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International School of Florence

Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024

Prepared: December 15, 2023

Student Name: Alex Huang Student ID: 103039

Date of Birth: August 12, 2012

Grade: Grade 6

Advisor: Francesca Nini

Dear parents,

We are pleased to share with you the Trimester 1 written reports which cover the academic period of 31 August to 01
December 2023.

From grade 6 to 10, the International School of Florence uses a criterion-referenced approach to grading. Students are
marked against set criteria, measuring their demonstrated progress against defined skills. For each trimester grade, the
teacher determines the final grade using a best fit approach, considering all available assessment evidence. The final
grade is published in these reports. Please use your ManageBac parent login to access detailed information about
subject criteria and descriptors. Grades at the end of the school year should reflect student growth over the course of
the year.

The assessment explanation and grade descriptors are published on the last two pages to help you interpret each

All comments are written in English with the exception of the Italian program subjects as part of the Terza Media state
examination (grades 6-8). Those comments are written in Italian as they follow a prescribed state curriculum.

Each student’s overall school attendance (for all subjects for the trimester) is added to the Homeroom comment, and is
reported in the percentage format as such: Present (%) and Absent (both excused and unexcused absences)(%).
Overall Late data is reported as a separate number of incidences.

As always, do not hesitate to contact your child’s subject teachers should you have any questions about the awarded
grade or published comments. Contact the Upper School Office should you have any general questions about our
Assessment policy or the overall format of these reports. Faculty and staff will return on 08 January and will be able to
respond to questions that week.


Carey Killen Clare Kelly

Principal Upper School Vice Principal Learning
Dr. Carey Killen
IB Learner Profile

Inquirers We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with
others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage
with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

Thinkers We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Open-minded We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive
difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore
(Courageous) new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and
emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people
and with the world in which we live.

Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Summary of Achievement
First Trimester
Achievement Levels Trimester 1 Grade

Language and Literature: English A B C D

6 6 5 4 5
Victoria Walvis

Language Acquisition: French Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 A B C D

N/A N/A 7 7 7
Juliette Gauthier

Language Acquisition: Italian Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 A B C D

N/A 8 8 8 7
Linda Lanis

Individuals and Societies: Individuals and societies A B C D

8 8 7 8 7
Jason Moss

Sciences: Sciences A B C D
8 N/A N/A 6 7
Massimo Boscherini

Mathematics: Mathematics A B C D
7 8 4 4 5
Peggy Perkins

Arts: Music A B C D
N/A 7 6 6 5
Rebecca Woolcock

Arts: Theatre A B C D
N/A 7 7 8 7
Rachel McCue

Arts: Visual Arts A B C D

7 5 8 7 6
Tess Hitchcock

Physical and Health Education: Physical and health education A B C D

7 N/A N/A 8 7
Stefano Frigerio

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Class Reports
Language and Literature: English Victoria Walvis
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Analysing
i. provides substantial identification and comment upon significant aspects of texts
ii. provides substantial identification and comment upon the creator’s choices 6 8
iii. sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with examples and explanations; uses accurate
iv. describes some similarities and differences in features within and between texts.

B: Organizing
i. makes competent use of organizational structures that serve the context and intention 6 8
ii. organizes opinions and ideas in a logical manner, with ideas building on each other
iii. makes competent use of referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable
to the context and intention.

C: Producing text
i. produces texts that demonstrate considerable personal engagement with the creative process;
demonstrates considerable thought or imagination and substantial exploration of new perspectives 5 8
and ideas
ii. makes thoughtful stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
good awareness of impact on an audience
iii. selects sufficient relevant details and examples to support ideas.

D: Using language
i. uses an adequate range of appropriate vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
ii. sometimes writes and speaks in a register and style that serve the context and intention
iii. uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with some degree of accuracy; errors sometimes hinder 4 8
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with some degree of accuracy; errors sometimes hinder
v. makes some use of appropriate non-verbal communication techniques.

Totals: 21 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex has shown great curiosity about English and approaches his studies with enthusiasm and an inquiring mind.
Through study of the novel, The Giver, he is developing the ability to analyse texts and he can now organise his ideas
competently. In his writing, he is able to use language to engage his reader with increasing accuracy and variety.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Language Acquisition: French Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Juliette Gauthier
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Listening
N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

B: Reading
N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

C: Speaking
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary 7 8
ii.uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
iii.uses clear pronunciation and intonation which makes the communication easy to comprehend
iv.communicates all or almost all the required information clearly and effectively

D: Writing
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary
ii.uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately 7 8
iii.organizes information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of
simple and some complex cohesive devices
iv.communicates all or almost all the required information with a clear sense of audience and
purpose to suit the context

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex worked very well this trimester. He asked for clarification when needed and always came prepared for test. His
results reflect his very good understanding of the language as well as a strong preparation at home. He is an active
learner and shows enthusiasm for classroom activities and for the language.

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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Language Acquisition: Italian Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Linda Lanis
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Listening
N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

B: Reading
i.identifies explicit and implicit information (facts and/or opinions, and supporting details) in a wide 8 8
variety of simple authentic texts
ii.analyses conventions in simple authentic texts
iii.analyses connections in simple authentic texts

C: Speaking
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary 8 8
ii.uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
iii.uses clear pronunciation and intonation which makes the communication easy to comprehend
iv.communicates all or almost all the required information clearly and effectively

D: Writing
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary
ii.uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately 8 8
iii.organizes information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of
simple and some complex cohesive devices
iv.communicates all or almost all the required information with a clear sense of audience and
purpose to suit the context

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex is an attentive, hard working and well motivated student, who often enhances group discussion through insightful
comments. Also, he regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities.

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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Individuals and Societies: Individuals and societies Jason Moss
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding

i. consistently uses relevant vocabulary accurately 8 8
ii. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through detailed
descriptions, explanations and examples.

B: Investigating
i. explains the choice of a research question 8 8
ii. effectively follows an action plan to explore a research question
iii. uses methods to collect and record consistently relevant information
iv. thoroughly reflects on the research process and results.

C: Communicating
i. communicates information and ideas in a way that is completely clear 7 8
ii. completely organizes information and ideas effectively
iii. lists sources in a way that always follows the task instructions.

D: Thinking critically
i. identifies in detail the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or arguments 8 8
ii. gives detailed justification of opinions using information
iii. consistently identifies and analyses a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
iv. consistently identifies different views and their implications

Totals: 31 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex has had a good year in I&S this year. He participates enthusiastically in class discussions, displays his interest in
the explored themes and provides his best in each activity. When he has a question, he does not hesitate to ask for
clarification, and will happily help others during class tasks. Alex appears to enjoy group work, where he contributes
his perspectives and ideas to enhance group learning. Overall, Alex is doing great in I&S and I look forward to
continuing this success throughout the year.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Sciences: Sciences Massimo Boscherini
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding

Alex is able to:
i. outline scientific knowledge 8 8
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar situations and
suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar situations
iii. interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments.

B: Inquiring and Designing

N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

C: Processing and Evaluating

N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science

Alex is able to:
i. outline the ways in which science is used to address a specific problem or issue
ii. outline the implications of using science to solve a specific problem or issue, interacting with a 6 8
iii. usually apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely
iv. usually document sources correctly.

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex is a capable, committed and enthusiast young scientist. He always comes to class eager to earn, his questions
and comments are welcome enrichment to the lesson, and set a great example for his peers. His inquisitive approach
and natural curiosity have helped him gain a strong factual knowledge of the course content, and the ability to solve
problems at all levels. Going forward, I encourage him to keep extensive class notes, and make the best possible use
of any additional resource provided by the teacher.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Mathematics: Mathematics Peggy Perkins
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding

Alex is able to:
i. select appropriate mathematics when solving challenging problems in both familiar and unfamiliar 7 8
ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving these problems
iii. generally solve these problems correctly in a variety of contexts.

B: Investigating patterns
Alex is able to:
i. select and apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to recognize correct patterns 8 8
ii. describe patterns as relationships or general rules consistent with correct findings
iii. verify whether patterns work for other examples.

C: Communicating
Alex is able to:
i. use some appropriate mathematical language
ii. use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to present information adequately 4 8
iii. communicate through lines of reasoning that are able to be understood, although these are not
always coherent
iv. adequately organize information using a logical structure.

D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

Alex is able to:
i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation 4 8
ii. apply mathematical strategies to reach a solution to the authentic real- life situation
iii. state, but not always correctly, whether the solution makes sense in the context of the authentic
real-life situation.

Totals: 23 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex is active and engaged in class; however, Alex does not usually listen when others speak, especially when
instructions are given. Alex is trying to improve his mathematical communication skills. Alex should continue to work
on his ability to draw conclusions.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Arts: Music Rebecca Woolcock
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Investigating
N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

B: Developing
i. demonstrates substantial and varied practical exploration of an idea or ideas 7 8
ii. presents a clear artistic intention in line with the statement of inquiry and describes artistic

C: Creating/Performing
Alex 6 8
i. demonstrates mostly effective use of skills and techniques through the creation or performance of
a finalized work.

D: Evaluating
Alex 6 8
i. describes their own artwork or performance
ii. outlines their development as an artist.

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex is a curious and imaginative student who enjoys a wide variety of music. He has enjoyed participating in vocal
games and exercises and is working on building the confidence to sing with more expression.

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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Arts: Theatre Rachel McCue
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Investigating
N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

B: Developing
i. demonstrates substantial and varied practical exploration of an idea or ideas 7 8
ii. presents a clear artistic intention in line with the statement of inquiry and describes artistic

C: Creating/Performing
Alex 7 8
i. demonstrates consistently effective use of skills and techniques through the creation or
performance of a finalized work.

D: Evaluating
Alex 8 8
i. analyses their own artwork or performance
ii. describes their development as an artist.

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex is a very enthusiastic member of the class who always asks for clarification when needed. He has shown
excellent understanding in his reflections. It would be great for him to get involved in the school production ECA
starting next trimester.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Arts: Visual Arts Tess Hitchcock
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Investigating
i. provides relevant information that is related to the statement of inquiry 7 8
ii. describes features of an artwork or performance including two from elements , technique and

B: Developing
Alex 5 8
i. demonstrates substantial practical exploration of an idea or ideas
ii. presents a clear artistic intention in line with the statement of inquiry and states artistic choices.

C: Creating/Performing
Alex 8 8
i. demonstrates consistently effective use of skills and techniques through the creation or
performance of a finalized work.

D: Evaluating
Alex 7 8
i. analyses their own artwork or performance
ii. describes their development as an artist.

Totals: 27 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex continues to set a great example for his peers and worked so hard on his map this trimester. He was very
dedicated to the process, always asking for advice from his peers. His watercolor techniques were neat and colorful,
and I encourage Alex to keep up the great work as we move into Trimester 2.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Physical and Health Education: Physical and health education Stefano Frigerio
MYP Assessment Criteria Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding

i. outlines physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge 7 8
ii. identifies physical and health education knowledge to describe issues and solve problems set in
familiar and unfamiliar situations
iii. applies physical and health terminology consistently to communicate understanding.

B: Planning for performance

N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

C: Applying and performing

N/A 8
Not Yet Assessed.

D: Reflecting and improving performance

i. identifies and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills 8 8
ii. describes the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome
iii. describes and summarizes performance.

Totals: N/A 32

Trimester 1 Grade

Alex has shown impressive listening skills throughout the term. He actively engages in class discussions, pays
attention to instructions, and consistently demonstrates a strong ability to comprehend and retain information. In
academics, he consistently performs at a high level, displaying a strong work ethic and a curiosity for learning.
Additionally, his enthusiasm for sports is remarkable, as he actively participates and displays excellent teamwork skills.

While he excels in many areas, there is an opportunity for him to improve his physical fitness. Encouraging him to
engage in regular exercise and participate in physical activities outside of school can contribute to his overall well-
being and further enhance his performance in sports.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Homeroom and Wellbeing
Francesca Nini
Homeroom Advisor

At the beginning of the day, homeroom offers students a chance to connect with their peers and their teacher. These
important fifteen minutes have been structured around responding to student needs as well as providing a dedicated
time for students to Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) one day a week. Additionally, once a week, students meet in the
Aula Magna for their weekly assembly instead of their homeroom class, which is an opportunity not only to receive
important notices and information, but to come together towards common goals such as the Sant’Egidio Food Drive,
support for extracurricular activities, learning about Community Service Day, and more.

During homeroom time, students engaged in class discussions, worked on goal setting for the MAP test, worked
toward creating artistic displays around themes of thankfulness, spoke about issues they needed help with, and played
group games as team building activities. The first fifteen minutes of the school day sets the tone, and our homeroom
class always aimed to set a positive one.


Wellbeing is a once-weekly lesson revolving around pertinent and relevant themes related to students’ social-emotional
learning as well as important life skills to help them develop into well-rounded global citizens.

In grade 6, the wellbeing lessons for the first trimester were split into three units. The first unit focused on empathy,
kindness, and combating bullying by being an upstander rather than a bystander. The second unit was a mini unit
centered around goal setting and growth mindset in preparation for the MAP test. The third and final unit of the
trimester was the sexual health education unit.


Present: 99%

Absent: 1%

Late: 4 times

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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Assessment Explanation

Key IB MYP Assessment Information (ISF is currently a candidate school for MYP and is in the process of aligning
teaching and assessment practices across the division following the MYP expectations)

1. MYP assessment is carried out by teachers, according to the criteria defined by the IB in the subject guides.

2. Each subject has four criteria which are assessed at achievement levels of 0-8.

3. An N/A grade for a specific critiera refers to "Not Assessed". Not all criteria, or all strands are assessed every

4. Each of the criterion is broken into ‘strands’ (smaller parts). Each strand in each of the four criteria must be assessed
at least twice per year in order to determine a final level for each criterion.

5. The scores for the individual criteria determine the student’s overall grades.

6. These four criteria grades are added together to give a total out of 32. This total can then be converted into a single,
final overall grade out of 7.

The final grade on the MYP report indicates what level your child is achieving overall in that subject. The final
grade is awarded on a scale from 1-7. Please use the grade descriptors chart below to see the description of
your child’s overall achievement.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024
Grade Descriptors
Final Grade Descriptor

Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts
7 and contexts. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge
and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations.

Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and
6 contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in
familiar and unfamiliar classroom and realworld situations, often with independence.

Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates
5 critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-
world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.

Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few
4 misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills
with some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations.

Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with
3 occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is
often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations.

Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many
2 concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of
knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.

Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most
1 concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using knowledge or

N/A Not Yet Assessed.

Incomplete as all 4 criteria have not yet been assessed. In the MYP each criterion: A, B C and D, are assessed at least
twice per academic year, but not all criteria are assessed each trimester.

Alex Huang
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International School of Florence — Trimester 1 Report 2023-2024

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