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DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEMS (2) relations and Functions Relations 2 Detintion of Functions “OPPS Domain “DPR4 Range of Funotions Identical, Even and Odd Funotions Periodicity of Functions DPP-7 Composition of Functions OPP-8 — Type of Functions DPP-9 Inverse of Functions « Revisal Problems for JEE Main Revisal Problems for JEE Advanced e JEE Main & AIEEE Archive ° JEE Advanced & IIT JEE Archive DPP DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEMS DPP-1 BxGhiens © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (0. Nos. 4-36) This section contains 10 mutiple choice questions. Each question has four ‘ehoices (a), (0), () and (2), out oF which ONLY ONE is correct 4 Hf number of elements in sets A and & are m and n respectively, then the number of relations from A to Bis ann bam omen Let R be a reflexive relation in a finite set having n elements and let there be m ordered pairs in R. Then, am2n bmsn cm=n 4. None of these If Ris a relation from a set P to set Q, then a. REPKQ b. RoQxP c R=PxXQ 4. R=PUQ It Ais a finite set having n elements, then the number of relations which can be defined in Ais ar bin? 32" dn" For real numbers x and y, we define x R y iff x~y +5 is an irrational number. The relation Ris 0. reflexive symmetric «. transitive d. None of these Let A be the set of first ten natural numbers and ‘et Rbe a relation in A defined by iffand only if x + 2y = 10. Which of the following is false? a. R= ((2, 4), (4.3), (6,2). 6, 1) b, Domain of R= (2,4. 6, 8} ¢. Range of R= (1, 2,3, 4} 4d. At least one is false Let A={1, 2, 3, 4} and let R= {(2, 2) (3, 3), (4, 4), (1, 2)} be a retation in A. Then, Ris a. reflexive b. symmetric «c. transitive d. None of these Arelation Ris defined in the set Z of integers as follows: x, ye Rifx+y= 9 Which of the following is false? a. R= {(0, 3), (0, -3), (3, 0), (-3, O}} b. Domain of R= (-3. 0.3) c. Range of R= {-3. 0, 3} d. Atleast one is false 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space 9 The relation R defined in A= {1, 2, 3}by aRb, if|a? - 2] < 6 Which of the following is false? a R={(1, 1h (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 1). (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2)} bR'=R ©. Domain of R ¢. Range of R = (5} 10 LetRbe a relation in Ndefined by R = {(1 +x, 1 +x2):% <5, xe N}. Which of the following is false? a. R= (2, 2). (3,5), (4, 10), (5, 17), (6, 25)} b. Domain of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8} ©. Range of R= {2, 5, 10, 17, 26} d. At least one is false 11 Let = (1, 2,3}, B={1, 3, 5). If relation R from A to Bis given by {(1. 3). (2. 5). (3, 3)}, then RT is a.{(3, 9), 8, 1), (5, 39 b.A(1, 3), 2,5). , 3}, ©. {(1, 9), (6, 2)} d. None of these 12 The relation R defined on the set A={1, 2, 3, 4, S}by R= {(x, y): [xy] < 16) is given by 210,12, 1.8. 141.2,3) bd. (2,2), 8,2). (4,2), (2, 4) ©.{(3, 3), (4, 3), (6, 4)43, 4)) 4. None of these 13. LetRbe a relation in Ndefined by R ={(x, y):x + 2y = 8}. The range of Ris a. {2, 4, 6} b. (1,2, 3} ©. 41,2, 3, 4, 6} d. None of these 14 R= (x yx ye Z x? +y? < dis a relation in Z, then domain of Ris a. {0, 1, 2} b.{-2,-1, 0} ©.{-2,-1,0, 1,2} 4. None of these 15 WfA={1, 2, 3}, then the relation R= (2, 3)} in Ais. a. symmetric and transitive b. symmetric ¢. transitive d. nat transitive 16 Let x bea family Then, Ris a.reflexive . anti-symmetric 17 Arelation Rfrom correct? a (2+ 9)R13 ce. (14) R2 18 The void relation a. reflexive of sets and R be a relation in X, defined by ‘A is disjoint fom B. b. symmetric d. transitive Ctto Ris defined by x Ry iff] x |= y. Which of the following is b.3RE3) aiRt inaset Ais reflexive and symmetric . reflexive and transitive 4. trivially symmetric and transitive 19. {fis a relation from a set Ato the set 8 and Sis @ relation from @ 10 C, then the relation SoR a.isfromCtoA ¢. does not exist bis from AtoG ©. None of these DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Let Rand $ be two equivalence relations in a set A Then, a, RU Sis an equivalence relation in A b. RAS isan equivalence relation in A c.R~ Sis an equivalence relation in A 4d. None of the above Leta relation Rbe defined by R= {(4, 5), (1,4), (4, 6) (7, 6), (3, 7)}. The relation R’‘oRis given by 9.4(1, 1, (4,4). (7,4), (4, 7), (7, bd(4, 1), (4,8) (4.7). (7.4) (7.7), 3, 3) €.4(1, 8), (1,6), @. 8) 4. None of the above Which of the following is not an equivalence relation in Z? 2. aRb a+b is an even integer b.aRb e ab is an even integer ¢. aRbevach d.aRb a=b Let A= {p. g, (). Which of the following is an equivalence relation in A? a R= 10.9). (4 9.2.) PD b. R= Gg) PEGA 6. Ry = (lp Pg) (EAA 4. None of the above Let R and S be two non-void relations in a set A. Which of the following statements is false ? a. Rand S$ transitive => R US is transitive b. Rand S transitive => Rn is transitive c. Rand S symmetric = RUS is symmetric 6. Rand S reflexive = RMS is reflexive Let N denotes the set of natural numbers and Ris a relation in Nx N. Which of the following is not an equivalence relation in Nx N? a.(Qb)RGd)oord—b+e b. (a, b)Ric,d) ad = be c.(a.b)R(c,d) ad(b +c)= bela +d) d.{a.b)R(c.d) e belb +c)= ada +d) Ro AxB and Ac Bx C be two relations, then {SoR)" is equal to a. S“oRr* b. RoS Ros d. None of these Let A be the non-empty set of children in a family. The relation ‘x is a brother of y" in Ais a. reflexive ». symmetric transitive 4. an equivalence relation Ris a relation defined in Z by aRb if and only if , then Ris a. reflexive b. symmetric « transitive 4, equivalence Let A = ZU {V3}. Define a relation Rin Aby aRb if and only ifa+b ez. The relation Ris a. reflexive b. symmetric and transitive cc. only transitive 4. None of these: 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space 30 uM 32 34 35 The relation “congruence modulo mis reflexive only b. transitive only c. symmetric only 4d. an equivalence relation Ris a relation over the set of integers and itis given by (x, y)e Realx—ylS1. Then, Ris. a. reflexive and transitive b. reflexive and symmetric. ‘. symmetric and transitive <4. an equivalence relation Let, be a relation over the set Nx Nand itis defined by (.0)r(,d) =a+d=b +c. Then, ris 2. reflexive b. symmetric ¢. transitive 6. In equivalence relation Let be the relation over the set of straight lines of a plane, such that J, RI, es), Lf. Then, Ris a. symmetric b. reflexive c.transitve dan equivalence relation Let A be the relation over the set of integers, such that m Rnif and only ifm is @ multiple of n, Then, Ris 2. reflexive and transitive b. symmetric, «. transitive 4. an equivalence relation Let A= {1,2, 3, 4}and Rbe a relation in A given by Re={(1, 1), (2,2), (8, 3), (4, 4), (1, 2) (2, 1), (3, 1), (1, 3)}. Then, Ris, a. reflexive ». symmetric «. transitive 4. an equivalence relation | DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS Working Space DB) ead Definition of Functions © Subjective Questions Direction (0. Nos. 1-4) Thase questions arv subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on notebook 1 Let A= @ b}and 6 = {@, 6, 7). Draw pictorial diagrams of all possible functions from set Ato set B. 2) Which one of the following graphs are graphs of function. =P 3 1 * i ii, xp x iF ie y le e 3. ithx)= . then show that f(x) + f(1 x) +2 4. IfSis set of all tangles and? : S — R*, f(A) = area of triangle, then f is a function or not. @ Only One Option Correct Type Direction (0. Nos. $12) This section contains 8 mutiplo choice questions. Each question has four ‘chotees (4), (0), (@) and (), out of which ONLY ONE is corect. 5 iti()=4, f(n += 2f(n} + tandn = 1, then finyis equal to ame b. 2" ent dd 2-ta4 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space | Working Space 6 ify =1(x)satisty the condition {« + 3) 24 N(x 20) thenf(x)is x ¥ ax? 42 b. -x?=2 ©. x? -2, xe R-(Q} 4. x?-2,e[0) 7 ffx) cos(log, x), then the value of f(x), f(y) ~ I son] at b. } \ @-z d. None of these | 8 then f(y) equals | ax b. 1 at 4.0 9 Itf(x + ay, x - ay) =axy, thent (x, y)is equal to ay b. x? -a2y’ et 2 4 10 ta =to[ $4} mane 2x _|is equal to 1d, 1+x 2. ony? bo ©. 2fx) d. 3f(x) A if(x)= 402 + 3x? 4 3x44 then (2) is x 1 bo io “(el +m i , . £(25) 12. fffunction f : NW — Nis defined by f(x) = vx, then Hie yew a. f(-x) b. elo oe Sle 4 Direction (0. Nos. 13-18) This section conteins paragraph, each deseiting theory, expsrimonts, data, ‘tc. Thare questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct ‘answar among the four given options (2). (0), (2) and (3). Passage Let f: NN N be a function such that f(1, 1)= 2.f(c + 1B) = f(a, B)+a.and f(a, B + 1)= f(a, B)- B, Va, Be Nand f(a b) = 2001 13. The number of ordered pairs (a, b)is ad b2 & 8 4. infinite DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS 14 The maximum value of (2+ 6) is a, 4000 b. 3999 . 2999 ¢. 2000 15° The minimum value of (a +b)is a. 2999 b. 1999 «, 2000 4. 1000 © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (0. No, 16-20) This section contains 5 questions. When worked out wil result in en integor from 0 fo 8 (both inclusive) 2 16 ffx + y)=flx)-f(y), Vx y € Nand f(1)= 2, then Pa) ~ 2050} is 47 Lettre a polynomial uncon satsying he rlaten 4) 2) =100)+ {2} 418 Let be a real valued function such that f(x) +f C2) 3x, ¥ x > 0, The value of ( #2) 2000, 49 Letf be a function satistying f(xy)= Beer all positive real numbers x and y. If (30) = 20, then the value of |f(40)— 10] is 20 HF(x, y)= {max(x, yy} and g(x, y)= marx, y) ~ min(x, y) then IFg(-1 - 3/2), g(-4, -1-75)}] equals, (where f] denotes greatest integer function) 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Spece Pas Domain © Subjective Questions Direction (@. Nos. 1 and 2) These questions era subjective in natura, nead to be solved completely on notebook, 1 Find the domain of the following functions. 1 rey 2S 4 faye Ot 1 oes i, fox) iv. f(x)=e" = 00) v. te mara” +2 Wi foxy ff Be + Bir Vil Foye 2 vill. f(x) =10g, '99,] 2 2. Find the domain of definitions of the following functions. i y= B= it eye ffi ih Fx)= G2 +x + 2 iv. x)= ame ie v. fx) Vlanx= tan? Mi. target vii foo" fava y Vil. £(x)=logft~logio(x? ~ 5x + 16) © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 3-18) This soction contains 16 multiple choice questions, Each question has four ‘chotces (a), (0), (6) and (a), cut of which ONLY ONE /s correct. 3 The domain of real valued function f(x) = 5 - 4x — x? + x? log(x + 4)is a. -8sxs1 b. ~5 syne 3 where n «J, then n can be equal to as b=1 co a4 Direction (0. Nos. 21-28) This section contains @ paragraph, describing thoory, experiments, date, et. Throo quastions related tothe paragraph have been given. Each question has dniy one correct answer ‘among the four given options (a), (2). (c) and (a) Passage a f1=2). I 600 A) 64x, x 0,4, then 21° 1(x)is equal to 1 2. wana b. ae =x 2 os(exy? 4. None of these tex 22 The domain of fx)is 2. [O=) bR-E4) (ae) 4d. None of these 23. The value ori(3) is ais oe ° -o(3) 4, None of these © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 2¢ and 25) This section contoins 2 questions, When worked out wil suit in on intoger from 0 10 9 (both inclusive). 24 Leta and b be constants and f(x) = asinx + bxcosx + 2x?. If (2) = 16, then the value of f(-2)is 28 649 25 HHO) = Dd + ZS, then the value of (is 38 DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS Working Space Bdueed Range of Functions © Subjective Questions Direction {Q. Nos. ond 2) These questions sre subjective in nature, need tbe solved completely on notebook. 4. Find the range ofthe following functions. i foxd=lx = 3) i, fo)= = i. 10= f= v. fx) | v. fix)= B4sinx +008 x wi. fo=ay 2. Find the domain and range of each of the following functions. 1 i fe i. fx)ex! O° Tae aene MAInX wh x)= 8 iv, x)= sina) + 008729) © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 3-20) This section contains 18 multilo choice questions. Exch question hes four choices (a), (), c) and (), Ou oF whieh ONLY ONE option Is core 3 The range of f(x) = se a. (1.42) ©. -¥2,- 1 ult, V4) 4 The range of f(x) = ur see 2005) a. (1,0) 5 tf(x)= acos(bx + c)+ d, then the range of f(x)is ad+ad+2) db fa-datd) 6 (+ae-c] 4. -ad+al 6 The range of f(x) = [x] - xis a. [0,1] b. (49) oR 4. (-4) 7 The range of f(x) =cos(4) is oC) bean oR 4. (-3,3) 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 1 Working Space x+2 8 The range of x)= > is a. (0,1) b. E44} aR a. R-(-2) 9 The range of f(x) = cos 2x — sin 2x is a 2.4) belv2 Vo F24 4. (4.4) 10 The range of f(x) = cos x ~ sinx is a(t bE.) «. 6. (V2, 43 1 Hx) = 11° The range of f(x) Do sinx is ay b. [3] (1,3) qd. 4 2 12. Ife R,then the value of expression + 4+ ® jigs between xR a. Sand 4 b. Sand 4 © (m4) (5, «0) 4. None of these 13 Ford > 5, then value off{@) = sec?@ + cos”. always les in the interval a. (0, 2) b. [0,1] ce. (4,2) d. [2,<) 14° The range of f(x) = log, 4 - x? is a. (0,-) b. (ee) © (109,21 d. (lo952.<°) z 15 The range off(x)=tan,|™ — x? is 2. 10,3] b. (0 V3} © 13.5) 4. Wa 16 The range of f(x) = logg(3x? ~ 4x + Sis a [ea i -) . flog, 10.=) « [io-) 2. None ese 17 The range of f(x)=4* +2" +1is 2. (0,) b. (he) (2.2) 4. B=) 18 The range of f(x) = log g {V2 (sinx —cos x) + 3}is a. 10,1] b. (0,2) e [23] 4. None ofthese 19° The range of f(x) = 7-*P,_3 is pore a. b. ,2,3,4,5,6) ©. {1,23} o (1,2.3,4) 20 The range of(x)= —*_, xe Ris * er tates 2012) aba bR o. R-O) 4 (4,9) 40 DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS Working Space @ One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (0, Nos. 21 and 22) This section contains 2 multiple choice questions. Each question has four ‘choicas (a), (0, (e} and (a), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correc. 21 Let(ay=be— the a+ 31+ bea Ben . the least value of f(x)is 4 eles value taped at a ngue pint the number of integra! solution of f(x) = 4is 2 ‘ te laa ve ote) 2 22 Letf(x) = sec™'[1 + cos” x), where {] denotes the greatest integer function, then a, the domain of fis R b. the domain of fis (1, 2] . the range of fis [1, 2] di the range offf is {sec"1, sec" 2} © Comprehension Type Direction (0. Nos. 23.28) This section contains @ paregreph which describing theory, experiments, dal, ‘tc. Three questions reletedto the paregreph hevo baen gwvon. Each question has only one correct ‘answer among the four given options (a) (b). (6) end (3). Passage A tower has the shape as : A truncated right circular cone (one with radii 2R (the fower base) and R (the upper base) and the height R bears a right circular cylinder whose radius is R, the height being 2R. Finally, a semisphere of radius R is mounted on the cylinder, suppose that the cross-sectional area S of the tower is given by f(x), where x is the distance of the cross-section from the lower base of ‘the cone, 23. The domain of f(x)is a, (29,00) b. (0,4R] ©. (0.R] 4. IR, 48] 24 For0< x 0, then (fog){x)is equal to ae b. logvx. ©. e* log vx a. x 5 if F:[-8, | — Rie dofined by f(x) = x? » 3for x eR, then (fofof)(-1) + (fofof) (0) + (fofoF)(7his equal to a. £(4V2) b. V2) c. f(2V2) d. 2) 6 Itf(x) = —_., then (fofof) (x)is equal to | Vite? a. ». c 4. None of these Yin? ie 3x? 7 Hgta)= x4 + x~ 2and L¢ gor) x)= 2x? ~ 5x + 2, then 1x)is equal to a. 2x-3 b 243 43x41, 22 3x-4 B If f(x) =6* and g(x) = log, x, then which of the following is true? 2 Falx)} # 9 f(x} b. HabOh= 9 oo} i ©. FG} +900) = 0 Fo) - 9 F}=1 ' 9 Let# and g be the functions defined by f(x) = a fx) = then (fog) (xis equal to | 1 4 ad b. @ x4 ax i x x 48 DPP ~ FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 If from RR, f(x) = (x + 1), glx) = x? +1, then (fog) (-3)is equal to a. 124 bo 112 0. 21 @. None of these ‘Suppose g(x) = 1+ JX and fig(x)} = 3+ 2vx + x, then f(x)is equal to a, 14 2x? b, 24x? © 1+x d. 2+x 1 x<0 Let g(x)=1+ x -[dandf{x)= 0, x = 0, then forall x,fAg(x)} is equal to 4, x>0 ax bo ©. fx) 4. 9x) Hx) = = x #=1, then for what value of ois F{f(x)} = x? ur see 2008) a. v2 b. -v2 me at +t then (fof )(2) is equal t Ix) = ZA, then (or) (2)is equal to at b2 e' a4 Iff(x) = (a— x”)"”, where a > Oandin is a positive integer, then Fff(x)} is ax bo ex 4d. None of these Let fx) be a function whose domain is {-5, 7] and g(x) = [2x + 5} Then, domain of (fog)(x)is a [At] b. [81] co H61] 4. None of these Ite(xy = 222 then (fof) (x)= x, provided that + rd ad+a=0 b. d-a=0 oa datda Iff(x) = cot”! x :R* a(o $ and gtx) = 24 — 92 RR. Then, the range of function f{g(x)} wherever define is, *(3) 8 (03) © One Integer Value Correct Type Directions (2. Nos. 19 and 20) This section contains 2 questions. When worked out wit result in an Integer from 0 t09 (both inclusive) 19 20 2 xs A+ x2 XEN and g(x)= t= x,-25x $1, thus ney texs2 Wod= { ere (fog)(x)={2~ 2+" 25%*=P then, the value (a+b +e)is 2-% osxce 24x asxsb 2-% b 2, then the function f:(-y = 2) U2, =) (4, thio xa ‘a. one-one into, . one-one onto ‘¢. many-one into d. many-one onto 50 DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS 44 Let the function f:R + Rbe defined by f(x) = 2x + sinx, x R. Then, fis ‘a, one-one and onto b. one-one but net onto «. onto but not one-one 4. neither one-one nor onto 42 A function f from the set of natural numbers to intagers defined by 4 it mis odd Kay=} 2 vis ifnis even ‘a, one-one but not onto . onto but not one-one ©. one-one and onto 4. neither one-one nor onto 43 iff :{0, 9) +10, ) and f(x) = —* then fis Tex a. one-one and onto . one-one but not onto «. onto but not one-one 4d. neither one-one nor onto 44 If Rdenoles the set of all real numbers, then the function f :R + Rdefined as f(x) = [x] will be 2. only one-one b. only onto «. both one-one and onto 4. neither one-one nor onto 45. Let t(x)= x + fx" is a function from RR, then {x)is 2. injective b. surjective ©. bijective 4. None of these 416 Amapping from NtoN is defined as follows : f NN, fin) = (n+ 5), nN, Then, fis ‘one-one b. onto ¢. one-one and onto 4. one-one but not onto ( 24} ent isbom 1-x' AT Lett: 4, 1) + B be a function defined by f(x) = tan™ one-one and onto, when B in the interval [3] 23 a ° (04) © Comprehension Type Directions (Q, Nos. 18-24) This section contains 2 paragraphs, aach describing theory, experiments, ‘ato, ele. Sover questions roleted to the paragraphs have been given. Each question has only one correct fenswer emong th four given options (s), (0) () and (@). Passage! 2 tia 2 +L sax td, veeR betta) = 25+ ax +b, vx 418 The least value of afor which (x)is injective function, is at b4 4 1 4 A a4 2 3 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space 19 a=~1, thenf(xJis 2. bijective b. many-one and onto ¢, one-one and into 4, many-one and into 20 f(xpis invertibie itt a ac[}-}oen b. aelfm}oer cae t)}oer 6. ac|-4}oer a} 4 Passage Il Let f(x) =x? ~ 2x ~ 1 Vxe Randf (2 a] —»b, «°) where ais the largest real humber for which f(x) is bijective, 21° The value of (6 + b)is a-2 bo 0 at 22 Letf:R +R, g(x) = f(x) + 3x - 4, then the least value of function y = g(lx|)is a -9/4 b. -8/4 a 2 da -t 23° Leth :[a <)> [b, ~} then the f~"(x} is given by a te fava bo eykFS tee. tH yee 24 Letf:R—R, then the range of values of k for which equation f(|x| distinct real roots, is a. (-2,-1) b. (2,0) ©. (-1,0) 4. (0,1) =khas 4 © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (2. Nos. 25-30) This section contains 6 questions. When worked out wil result in an teger ‘nom 0 to 8 fboth inclusive} 25° The function f :[2, «>)—+ ¥ defined by f(x) = = x? onto, iY elas =) then the vaiue of ais 26 tte) -(2=2 the value of |2.— pis 4x + Sis both one-one and +(@-3)x*+ x + 5is one-one function, where a €[A, yi], then 27 Let be a one-one function with domain (x, y, z} and range {1, 2,3}. itis given that exactly one of the following statements is true and remaining two are false, fix) = Uf) # -1fl2) #2, then fy)is 28 Itn(A)=4,0(8)= exactly 3 elements is, then the value ae is zmber of functions from A to B such that range contains Number of one-one functions. Number of strictly monotonic functions 29 A= 1,2, 3), B= 4,3, 5,7, 9}. then equal to 30 I/(x)be a polynomial of degree 4 with leading coefficient 1 satisfying f(1) = 10, K{2) = 20, (3) = 30, where (12) + f(-8) = (3968)A, then the value of 2 is 52 DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS | Werking Space 1B) eee] Inverse of Functions © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (0, Nos. 1-10) This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question hes four ‘cholcas (2), (0, f) and (0), out of whieh ONLY ONE ts correct 1 The inverse of funetion f(x) = = ete ae . wan $2) ot -e" +2is emfeey oey 2 Ifthe function :[1, <9) > [1 =)is defined by f(x) = 2*°—", then f-"(x)is “y 0 Aa~ fir aoa®) b. dine fra! 4. not defined 3° Letf:N+Y bea function defined as f(x) = 4x + 3, where Y = {ye N:y = 4x + 3for some x € N}, then its inverse is x43 4 x23 a a 4+ x43 mea 4 3x44 org 4. If: Ris defined by f(x) = 3x ~ 4, then t "(xis xe4 a 4-3 b. 5 Which of the following functions have 1 a ye R-aR-O 6. Axe x8 ROR 40" 6 The inverse ofthe function (+) = Aiog, (14 - Ltogo| =~ “ae (3) “on, 2 oven SE sea 5) 4 3 © a & inverse function? b. x)= ROR 6. A(x)=x40:R OR 10 Ss +10 pg, (12 B dene( $2) 4. None of these 7 Letf:(2, 4) + (1 3)be a function defined by f(x) = x - 3] (where, [J denotes greatest integer function), then f-"(x)is equal to a 2x axed vl 6x-1 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space ~241 V2+1) 8 Let f:[-V2 +14, v2+1) |= 7 ema Hx)= v4 then -'(xyis afix=eFxa0 é a reo ©. does not exist 4. None cas 9 Let? NN, where f(x) = x + (~*~, then f10x)is ax box-1 CRI deen? 10 Leta > tbe a real number and f(x) = log, x?, for x > 0. Iff-"(x)is the inverse function of f and b, ¢ are real numbers, then f"(b + c)is equal to wyr iby 4 afte rte) db Mo)+F le) 7a d. None of these © Comprehension Type Direction (@. Nos. 11-13) This section contains & paragraph, doscnbing theory, experiments, cet, et. Three quostions rolated to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one coca answer ‘among the fur given options (2). (8) 0) 2nd Passage *=8—, where @ 6,6 €R, f-1)=0.and y=1 is an asymmplote of bx? + ox 42 ¥=f(x)_y = f"(x)is inverse function of f(x). If Rx) 14 fx)is equal to at xe a2 x+2 xsi 12 WM R- M1} oR thenf(xis ‘a. one-one and onto b. one-one and into ©. many-one and into d, many-one and onto 13 Area bounded between asymptotes of curve f(x)and f-"(x)is ad bo «16 4. 25 © One Integer Value Correct Type Directions (0, Nos. 14 and 15) This section contains 2 questions. When worked out wt resuitin an integer fom 0 fo 8 (both inclusive} 14 er [8.8] 0 Defined by f(x)= 2cos® x + VBsin2x +1, where B c [a,b] such that f-(x}exists, then (a + b)is ie thon sia 54 DPP ~ FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS | Wosking Space Revisal Problems S224 for JEE Main © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q, Nos. 1.59) Tis sncton contains 69 mutpe choice question. Each question hes four | Working Space ‘choices (8), (6), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct. 1 The domain of function f(x} a [+ alle ] ae 2 Leti{e)be a function whose domain is [-6 7]anc g(x) =[2x + 5}. Then, the domain of (oayais a Fat b tA} © (64) 6. None of these 3 The domain of definition of f(x) = sin” - 4x°] (where, [] denotes the greatest integer function) is a [8 >. [So] 2 2 “8 8 « Rola a --) 4 The domain ofthe function fx) 1093 loge logale? —9¢ + BIS a (1.2) b. (at c= nuee) 6 CaluRe) 5 The domain of definition of f(x) =legg] log, 1 is ate) ba) & ee) © None of these 6 The comainol fa) = 35 8 ON} BO) c. [Do 6B DU) 7 ‘The domain of f(x) = ve coe ean ig : 1 fi] » Fez) 2, 2 None ote “| a. None ctn c 8 Thedomain of fa) =000" betal " a RG nem b Re(edinzane2) cr 6. A 9 The domain of definition of the function /(x)= fa-2% -27-* + Asin" xis a 1) db. O c 109 d, None of these 10 If f(x}is defined on (0, 1), then the domain of the Gafinition of f{sin x), is. Fone a. Grn. @n+ Va)nez ». (@n+ 08, en+9)2\nez c. (n= Inn Na) eZ d. None of these 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 13 14 15 16 7 18 20 24 22 24 dL None of hese ats) b Bm) 6. None of these: ‘The range of function f(x) =1o9,25- x2)is 2 (0.5) . (0.2) © 2) 4. None of these ‘The range of the function [0] P, given by f(x} =x? = x24 4x + 28in- x, is a. [-n-2,0] & (23) ©. 1044) J. (024m) 4x42 - in The range offiy= 2X22 vei " 1 7 athe) b. (: 3] rs [3] d (3) Let x)= [9 ~3* + tor ail x (-0,1} then the range of f(x) where, denotes the greatest integer function), is © (0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7) b 01.234 © (1,2.3,4,5,6.7) 4 6 The domain of (x)= sin" a. (03) b 6a i The domain of x)= fol a is an &. R-(on:nez} oR. fens nE-nez} 4. None of hese The domain of f(x)=cos™"{x + [x])is a 0.0 b Raz 2 a4 . Nom of nese ‘The domain of f(x) =1og 0g 9!0939 ~- logy x is SS B10", oo) b (10"** ea) &. (107-2, ay d. None of these: 1 The domain of x)= is HF -[x]-6 8 (-2)U ho) DB. (m= 2] U4 oe) (9 2) U4 oe) d, None of these The domain off) = 820+ 9 ween? a R412} Bb. C2) ©. (-B}~(-1-2} d. None of these Let a,b,c be rational numbers and f :Z—» Z be a function given by f(x) = ax? + bx +6. Then, (a+ bis a. anogative integer b. aninteger ©. a non-inlegral rational number None of these P:R Raven by 1(x) =2x + | 008 x) is |. one-one and into 1B. one-one and onto (¢. many-one and into 6. many-one and onto DPP ~ FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS Working Space 26 28 29 30 a 32 33 35 37 39 ‘The set of values of parameter a for which the function J: R defined by J(x) = ax + sin x is bijective. is paren oR eRe tt tet A={0¢x<3} ana: Abe an ont funtion even by em tan" ++ 24 where Lisa consti, then aast baat e act 0. Osis a a a ‘The function f | R-> R defined by M(x) =2" +2” is a. one-one and onto . manyone erdinto ¢. one-one and into 4. manyone end onto IEF: + Ris given by Hix)= 3x ~ 8 then 4s) i 5 x5 a, tegvenby b. isgvenby 248 avenby gventy 2 ©. coes not es, because isnot one-cne 4, doesnot ests because isnt onto Lot Aw {x @R:x<1 and f:A-9 Abe defined as (x)= x@~ x) Then, Mes a 14% b. 14x © a. 18 fiz i the function (+A be such that (e)= x ~ be where (e}denotes the greatest integer less than oF equa to x, then “is t a b. dex i ©. nat etined 6, Nene ofthese Let xenixedlando={rerixag. tr A= Bis defined as fx)= x? —x+ 1 then the solution set of equation f(x) =/"(x) is at} B42) o t.2) 4d. None of these LetE = (42.3 4} and F=(1.2}. Then, the number of onto functions tkom E to Fis a4 b. 16 a 2 a8 Let glx) = 14 x ~fx]and 16 0 f amr dss ne eantinegro x20 or equal to x. Then, forall x flg(x)]is equal to ax bt cM) 4 ol Let the function f : f+ A be defined by f(x)=2x + sin x. Then, fis a. one-one and onto . ene-one and into ©. many-one and onto @, many-one and into The function f :A + A given by f(x) = 5—3sin xis a. one-one b. onto ¢. one-one and onto d. None of these ‘The function f:(-«5- 1]-> Qe} delined by fix) =e" +2 is @. one-one end onto b. one-one end inio &. many one and into 6. many one and onto, The total number of onto functions from the set {1, 2, 3, 4} to the set {3, 4, 7}, 18 a 18 b. 36 c 64 1d. None of these ‘The value of parameter a for which the function / :R-»R given by f(x) =1+ ox, 00's the Inverse of itself, is a2 bot Be a2 Let 12, =) x be defined by f(x), as /(x)= 4x ~x?, then fs invertibe, it xis equal to ake be 2] chm) 4 he) 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 40 a 43 45 47 48 49 5t 58 lay 81 rel 2 enon pole nes fi, xed wha, esas ody sana pia wet Jeo ow xe c. le -1$x81 d. None of these le-ta. wot ‘The function f : A—> B defined by f(x) = x° + 6x - Bis a bijection, if & A= [= S}and B=(-, 1) b. A=[3 sand Gel-17.—) ES a nametiene lt f(x}is real valued function satisfying f(x + y)=f(x)+ ty) — 17 -1,¥ x, ye such that 41()= I then the number of solution, of f(9)=n, 7 EN, is ad bo? 03 a4 It fx) =sin (fa) x}1s a periodic function with period m, where fAldenotos the greatest integer less than of equal 102, is x. Then, a Aela9) b. deft. 5) © A=45 d. None of nese The function f(x] =2008 5x + Bin /Sx is 2. peti uncon wih peso x ©. pmo inten wt prea a 6. & petoe uneon win period me pads 4. nota pede tants The function f(x)= min (#- [x], ~ x {xl} f.& pen tunction with period 1 ad of 22 1d. Non-periodic IY fox}'s odd periodic function with periodic 2, then f(a)is equal ant b4 e2 ao 2 real valued function fix) satisfies the equation f(x + y)-= flv) My) xy eR, then Hx)is @ apetiods function bb. aneven function © anodd function 1d. None of these Petod of i) 1 sinax + sin + [sin de) whore, fl denotes greatest integer function) a2 3 ® a, .11€Whas £ as its period, then is equal to ba ©. None of these lt the graph of the function y= (x) symmetrical about the line x =2, then a Ka)=—Hea) b. (@+9=1@-x) thf) @ fix42)mi(x-2) lI tland {) denotes greatest intager and fractional part of xrespectively, then peti of fiwet 0 tant ig a 28 b4 23 J. None of these DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS 52 _Let {Jdenotes greatest integer function. I f(x)= tan ine) has period %, then a. net3) b. reta.10) ©. mela i) 4. ne(9.«) 53 I1[]denotes the greatest integer function and n « N, then fx) = ne #.9— [ox +n] + tan is periodic with period ae be 24 a3 © Statement Type Direction (Q. Nos. 54-60) This section is based on Sistoment | and Statement I. Solect the correct ‘answer trom the codes given below. 2, Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Il isthe correct explanation of Statement! 'b, Both Statement | and Statement I are correct but Statement Is not the corect explanation of Statement| ‘©. Statement lis correct but Statorant I is incarract 6. Statement Il is correct but Statement |g incorrect 54 Statement | If /(x)and g(x) both are one-one, then fig(x)]is also one-one. Statement Il I h(x) =f (x) € x, © xp, then f(xJis one-one, 55 Statement I If y= f(x) is increasing in (a, 8} then its range is if(0),/)} ‘Statement II Every increasing function need not to be continuous. 86 Statement | Let f:{0, 3] {1 13lis defined by f(x) =x? + x + 1, then inverse is, Moye cit far =3 Statement Il Many one function is not invertibte. 57 Statement | All points of intersection of y = f(x)and y =/""%a}ie on y = x only Statement II Ifa point P(o, flies on y =f(x), then QB. alia on y=1"* (x) 58 Statement| Ifa>b>c and a? + b° +c? = abe, then the quactratic equation axé + bx +c =0 has roots of opposite sign. ‘Statement If roots of a quadratic equation ax? + bx +6 = Gare of opposte sign, then product of roois < O.and sum of roots| > 0. 89 Consider the function f(x) =(* "Coq 0) P* °Cy 1) ‘Statement | Dornain of f(x) is singleton. Statement Il Range of f(xis singleton 60 Consider a cubic function f(x) = ax® + bx +c, where a,0.¢ € A. Statement | /(x) cannot have 3 non-negative real roots, ‘Statement Il Sum of roots is equal to zero. 2 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Working Space 59 Revisal Problems for JEE Advanced © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (0. Nos. 1-29) This section contains 29 muliple choice questions. Esch question hes four choices (a), (0), (c} and (4), aut of which ONLY ONE Is coroct. 1 Let'be.@ real valued funetion such tna fx) + (22) 3x, forall x> 0. The value of #2), is a. 1000 b, 2000 ©. 3000 6. 4000 2 Wa? +b* +0? 24, thenab + bo + ca, where les in the interval, where a,b,c € are sides of 4). b EN] 6 [+3] 2 4 3 ote) = 4. Then, ga} and ate Fina * Tieosay "eM 8° omc wy pid b. pe win pied ¢. petode wih petiod 2x @. Non periods 4 Suppose i(e.n)= £ J00,(¥) then the value of x satsiying the equation f(x, 10)=1 (x, 11, ey ag b 10 an None of these. 5 Let be a function satisying May) Bor all postive real numbers xand y. I f(90) = 20, then valve of f(40)is a5 b 20 © 40 6. 60 6 Let #(x)=sIn® x + cos* x +2.and g(x) = cos (cos x} + cos (sin x) Also, let period of f(x) and glx)be F, and fy respectively, then a hath b mah © hah 6 ha 7 The minimum value of expression x ~ pf +|x~ 15] +x ~ p~ 18] for xin the range psxsi§ where O ~2 is (-e= 5} then the solution set for (x? 2 x) + 6 is a b bag} © (0.5) 6. duis) DPP - FUNCTIONS, MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS Working Space

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