Invariant Coordinate Systems For Compressor Control

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Dr. B. W. Batson
Compressor Controls Corporation
Des Moines, Iowa

Abstract k isentropic exponent

To protect a compressor from surge, it is nec- Jet slope of the surge limit line
essary to accurately calculate the location of the MW molecular weight
interface between stable operation and surge. De- rh mass flow rate
scribing the Surge Limit Interface in certain co- N rotational speed (rpm)
ordinate systems results in a surface which is in- Ne equivalent speed, NIV(ZRT),
variant to compressor suction conditions such as n polytropic exponent
temperature and molecular weight. We refer to P power
these coordinates as invariant coordinates. We ex- absolute pressure
plore these invariant coordinate systems and some Ap odifferential pressure flow
nearly invariant systems useful for antisurge con- measurement signal
trol. Some of them are commonly used in the in- Q volumetric flow rate
dustry, others are quite novel. This work serves to reduced flow rate
point out the unifying basis of them all. R gas constant (R,/MTV)
The applications for these methods are mainly universal gas constant
industrial compressors. Varying molecular weight Itcpressure ratio, Rc = Pd/Ps
represents the main challenge since a real-time RT temperature ratio, RT = Td
measurement for this parameter is unavailable. surge parameter with safety
We present compressor maps constructed from margin factored in
test data in these coordinates. The validity of this surge parameter
approach is well supported by these data. T temperature
V velocity
NOMENCLATURE compressibility
Roman symbols
Greek symbols
A orifice coefficient inlet guide vane angle
a local acoustic velocity distance between operating point
d characteristic length and surge control line
Hp polytropic head, (ZRT),(Rf — 1)/a .
np polytropic efficiency
hr reduced polytropic head viscosity

Presented at the international Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition
Birmingham, UK — June 10-13,1996
p density In this article we will present the theoreti-
a exponent, a = (n — 1)/n cal foundation on which invariant coordinates are
rotational speed (rad/sec) based. The invariant sets of coordinates are ac-
tually five-dimensional spaces. By assuming the
Reynolds number is of negligible effect, these
d discharge spaces can be reduced to four dimensions. Char-
e equivalent acteristics for compressors of fixed geometry (for
OP operating point example, compressors with no variable inlet guide

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r reduced vanes or adjustable stators) can be represented in
ref reference three dimensions. From the actual invariant coor-
suction dinates we will suggest coordinates which are not
SLL Surge Limit Line truly invariant to inlet conditions, but are more
easily implemented in real-life control situations.
Antisurge control can be effected in a space
INTRODUCTION which is, dimensionally, one less than the space
Controlling a turbocompressor from surge en- required to describe the operating region of the
tails: compressor. Therefore, when inlet guide vanes are
used, in general, we need three coordinates and
• determining the proximity of the operating only two when there are none.
point to surge, and
The various coordinate systems yield several
_ • taking control action to assure that the op- possibilities for control. Accurate control can be
erating point remains a safe distance from accomplished when the installation lacks certain
surge. transducers such as flow rate measurement, tem-
peratures, or downstream pressure. Besides pro-
The latter deserves much attention, but must be viding flexibility for the primary control strategy
left for another report. The topic of this work for a given installation, the alternatives provide
is the former. In order to compare the position avenues for fall-back strategies and fault tolerance.
of the operating point to the location at which
the compressor will surge, one must know both
Common Coordinates
locations. The position of the operating point is
usually well known because the compressor is in- Many coordinate combinations have been sug-
strumented for just that purpose. The location of gested for use in antisurge control. Many of these
the surge line (or surface) is less clear because it were not, in general, invariant to changes in inlet
must be known for all possible suction conditions, temperature or molecular weight. A small number
angular speed, etc. Based on surge test data, or have been presented and used which are invariant
predicted characteristics from the manufacturer, to the bulk of the variations in inlet conditions.
the locus of surge points should be plotted in a Most of these are not invariant to changes in the
coordinate space which is invariant to inlet con- isentropic exponent, k. Such coordinates are re-
ditions. The inlet conditions to which we are re- ferred to, in this work, as nearly invariant since
ferring include pressure, temperature, molecular the variation in k is often small.
weight, compressibility, and isentropic exponent. White (1972) and Staroselsky and Ladin (1979)
The basic invariant coordinate systems are reported a method of calculating the distance be-
based on the characteristic maps provided by the tween the surge line and the operating point using
manufacturer. These maps are often constructed two differential pressure transducers. One is a flow
in the coordinates polytropic head versus volumet- rate transmitter signal, OP o . The other, the differ-
ric flow rate and shaft power versus volumetric ence between the suction and discharge pressures,
flow rate. Angular speed is actually a third coordi- APB . This was a simple solution to the problem
nate for variable speed machines, and the presence which could be implemented using control hard-
of variable inlet guide vanes requires yet a fourth ware of the day and is nearly invariant.
dimension. Efficiency is often plotted, but is not Another coordinate system has been utilized for
important for antisurge control purposes. some time for compressor antisurge control. That

two dimensional space is (q 2 , R e ). The square of situation at hand (see, for example, Dixon 1978).
the reduced flow rate can be calculated by the con- In our case we will choose polytropic head and
trol system as shaft power for the dependent variables due to
q2 AP0 their popularity in the industry. Volumetric flow
rate was chosen as an independent variable — also
and, as outlined below, represents a quantity due to its popularity in the industry. An example
closely related to a Mach number associated with of a compressor map is shown in Figure 1. The

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the compressor. The pressure ratio is simply list of chosen variables are as follows:

Pd Hp = fo(Q, 4,0 4-1 ,P,a,c1 02 )

Ps P = P, a, el, a).

Only three transducers are required to imple-

ment this control strategy. Because two nearly
invariant coordinates are used, a general function 150
of one can be set up to fit any shape curve desired.
This combination of coordinates was reported
by Nageli et al. (1973) who calculated the reduced
flow rate based on a differential flow measurement
device in discharge. Other disclosures of this ap-
proach have been presented over the years. Some
of them are by Kolnsberg (1979), Agar (1977),
Campos (1993), and Gaston (1992). 110%


The method of analysis known as dimensional 90%

analysis or similitude is used in this section to con- a_ 80%
struct three systems of coordinates which are in- 1 76%
variant to inlet conditions. The operating point
04 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
and the Surge Limit Interface of the compressor
QS (m3/s)
are mapped into these coordinates.
Figure 1: Typical representation of a compressor
map as received from a vendor.
Invariant Parameters

For a system of coordinates to be invariant to These relationships each consist of eight dimen-
inlet conditions, it must satisfy dynamic similar- sional parameters. This number can be reduced
ity. This requirement implies three things: to five using the Buckingham Pi Theorem (see,
for example, White 1979 or Kline 1965). It is be-
• Geometric similarity yond the scope of this paper to go through that
procedure, but a result is
• Kinematic similarity
Hp wd wpd2
• Pertinent forces must be considered in a set 7
c 12-
f2(Q ,
a ,a
of valid dimensionless parameters.
Geometric similarity is given because we are
considering different inlet conditions in the same
compressor. We show below that kinetic similarity
is assured by number three — the dimensionless
pa2 d3 f3
( Q wd wpd2
ad2 a 1.1 a )

The dimensionless parameters resulting from this

parameters. procedure are not unique. In fact, an infinite
The process is explained as follows. First we number of dimensionless parameters can be con-
set up a functional relationship for the variables structed from those shown above by constructing
(dependent and independent) that apply to the linear and nonlinear combinations of them. The

ones shown above were chosen for their usefulness wheel Mach number must both satisfy
for control.
The first term appearing in the independent
variable list on the right-hand side of each of (2)
the above expressions is proportional to the Mach
number based on the bulk (one dimensional) veloc-
ity at the suction of the compressor. The second
term is proportional to the Mach number based on

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the tangential speed of the rotor. The third term
is proportional to the Reynolds number based on Now dividing Equation 2 by Equation 3 we get
the same wheel speed. The last term takes into ac-
count variations in the compressor geometry such
as variable inlet guide vanes. (w?0), _ (4)
When a compressor is designed, the characteris- [( 7,-,$ 2J„ /

tics of that compressor are constructed for a given

set of inlet conditions and gas properties (refer- Note that Q = VA = Wd2 /4. Remembering that
ence conditions). For those characteristics to ap- geometric similarity is satisfied, and w 1 = w2, we
ply under other conditions they must be presented see that the characteristic length, d, and the rota-
in (or transformed into) the above coordinates — tional speeds divide out. Equation 4 can be rewrit-
or equivalent ones. In other words, the compressor ten as
map needs to be mapped into the five dimensional V1
spaces V2 ref

( Hp Q wd wpd 2 which says that kinematic similarity is satisfied

a 2 ac 2, a 'a) by virtue of Equations 1 and need not be specified
Once geometric and kinematic similarity are as-
( P Q wd
sured and the dimensionless parameters of Equa-
fi.a 2 d3 w' ad2 ' a ' 'a)
tions 1 are matched, dynamic similarity is said to
be satisfied. Therefore, the set of dimensionless
As mentioned above, along with the require-
parameters in Equations 1 represent coordinates
ments of Equations 1, the new conditions must
which are invariant to inlet conditions.
satisfy kinematic similarity.

Kinematic similarity Kinematic similarity states
that the velocities for the two conditions at any We can reduce Equations 1 further using com-
point must be related by a constant scaling factor. mon sense and experience. When the Reynolds
Therefore, number is high the flow is turbulent and the fric-
tional effects (due to the viscosity) tend to be ap-
( 171
proximately constant. In the normal operating
V2 V.2) ref range of compressors the Reynolds number is high.
where the subscripts 1 and 2 imply velocities from Thus, its influence can be neglected — and this
two different locations (such as the suction and is supported by experience. (For analyses of the
discharge of the compressor). effect of the Reynolds number, see Casey 1985,
We can show that kinematic similarity is as- Strub et al. 1987, Wiesner 1979.) We are left with
sured if we satisfy Equations 1 and geometric sim-
Hp ( Q wd
ilarity. In theory, when Equations 1 are satisfied
at one point, the flows "match" — thus the di- a2 = 7'a)
mensionless parameters are equal at all points. (5)
Therefore, at the locations 1 and 2 used above, PQ wd
the flow coefficient (inlet flow Mach number) and pa 2 d3 = f5 —,

Polytropic head is represented as terms in Equations 7. The orifice coefficient, A,
-1 is also constant and can thus be eliminated. It
should be noted, however, that some of the result-
Hp = (ZRT), — ;
n—1 P, ) ing terms are not dimensionless. To convert from
the rotational speed, co, in radians per second to N
where n is the polytropic exponent [d(pun) = 0]. in rpm, we used the constant 27r/60 = 7r/30. This
The volumetric flow rate is related to the constant can be ignored as well, remembering that
differential-pressure flow measurement device as

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units have been changed. The final set of invari-
ant coordinates (with the flow rate and rotational
(ZRT)Ap e speed terms squared for convenience) are
P • 14. =(21 1\1?
The local acoustic velocity is J 6 ks , ks
a = 1,/kZRT. (6) (8)
So, using the suction values of the local acoustic k,
— e!. ' k,
('k, a) •
velocity, a, = \/(kZRT),, the density, p,, and the
volumetric flow, we can reduce some of the terms Isentropic exponent The isentropic exponent, k,
of Equations 5: appears in each of the invariant parameters ap-
Hp 1 1 (Esi_)( _ 1 1 = 1 4 pearing in Equations 8. However, k is not directly
- 7
measurable for use in antisurge control. Two ap-
k,a 1. 13,, ) i k, r
proaches to this problem are:
Q . A 1 Ap o , s _ A 1 • Assume it is constant (when k does not vary
as d2 d2 k, p, d2 —qs considerably).
P P30P 30
. = = rP • Approximate k as a function of a assuming
p, a2 d3 w wd 3p,k, rNd3 p s k, ird3k, the efficiency, Tip, varies insignificantly along
cod dirN der the Surge Limit Interface (usually a valid as-
= Ne;
a 30a 30 k, sumption).
Nearly Constant k
1 [(pd
hr ) —1 The results of ignoring the variation in k are the
a ps
coordinate systems
qs =
= f8 (e,4
P Pr = f9 (g N! CO
Pr =
Calculation of k
Ne —
V(ZRT), In some cases, gases of very different k's are com-
pressed with the same compressor. A common ex-
So Equations 5 can be written ample of this is the use of nitrogen to purge a sys-
1 f4 ( •Aq, dr Ne,a tem normally used for hydrocarbons. It is possible
to characterize the isentropic exponent as a func-
17; hr = c/2 VT'
s, 30 k,
tion of a (which is calculable using the pressure
(7) and temperature ratios).
30 ( Aq, der Ne, For these situations the fundamental coordinate
Pr = fs
rd3 k, d 2 k, 300—
c, systems are
The physical dimensions of the compressor are hr e N2
constant, therefore d can be ignored in all of the f le(01
f>c( 01 fk(u)' al

( e iv ?
We can multiply both sides of Equation 11 by
fk(a) fk(a) and/ms = 1. Using 7h, = pVA we get

Pressure Ratio r
(pVAkZRT)d _ (pvAkzEnd
(pVAkZET) s 1. (pVAkZRT) s

Up to this point we have constructed two sets

of coordinates which are invariant to initial condi- but, again, we are assured of geometric similarity,
tions (Equations 8) for a single machine under the so the A's cancel out; and using kinematic similar-

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assumption that the effect of the Reynolds number ity, the velocities will also divide out. Now using
is negligible. p = pZRT we get
We can base antisurge control strategies on
these coordinates. However, another set of param- (kp)d _ (kp)d
eters has been in use for many years (Nageli 1973, (kP)s (kP). J re f '
Kolnsberg 1979, and much later, Gaston 1992). It
is the set, versus74J o h). We would like to ex- which says that a coordinate system in which the
plore the simplifications and assumptions required pressure ratio, R c = pdlp s , is one of the coordi-
to derive those coordinates. nates is not invariant to changes in the isentropic
Once again, the notions of geometric similar- exponent, k. As long as the ratio kalk s does not
ity, kinematic similarity, and dynamic similarity vary "considerably" this approach is quite satis-
shall be used. Using the spatial (cross-sectional) factory for antisurge control.
average of the velocities at the inlet (s) and out- In practice, pressure ratio can be used as a sub-
let (d) of the compressor, kinematic similarity is stitute for kik,. This implies that we have three
expressed as four-dimensional coordinate systems to choose
from. They are:
Vs _ ( Vs)
Vd Vd re f • h,. = f6 (g!
Dynamic similarity requires that geometric and ks ks ' ks )
kinematic similarity be satisfied, and that the di- R kd (12)
k, = f12 ( 51\
ks ' k s
mensionless parameters of interest be equal be-
= two sets of conditions. For this part of
tween P,. (g
_t ,cr)
the analysis we will only consider the wheel Mach ks ks )
number. Equating the Mach numbers at the two
conditions, By solving the first two of Equations 12 for
Nd = ( Nd) q2 /ks and substituting the result for elks in the
a a ) ref last equation, the result is reduced power being a
function of reduced head or pressure ratio. These
needs to be true for all points in the flow. Con-
combinations can be of use when flow measure-
centrating on the inlet and outlet,
ments are not available, are unreliable, or fail.
(Aar t )Na
[ ( d) s
a ) ci(
. NG- d ) d (10)
( iy_cl
s ref ' Parameters using App and Ap o In the introduc-
tion, a common parameter was described which
As we are dealing with only one compressor, was made up of two differential pressure signals:
ds = ds , re f and dd = dd,,,f (geometric similarity).
Also, Ns = Nd, so Equation 10 reduces to • the differential pressure across the compres-
sor, Ap c = pd—p s , and
ad (
a, j ref '
a, — ad) • the differential pressure across a flow mea-
surement device, Ap o , in suction or discharge.
Using Equation 6 and squaring, we have
(kZRT)d kzRT d r( )i We can show that these two signals can be com-
bined into a single nearly invariant parameter for
(kZRT) sI. (kZRT) s ref • antisurge control. An important concept is that

any combination of invariant coordinates (linear constant) since this parameter is no longer (in gen-
or nonlinear) is still invariant. So we can com- eral) dimensionless, and thus, not invariant to inlet
bine a linear function of R o with as such (it is e conditions.
assumed that k does not vary significantly): So in cases where the loss of turndown is in-
significant, or where it is impractical to add in-
— 1 a
p, strumentation, a ratio of Ap o to Ap o can be used
effectively for antisurge control.

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then simplify:
Temperature Ratio
ps(f,f 1 _ Pd — Ps ___
— APc (13)
— )

The temperature ratio appears in Equation 11.

Apo Apo Apo The gas constant, R, divides out (being the same
Therefore, Ap o /Apo is as invariant as the param- at the suction and discharge). Thus, Equation 11

eters used in its construction (R C and q3 ). And it can be rewritten as
requires only two transmitters.
(kZ)d RT (kZ)d Rir
Although it may not be obvious that the Surge

Limit Line can be described by a single invariant (kZ) 3 (kR)3 ref

parameter, it is true. However, when Ap o /Ap o is

the sole coordinate for antisurge control, the shape So, insofar as the ratio, (kZ)d/(kZ),, does not
and location of the Surge Control Line are some- change significantly, the temperature ratio can be
what limiting. Available turndown will be reduced assumed invariant.
for many compressors. An example of a Surge
Limit Line and lines of constant Ap o /Ap o are SURGE LIMIT INTERFACE
shown in Figure 2. The discrepancy between the We now return to the sets of invariant coordi-
actual surge line and the line of constant Ap o /Ap o nates given in Equations 12. These equations de-
for this compressor is readily apparent. scribe the surface on which the operating point
lies at steady state. This surface is of dimension
one less than the space in which it resides. The
number of coordinates required to fix the location
on the surface is equal to its dimension. This is a
Surge Limit Line
useful concept because, for control, no more than
Ape in suction
1.8 three (and much of the time only two) dimensions
— - — Ap, in discharge
need to be calculated to fix the location on that
1.6 surface.
The Surge Limit Interface is a surface of dimen-
cC 3
sion one less than the complete surface or two less
1.4 than the space it resides in. Thus for a compres-
sor with variable equivalent speed and inlet guide
1.2 vane angle, two dimensions are necessary to fix a
point on the surge limit surface. Only one dimen-
sion is required when just one of these parameters
is variable.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Some of the dimensions required to fix a point
qs on the steady state operating surface can be used
Figure 2: Surge limit line and lines of constant to locate a point on the Surge Limit Interface. For
APc/AP0 plotted in R o versus q3 coordinates. controls applications, where we need a compari-
son of the operating point location to a point on
In general, it is not possible to generalize the the Surge Limit Interface, we need to calculate no
shape of the Surge Control Line by taking a more than three of the coordinates — and often,
function of Ap c or Apo (such as f(AMIAP0 = only two.
Reduction of a Surge Limit Surface and a point on the Surge Limit Interface. As men-
tioned above, we need only two or, at most, three
A compressor with variable inlet guide vanes as
of the coordinates. Therefore, we can choose any
well as equivalent-speed (NO changes will have a
two or three depending on the information avail-
two-dimensional Surge Limit Surface. By slicing
able. The combinations are listed in Table 1 for
this surface with planes of constant guide vane an-
a compressor which has no inlet guide vanes. Ta-
gle, a, this surface can be thought of as a fam-
ble 2 describes the options when guide vanes must
ily of Surge Limit Lines. Therefore, the Surge
be taken into consideration.
Limit Line can be constructed for the value of a in

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the two-dimensional coordinate system chosen for Table 1: Various coordinate systems for control of
control of that compressor [for instance (q!, Re )]. compressors without inlet guide vanes.
These two dimensions are referred to as the pri-
1, h, ka p 91 NI
k„ k, k. c k„ k„
mary coordinates, and the guide vane angle, a, is —

referred to as the secondary coordinate. • •

Antisurge control would be carried out under • •
such circumstances as though no inlet guide vanes • •
were present — except that the location of the • •
Surge Limit Line (and thus the Surge Control • •
Line) varies with a. • •
When the molecular weight of the gas is known • •
at all times, the Surge Limit Surface can be sliced • •
with planes of constant equivalent speed instead of • •
a. So Ne becomes the secondary coordinate in the
above discussion. This is useful when the guide
vane position signal is unreliable. Surge Limit Table 2: Various coordinate systems for control of
Lines at constant equivalent speed are shown in compressors with inlet guide vanes.
Figure 3.
,& !sip 1.,‘. a
k. k, k,-.'c k, k.
• • •
• • •
2.5 • • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
2 • • •
• • •
a--a N„ 20.70 • • •
N, - 21.09 • • •
v—v N, = 22.14
• • •
1.5 0-0 N, = 22.72
• • •
40 60 80
• • •
100 120 140
Figure 3: A Family of surge limit lines, each at a
The choice of which coordinate system to use is
constant equivalent speed.
driven by two things:

INVARIANT SYSTEMS • the information available in the specific instal-

Using the coordinates in Equations 12, we can lation (that is, what measurements are avail-
calculate the distance between the operating point able?), and

• the coordinate system that provides the most Limitations
accurate control.
Some of the invariant coordinate systems sug-
Each of the above parameters are invariant to gested above are not suitable for all applications.
inlet conditions. Therefore, antisurge control algo- For instance, the use of equivalent speed paired
rithms can be constructed using a single param- with pressure ratio may require high precision
eter instead of a pair or even three. An exam- in calculating the pressure ratio to maintain a
ple of this is a minimum flow rate algorithm. A "small" safety margin. The reason for this is that

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Surge Limit Line for control can be described by lines of constant equivalent speed tend to nearly
q2 /k, = constant. This describes a line which is coincide with lines of constant pressure ratio near
invariant to inlet conditions, so is equally valid for the Surge Limit Line — especially for centrifugal
all gases. It may not, however, represent an accu- compressors. Therefore, the antisurge control sys-
rate depiction of the true Surge Limit Line. tem must detect a very small increase in pressure
ratio as surge is approached from the right along
Fall-back and fault-tolerant strategies In many a constant equivalent speed curve. A larger safety
applications, more than one set of coordinates are margin can be applied — moving the Surge Con-
viable. Thus, one or more of the alternatives can trol Line to a region of greater slope on the equiv-
be used as fall-back strategies in the event of a alent speed curves. The tradeoff is the cost of re-
transducer failure or similar event. cycling more often versus the cost of installing a
Fault-tolerance is also a consideration. Any of flow measurement device.
the methods could be checked against any other
method (or methods) to improve the integrity of DISTANCE TO SURGE
the control. We have, up to this point, derived coordinate
systems which are invariant (or nearly invariant)
Discharge Properties to inlet conditions (see Equations 12). We noted
that the difficulty of measuring k could be over-
Flow measurement devices are often located in
come by assuming it was constant, or calculating
the discharge of compressors. This presents no
it as a function of a which can be computed using
problem in constructing a (nearly) invariant flow
measured quantities.
rate parameter.
When there are no inlet guide vanes, we need
We can define four dimensionless flow rate pa-
only two coordinates to calculate the relative po-
rameters as
sitions of the operating point and the Surge Limit
e,. = Apo '

, =
APo a
Line in any of the above coordinate systems. The
presence of inlet guide vanes increases the dimen-
a = APO,dAPo d sionality of the problem to three and the Surge
d,d = Limit Line becomes a Surge Limit Surface. The
Ps Pd
utilizing all of the possible measurement locations. question remaining is how we use this information
Each of the last three d( e 4,
5 and d d ) can be
in antisurge control of compressors.
As described above, the Surge Limit Surface in
derived from the first (4 8 ) using functions of Rc
and RT. Therefore, they are sufficiently invariant existence for compressors with inlet guide vanes
for most antisurge control applications. is considered a family of Surge Limit Lines by
Using similar reasoning as above, the reduced looking at the intersection of the Surface with a
power can be defined using discharge pressure: constant a or Ne plane. The following descrip-
tion deals only with Surge Limit Lines. Thus, for
P the case where variable inlet guide vanes exist, the
Pr,d =
pdN • Surge Limit Surface has already been reduced to
Also, the equivalent speed, Are , can be constructed a Surge Limit Line for a given a or Ne .
using the discharge acoustic velocity: The coordinate system (primary coordinates if
inlet guide vanes are present) considered here is
N e d = generic. Let it be described simply as (X, Y).
OZRT)d Each (X, Y) can be any pair of the coordinates

from Table 1 [for instance, (q s2 , Rc )]. There are an infinite number of points on the
The Surge Control Line is defined as a line re- Surge Limit Line which we could compare to the
moved from the Surge Limit Line a "safe distance" operating point. One possibility is to use the in-
into the stable operating region. The distance be- tersection of the Surge Limit Line and a horizontal
tween these two lines is the safety margin. The line passing through the operating point. There-
goal of antisurge control is to provide safe opera- fore, YSLL = YOPI which simplifies Equation 14 to
tion with the minimum c - safety margin — which
translates into the maximum operating envelope. 8, = 1

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The antisurge controller will attempt to maintain XOP
the operating point no closer to the Surge Limit which describes a normalized distance to the Surge
Line than the Surge Control Line. For this reason, Limit Line along that horizontal line.
the error used in the closed loop control is a mea- As an example of this approach, let the primary
surement of the distance between the operating coordinates be e, hr . Then the slope of the
( )

point and the Surge Control Line. line passing through the origin and the operating
There are several possible approaches to defin- point is (hr/d)op. The slope of the line pass-
ing this distance. One method is outlined here. ing through the point of comparison on the Surge
The basis will be the distance between the operat- Limit Line is (1100p/Osi,L, where (q,)SLL is
ing point and the Surge Limit Line (rather than to the reduced flow rate at the intersection of the
the Surge Control Line). Including a safety mar- horizontal line defined as ht. = (hr)op and the
gin with this distance defines the Surge Control Surge Limit Line. The deviation is
Line. The topic of the safety margin is covered in
a later section.
We can describe the operating point location in
5, = 1 [qs(hr)]siz
[gap •
any of the suggested coordinates to be the slope
of a line passing through the origin and the oper- This is illustrated in Figure 9 where the operating
ating point. The Surge Limit Line is described by point is at (92.79, 2.31). The value of the reduced
the slope of a line passing through the origin and flow rate at surge, (q,)SLL, is 60.29. Thus,
the Surge Limit Line at the point the operating
point is compared to. Either of these slopes can 8, = 1— = 1 — 0.6497 = 0.3503 > 0
be written as
M= which shows that the compressor is operating in
X the safe region.
A comparison between the location of the oper-
ating point and the Surge Limit Line is required. Implementation
One way to compare quantities is to take their ra-
tio. Here we divide the slope corresponding to the Using Equation 15 we characterize the Surge
operating point by that of the Surge Limit Line: Limit Line as a function of Y.

(17/ MY) = XSLL-

MSLL (Y/X)SLL. So the point on this line to which we compare the
This ratio is then used to calculate the deviation, operating point is
8,, between operating point and the Surge Limit
Line. The ratio of the slopes is unity when the [ f. (YoP), YoPl = (XSL L, YoP )•
operating point is on the Surge Limit Line, so the The deviation can now be computed as
deviation ("distance to surge") is
f.(370P )
S, — 1 (16)
5, =1 (1'/ X)op (14) Xop
(Y/X)sLL •
Besides calculating the values of X and Y, the
Thus, the deviation is positive when the compres- control system must be able to compute the func-
sor is operating in the stable region. tion, MY). This function is usually determined

empirically through surge testing the compressor
at a few points and constructing a curve through
these points.
No control system is perfect. A safety margin
must be included to keep the operation of the com-
pressor away from surge under transient condi- 120
tions. One approach to implement a safety margin
is to modify Equation 16 as follows:

Downloaded from by guest on 25 April 2024

5 = [fxv.
(17°P) + 60

This produces a Surge Control Line which inter-

sects the Surge Limit Line at the origin and di-
verges from it as it goes to the right and up. Of
course, the Surge Control Line is always to the
right of the Surge Limit Line.
The deviation, 5, is the "error" used in a
proportional-integral (PI) control loop. The out- 60 80 1 00 120
put of the PI loop is a signal to the antisurge (re- 0 5 (percent)
cycle or blow-off) valve to keep the operating point
Figure 4: "As tested" data for a low-pressure
on or to the right of the Surge Control Line.
stage, gas injection compressor.
Some graphical examples of the coordinate sys-
tems described in the preceding sections are pre-
sented here. Data for two different compressors
are shown. Neither compressor was fitted with ad-
justable inlet guide vanes. Different hydrocarbon
gas mixtures are represented with varying molec-
ular weights for each compressor. Surge Limit
Lines have been plotted in each coordinate sys- 3
tem. Lines of constant equivalent speed are shown
in those plots not having NN as a primary coordi-
nate. 2.5
Some of the data have been scaled by a constant
scaling factor. As mentioned above, constants can
be dropped in constructing coordinate spaces in- 2
variant to suction conditions. ■—■ MW = 49.94
A A MW = 49.24

Compressor I 0-0 MW = 43.74

x x MW = 39.22
The first set of plots is a complete set of co-

ordinates for a low-pressure stage, gas injection 1

compressor. They are calculated from character- 4 6 8 10
istic maps, labeled "based on test," obtained from Pr
the manufacturer. This compressor is rated at,
nominally, 870 kW (at the guarantee point). Figure 5: A no-flow algorithm can be designed
The characteristic speed curves are shown in around this coordinate system.
Figure 4 for a single gas composition. Surge Limit
Lines for several molecular weights are displayed
on the same plot. Since these coordinate systems

are not invariant to inlet conditions, the various
curves do not coincide. Power and volumetric flow 10
have been normalized using design conditions.
The remaining figures for this compressor are
coordinates invariant to suction conditions. Some
of the scatter seen in the data is due to human
error in converting the manufacturer's maps to
numerical data for reduction. Ignoring the slight 0

Downloaded from by guest on 25 April 2024

scatter, note that the curves for all molecular 6
weights represent a single, overall curve (not nec- ■—■ MW = 49.94
essarily a straight line) in the various coordinate A—A MW = 49.24
spaces — this is what is meant by invariant coor- o—o NAW = 4-3.74
4 x—x MW = 39.22

50 100 150

12 •—■ MW = 49.94 qs
A A MW = 49.24
Figure 7: To utilize these coordinates for antisurge

o—o MW = 43.74
10 control, no information downstream of the com-
x—x M W = 39.22
pressor is required.

used for constant molecular weight applications

only. However, the invariance of the equivalent
speed parameter is demonstrated by this and all
of the plots in which it appears.
4 Depicted in Figures 9 and 10 are more com-
mon coordinate spaces for antisurge control. They
4 6 B 10 both require pressure measurements upstream and
Pr downstream of the compressor, and a differential-
pressure flow measurement device. In addition,
Figure 6: When a power measurement is available, the control utilizing the parameters (d, h r ) would
this coordinate system can be used to construct a require that temperature transmitters be installed
no-flow algorithm. both in suction and discharge.
Figures 11 and 12 are similar to the previous
The coordinate spaces (Pr , h,.) and (Pr , R,) de- two, except that the reduced flow rate is replaced
picted in Figures 5 and 6 require neither a flow by the equivalent speed. As mentioned above,
measurement device, nor knowledge of the molec- these are only practical for constant molecular
ular weight. weight applications.
The invariant surge limit line shown in Figure 7 The final figure for Compressor I is Figure 13.
is constructed in the coordinate space ( e,
Pr . ) This is another space in which information in the
discharge of the compressor is unnecessary.
Neither of these parameters require any transmit-
ters to be located downstream of the compressor.
The last coordinate system involving the re-
Compressor I I
duced power, Pr , is seen in Figure 8. The control
method utilizing this space would be another "no- The second set of plots represent data acquired
flow" algorithm — not requiring a flow measure- in the field during normal surge testing. This com-
ment device. However, to calculate the equivalent pressor is the second stage of a two stage MTBE
speed, Ne , necessitates the continuous knowledge process machine. Its design power is nominally
of the molecular weight. Given the technology to- 700 kW.
day, practicality demands that this approach be Two molecular weights are shown on the plots.


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cc' 8
■—■ MW - 49.94 49.94
A A MW = 49.24 MW = 49.24

0-0 MW = 43.74 0-0 MW = 43.74

x—x MW 39.22 4 x—x MW = 39.22
4 6 8 10 50 100 150

Figure 8: Another coordinate space which leads Figure 10: One of the most commonly imple-
to a no-flow control algorithm. It requires that mented antisurge control approaches uses these co-
molecular weight be known. ordinates.

3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2

MW = 49.94 ■—■ MW = 49.94

A-A MW = 49.24 A-A MW = 49.24
1.5 1.5
0-0 MW = 43.74 0-0 MW = 43.74
x—x MW = 39.22 x—x MW = 39.22
50 c1 : 41-1- 150 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Figure 9: A coordinate space for antisurge control Figure 11: Coordinates in which flow rate does not
using reduced head and reduced flow rate. appear. Molecular weight must be known.

These should be considered approximate. The suc-
tion temperature and pressure varied throughout
the test — even when the molecular weight was
fairly constant. No power indication was available
for this particular compressor, so no plots of re-
duced power are shown.
The Surge Limit Line is represented in reduced
head versus reduced flow rate rate coordinates

Downloaded from by guest on 25 April 2024

in Figure 14. The lowest flow rate point of the
MW 32 curve shows some error in this plot (as
with all of the plots showing reduced flow rate
---• MW = 49.94 for this particular compressor). The signals were
A A MW = 49.24
recorded using a digital recorder. Due to the dis-
0-0 MW = 43.74 crete nature of these data, some uncertainty is as-
x—x MW = 39.22 sociated with determining the exact point at which
the compressor surged. There is also some mea-
sure of subjectivity involved in this determination.
1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Figure 12: A no-flow control algorithm could be

constructed around these coordinates if molecular 1.2
weight is known at all times.



0 50 100 150 200 250

Figure 14: Surge limit line in reduced head versus

reduced flow rate squared. Empirical data.
■—■ MW = 49.94
A A MW - 49.24
Very similar results are plotted in Figure 15
0-0 MW = 43.74 in pressure ratio versus reduced flow rate coordi-
x—x MW = 39.22 nates. Comparing this graph to that of Figure 14,
there would not appear to be an advantage to con-
50 100 150 trol using reduced head over control using pressure
ratio for this compressor.
4s The Surge Limit Line is depicted for no-flow
Figure 13: This surge limit line is plotted in the control algorithms in Figures 16 and 17. Al-
space (0„ Knowlege of molecular weight is though these plots are for gases of variable molec-
required. ular weight, as before, the control approaches cor-
responding to them are only viable for constant
molecular weight applications.
The final plot is in (q 82 , ND coordinates (Fig-


2.5 1

Downloaded from by guest on 25 April 2024


0 50 100 150 200 250 1.5 2 2.5 3
qs N1

Figure 15: A common set of coordinates for com- Figure 16: Coordinates for a no-flow algorithm for
pressor control. gases of essentially constant molecular weight.

ure 18). Once again, the associated antisurge con-

trol system would not require information in the for any given installation. Tables 1 and 2 summa-
discharge of the compressor. rize various coordinate pairs and triples, respec-
tively. More than one of these combinations may
Suction or Discharge Conditions be applicable to any one compressor. Thus, the
coordinates systems not chosen may be useful for
As mentioned in a previous section, an option fallback and/or fault-tolerance strategies. It was
is to utilize discharge properties rather than those noted that antisurge control could be implemented
in suction. The parameters for which information using only one of these invariant parameters with
is used on one side of the compressor only are re- the potential for an inaccurate representation of
duced power, equivalent speed, and reduced flow the Surge Limit Line.
rate. These coordinates, therefore, could be al-
tered such that they make use of information ei- A practical definition of a space which is invari-
ther in the suction or discharge. Comments were ant to suction conditions is when the Surge Limit
made in the previous sections that some coordi- Line (Surface) is represented as a single curve (or
nate spaces do not require discharge information Surface) in that space. Actual data presented
(transmitters located there). It is equally true to showed that the Surge Limit Lines for varying inlet
say that control algorithms can be designed such conditions (most notably molecular weight) did, in
that suction transmitters are unnecessary. fact, collapse into one curve. This is the desired
result, and allows the implementation of antisurge
CONCLUSION control for compressors handling a variety of gases.
Using similitude, coordinate systems were con-
structed which are invariant to inlet conditions. There are many other aspects to good antisurge
Some simplifications have been suggested when control which have not been covered here. How-
necessary and possible. The results were three ever, before even adequate control can be per-
general four-dimensional coordinate systems. formed, the distance between the operating point
At most, only three of these dimensions are and the Surge Control Line must be known. Due
required for control purposes — for compressors to variations in suction conditions, this distance
measurement must be transparent to these varia-
with adjustable inlet guide vanes. Therefore, a
variety of possible combinations may be available tions.

3 3


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N e2 2


1.5 1
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 50 100 150 200 250
t\J qs
Figure 17: No flow measurement device required. Figure 18: Surge limit line based on equivalent
However, molecular weight must be known. speed and reduced flow rate.

REFERENCES Strub, R. A., Bonciani L., Borer C. J., Casey M.

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sor Stages," Journal of Engineering for Gas Tur- White, F. M., 1979, Fluid Mechanics, New York:
bines and Power, 107, pp. 541-548. McGraw Hill, Inc.
Dixon, S. L., 1978, Fluid Mechanics, Thermo- White, M. H., 1972, "Surge Control for Cen-
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Press, Ltd. 54-62.
Gaston, J. R., 1992, "Turbocompressor Anti-
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I would like to thank Krishnan Narayanan of
ASME 92-GT-428.
Compressor Controls Corporation for reducing the
Kolnsberg, A., 1979, "Reasons for Centrifugal
data for Compressor I for this report; Roman
Compressor Surging and Surge Control." Journal
Bershader for making the data for Compressor II
of Engineering for Power, 101, pp. 79-86.
available to me; and Compressor Controls Corpo-
Kline, S., 1965, Similitude and Approximation
ration for their support as I wrote this paper. Spe-
Theory, New York: McGraw Hill, Inc.
cial thanks goes to my reviewers whose valuable
Niigeli, J. P., Spechtenhauser, A., and Aicher
comments made this a much better paper.
W., 1973, "Turbomachinery in Base Load Natural
Gas Liquification Plants," Proceedings of the 12th
World Gas Conference, Nice, France.
Staroselsky, N. and Ladin L., 1979, "Im-
proved Surge Control for Centrifugal Compres-
sors," Chemical Engineering, pp. 175-184.


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