Quick and Easy Way To Learn English Verb Tenses

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Quick and Easy Way to Learn English Verb Tenses + PDF



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In this article you will learn 12 English tenses with short example sentences.

There are three verb tenses in English: past, present and future.
Tense Example Description
Present I do Indicates an action happening right now.
Past I did Indicates an action that occurred in the past.
Future I will Indicates an action that will happen later.
The past tense is used to talk about things that have already happened. (yesterday, last week, last
year, two years ago, earlier this morning)
The present tense is used to talk about things that are happening right now. (now, right now, at
the moment)
The future tense is used to talk about things that will happen in the future. (tomorrow, next year,
next week, two years from now, later tonight)
Before we go any further, here are some simple grammar tips for you!

Pronoun Type Singular Plural

Subject Pronouns I We
You You (all)
He / She / It They
Object Pronouns Me Us
You You (all)
Him / Her / It Them
Possessive Pronouns My / Mine Our / Ours
Your / Yours Your / Yours (all)
His / Her / Its Their / Theirs
Reflexive Pronouns Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourselves
Himself / Herself / Itself Themselves

Some simple English verbs: Run, visit, drink, go, come, eat, jump, speak, listen. You can find
many more on this page.

Verb Type Examples
Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs) “Be” verbs: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
“Do” verbs: do, does, did
“Have” verbs: have, has, had
Main Verbs Action verbs (e.g., run, eat, write)
Linking verbs (e.g., seem, appear, become)
Modal verbs (e.g., can, could, will, would)

Here is a table showing all the verb tenses. There are three tenses – present, past and future – and
four aspects – simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. The tenses and aspects
together make up all twelve tenses in English.

Learn Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense is used to talk about things that are happening now or that happen regularly.
Here are some examples using simple present tense:

I eat breakfast every morning.

She plays with her toys in the afternoon.
Dogs bark loudly.
He reads a book.
The sun rises in the east.
These sentences describe actions that happen in the present or are recurring habits.

In the simple present tense, you typically add “s” to the base form of a verb when you are talking
about the third-person singular form (he, she, it) in affirmative sentences. Here’s when to add “s”
to verbs:

For most verbs, you add “s” to the base form in the third-person singular. For example:

o I eat pizza. (first person)

o You eat pizza. (second person)
o She eats pizza. (third person singular)
o He drinks water. (third person singular)
o It runs fast. (third person singular)
For all other subjects (I, you, we, they), the base form of the verb remains unchanged.

Learn Present Continuous Tense

Something that is happening now or sooner rather than later.
Add ‘IS‘ before verb and ING: “Is + verb-ing.”
example: “traveling”
I: am traveling right now.
You, We, They / are traveling right now.
He, She, It / is traveling right now.

Learn Simple Past Tense ✔
Something that occurred before now.
Add verb ED: “Verb-ed.”
example: “traveled”
I, You, We, They, He, She, It / traveled to Turkey yesterday.

Learn Present Perfect Tense

We use the present perfect tense to talk about completed actions.
I, You, We, They / have traveled to Turkey.
He, She, It / has traveled to Turkey.

Learn Present Perfect Continuous Tense
We use the present perfect continuous when the focus is on an activity that is unfinished.
I, You, We, They / have been traveling for a day.
He, She, It / has been traveling for a day.

Learn Past Continuous Tense ✔
Something that got interrupted by an occasion or a time.
Add ‘WAS‘ before verb and ING: “Was + verb-ing.”
example: was traveling
I, He, She, It / was traveling by bus when the deer crossed the road.
You, We, They / were traveling when the deer crossed the road.

Learn Simple Future Tense

Something that will happen later than now.
Add “Will + verb,” or “Is going to + verb.”
example: “will travel”, “is going to travel”
I, You, We, They, He, She, It / will travel to Turkey tomorrow.
I, You, We, They, He, She, It / is going to travel to Turkey tomorrow.

Learn Future Continuous Tense

Something that will be interrupted by an event or a time.
Add “Will be + verb-ing ,” “Is going to be + verb-ing.”
example: “will be traveling”, “is going to be traveling”
I, You, We, They, He, She, It / will be traveling when you arrive.

To learn English tenses, you need to follow 3 rules:

-Pay attention to verbs,

-Learn the rules of English tenses,
-Don’t be afraid to practise!

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