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Which of the following devices does not belong to the transistor
family? GTO(Y)


three layer, three junction device(N)

three layer, two junction device(Y)

A power transistor is a
two layer, one junction device(N)

four layer, three junction device(N)


In a power transistor, ____ is the controlled parameter.


two terminal, bipolar, voltage


two terminal, unipolar, current

A power transistor is a _________ device.
three terminal, unipolar, voltage

three terminal, bipolar, current



In a power transistor, _________ is the controlling parameter.


a parabolic curve(N)

an exponentially decaying curve(N)

In a power transistor, the IB vs VBE curve is
resembling the diode curve(Y)

a straight line Y = IB(N)

IC increases(Y)

For a power transistor, if the base current IB is increased keeping IC decreases(N)

VCE constant, then
IC remains constant(N)
none of these(N)


The forward current gain is given by










both the base-emitter & base-collector

junctions are forward biased(Y)

the base-emitter junction is reverse

biased, and the base collector junction
is forward biased(N)
A power BJT is used as a power control switch by biasing it in the
cut off region (off state) or in the saturation region (on state). In
the base-emitter junction is forward
the on state
biased, and the base collector junction
is reversed biased(N)

both the base-collector & the base-

emitter junctions are reversed biased(N)








cooling is very efficient(N)

the devices traverse active region at

high speed & stays at the two states, on
and off(Y)
The power electronics devices have a very high efficiency because
the devices never operate in active

the devices always operate in the active



For a power transistor, which of the following relations is true?


forward voltage rating(N)

switching losses(Y)
High frequency operation of any device is limited by the
thermal conductivity(N)

heat Sink arrangements(N)

Ic Vce(Y)

Ib Vbe(N)
The instantaneous power loss during the delay time of a transistor
is given by Ic Vbe(N)

Ib Vce(N)

Ic * Vc


For a power transistor, the average power loss during the delay
time can be given by the equation


Ic * dVc/dt * T



A 1mv of i/p gives an output of 1V, the voltage gain as such would
be 1000(Y)




Which of the following relations is true for a BJT?



A transistor will remain on as long the

the base current is applied(Y)

A transistor remains on after a high to

Choose the correct statement low pulse is applied at the base(N)

A transistor will remain on as long the

the collector current is applied(N)
A transistor remains on after a high to
low pulse is applied at the collector(N)

move the Q point up(N)

move the Q point down(Y)

Let’s say that a transistor is operating at the middle of the load line,
result in to & fro motion of the Q
then a decrease in the current gain would

not change the Q point(N)

P-N-P device(N)

N-P-N device(N)
A thyristor (SCR) is a
P-N-P-N device(Y)

P-N device(N)


Which terminal does not belong to the SCR?


SCR is a bidirectional device(Y)

SCR is a controlled device(N)

In SCR the gate is the controlling

Choose the false statement.

SCR are used for high-power

applications 1280µs(N)

near the anode terminal(N)

near the cathode terminal(Y)

In the SCR structure the gate terminal is located in between the anode & cathode

none of these(N)

Ia (anode current) vs Ig (gate current),

Va (anode – cathode voltage) as a

Ia vs Va with Ig as a parameter(Y)
The static V-I curve for the SCR is plotted for
Va vs Ig with Ia as a parameter(N)

Ig vs Vg with Ia as a parameter(N)
all the junctions are reversed biased(N)

all the junctions are forward biased(N)

If the cathode of an SCR is made positive with respect to the anode only the middle junction is forward
& no gate current is applied then biased(Y)

only the middle junction is reversed


leakage current does not flow(N)

leakage current flows from anode to


For an SCR in the reverse blocking mode, (practically) leakage current flows from cathode to

leakage current flows from gate to


m reverse blocking mode edium range


reverse conduction mode(N)

With the anode positive with respect to the cathode & the gate
circuit open, the SCR is said to be in the
forward blocking mode(Y)

forward conduction mode(N)

leakage current does not flow(N)

leakage current flows from anode to


For an SCR in the forward blocking mode (practically) leakage current flows from cathode to

leakage current flows from gate to


anode-cathode voltage at which

conduction starts with gate signal

anode-cathode voltage at which

conduction starts with no gate signal
The forward break over voltage is the
gate voltage at which conduction starts
with no anode-cathode voltage(N)

gate voltage at which conduction starts

with anode-cathode voltage applied(N)

the device turns on at higher values of

For a forward conducting SCR device, as the forward anode to
gate current(N)
cathode voltage is increased
the device turns on at lower values of
gate current(Y)

the forward impedance of the device

goes on increasing(N)

the forward impedance of the device

goes on decreasing(N)

the dv/dt triggering method(N)

applying a negative gate signal(N)

A thyristor can be bought from the forward conduction mode to
applying a positive gate signal(N)
forward blocking mode by
applying a reverse voltage across
anode-cathode terminals(Y)

it increases losses(N)

it causes noise production(N)

Usually the forward voltage triggering method is not used to turn-
it may damage the junction & destroy
on the SCR because
the device(Y)

relatively it’s an inefficient method(N)

gate triggering method(Y)

dv/dt triggering method(N)

Among the following, the most suitable method to turn on the SCR
m forward voltage triggering method
device is the
ore than 8 bands(N)

temperature triggering method(N)


Gate current = 0

The forward break over voltage is maximum when


It is independent of gate current


gate signal is continuously required(N)

no continuous gate signal is required(Y)

no forward anode-cathode voltage is

For the SCR to remain in the ON (conducting) state

negative gate signal is continuously


holding current(N)

latching current(Y)
The value of anode current required to maintain the conduction of
an SCR even though the gate signal is removed is called as the switching current(N)

peak anode current(N)


In the reverse blocking mode the middle junction (J2) has the
characteristics of that of a inductor(N)

none of these(N)


________ are semiconductor thyristor devices which can be turned-
on by light of appropriate wavelengths. MASERs(N)


The forward anode voltage decreases

from 90 % to 10 % & the anode current
also decreases from 90 to 10 % of the
initial value(N)

The forward anode voltage increases

from 10 % to 90 % & the anode current
also increases from 10 % to 90 % of
the initial value(N)
During the transition time or turn-on time
The forward anode voltage decreases
from 90 % to 10 % & the anode current
increases from 10 % to 90 % of the
initial value(Y)

The forward anode voltage increases

from 10 % to 90 % & the anode current
decreases from 90% to 10% of the
initial value(N)
anode current flows only near the

anode current rises from zero to very

For an SCR the total turn-on time consists of i) Delay time ii) Rise high value(N)
time and iii) Spread time During the delay time the
losses are maximum(N)

anode to cathode voltage is zero(N)

holding current value(Y)

latching current value(N)

The minimum value of anode current below which it must fall to
completely turn-off the device is called as the switching current value(N)

peak anode current value(N)

anode current flows only near the


anode current rises from zero to very

For an SCR the total turn-on time consists of i) Delay time ii) Rise high value(N)
time and iii) Spread time During the rise time the
losses are maximum(Y)

anode to cathode voltage is zero(N)


The latching current is _________ than the holding current
same as(N)

negative of(N)

the value of gate current(N)

junction temperature(N)
For an SCR the total turn-on time consists of i) Delay time ii) Rise
time and the iii) Spread time The spread time interval depends
area of the cathode(Y)
area of the anode(N)

chargers are injected by applying

reverse anode-cathode voltage(N)

chargers are removed by applying

reverse anode-cathode voltage(Y)
For effective turning off of the SCR after the anode current has
reached zero value, ______________ chargers are injected by applying gate

chargers are removed by applying gate

circuit turn-off time must be greater
than the thyristor turn-off time(Y)

circuit turn-off time must be lesser than

the thyristor turn-off time(N)
To avoid commutation failure
circuit turn-off time must be equal to
the thyristor turn-off time(N)

none of these(N)

Vg on the X-axis & Ig on the Y-axis(N)

Ig on the X-axis & Vg on the Y-axis(Y)

The gate characteristics of thyristor is a plot of
Va on the X-axis & Ig on the Y-axis(N)

Ig on the X-axis & Va on the Y-axis(N)

total average gate current(N)

total average gate voltage(N)

The area under the curve of the gate characteristics of thyristor
gives the total average gate impedance(N)

total average gate power dissipation(Y)

maximum value of gate-source


minimum value of gate-source

A tangent drawn from the Y-axis to the Pavg on the gate
characteristics gives the value of the
maximum value of gate-source

minimum value of gate-source power(N)

lesser is the time required to inject the


greater is the time required to inject the

Higher the magnitude of the gate pulse
greater is the value of anode current(N)

lesser is the value of anode current(N)

0.25 A(N)

10 A(N)
The average gate power dissipation for an SCR is 0.5 Watts the
voltage applied to the gate is Vg = 10 V. What is the maximum
0.05 A(Y)
value of current Ig for safe operation?
0.1 A(N)

For an SCR, the gate-cathode characteristic has a slop of 130. The 0.62 A(N)
gate power dissipation is 0.5 watts. Find Ig
620 mA(N)

62 mA(Y)

6.2 mA(N)

bisecting the SCR vertically(N)

bisecting the SCR horizontally(N)

The two transistor model of the SCR can obtained by bisecting the SCRs top two & bottom
two layers(N)

bisecting the SCRs middle two layers(Y)

50 micro-sec


100 micro-sec

Latching current for an SCR is 100 mA, DC source of 200 V is also
connected from the SCR to the L load. Compute the minimum width
of the gate pulse required to turn on the device. Take L = 0.2 H. 150 micro-sec


200 micro-sec


62.5 mA(Y)

100.25 mA(N)
The gate-source voltage is Es = 16 V and the load line has a slope
of 128 V/A. Calculate the gate current for an average gate power
56.4 mA(N)
dissipation of 0.5 W.
80.65 mA(N)

the sum of both the base currents(N)

the sum of both the collector current(Y)

From the two transistor (T1 & T2) analogy of SCR, the total anode the sum of base current of T1 &
current of SCR is ___________ in the equivalent circuit. collector current of T2(N)

the sum of base current of T2 &

collector current of T1(N)




62.7 micro-sec


100.5 micro-sec

Latching current for an SCR is 100 mA, a dc source of 200 V is also
connected to the SCR which is supplying an R-L load. Compute the
minimum width of the gate pulse required to turn on the device.
Take L = 0.2 H & R = 20 ohm both in series. 56.9 micro-sec


81 micro-sec





diodes only(N)

thyristors only(Y)
A fully controlled converter uses
both diodes and thyristors(N)

none of these(N)

one, one(N)

one, two(Y)
A single phase full-converter using R load is a _________ quadrant
converter and that using an RL load without FD is a __________
two, one(N)
quadrant converter
two, two(N)

4 SCRs and 2 diodes(N)

4 SCRs(Y)
A single phase full controlled bridge converter (B-2) uses
6 SCRs(N)

4 SCRs and 2 diodes(N)

three SCRs conduct at a time(N)

four SCRs conduct at a time(N)

In a B-2 type full controlled bridge converter
two SCRs conduct at a time(Y)

one SCR conducts at a time(N)

it has no neutral connection(N)

we can get greater output voltage(N)

In a three-phase half wave rectifier usually, the primary side of the it provides a path for the triplen
transformer is delta connected because harmonics(Y)

it provides better temperature


All diodes conduct together(N)

Only two diodes conduct at a time(N)

In a three-phase half wave diode rectifier using 3 diodes,
Only one diode conducts at a time(Y)

none of these(N)

0 to Vmp(N)

0.5 Vmp to Vmp(Y)

In a three-phase half wave diode rectifier, if Vmp is the maximum
phase voltage, then the output voltage on a R load varies from Vmp to 3Vmp(N)

–Vmp to Vmp(N)


The average value of the output voltage, in a 3-phase half wave (N)
diode rectifier with Vml as the maximum line voltage value, is given
by the expression




In a three-phase half wave 6-pulse mid-point type diode rectifier,
each diode conducts for


1 x 11 A

A step-down delta-star transformer, with per-phase turns ration of
5, is fed from a 3-phase, 1100 V, 50 Hz source. The secondary of
this transformer through a 3-pulse type rectifier feeds a R load of
10 ohm. Find the maximum value of the load current (phase).


1 x 22 A


220 V(N)
A step-down delta-star transformer, with per-phase turns ratio of 5
257 V(Y)
is fed from a 3-phase 1100 V, 50 Hz source. The secondary of this
transformer is connected through a 3-pulse type rectifier, which is
650.08 V(N)
feeding feeding an R load. Find the average value of output
206 V(N)

257.3 V


220 V


261.52 V


248.32 V


For a 3-phase 6-pulse diode rectifier, has Vml as the maximum line
voltage value on R load. The peak current through each diode is Vml/R(Y)

Insufficient Data(N)

100 V(N)

200 V(N)
A 3-phase bridge rectifier, has the average output voltage as
286.48 V. Find the maximum value of line voltage 300 V(Y)

400 V(N)

12.56 A(N)

A 3-phase bridge rectifier charges a 240 V battery. The rectifier is 8.82 A(Y)
given a 3-phase, 230 V supply. The current limiting resistance in
series with the battery is of 8 ohm. Find the average value of 9.69 A(N)
battery charging current.
6.54 A(N)

Pdc = 2000 W(N)

A 3-phase bridge rectifier charges a 240-V battery. The rectifier is Pdc = 1226 W(N)
given a 3-phase 230 V supply. The current limiting resistance in
series with the battery is 8 ohm. Find the power delivered to the Pdc = 2356 W(N)
battery (Pdc).
Pdc = 2116 W(Y)

7.85 A, 8 A


10.35 A, 7.85 A

For a single phase, full bridge, diode rectifier excited from a 230 V,
50 Hz source. With R = 10 ohm & the inductance(L) large enough
to maintain continues conduction, the average and rms values of
diode currents will be 10.35 A, 14.6 A


8 A, 8 A


For a single phase, full bridge, diode rectifier excited from a 230 V, 0.707 lag
50 Hz source. With R = 10 ohm & the inductance(L) large enough
to maintain continuous conduction, the value of the supply power (N)
factor will be
0.9 lag


0.86 lag





The rectification efficiency for B-2 type & M-2 type full wave diode
rectifiers are ___ & ___ respectively.



obtaining controlled ac power supply(N)

obtaining controlled dc power supply(Y)

SMPS is used for
storage of dc power(N)

switch from one source to another(N)

Phase control(N)
SPMS are based on the ________ principle.
Integral control(N)


SMPS is less sensitive to input voltage


SMPS is smaller as compared to

Choose the incorrect statement.
SMPS has low input ripple(Y)

SMPS is a source of radio



_________ is used for critical loads where temporary power failure
can cause a great deal of inconvenience. MPS(N)


low forward current carrying capacity(N)

large reverse breakdown voltage(Y)

An ideal power diode must have
high ohmic junction resistance(N)

high reverse recovery time(N)

a lightly doped n layer is grown between

the two p & n layers(Y)

a heavily doped n layer is grown

between the two p & n layers(N)
To make a signal diode suitable for high current & high voltage
carrying applications with minimum losses, ________ a lightly doped p layer is grown between
the two p & n layers(N)

a heavily doped p layer is grown

between the two p & n layers(N)

a three terminal semiconductor


a two terminal semiconductor device(Y)

Power diode is __________
a four terminal semiconductor device(N)

a three terminal analog device(N)

1st & 2nd quadrant(N)

1st & 3rd quadrant(Y)

The V-I Characteristics of the diode lie in the
1st & 4th quadrant(N)
Only in the 1st quadrant(N)

I grows almost linearly with V(Y)

I decays almost linearly with V(N)

Which of the following is true in case of a power diode with R load?
I is independent of V(N)

I initial grows than decays(N)

cathode is positive with respect to the



anode is positive with respect to the


A diode is said to be reversed biased when the
cathode is negative with respect to the


both cathode and anode are negative


cathode is positive with respect to the


anode is positive with respect to the

A diode is said to be forward biased when the
anode is negative with respect to the

both cathode & anode are positive(N)

IP=t di/dt


The peak inverse current IP for a power diode is given by the


IP=t * di/dt



small oscillatory over voltages(N)

large oscillatory over voltages(Y)

A power diode with small softness factor (S-factor) has
large peak reverse current(N)

small peak reverse current(N)


V2 I2(N)
If V & I are the forward voltage & current respectively, then the
power loss across the diode would be I2 V(N)


When both V & I are minimum(N)

When both V & I are maximum(Y)

The power loss in which of the following cases would be the
maximum? When only V is maximum(N)

When only I is maximum(N)

resistance of the diode(N)

high junction temperature(N)

Even after the forward current reduces to zero value, a practical
diode continues to conduct in the reverse direction for a while due stored charges in the depletion
to the region(Y)

none of these(N)

inverse voltage(N)

forward Voltage(N)
For a p-n junction diode, the peak inverse current & the reverse
recovery time are dependent on di/dt(Y)

All of these(N)

voltage source(N)
In an AC-DC converter, a diode might be used as a
phase angle controller(N)
freewheeling Diode(Y)



When the p-n junction diode is forward biased, the width of the
depletion region __________ remains Constant(N)

increases than Decreases(N)


When the p-n junction diode is reversed biased, the width of the
depletion region __________ remains Constant(N)

none of these(N)

Increases of dv/dt(N)

Decrease of di/dt(N)
Functions of snubber circuit connected across SCR is to:
Suppress of dv/dt(Y)

None of these(N)

Equal to latching current(N)

Less than IL(Y)

In an SCR holding current is:
More than IL(N)

Not related to IL(N)

Minimum value of anode current to

maintain continuous conduction(Y)

Maximum value of anode current to

maintain continuous conduction(N)
Latching current can be defined as
Minimum value of anode current below
which SCR turns off(N)

Maximum value of anode current below

which SCR turns off(N)

decreases the width of the depletion


In case of a practical p-n junction diode, the rise in the junction increases the barrier potential(N)
temperature ___________
increases the width of the depletion
width of the depletion region increases
but the barrier potential remains

0.3 V(Y)

0.7 V(N)
In the equilibrium state the barrier, potential across a unbiased
germanium diode is __________ 1.7 V(N)

0 V(N)

low on-state power losses(Y)

high on-state power losses(N)

IGBT & BJT both posses ___
low switching losses(N)

high input impedance(N)

base, emitter & collector(N)

gate, source & drain(N)

The three terminals of the IGBT are
gate, emitter & collector(Y)

base, source & drain(N)

drift layer(N)

injection layer(Y)
In IGBT, the p+ layer connected to the collector terminal is called
as the body layer(N)

collector Layer(N)


The controlling parameter in IGBT is the


drift layer(Y)

injection layer(N)
In IGBT, the n– layer above the p+ layer is called as the
body layer(N)

collector Layer(N)

injection layer(N)

The voltage blocking capability of the IGBT is determined by the body layer(N)

metal used for the contacts(N)

drift layer(Y)


The controlled parameter in IGBT is the


P-N-P structure connected by a MOS


N-N-P-P structure connected by a MOS

The structure of the IGBT is a
P-N-P-N structure connected by a MOS

N-P-N-P structure connected by a MOS


latch-up problems(N)

noise & secondary breakdown

The major drawback of the first generation IGBTs was that, they
had sluggish operation(N)

latch-up & secondary breakdown


Ig is no longer controllable(N)

Ic is no longer controllable(Y)
When latch-up occurs in an IGBT
the device turns off(N)

Ic increases to a very high value(N)

forced commutation of current(Y)

forced commutation of voltage(N)

A latched up IGBT can be turned off by
use of a snubber circuit(N)

none of these(N)

Vce as the parameter(N)

Ic as the parameter(Y)
The static V-I curve of an IGBT is plotted with
Vge as the parameter(N)

Ig as the parameter(N)
Vce reaches a certain value(N)

Ic reaches a certain value(Y)

Latch-up occurs in an IGBT when Ig reaches a certain value(N)

the device temperature reaches a

certain value(N)

Vge decreases(N)

Ic decreases(N)
In an IGBT, during the turn-on time
Vce decreases(Y)

None of these(N)



The approximate equivalent circuit of an IGBT consists of
two BJTs(N)

two MOSFETs(N)

MOIGT (Metal oxide insulated gate


COMFET (Conductively modulated

An IGBT is also know as
GEMFET (Grain modulated FET)(N)

All of these(Y)


The body of an IGBT consists of a
p-n layer(N)


Semiconducting Diamond(N)

At present, the state-of-the-art semiconductor devices are begin
manufactured using Germanium(N)


p-n-p-n device(Y)

p-n-p device(N)
The GTO (gate turn-off thyristor) is a
p-metal-n device(N)

p-n single junction device(N)

by a positive gate pulse(N)

by a negative gate pulse(Y)

The GTO can be turned off
by a negative anode-cathode voltage(N)

by removing the gate pulse(N)

gate pulse amplitude(N)

internal impedance of the device(N)

The anode current is ideally limited by the
load Impedance(Y)

gate circuit impedance(N)

anode & gate(N)

cathode & gate(N)

In a GTO the n+ layer forms the



The turn-off gain βoff of the GTO is given by


low value of a1 and a2


low value of a1 and high value of a2

A GTO can be represented by two transistors T1 & T2. The current
gain of both transistors are a1 and a2 respectively. A low value of
gate current requires high value of a1 and low value of a2


high values of a1 and a2


high turn-off time(N)

Gold doped GTOs have _____________ as compared to the
conventional GTOs low negative gate current
low reverse voltage blocking

lower positive gate current



Latching current for the GTOs is ________ as compared to CTs
(Conventional thyristors). constant(N)

cannot be said(N)

emitter of T1 & T2(N)

emitter of T1 & base of T2(N)

In case of the two-transistor model (T1 & T2) of GTO with anode-
short, the anode-short is placed between the emitter of T1 & base of T1(Y)

emitter of T1 & collector of T2(N)

less on-state voltage drop(N)

less gate drive losses(N)

GTOs have _________ as compared to the CTs.
higher reverse blocking capabilities(N)

faster switching speed(Y)


_________ device from the thyristor family has its gate terminal
connected to the n-type material near the anode. PUT(Y)


gate voltage exceeds anode voltage by

a certain value(N)

anode voltage exceeds gate voltage by

a certain value(Y)
The Programmable Unijunction Transistor (PUT) turns on & starts
conducting when the gate voltage equals the anode

gate is given negative pulse w.r.t to


a diode in series with a PUT(N)

a diode in parallel with a PUT(N)

The equivalent circuit of SUS (Silicon Unilateral Switch) consists of
a diode in anti-parallel with a PUT(Y)

two diodes(N)

From the following list of devices, choose the device that only
turns-on for a fixed-value of anode-cathode voltage SUS(Y)


two terminal device(N)

three terminal device(N)

The SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch) is a
four terminal device(Y)

five terminal device(N)

the anode gate(N)

the cathode gate(N)

The SCS is a four layer, four terminal thyristor. Can be turned on by
either of the gates(Y)

gating both the gates together(N)

positive pulse to the anode gate,

positive pulse to the cathode gate(N)

positive pulse to the anode gate,

negative pulse to the cathode gate(N)
The SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch) can be turned on by two
methods, by applying __________ and __________ negative pulse to the anode gate,
positive pulse to the cathode gate(Y)

negative pulse to the anode gate,

negative pulse to the cathode gate(N)


Which of the following devices provide complete isolation between
triggering circuit and power circuit? SUS(N)


two SCRs in anti-parallel(N)

two SCRs in parallel(N)

The DIAC can be represented by
two diodes in anti-parallel(Y)

two diodes in parallel(N)

gate, anode, cathode(N)

The TRIAC’s terminals are
MT1, MT2, gate(Y)
gate1, gate2, anode, cathode(N)

MT1, MT2, gate1, gate2(N)

shortening of the length of the


platinum & gold doping(Y)

In order to reduce the reverse recovery time of the diodes,
__________ is carried out.
antimony doping(N)

adding an extra silicon layer(N)

General purpose diodes(N)

Fast recovery diodes(N)

Which of the following diodes uses a metal-semiconductor junction?
Schottky diode(Y)

None of the mentioned(N)



Ideally the voltage drop across a conducting diode must be higher than the forward biased

equal to the forward biased voltage(N)

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