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Department of Electronics &

Signal Processing Communication Engineering

A system characterized by the type of operation that it performs on

the signal. For example, if the operation is linear, the system is called
linear. If the operation is non-linear, the system is said to be non-
linear, and so forth. Such operations are usually referred to as “Signal
Department of Electronics &
Basic element of a digital signal processing Communication Engineering


A/D Digital Signal D/A

converter Processor converter
Analog Analog
Input Output
Signal Signal
Department of Electronics &
Advantages of digital signal processing Communication Engineering
over analog signal processing

 A digital programmable system allows flexibility in reconfiguring the DSP

operations simply by changing the program. Reconfiguration of an analogue
system usually implies a redesign of hardware, testing and verification that it
operates properly.

 Reconfiguration of analog filters is very complex whereas the digital filters can
be reconfigured easily by changing the program coefficients.

 Even complex mathematical operations can be performed easily using

computers, which is not the case with analog processing.
Department of Electronics &
Advantages of digital signal processing Communication Engineering
over analog signal processing

 Digital signal processing provides the way for Integrated service digital network
(ISDN) where digitized signals can be multiplexed with other digital data and
transmitted through the same channel.

 Digital signals can be easily stored on any magnetic media or optical media are
using semiconductor chips.
Department of Electronics &
Applications of DSP Communication Engineering


 Space photograph enhancement

 Data compression
 Intelligent sensory analysis


 Diagnostic imaging (MRI, CT, ultrasound, etc.)

 Electrocardiogram analysis
 Medical image storage and retrieval
Department of Electronics &
Contd. Communication Engineering


 Image and sound compression for multimedia presentation.

 Movie special effects
 Video conference calling


 Video and data compression

 echo reduction
 signal multiplexing
 filtering
Department of Electronics &
Contd. Communication Engineering


 Radar
 Sonar
 Ordnance Guidance
 Secure communication


 Oil and mineral prospecting

 Process monitoring and control
 Non-destructive testing
 CAD and design tools
Department of Electronics &
Classification of signals: Multi channel & Communication Engineering
Multi-dimensional signals

Multi Channel Signals

Signals that are generated by multiple sources are called multi channel

Examples: The audio output of two stereo speakers (two-channel

signal), the record of ECG at eight different places in a human body
(eight channel signal)
Department of Electronics &
Classification of signals: Multi channel & Communication Engineering

Multi-dimensional signals
Multidimensional Signals

A signal which is a function of two or more independent variables is

called multidimensional signal.

Examples: A photograph is an example of two dimensional signal,

the motion picture of a black and white TV is an example of three
dimensional signal.
Department of Electronics &
Classification of signals: Deterministic and Communication Engineering
Random Signals

A signal is said to be deterministic if there is no uncertainty with respect to its

value at any instant of time. Or, signals which can be defined exactly by a
mathematical formula are known as deterministic signals.
Department of Electronics &
Classification of signals: Deterministic and Communication Engineering
Random Signals

A signal is said to be non-deterministic if there is uncertainty with respect to its

value at some instant of time. Non-deterministic signals are random in nature
hence they are called random signals. Random signals cannot be described by a
mathematical equation. They are modelled in probabilistic terms.
Department of Electronics &
Sampling Theorem Communication Engineering

Sampling is defined as the process of measuring the instantaneous values of

continuous-time signal in a discrete form.

A continuous time signal may be completely represented in its samples and

recovered back if the sampling frequency is greater than 2fm, where fs is the
sampling frequency and fm is the maximum frequency present in the signal

fS  2 fm
Department of Electronics &
Nyquist Rate Communication Engineering

Suppose that a signal is band-limited with no frequency components higher

than fm Hertz. That means, fm is the maximum frequency.

For such a signal, for effective reproduction of the original signal, the sampling rate
should be twice the maximum frequency.

fs = 2fm
fs is the sampling rate
fm is the maximum frequency

This rate of sampling is called as Nyquist rate.

Department of Electronics &
Sampling at fs > 2fm Communication Engineering

 This sampling rate creates a guard band between fm(max) and the lowest
frequency component (fs-fm(max)) of the sampling harmonics.

 Therefore a more practical LPF can be used to restore the modulating signal.
Department of Electronics &
Contd. Communication Engineering
Department of Electronics &
Sampling at fs < 2fm Communication Engineering

When the sampling rate is less than the minimum value, distortion will
occurs. This distortion is called aliasing.
Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Analog to Digital Conversion

Signal Low pass
Sampler Quantizer Encoder
filter Digital
Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Digital to Analog Conversion

Low pass
Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering

The digitization of analog signals is done by rounding off the values

that are close to the analog values. The sampling method selects few
points on the analog signal and are joined to round off the values to a
stabilized value. This process is known as Quantization
Department of Electronics &
Different types of quantization Communication Engineering


Uniform Non-uniform
quantization quantization

Mid- Mid-
tread rise
Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Mid-Rise Type Quantization

The Mid-Rise type is so called

because the origin lies in the middle
of a raising part of the stair-case like
graph. The quantization levels in this
type are even in number
Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Mid-Tread Type Quantization

The Mid-tread type is so called

because the origin lies in the middle
of a tread of the stair-case like
graph. The quantization levels in this
type are odd in number.

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