopies.Mouse To enter

text.Microphone To display images.Monitor To move the cursor on the screen.Printer To store

filesCompact disc To input sound. 49 END OF UNIT QUESTIONSExercise 4Complete the crossword
below. 1 2 Complete the crossword below 3 ACROSS 2. Software to perform a specific task. 3.
Software that manages the hardware. DOWN 1. Physical parts of a computer. 3. Computer
programs. 50 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and FundamentalsExercise 5Fill in the blanks with
words from the given list:supercomputer peripheral software ROM microcomputerFan byte sound
hertz hardware(a) In order to function, a computer requires both hardware and
............................................(b) ........................................... is the name given to the physical parts of a
computer system.(c) RAM and ........................................... are two types of internal memory.(d) A
........................................... keeps the CPU from overheating.(e) A ........................................... card allows
the computer to produce sound.(f ) External hardware components are called
........................................... devices.(g) A ........................................... is a group of 8 bits used to represent
a character.(h) A ........................................... has low computing capacity.(i) A ...........................................
is the fastest and most expensive computer.(j) The speed of a computer is measured in
............................................Exercise 6 1000,000,000 Hz. A microcomputer.2. Match the following:
Responsible for all data processing. A set of instructions. CPU Used for space exploration. 1 GHz 0
or 1. Supercomputer Laptop Binary digit Program 51 END OF UNIT QUESTIONSExercise 7 Name the
4 types of computers.1.
........................................................................................................................................Exercise 8
Microphone Inkjet printera) List three input devices from the list.
Speakers.............................................................................................................................................. Pen
Keyboard.............................................................................................................................................. DVD
Optical mouseb) List three output devices from the list. LED
...........................................................................................c) List three storage devices from the
...................................................................................52 Unit 2 I Computer Operations and
FundamentalsExercise 9 Calculate the number of bytes in the following sentence: I like playing
computer games. = .................................. bytes.Exercise 10 What do the following acronyms stand
for? An example is given.(a) ROM
.............R...e..a...d...O....n..l..y...M....e..m....o...r..y................................................(b) CPU
..................................................................................................(c) PC
..................................................................................................(d) RAM
..................................................................................................(e) MHz
..................................................................................................Exercise 11 Unscramble the following
words. The first letter is given.Example: BADEOORHMRT : MOTHERBOARD(a) AEMNMARIF: M
............................................................. S .............................................................(b) ARTOEFSW: H
............................................................. B .............................................................(c) TREZH: M
............................................................. B .............................................................(c) TREZH: M

............................................................. H .............................................................(d) NIRYAB: B

............................................................. P .............................................................(e) CNIUMTRMIPOE: (f )
HEWDAARR: (g) BYET: (h) LPRIREAPHE: 53 54 Internet Unit 3 I InternetUnit 3L ear nin g ObjectivesBy
the end of Unit 3, learners should be able to:• Define a computer network• Explain the benefits and
disadvantages of computer a network• Define a web browser and URL• Distinguish between the
Internet and WWW• Demonstrate understanding that every web resource has an address on WWW•
Define a search engine• Use refined keywords in web searches• Check the History of web visits•
Define an email• Differentiate between an email and a postal mail|3.1 The Internet Think Hello
friends. I am back again. • Do you chat with your friends or relatives? • Do you send them emails? •
Do you search for information on the web ? • Do you watch movies online? • Do you download
songs from websites?In this Unit we will learn about Internet and how it offers theservices
mentioned above questions. 55 |3.2 Computer Network Did you know You and your friends form
part of a friendship network. You may also have heard about phone networks, school networks and
social networks.The picture below shows another type of network - a Computer Network.A
Computer Network is a set of computers or electronic devices connected together. A computer,
printer, scanner, mobile phones or a file server can form part of the network. Theconnection
between devices can be done via cables or without wires (wireless). Connecteddevices share
information and resources among themselves in a network. 56 An example of a simple computer
network Unit 3 I Internet Printer Key terms Note: A file server is a specialised computer which
manages resources in the network. Personal Digital AssistantDesktop PC Laptop Mobile
PhoneNetwork transmits resources such as documents, pictures and videos among devices.
Nowadayswe use computer networks to communicate, for entertainment, shopping and to do
business.Benefits of Computer Networks Drawbacks of Computer Networks• U sers share data
and files stored on the • C ables and file server increase cost of file server. Setting up a network• It
allows sharing of expensive devices. • The network stops working if the file For example, A printer
can be shared server breaks down among several users. • A n infected computer spreads virus to•
U sers can run soft wares that have been other computers. installed on the file server• Network
users can exchange messages • N etwork Manager and Technicians are instantly . needed to run
the network. 57

Pages: 1 - 50 (/yqaz/yich/basic/) 51 - 100 (/yqaz/yich/basic/51-100)

101 - 120 (/yqaz/yich/basic/101-120)

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