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Principles of Dialysis and Dialysis of Drugs

JOHN F. MAHER, M.D. Consideration of the interactions of drugs and dialysis must include
Farmington, Connecticut an understanding of the mechanisms of transport during dialysis,
i.e., diffusion, ultrafiltration and membrane-protein binding effects.
Clearance is a function of molecular size, blood and dialysate flow,
membrane area and permeability, and dialyzer support geometry.
Protein binding and hematocrit decrease the in vivo clearances in
comparison to those measured in vitro with aqueous solutions. The
effect on the serum half-life is also determined by the distribution
space and clearance by other routes. Other factors such as meta-
bolic alterations of dialysis can affect pharmacologic activity, and
the clinical response is the end product of many determinants. Nu-
merous drugs are effectively removed by hemodialysis or at a slower
rate by peritoneal dialysis, which occasionally allows considerable
influx. The influence of intestinal contents on elimination rates by
peritoneal dialysis is unknown. Peritoneal dialysis can be influenced
considerably by vasoactive drugs.

The development of dialysis as a therapeutic reality has created a new

area of clinical pharmacology. The interactions of drugs and dialysis
include (1) depletion of therapeutic concentrations when dialysis is
undertaken for such other purposes as therapy of renal failure, (2)
therapeutic removal of drug excess by dialysis, (3) the effects of di-
alysis-induced metabolic alterations on drug actions and (4) the effect
of drugs on dialysis kinetics.
Solute removal by dialysis has numerous determinants [ 11. Dialysis,
as employed clinically, involves the juxtaposition of a semipermeable
membrane between a flowing stream of blood and an appropriate
rinsing solution. Resistance to movement of a given solute is a function
of the sum of the resistance to diffusion through the blood, the mem-
brane and the dialysate. Resistance to diffusion through each layer
is a function of solute size. The slope of the increase in resistance with
From the Division of Nephrology, Department of increased size is greatest for the membrane and least for an aqueous
Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center,
dialysate [2]. As the thickness of each layer also determines the re-
Farmington, Connecticut. This study was sup-
ported in part by NIH Contract AM 5 2220 from the sistance, the reciprocal of which is.the over-all permeability of the
Artificial Kidney-Chronic Uremia Program, Na- dialyzer, it may be calculated as
tional Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Di-
gestive Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland. Requests Permeability (HO A) = k + -d-, -I- &
for reprints should be addressed to Dr. John F.
Maher, Division of Nephrology, Department of
Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, and expressed in units of length per time, customarily centimeters per
Farmington, Connecticut 06032. second (cm set-‘). In practice, the efficiency of a hemodialyzer for

April 1977 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 62 475


removal of a given solute is expressed as dialysance solute is an index of permeability, increasing ultrafil-
in milliliters per minute by the formula of Wolf et al. [3] tration increases the removal of larger solutes to such
or a derivative thereof, an extent as to increase the ratio and change the ap-
parent permeability [7]. Ultrafiltration may be associ-
B, - B Do - Di
DzQ~~=QD- ated with a decrease in diffusive permeability, however,
i - Di Bi - Di
by widening the blood channel, lessening the membrane
where Qe and Qo are flow rates of blood and dialysate, area by impingement on the supporting mesh and
respectively, Bi and B, are blood concentrations en- creating stagnant pools of dialysate adjacent to the
tering and leaving the dialyzer, and Di and D, are the membrane [8,9]. Consequently, clearance data ob-
comparable dialysate concentrations. Dialysance tained from one dialyzer under a given set of operating
rectifies the value to the actual diffusion gradient, conditions will apply only grossly to others with different
whereas by ignoring the dialysate concentration the surface areas, flow geometry, transmembrane pressure
formula expresses a clearance. When the dialysate or membrane permeability.
concentration of a given solute is zero, the dialysance For completeness, the third recognized type of dia-
and clearance are equal. At other times, dialysance lyzer transport involves adherence of a solute, such as
should be used as a measure of dialyzer performance a trace metal, to the dialyzer membrane and removal
(assuming an infinitely fast dialysate flow or infinitely from the membrane by preferential binding by plasma
high volume) and clearance should be used to assess proteins [ 10,111. This mechanism allows for the influx
the effect on the patient under operating conditions. The of solutes against an aqueous gradient, but it has not
transmembrane diffusive transport is also affected by been shown to apply to such organic compounds as
the actual concentrations on the two surfaces of the drugs. Nevertheless, protein binding of drugs may result
membrane. Accordingly, membrane support geometry, in a virtual unidirectional transport across the membrane
and stagnant surface pools affect performance but are into the patient.
not measured variables in the formula [4]. For solutes The in vitro measurement of dialysance or clearance
of small size, the high diffusivity results in an important often translates poorly into the transport characteristics
decrease in concentration gradients across the mem- during clinical dialysis. There has been insufficient
brane. Clearances, therefore, increase considerably standardization of test methods for dialysance [ 121.
as the flow rate of blood and/or dialysate is increased. Plasma concentrations have been assumed to be rep-
Under the usual operating conditions, the removal rate resentative of whole blood concentrations, and blood
of such solutes is predominantly flow limited. For larger flow rates have been used on the assumption that blood
solutes, the rate of diffusion is less, concentration represents the volume from which the solute diffuses
gradients across the membrane remain high, and in- to the dialysate. Figure 1 shows graphically the potential
creasing flow rates have little effect on clearances. effects of protein binding and hematocrit on clearance
Such solute removal is predominantly limited by in relation to values obtained in vitro with aqueous so-
membrane area X permeability. As a corollary to this lutions. As the fraction bound increases, clearance
concept, Babb and colleagues [E] have advanced the decreases assuming that the bond is not highly labile.
hypothesis that in dialyzed uremic patients inadequate A higher protein concentration also decreases the
membrane area, permeability and/or duration of dialysis fraction of plasma that is water and, by increasing vis-
lead to the accumulation of metabolites of relatively cosity, will, at a given flow rate, increase hydrostatic
large size that cause such morbidity as neuropathy. pressure and thus the ultrafiltration rate, or at a given
Among the potential flaws in this hypothesis, we pointed inflow pressure, will decrease blood flow rate. As the
out recently that in our experience uremic patients are hematocrit value increases, the flow rate of plasma
also exposed to an average of five drugs of relatively decreases at any given blood flow rate. Even for solutes
larger size, i.e., above 300 daltons, which might also that are highly concentrated in cells, our data show that
accumulate despite dialysis that is adequate for removal during passage through a dialyzer, solute removal is
of small solutes [4]. virtually exclusively from plasma [ 131. The rapidity of
In addition to diffusive transport, solutes are removed intercompartmental transfer for most drugs is un-
during dialysis by bulk flow in association with ultrafil- known.
tration, induced by hydrostatic and/or osmotic gradients. For solutes that are protein boynd, the binding may
Solute removal by ultrafiltration is not characterized by be highly dependent on plasma protein concentrations
discrimination according to molecular size until the and solute concentrations. Although some highly bound
permeability limitation of the membrane is reached. solutes do not saturate binding sites at physiologic or
Although in a purely diffusive transport system the ratio pharmacologic concentrations, others demonstrate a
of the removal of a given large solute to a given small marked increase in the ultrafilterable fraction as plasma

476 April 1977 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 62


Bokd (PI

Aqueous Plasma BI ood

Figure 1. Effect of protein binding and hematocrit value on dialyzer solute

clearance. In comparison to aqueous in vitro clearances, the clearance during
clinical dialysis decreases as a function of protein binding and hematocrit.

solute concentrations increase. Accordingly, we clearances. The renal clearance interposes tubular
demonstrated a progressive increase in iodide di- transport, however, after ultrafiltration and does not
alysance as iodide concentrations were increased [8]. necessarily correlate with dialyzer clearance. For ex-
This phenomenon can increase the value of therapeutic ample, the dialyzer slowly clears phenosulfonphthalein
dialysis for excesses of drugs that have saturable pro- which the tubule actively secretes, but very rapidly
tein binding. We have correlated, inversely, the in vitro clears bromide which the tubule reabsorbs almost
dialysance of barbiturates with the extent of protein completely.
binding, a relationship that invalidates a simple corre- The dialyzer clearance must be considered in relation
lation of clearance with solute size for these drugs [6]. to the total body clearance in order to predict the effect
Whether dialysance and protein binding vary as barbi- on the biologic half-life of the drug. This may be ex-
turate concentrations vary is unknown. We have de- pressed as
termined recently that digoxin clearance by peritoneal
dialysis when corrected to plasma water concentration, KV
T l/2 = -
eliminating the influence of binding, ranges from 4.0 to R
9.0 ml/min with a digoxin clearance to urea clearance
ratio of 0.30 to 0.45, appropriate for this molecular where T1,2 is the half-life of a solute in minutes, K is a
size. constant, 0.693, V is the volume of distribution and R
Given these problems in data interpretation, we can is the elimination rate. When V is constant, a change
consider the available information on the removal of in R causes a reciprocal change in TI12, e.g., doubling
drugs by dialysis. This subject has undergone several the elimination rate decreases the half-life by 50 per
encyclopedic reviews [ 141. Dialyzer clearances above cent. Thus, despite comparable dialyzer clearances,
80 ml/min may be achieved for several exogenous hemodialysis affects considerably the half-life of the
solutes including bromide, long-acting barbiturates, slowly metabolized alcohol, methanol, but changes the
glutethimide, meprobamate, methyprylon, methanol, declining slope of plasma concentration of the rapidly
ethanol, salicylates, lithium and thiocyanate. For some metabolized alcohol, ethanol, only slightly [ 171. By
solutes, higher clearances are achieved by direct he- contrast, under the physiologic circumstances en-
moperfusion of charcoal or resin columns [ 15,161. countered, some solutes are so slowly eliminated, for
As a general guide, those solutes that are normally example mercury, from the anuric patient, that a low
excreted by glomerular filtration will have high dialyzer clearance by dialysis adds considerably to the removal

April 1977 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 62 477


TABLE I Drug Intoxications Most Responsive binding. Although the dialyzer clearance may be high,
Clinically to Dialysis the low fraction in plasma means that only a small
quantity is presented to the dialysis membrane. Unless
Bromide equilibration with plasma is rapid, it is fallacious to
Thiocyanate expect that enhanced removal by using lipid or protein
Barbiturates in dialysate or by charcoal or resin hemoperfusion will
materially change the removal from tissue reservoirs.
Meprobamate If equilibration keeps pace with the removal rate, the
Methyprylon calculated volume of distribution will not change (using
either the formula: amount removed/delta plasma
Lithium concentration or elimination rate X half-life/the con-
Aminoglycosides stant, 0.693). When equilibration does not keep pace,
the plasma concentration will decrease rapidly during
the procedure suggesting therapeutic success, and an
inappropriately small distribution space will be esti-
rate and thus decreases the half-life considerably mated. A secondary rebound increment in the plasma
[181. concentration will occur.
In relating dialyzer clearance to the physiologic Dialysis has been criticized as a therapeutic modality
elimination rate, the effect of the drug itself on its own for some intoxications because the fraction removed
elimination rate must be considered. One should not is small relative to the dose ingested and, consequently,
compare the half-life during shock and dialysis with the presumably relative to the body burdens. The as-
half-life during health and exposure to a low drug con- sumption is made that the entire body burden of the drug
centration. In studying glutethimide intoxication, we is pharmacologically active, even though it is recog-
determined that the plasma half-life increased with nized that there are examples to the contrary, such as
shock and also increased independent of blood pressure thiopental [21]. Such reasoning would argue that
as the plasma concentration is increased, consistent therapeutic removal of potassium expressed as a
with a rate limited metabolic degradation [ 191. Ac- fraction of total body potassium is low and could not be
cordingly, dialysis adds little to the relatively rapid re- of clinical significance in the management of hyper-
moval rate at low plasma concentrations, but since di- kalemia, contradicting the obvious clinical experi-
alyzer clearance, unlike metabolic clearance, is not ence.
concentration dependent, it adds considerably to the In the final analysis, therefore, the clinical effect of
removal rate at high concentrations. dialytic removal of a drug, often difficult to quantify
Dialyzer clearance must also be related to the precisely, is the important measure of significance.
clearance achieved by other therapeutic modalities. In Comparisons between mildly intoxicated patients
the patient who has severe intoxication with short-acting treated conservatively, and severely intoxicated patients
barbiturates little gain may be achieved by forced di- treated with dialysis seem meaningless. Similarly, an-
uresis, and the gain in removal rate achieved by adding ecdotal successes require validation.
dialysis may be considerable. This contrasts with pa- With these interpretative constraints, a listing of drug
tients who have mild or moderate intoxication with intoxications in which dialysis seems most useful, at
long-acting barbiturates who respond to forced diuresis. least in selected patients, is given in Table I.
Under this circumstance, the half-life may be sufficiently The clinical judgement to employ or withhold dialysis
brief that added removal by dialysis is not required. In- in a given case of poisoning is, of course, an individual
deed, the response of bromide poisoning to forced di- one, only guided by clearance data. Guide lines for the
uresis with saline solution is often sufficient to decrease clinical application of dialysis have been presented
the half-life to less than 6 hours and although higher elsewhere [ 201. It should be emphasized that some
clearances are achieved by hemodialysis, the removal drugs and poisons, such as nitrogen, mustard or anti-
rate from plasma may exceed the equilibration rate with cholinesterase agents, act more rapidly than removal
such extravascular bromide as that found in cerebro- could be accomplished. Despite a rapid elimination rate,
spinal fluid [ 19,201. therefore, toxic damage does not reverse.
The distribution volume of a solute is a determinant When patients undergo dialysis for therapy of renal
of the fraction removed by dialysis at any given clear- failure, depletion of drugs and of physiologic solutes
ance. For solutes such as propoxyphene, glutethimide such as vitamins and amino acids may occur. At phar-
and digoxin, the distribution space is very large due to macologic rather than toxic concentrations, such drugs
such factors as a high lipid partition coefficient or tissue are usually measured with less precision and often the

478 April 1977 The American Journal of Yedlclne Volume 62


clinical end point is less distinct than are the clinical TABLE II Drugs Usually Requiring Supplemental
signs of toxicity. Based on available data [22], however, Dosage After Dialysis
the drugs frequently used in patients with renal failure
and removed by dialysis sufficiently rapidly that sup- Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Gentamycrn, Tobramycin
plemental therapy may be required, are listed in Table Cephalosporins:
Cephalothin, Cephalexin, Cephapirin, Cephazolin
II. Whenever possible, serum concentrations should be
measured to guide replacement therapy. Penicillin, Ampicillin, Carbenicillin
Dialysis may profoundly affect the pharmacologic Other antibiotics:
activity of a drug even though it changes the serum Sulfonamides, Chloramphenicol, Trimethoprim, Cycloserine,
Ethambutol, 5-Fluorocytosine
concentration only slightly. The most recognized and Vasoactive drugs:
studied example of this effect is the precipitation or Aminophylline, Methyldopa, Procainamide
aggravation of digitalis intoxication as dialysis corrects Immunosuppressive - chemotherapeutic agents:
Methotrexate, 5Fluorouracil. Cyclophosphamide
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia and aci-
demia. The effect of the metabolic alterations of dialysis Salicylates, Phenobarbital
on the activity of other drugs is largely unknown.
Changes in pH, protein concentration, osmolality, urea
or glucose can influence pharmacologic activity. Fur-
ther, the diminution by dialysis of such lesions as uremic to increased efficiency of removal of ingested drugs that
gastritis can decrease the toxicity resulting from a given have a high fraction of the body burden in the form of
excess of certain drugs. an intestinal reservoir.
In patients with renal failure toxicity may develop Drug additives are included in peritoneal dialysis
from accumulation of metabolic loads that derive from solutions much more often than in hemodialysis baths.
drugs. Examples are the potassium content of penicillin, If there is no protein binding of the solute, the influx rate
the magnesium, the calcium loads and the alkalosis should closely approximate the rate of efflux. As many
derived from antacids, the sodium of carbenicillin and drugs are protein bound, however, the efflux clearance
the nitrogen derived from ammonium chloride or the will decrease as the fractional binding increases, and
antianabolic effects of adrenal steroids or tetracycline. influx clearance will be maximal as the aqueous gra-
Acidosis may result from a variety of drugs such as dient across the peritoneal membrane remains high.
ethanol, paraldehyde, nitrofurantoin, phenformin, iso- Clearance data in one direction should not be inter-
niazid, carbenicillin or methenamine mandelate. Be- preted as necessarily applying to the other.
cause of exaggerated metabolic abnormalities, as may Peritoneal dialysis is also distinctive since unlike
occur with these drugs, some patients may require di- hemodialysis, the blood supply traverses arterioles.
alysis earlier than otherwise. Accordingly, the capillary bed has a better blood film
The interaction of drugs and peritoneal dialysis in- geometry than has been achieved extracorporeally, and
volve special considerations. firstly, it has been as- the blood flow is influenced by vascular disease and is
sumed that the composition of the body fluids with which responsive to vasoactive stimuli. We have shown that
peritoneal dialysate equilibrates is identical to that of with systemic vascular disease there is a decrease in
peripheral plasma. Based on our recent finding (Figure clearances affecting predominantly larger solutes, so
2) of calculated peritoneal clearances of fatty acids that the ratio of creatinine clearance to urea clearance
exceeding urea clearance and occasionally in excess decreases [ 231. These findings are compatible with a
of dialysate flow rate, we have questioned whether the decrease in peritoneal permeability, an abnormality that
denominator in this equation is equal to peripheral is partially reversed by intraperitoneally administered
plasma. Pending further study, we are considering the isoproterenol [24] and that can be reproduced in dogs
possibilities that dialysate equilibrates directly with in- by the administration of dopamine [25]. We have been
terstitial fluid of high fatty acid content or with capillary studying the effect of the intraperitoneal administration
plasma, the composition of which is influenced more of vasoactive drugs in unanesthetized lightly restrained
by gastrointestinal contents than is peripheral plasma. New Zealand white rabbits undergoing peritoneal dial-
Either of these possibilities would raise an alternative ysis. The initial studies have demonstrated a significant
explanation for the observed infrequency of peripheral increase in peritoneal clearances with the use of iso-
neuropathy in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, proterenol or tolazoline, whereas aminophylline had no
i.e., rather than efficient removal of larger solutes, a measurable influence on peritoneal permeability (Figure
high removal rate of toxins of intestinal origin. Direct 3). That the clearance ratio did not decrease is com-
equilibration of peritoneal dialysate with a compartment patible with an increase in permeability as well as flow.
influenced by intestinal contents could also contribute We have interpreted these findings as compatible with

April 1977 The American Journal of Medicine Volume62 479




Figure 2. The peritoneal clearance of urea is compared to that of several fatty

acids clearedduring three dialyses in two patients, one with and one without vascular

IO 20 30 40 So 60

DWELL TIME (Minutes )

Figure 3. The peritoneal clearance of urea in Rabbit 6 14 is shown. Mean clear-

ances decrease as intraperitoneal dwell is prolonged. The intraperitoneal admin-
istration of isoproterenol or tolazoline significantly (p < 0.0 1) increases urea
clearance whereas the administration of aminophylline does not change values
compared to control measurements.

400 April 1977 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 62


dilation of the capillary lumen with resultant stretching technic can also be used to increase the removal of
of the wall causing decreased wall thickness and in- toxic concentrations of drugs. Alternatively, dialysis may
creased permeability. The increase to clearance and be a mechanism for removing metabolic loads asso-
permeability values above normal suggest that va- ciated with or derived from drugs. Large molecular size,
soactive drugs can be used not only to restore clear- high fractional protein binding or a large distribution
ances toward normal, but also in those with normal space can limit the decrease in plasma concentration
vasculature to achieve supranormal values. Such associated with dialysis. The metabolic alterations in-
capillary dilation when secondary to increased venous duced by dialysis also may affect importantly the
pressure may be a factor contributing to increased pharmacologic activity of drugs. With peritoneal dialysis,
capillary permeability and ascites formation in patients clearances may be affected by vasoactive drugs that
with cirrhosis. enhance or decrease blood flow and membrane per-
Drugs, therefore, interact with dialysis in numerous meability. The fluid compartment(s) with which perito-
ways. Although many drugs are retained in renal failure, neal dialysate equilibrates may be influenced by in-
excessive concentrations are ordinarily prevented by testinal contents providing a route for the elimination
reduction in dosage. Normal predialysis concentrations of ingested drugs before equilibration with body stores
of many drugs are sharply reduced by dialysis. This is achieved.

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