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Reporting Hematology and Blood Chemistry Reference Interval and Population Data Templates - Extended Report - Supplem

The Quality Assurance and Laboratory Standards Committee prepared optional extended Excel templates for reference popula
The Extended Report version contains added columns to further characterize the statistical analyses for populations

These templates are intended as a guide. The columns and rows may be modified as needed.
To use, save this template as a new file to allow editing.

This table is intended to be available as a supplement for a journal article

1. Hematology RI (n>20): RI = Reference Intervals
When population size, after outliers removed, is more than 20 individuals, you may use this extended template to rec

2. Chemistry RI (n>20): RI = Reference Intervals

When population size, after outliers removed, is more than 20 individuals, you may use this extended template to rec
s - Extended Report - Supplemental Table
emplates for reference populations of > 20 individuals
yses for populations

e this extended template to record CBC reference intervals and statistical results

e this extended template to record chemistry reference intervals and statistical results
Hematology Reference Intervals for sample sizes n>20
These templates are intended as a guide. The columns and rows may be modified as needed. Please note that the examination for outliers using a histogram and an a
should be performed prior to analyzing the reference data for the following statistics. Moreover, the p-values of the normality test and the symmetry test to assess t
removal (and after transformation if transformation is elected).

Measurands Descriptive Statistics RI Computation

Normality Symmetry
Conventional Removed test p- test p-
Measurand Units SI Units Initial n outliers n Final na Meanb SDb Median Min Max valueb,c valueb,d
RBC conc. 106/µL 1012/L
Hemoglobin g/dL g/L
MCHC g/dL g/L
MCH pg pg
TS/TP g/dL g/L
WBC conc. 103/µL 109/L

Neutrophil (heterophil) % %

Neutrophil (heterophil) 103/µL 109/L

Lymphocyte % %
Lymphocyte 103/µL 109/L
Monocyte % %
Monocyte 103/µL 109/L
Azurophil % %
Azurophil 103/µL 109/L
Eosinophil % %
Eosinophil 103/µL 109/L
Basophil % %
Basophil 103/µL 109/L
Platelet conc.
(thrombocytes) 103/µL 109/L
Reticulocyte % %
Reticulocyte 103/µL 109/L

When referring to "n" without specification, it refers by default to final n
Computed on final n

Complete this column with the p-values of the Normality test. Make sure to mention below the table: 1) the test used for Normality assessment:_________, and 2) th
Complete this column with the p-values of the Symmetry Test. Make sure to mention below the table the p-value threshold for its interpretation:_________________
Use the following symbols to indicate distribution: G, Gaussian; S, Symmetric; NG, non-Gaussian
Use the following symbols to indicate statistical method for establishing RI: P, parametric; NP, nonparametric; R, robust; add T, transformed, if data was transformed

methods. Make sure to specify the used transformation.

Please see ASVCP Guidelines for outlier detection and reference interval construction

RI, reference interval; LRL, lower reference limit; URL, upper reference limit; PCV, packed cell volume; MCHC, mean cell hemoglobin concentration; WBC, white blood
liers using a histogram and an appropriately stringent statistical test (Dixon's, Tukey's)
nd the symmetry test to assess the distribution should be computed after the outlier

RI Computation RI Characterization

LRL of URL width CI 90% CI 90%
Distributione Methodf RIg of RIg of RI of LRL of URL
ssessment:_________, and 2) the p-value threshold for its interpretation:________

ormed, if data was transformed to Gaussian prior to applying parametric or robust

ncentration; WBC, white blood cell; conc., concentration; TS, total solids; TP, total
Chemisty Reference Intervals for sample sizes n>20
These templates are intended as a guide. The columns and rows may be modified as needed. Please note that the examina
Tukey's) should be performed prior to analyzing the reference data for the following statistics. Moreover, the p-values of the
the outlier removal (and after transformation if transfo

Measurands Descriptive Statistics

Conventional Removed
Measurand Units SI Units Initial n outliersg Final na Meanb SDb Median
Sodium mEq/L mmol/L
Potassium mEq/L mmol/L
Chloride mEq/L mmol/L
Calcium mg/dL mmol/L
Phosphorus mg/dL mmol/L
Uric acid mg/dL µmol/L
Urea mg/dL mmol/L
Urea nitrogen mg/dL mmol/L
Creatinine mg/dL µmol/L
Total bilirubin mg/dL μmol/L
Bile acids mg/dL µmol/L
Glucose mg/dL mmol/L
Amylase U/L U/L
Lipase U/L U/L
Triglyceride mg/dL mmol/L
Cholesterol mg/dL mmol/L
Total protein g/dL g/L
Albumin g/dL g/L
Globulin g/dL g/L

When referring to "n" without specification, it refers by default to final n (after outlier removal)
Computed on final n
Complete this column with the p-values of the Normality test. Make sure to mention below the table: 1) the test used for No
Complete this column with the p-values of the Symmetry Test. Make sure to mention below the table the p-value threshold f
Use the following symbols to indicate distribution: G, Gaussian; S, Symmetric; NG, non-Gaussian
Use the following symbols to indicate statistical method for establishing RI: P, parametric; NP, nonparametric; R, robust; add T

methods. Make sure to specify the used transformation.

Please see ASVCP Guidelines for outlier detection and reference interval construction

RI, reference interval; LRL, lower reference limit; URL, upper reference limit; PCV, packed cell volume; MCHC, mean cell hemo
Please note that the examination for outliers using a histogram and an appropriately stringent statistical test (Dixon's,
Moreover, the p-values of the normality test and the symmetry test to assess the distribution should be computed after
after transformation if transformation is elected).

RI Computation RI Characterization

Normality Symmetry 0.2 CI

test p- test p- LRL of URL of width CI 90% 90% of
Min Max valueb,c valueb,d Distributione Methodf RIg RIg of RI of LRL URL

table: 1) the test used for Normality assessment:_________, and 2) the p-value threshold for its

table the p-value threshold for its interpretation:___________________

onparametric; R, robust; add T, transformed, if data was transformed to Gaussian prior to applying parametric or robust

ume; MCHC, mean cell hemoglobin concentration; WBC, white blood cell; conc., concentration; TS, total solids; TP, total

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