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Capitalization in writing is the practice of making the first letter of a word a capital

letter. This is typically done to show that the word is a proper noun at the beginning
of a sentence or to emphasize specific words. Capitalization is an integral part of
writing as it can help make a text more legible and easier to read. Here is a
Capitalization checklist that will help you:

1. The first singular pronoun “I”.

o I speak English.
o You cannot write i speak English
2. The first word of every sentence.
o Maybe the train shall be late again.
3. The specific name of a person (and his or her title).
o Her name is Mrs. Barbara Jones.
4. The particular name of a place or thing.
o Mosque Hassan the Second
5. Nationalities, languages, and religions.
o Paolo is Mexican, he speaks Spanish, and he is Christian.
6. Titles of books, magazines, films, periodicals, etc.
o Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
o The Daily Mirror is an English newspaper.
o Titanic (1997) is a film directed by James Cameron.
7. Holidays and feasts.
o Aid al Adha, the Green March, Halloween, the New Year, etc.
8. Abbreviations of well-known organizations and government agencies.
o The UN, FAO, UNESCO, CIA, etc.
9. Days of the week.
o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc.
10.Months of the year.
o January, February, March, April, May, June, etc.
11.Planets and stars.
o The Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, etc.
12.Brands or trade names.
o Samsung, Apple, Windows, Nike, Ralph Lauren, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages essay

I. Introduction
……………….. is a great invention that has numerous advantages. Yet there are many
disadvantages too. So what are the positive and negative sides of ……………….
II. Body
There is no doubt that ……………. (the subject you are discussing) ……………. has many
advantages….. To begin with, ………………………… (1st advantage) ……………….. Next,
………………….. (2nd advantage) …………………….. In addition to this, ………….. (3rd advantage)
………... On the other hand, it has disadvantages too. ……….. (1st disadvantages)
……………….. .Secondly, ……………..(2nd disadvantage)……….. Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd
III. Conclusion
As mentioned before, ……………….. (your subject matter) ………. has many disadvantages on
…………….. Hence, there are number of measures to be taken urgently.

Cause and effect essay example

I. Introduction
…………………………. is a serious matter/issue/phenomenon that …………….
threatens/affects…………….negatively/positively. It is the outcome of different reasons and of
course, it has several………. effects too. I am going to shed light on both causes and
consequences of ………………...
II. Body
There are several/numerous/plenty of reasons behind ……………………….. (the subject you are
discussing) ………………... To begin with, ………………………… (1st cause) ……………………... Next,
……………… (2nd cause)…………………….. In addition to this, …………(3rd cause) ………... ………..(your
subject matter)………….leads to different consequences/results/effects. Firstly…………(1st effect)
…………………………. Secondly, ……………..(2nd effect)……….. Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd effect)
III. Conclusion
As mentioned before, ……………….. (your subject matter) ………. has many effects on
…………………………. Hence, there are several measures to be taken urgently. First ………………

Usually, the questions are like that: What is your opinion / give your opinion / what
do you think of / do you think that …..?

 Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Nowadays the issue of …………(name the subject matter you want to discuss)…………………….. is a
serious matter, because (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now)……………………………...
Yet, a lot of people don’t think so. The reason for this is …………………………………….(give a general
reason, don’t rush into details now).

 Body

1. Paragraph 1 (your arguments)

There are several reasons behind the importance of ……………………(name the subject)……..
To begin with, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………………………………. secondly, …..
……………….(The 2nd reason)………………………... Also, ………………….(the 3rd reason)……
………………(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons).
2. Paragraph 2 (the opposite arguments)
On the other hand, some people don’t stand on the same ground on this matter. They think so
because of different arguments. First of all, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………..
Moreover, ……………….(The 2nd reason)…………………………………. In addition to this, ……………….(The
3rd reason)………………………… (note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons too).

 Conclusion (Stating your point of view)

To sum up / in my opinion / as I see it / I think / I believe that the issue of……………………. is of
paramount importance because of (state some of the reasons you provided before in another

Dear Ms. Johnson,
Application for Professional Development Workshop
Body of the Letter:
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission to attend the
upcoming professional development workshop on innovative teaching strategies, scheduled to
take place from September 10th to 12th.
As an English teacher at Cityville High School, I believe that attending this workshop will greatly
enhance my teaching skills and enable me to bring new and effective techniques to my
classroom. The topics being covered align perfectly with our school’s commitment to providing
high-quality education to our students.
I have reviewed the workshop details and cost, and I assure you that I will comply with all
necessary procedures and paperwork. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to my
teaching responsibilities during the workshop period.
I kindly request your approval to attend this workshop and seek any guidance you may have
regarding the necessary formalities. Your support in this matter would greatly contribute to the
professional development of our teaching staff.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
What is a formal letter?
A formal letter is a written communication that follows a structured and professional format. It is
used for official or business purposes and is typically addressed to a specific person or organization.
Formal letters are used to convey important information, make requests, provide explanations, or
express opinions in a respectful and professional manner. They are often written in a clear and
concise style, using appropriate language and tone.

What is a formal letter format?

A formal letter typically includes the following elements:

1. Sender’s Information: The sender’s name, title, address, and contact details are included
at the beginning of the letter.
2. Date: The date the letter is written is placed below the sender’s information.
3. Recipient’s Information: The recipient’s name, title, organization, and address are
included after the date.
4. Salutation: A formal greeting is used, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “To Whom It May
5. Body of the Letter: The main content of the letter, where the purpose, details, or request
are presented clearly and logically.
6. Closing: A formal closing phrase, such as “Yours sincerely” or “Kind regards,” is used
before the sender’s signature.
7. Sender’s Signature: The sender’s full name is signed above their typed name.
8. Additional Contact Information: Contact details, such as an email address or phone
number, are often included for further communication.
It’s worth noting that this layout is a standard one. However, some variations can occur depending on
the type of letter and the country.

Formal letter template

Your Name:
John Smith
Your Title:
English Teacher
Your Address:
123 Elm Street
Cityville, Morocco
Postal Code: 12345
August 16, 2023
Recipient’s Name:
Ms. Emily Johnson
Recipient’s Title:
Recipient’s School/Organization:
Townsville High School
Recipient’s Address:
456 Oak Avenue
Townsville, Morocco
Postal Code: 67890

Dear Ms. Johnson,
Application for Professional Development Workshop
Body of the Letter:
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission to attend the upcoming
professional development workshop on innovative teaching strategies, scheduled to take place from
September 10th to 12th.
As an English teacher at Cityville High School, I believe that attending this workshop will greatly
enhance my teaching skills and enable me to bring new and effective techniques to my classroom.
The topics being covered align perfectly with our school’s commitment to providing high-quality
education to our students.
I have reviewed the workshop details and cost, and I assure you that I will comply with all necessary
procedures and paperwork. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to my teaching
responsibilities during the workshop period.
I kindly request your approval to attend this workshop and seek any guidance you may have
regarding the necessary formalities. Your support in this matter would greatly contribute to the
professional development of our teaching staff.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
Your Full Name:
John Smith

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