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The Operating Cycle of NO Adsorption and Desorption in Pd−

Chabazite for Passive NOx Adsorbers
Marvi Kaushik, Gourav Shrivastav, Tuhin S. Khan,* M. Ali Haider,* and Divesh Bhatia*
Cite This: Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Pd-doped chabazite (Pd/CHA) offers unique opportunities to adsorb

and desorb NOx in the target temperature range for application as a passive NOx
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adsorber (PNA). The ability of Pd/CHA to trap NOx emissions at low temperatures
(<200 °C) is facilitated by the binding of NOx species at various Pd sites available in the
CHA framework. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations are performed to
understand Pd speciation in CHA and the interaction of NO with Pd/CHA to explain
the mechanisms of NO adsorption, oxidation, and desorption processes. The
calculations are used to elucidate the important role of Pd1+ cationic species, anchored
at 6MR-3NN, in providing a strong (Eb = −272 kJ/mol) NO adsorption site in Pd/
CHA. For NO release, the redox transformation of Pd species comes into play and Pd1+
species are suggested to transform into cationic Pd2+, [PdOH]+, or [Pd−O−Pd]2+ species, all of which show significantly reduced
NO binding (−116, −153, and −117 kJ/mol, respectively) as compared to Pd1+. This enables NO desorption at the operating
temperature of a downstream catalyst for subsequent catalytic reduction.

1. INTRODUCTION (Pd(H2O)x), as small oxo-ion clusters (PdII−O−PdII)2+ or as

Aftertreatment technologies such as lean NOx traps (LNT) monomer oxide clusters (PdIIO). Considering the significance
and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) have been imple- of PNAs in trapping NOx at low temperatures, an under-
mented in various diesel-fueled vehicles to reduce the NOx standing of NO binding at specific Pd sites in PNAs constitutes
emissions. However, they are not effective at reducing NOx the state-of-the-art in materials research.
emissions under cold-start conditions, which could contribute Three major streams of thought are promulgated in different
significantly to the total emissions. Due to the progressive theoretical and experimental investigations that have probed
lowering of engine exhaust temperatures and the implementa- the sites and form of NO adsorption on different Pd
tion of stringent emission norms, it has become essential to species.4,5,8 Foremost of all is the availability of both the PdI
reduce the cold-start emissions, especially from diesel engines and PdII species as sites for NO adsorption.2,7 However, this
with low engine-out temperatures. Passive NOx adsorbers view is rejected in recent density functional theory (DFT)
(PNAs) have been touted to address the cold-start NOx calculations and spectroscopic experiments by Mandal et al.
emissions by trapping NOx from exhaust gas at low (<200 since the authors could not corroborate the existence of Pd1+
°C) temperatures and releasing it at a higher temperature in the as-synthesized PNAs.4 Interestingly, adsorption experi-
(>250 °C) where the downstream NOx reduction catalysts ments conducted by Tronconi and co-workers in transient
such as LNT or SCR are active.1 While an array of materials conditions have contradicted this assertion, highlighting the
has been explored as potential PNAs, zeolites and especially role of Pd1+ species as the most active and available site for NO
chabazite (CHA) containing Pd species have emerged as the adsorption.8 During the experimental investigations, it was
material of choice for PNAs.1−3 This is because Pd/CHA observed that the majority of Pd exists in a +2 oxidation state,
serves the dual objectives of NO adsorption at low temper- but with the influx of NO or CO in the feed, there is a change
atures and NOx release in an appropriate temperature window in the oxidation state of Pd (mainly from +2 to +1). Moreover,
for subsequent catalytic transformation. Besides, it has been CO was found to be a better reductant in comparison to NO
found to exhibit good hydrothermal stability. Moreover, for a for the reduction of Pd2+ to Pd1+, and it was hypothesized that
given zeolite framework, the existence of multiple Pd species,
which are active for NO adsorption, has been proposed using a
combination of experimental findings and theoretical calcu- Received: May 24, 2021
lations.1−6 Clusters, nanoparticles, and metal-exchanged sites Revised: October 20, 2021
have been identified for active NO adsorption. In addition, Published: November 12, 2021
infrared (IR) studies suggest ionic Pd to be responsible for NO
storage at low temperatures.2 However, the actual identity of
the site is unclear because Pd can exist in a hydrated form

© 2021 American Chemical Society

13799 Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Figure 1. CHA supercell with 36 T model having 8MR, 6MR, and 4MR. Colors of atoms are represented as follows: yellow - silicon; red - oxygen.

the presence of CO enhances NOx adsorption by reducing studies conducted with water as the co-feed suggest a negative
Pd2+ to Pd1+.8 This showed that the oxidation state of Pd is impact of water on the activity of PNAs.1−3 Moreover,
sensitive towards the environment in the vapor phase. Besides theoretical calculations carried out by Mandal et al. in the
experimental investigations, theoretical calculations carried out presence of water suggest a decrease in the NO binding
by Khivantsev et al. suggest a decrease in NO binding energies energies.4 However, in a recent experimental study, it was
in the presence of CO.6,9 It has also been shown that the observed that the presence of water increases the NO
method of synthesis of Pd/SSZ-13 plays a governing role in the desorption temperature.8 In this work, H2O molecules are
speciation of Pd sites. Khivantsev et al. devised a method for introduced into the model system to assess their effect on the
synthesizing Pd/SSZ-13, wherein low Si/Al ratios and low Pd adsorption−desorption cycle of NO. Overall, the results
loadings resulted in Pd2+ as the predominant sites.9 Bell and provide a molecular-level insight into the functioning of
co-workers pointed toward the ambiguity in spectroscopic PNAs, which is likely to frame the development of effective
methods applied in studying Pd speciation.5 They highlighted materials with the desired functioning.
the need for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spec-
troscopy experiments to confirm the presence of Pd1+ species 2. METHODOLOGY
in the as-synthesized Pd/CHA. For molecular simulations, a periodic three-dimensional
Interestingly, for a functioning PNA material, it is highly siliceous CHA structure is constructed, with lattice parameters
desirable that NO should bind strongly on the adsorption sites of 13.675 Å × 13.675 Å × 14.767 Å obtained from the
to trap the maximum amount of NO at low temperatures database of the International Zeolite Association.12 As shown
(<200 °C). Simultaneously, it should desorb at the desired in Figure 1, the CHA framework consists of a network of
temperature (>250 °C) for its reduction over a downstream different membered rings (MRs) such as 8MR, 6MR, and
NOx reduction catalyst. This paradigm is analogous to the 4MR, where yMR refers to the ring in the CHA framework
requirement of a heterogeneous catalyst material, where the having “y” number of Si atoms. For DFT simulations, a
Sabatier principle dictates that the binding on the catalyst supercell of CHA is created using 36 tetrahedral (36 T) sites
surface should neither be too strong nor too weak to complete (Figure 1), in which silicon atoms at two of the T sites are
the catalytic cycle giving maximum possible turnovers. Since replaced by aluminum atoms to achieve the desired Si/Al ratio
Pd/CHA is now considered as the material of choice in PNAs, (=17), which is close to the Si/Al ratio (=15) reported in
we envisage a molecular-level explanation for its functioning, experiments for Pd/CHA PNAs.2
which may elucidate this optimum adsorption−desorption DFT simulations are performed using the plane-wave code
cycle of NOx species. Utilizing theoretical simulations, this as available in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP,
study reconciles some of the mechanistic understanding of the version 5.2). For exchange−correlation functionals, the
functioning of PNAs with a spotlight on NO interaction with generalized gradient approximation (GGA) developed by
Pd/CHA. This is achieved in two steps. First, DFT simulations Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) is invoked.13 The
are invoked to unravel Pd speciation in CHA, and second, the interaction of NO with the Pd/BEA zeolite is studied in detail
strength of NO interaction on different Pd sites is evaluated. In by Wang and co-workers using the same GGA-PBE functional
this interaction, the oxidation of NO to NO2 is also to understand the trend in relative energies.14 While a higher-
considered, as reported in the experiments.1,2 Transition order functional is expected to provide more accuracy in the
state calculations are performed to elucidate the mechanism calculated energetics, computational expense remains a bottle-
for cationic Pd reduction with simultaneous NO oxidation on neck in theoretical studies on zeolites.14 Mandal et al.
Pd sites. NO oxidation is also observed on zeolites due to demonstrated higher accuracy in DFT calculations for Pd/
confinement effects, which are studied separately with Reactive CHA using a hybrid functional (HSE06) as compared to the
Forcefield (ReaxFF) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at GGA-PBE functional.4 However, the authors showed similar
a realistic operating temperature of PNAs.10,11 Experimental energetic trends in comparing NO interaction with the
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Figure 2. Optimized structures of (a) 6MR-2NN, (b) 6MR-3NN, and (c) 8MR-4NN configurations with H+ as a compensating cation in the CHA
framework. All bond distances are in Å. Colors of atoms are represented as follows: yellow - silicon; red - oxygen; magenta - aluminum; white -
hydrogen. For clarity, the periodic structure of the zeolite is not shown.

different sites (e.g., Pd2+, Pd1+, and [PdIIOH]+) using the two interactions are computed as described by the ReaxFF
functionals (HSE06 and GGA-PBE). The GGA-PBE func- potential in LAMMPS. The temperature is maintained using
tional has been consistently used in recent theoretical studies a Nosé−Hoover thermostat with a damping constant of 200 fs.
on various zeolites including CHA, and it is considered to be The initial configuration with randomly distributed six
reasonably effective in estimating energy trends so as to make molecules of NO and three molecules of O2 in the zeolite
informed decisions for experimental analysis.15−17 framework (single unit cell) is obtained using the PACKMOL
The basis set of the plane-wave is expanded to an energy cut- package. This configuration corresponds to loadings of 2.77
off value of 396 eV, which is kept slightly higher than the and 1.38 mol of NO and O2, respectively, per kilogram of
previous theoretical calculations on Pd/BEA.14,18,19 For zeolite. The system is equilibrated using a timestep of 0.1 fs for
geometry optimization, the force on the structure is calculated 5 ps at 313 K. Subsequently, a 2.5 ns long simulation with a
using the Hellmann and Feynmann theorem and is converged timestep of 0.25 fs is performed at 313 K followed by 2.5 ns
to 0.05 eV/Å.20 The binding (adsorption) energy (Eb) of the long simulations at 373 and 473 K. A similar set of simulations
adsorbates on various Pd sites is calculated using eq 1. is also performed without the zeolite framework using
parameters from the literature.24,25 MD simulations using
E b = Ead − Pd/CHA − (E Pd/CHA + Ead) (1) ReaxFF potentials are utilized to calculate the diffusion
Here, Ead‑Pd/CHA is the absolute energy of the optimized zeolite coefficients of NO and H2O in the nanoporous structure of
structure together with the adsorbate and Pd site, EPd/CHA is the CHA following Einstein’s relationship. The methodology
the absolute energy of the zeolite, and Ead is the absolute adopted for calculation of the diffusion coefficients is similar to
energy of the adsorbate in the vapor phase. All the structure the above-reported method for reactive MD simulations.
optimization calculations are carried out with neutral charge, However, in this case, the initial configuration contains 17
wherein the framework negative charges are compensated by randomly distributed gas molecules in the 2 × 2 × 2 zeolite
Pd speciation. framework which corresponds to a loading of 0.98 mol of gas
The reaction energy (ΔEsurface per kg of zeolite. In this case, the system is equilibrated using a
rxn ) on the surface is calculated
using the binding energies of the products (EFS) and the timestep of 0.1 fs for 2 ps at 313 K. Subsequently, a 0.25 ns
reactants (EIS) as long simulation with a timestep of 0.25 fs is performed at 313
K followed by 0.25 ns long simulations at 473 K.
ΔErxn = E FS − E IS (2)
The structures of the transition state (TS) on the minimum 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
energy path (MEP) for various reactions are located using the 3.1. Stability of Various Al Configurations in the CHA
nudged elastic band (NEB) method.21 A set of eight images Framework. The arrangement of Al atoms in the T site of the
are linearly interpolated to connect the reactant and product framework governs the location of the active sites for NO
states, similar to that performed in a recent study for TS interaction.2 There are multiple configurations possible based
calculations using the NEB method.22 These structures are on the position of the paired Al atoms inside the ring.
optimized with a force convergence criterion of 0.05 eV/Å Experimentally, it is observed that the majority (>50%) of Al
along the MEP. The reaction coordinate is further converged atoms are present in the 6MR of the CHA cage.26,27 Hence,
with an improvised version of the NEB method, in which the theoretical calculations are performed to determine the
highest energy structure on the MEP is dictated to climb up preferential location of paired Al atoms inside the 6MR.
and satisfy the energy maxima criteria (one imaginary Similar calculations are performed for 8MR as well. The
frequency), as implemented in the climbing image-NEB negative charge generated due to the presence of Al atoms is
algorithm.23 The activation energy (Ea) of the intrinsic compensated by the addition of protons or metal (Pd1+ or
reaction step is finally calculated as the difference between Pd2+) cations. The H+ ions are present on the framework
the energy of the TS and initial state (IS) structures. oxygen atom nearest to the aluminum atom, as shown in
To get insights into the interaction of NO and O2 with Figure 2. Al configuration in the zeolite framework is defined
HCHA, reactive MD simulations are performed in the NVT by the connectivity of the two Al atoms. The second nearest
ensemble using the ReaxFF potential in the LAMMPS neighbor is denoted as 2NN, the third nearest neighbor is
package.24 The equations of motion are integrated using the denoted as 3NN, and so on (Figure 2). For a specific Al
velocity-Verlet scheme. The cubic periodic boundary condition configuration in the CHA, multiple structures are possible.
is used to ensure the bulk limit. The short- and long-range However, we have focused only on the structures where both
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the paired Al atoms are present in the same ring. Since the For the Pd2+ ion, the 6MR-3NN configuration is calculated
1NN Al configuration is in violation of the Löwenstein’s rule, it to be the most stable in comparison to other configurations
is not considered for the calculations.28 The 8MR-4NN Al and thus has a relative energy of 0. This is consistent with the
configuration is found to be stable for various Cu and Fe reported results for speciation of various metal cations such as
species and hence is considered for the calculations.29,30 The Cu2+, Co2+, Fe2+, and Ca2+ in the 6MR of CHA.30,31,33 The
total energies of various configurations in 6MR as well as 8MR positive relative energy for Pd2+ in 6MR-2NN and 8MR-4NN
(2NN, 3NN, and 4NN) referenced to the lowest-energy configurations indicates that Pd2+ is less likely to be present in
structure (6MR-2NN) are computed and tabulated in Table these configurations as compared to 6MR-3NN. The
S1 (SI). The relative energy is found to follow the trend 6MR- optimized structure obtained (Figure 3a) is consistent with
2NN < 6MR-3NN < 8MR-2NN ∼ 8MR-3NN ∼ 8MR-4NN. those reported for the Pd2+ ion anchored on the framework
Schneider and co-workers performed similar calculations and oxygen atoms close to the T site of 6MR in the CHA.4,5 As
reported that, in general, the 4NN configuration is the least shown in Figure 3a, both the Al atoms in the 6MR-3NN Al
stable followed by 3NN and 2NN.31 The geometries for 6MR- configuration are directly opposite to each other (in a para
2NN and 6MR-3NN are shown in Figure 2. Since the energies position) with a distance of 5.2 Å. Pd2+ is calculated to be
of 8MR-2NN, 8MR-3NN, and 8MR-4NN are nearly the same, symmetrically anchored on the four framework oxygen atoms
the structure of only one of them (8MR-4NN) is shown in with a distance of approximately 2.1 Å.
Figure 2. While most of the studies on PNAs have corroborated the
Infrared (IR) studies conducted on Pd/CHA have reported presence of Pd2+ species in Pd/CHA, recent works by Bell and
the presence of Pd clusters and ions at temperatures as low as co-workers, Harold and co-workers, and Tronconi and co-
298 K.3 Atomically dispersed PdOx clusters are reported in workers, alluded toward the existence of Pd1+ cationic species,
extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and anchored on the zeolite framework.5,7,8 In fact, Bell and co-
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, mostly workers pointed toward the ambiguity in the assignment of
located on the external surface.2,3,5,32 The ionic species are oxidation states (Pd2+ or Pd1+) in EXAFS, X-ray absorption
present either as Pd1+ or Pd2+ cations or in ligands such as near-edge structure (XANES), and UV−vis experiments.5 The
[PdIIOH]+ or [PdII−O−PdII]2+.2−6 The location of these Pd authors highlighted the need for additional electron para-
sites is correlated with the arrangement of Al atoms. Bell and magnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy measurements to
co-workers performed a thermodynamic analysis on the establish the correct oxidation state for Pd cationic species,
stability of various Pd sites in 6MR and 8MR for different Al which will be helpful in clearly establishing the presence of
distributions.5 Based on their inferences, the type and location Pd1+, preferentially occupying the 6MR sites. These observa-
of Pd sites is chosen in this work for further DFT calculations. tions stand in contrast to the measurements of Mandal et al.,
The total energy of the CHA structure in the supercell is wherein the authors used EXAFS and diffused reflectance
calculated for each site, viz., Pd2+, Pd1+, [PdII−O−PdII]2+, and infrared transmission spectroscopy (DRIFTS) measurements
[Pd IIOH]+ in 8MR as well as in 6MR for different to conclude the presence of Pd2+ cationic species and ignored
arrangements of Al atoms. For 8MR, the 4NN configuration the presence of Pd1+ species as NO storage sites.4 Interestingly,
of Al is specifically chosen (Figure S1, SI), as suggested in the transient adsorption and desorption experiments by Tronconi
work of Verma et al.29 and co-workers established that Pd1+ is indeed the preferred
For each site, the configuration (site location and arrange- NO adsorption site in CHA.8 Following these results, DFT
ment of Al) with the lowest absolute energy is identified. calculations are performed in this study to calculate the
Further, the relative energy of each site for various energetics of Pd1+ species on different Al configurations at the
configurations is calculated with reference to the lowest-energy 6MR (2NN and 3NN) and 8MR (4NN) sites, as shown in
configuration for that particular site and is given in Table 1 for Table 1. As listed in Table 1, the trend in the energetics of Pd1+
anchoring on different Al sites is the same as that calculated for
Table 1. Relative Energies (in kJ/mol) for Different Pd Sites Pd2+, wherein the 6MR-3NN site is the most stable location for
Site 6MR-2NN 6MR-3NN 8MR-4NN
Pd1+. Figure 3b shows the Pd1+-6MR-3NN configuration,
wherein Pd1+ is observed equidistant (at 2.2 Å) from three
Pd 52 0 217
framework oxygen atoms.
Pd1+ 13 0 75
Based on CO-DRIFTS spectra, Zheng et al. suggested the
[Pd−O−Pd]2+ 107 12 0
presence of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ species in the CHA framework.2
[PdOH]+ 19 0 75
However, Khivantsev et al. did not observe Pd−O−Pd
coordination in their EXAFS studies.9 Interestingly, in a
various sites and configurations. Note that for a particular site, separate study on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) character-
a comparison of the relative energy for different configurations ization of Pd/CHA, Khivantsev et al. reported a peak at 2110
can be made to evaluate the stability of various configurations. cm−1, which can be assigned to both Pd2+ (2114 cm−1) and
However, any inference cannot be made by a direct [Pd−O−Pd]2+ (2116 cm−1), as indicated in their DFT
comparison of the relative energy of various sites, unless they calculations.6 Table 1 lists the relative energies for the [Pd−
are normalized to consider the number and type of atoms. The O−Pd]2+ species anchored at different locations (8MR-4NN,
geometry-optimized structures of each site in the 6MR-3NN 6MR-3NN, and 6MR-2NN) in Pd/CHA. The stability of
location are represented in Figure 3. The geometry-optimized [Pd−O−Pd]2+ species in 6MR-3NN and 8MR-4NN is nearly
structures of Pd sites in other Al configurations (8MR-4NN the same (with a slight energy difference of 12 kJ/mol), while
and 6MR-2NN) are represented in Figures S1 and S2, 6MR-2NN is highly unstable (107 kJ/mol). The slightly higher
respectively. For brevity, [PdIIOH]+ and [PdII−O−PdII]2+ are stability of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ in 8MR-4NN as compared to 6MR-
referred to in the following discussion as [PdOH]+ and [Pd− 3NN is possibly due to the bigger size of 8MR (8 Å) as
O−Pd]2+, respectively. compared to that of 6MR (3.9 Å) in Pd/CHA, which stabilizes
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Figure 3. Optimized structures of Pd sites in 6MR-3NN: (a) Pd2+, (b) Pd1+, (c) [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and (d) [PdOH]+. All bond distances are in Å.
Colors of atoms are represented as follows: green - palladium; yellow - silicon; red - oxygen; magenta - aluminum; white - hydrogen. For clarity, the
periodic structure of the zeolite is not shown.

Figure 4. NO adsorption on various Pd sites in 6MR-3NN: (a) Pd2+, (b) Pd1+, (c) [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and (d) [PdOH]+. All bond distances are in Å.
Colors of atoms are represented as follows: blue - nitrogen; green - palladium; yellow - silicon; red - oxygen; magenta - aluminum; white -
hydrogen. For clarity, the periodic structure of the zeolite is not shown.

the anchoring of the bigger Pd-oxo-ion. However, the energy Similarly, the Cu−Ox−Cu species in CHA are considered
difference of 12 kJ/mol is relatively less significant, and [Pd− stable (by 42 kJ/mol) in the 8MR site as compared to those in
O−Pd]2+ may exist in 6MR-3NN as well as in 8MR-4NN. the 6MR site.29 The structure of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ in 6MR-3NN
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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is included in Figure 3c for comparison with other Pd species kJ/mol, Table 2) is significantly weaker as compared to that on
in the same location, while the configuration of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ the same site in Pd/HBEA (Eb = −256 kJ/mol).14 The
in 8MR-4NN is included in the Supporting Information (SI), reduced binding strength can be ascribed to the geometric
Figure S1(c). As shown in Figure 3c, the Pd atoms are (confinement) effect of small pores of CHA as compared to
symmetrically located in 6MR-3NN with a Pd−Oz distance of those of HBEA. While several authors have reported the
2.2 Å. The bridging oxygen located between the two Pd atoms abundance of Pd2+ sites in Pd/CHA from experiments and
is at a Pd−O distance of 1.8 Å. Bell and co-workers and theoretical calculations, it has also been reported that the
Khivantsev et al. also performed similar calculations to reduced Pd1+ sites are more active for NO adsorption.8 Hence,
understand the speciation of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ in 6MR-3NN NO binding on Pd1+ is explored as the next step.
and reported Pd−O z distances of 2.14 and 2.19 Å, As shown in Figure 4b, NO binds to the Pd1+-6MR-3NN
respectively.5,6 site via the N atom at a distance of 1.8 Å with an adsorption
The hydroxylation of the [Pd−O−Pd]2+ site is suggested to energy of −272 kJ/mol (Table 2). NO adsorption energies on
produce [PdOH]+ in Pd/CHA, which is also identified in the Pd1+ for all other Al configurations are reported in Table 2.
CO-DRIFTS spectra.2 The transition state calculation for this Among the different Al configurations considered for NO
conversion indicates an intrinsic barrier of 32 kJ/mol, as interaction with Pd1+, NO binds strongly when Pd1+ is present
discussed later in Section 3.3. This transformation of [Pd−O− in the 8MR-4NN configuration, with a binding energy of −307
Pd]2+ sites to [PdOH]+ is similar to the one reported for Pd/ kJ/mol (Table 2). However, the Pd1+-8MR-4NN itself is
BEA (Ea = 39 kJ/mol).14 The presence of the [PdOH]+ site is unstable (Table 1), leading to the detachment of the Pd atom
fortified in the experiments by Tronconi and co-workers, who from the framework and resulting in the formation of a mobile
proposed the conversion of [PdOH]+ to Pd1+ upon exposure Pd−nitrosyl complex, as represented in Figure S3(b). In
to CO.8 Table 1 lists the energetics of [PdOH]+ at 6MR-3NN, comparison, the binding of NO on Pd1+-6MR-3NN is slightly
6MR-2NN, and 8MR-4NN locations, and it is observed that weaker (Eb = −272 kJ/mol, Table 2) than that on Pd1+-8MR-
the 6MR-3NN configuration is the most stable. Figure 3d 4NN but is significantly stronger than that on Pd2+-6MR-3NN
represents the [PdOH]+ site in the 6MR-3NN configuration (−116 kJ/mol, Table 2). Since the availability of Pd1+ sites is
with Pd symmetrically anchored to two framework oxygen evidenced in several experiments, we consider it as the main
atoms with a bond distance of 2.1 Å. To summarize, the 6MR- site for NO adsorption in Pd/CHA for application in
3NN configuration is the most stable for the various Pd sites, PNAs.2,3,8 However, NO adsorption can also take place on
except for [Pd−O−Pd]2+ for which 8MR-4NN is slightly more the Pd2+ sites as well but with a relatively lower contribution
stable than 6MR-3NN. All the aforementioned sites listed in because of weaker binding. The strong binding on Pd1+ is likely
Table 1 are further studied for NO interaction. to enable NO adsorption at low temperatures (<200 °C) for its
3.2. NO Adsorption on Pd Sites. The binding strength of potential application in PNAs. Interestingly, NO binding on
NO on various Pd sites in the CHA zeolite is calculated using cationic Pd1+ sites in Pd/HBEA calculated by Wang and co-
eq 1 for different Al configurations. The geometries for workers using the same GGA-PBE functional is of the same
adsorbed NO on various Pd sites at the 6MR-3NN location are order (250−255 kJ/mol).14
shown in Figure 4, since the 6MR-3NN configuration is found The NO adsorption energy is also calculated on [Pd−O−
to be the most stable for nearly all of the Pd sites (Table 1). Pd]2+ and [PdOH]+ sites. NO binds to one of the Pd atoms
Even though [Pd−O−Pd]2+-6MR-3NN is found to be slightly bent inward in [Pd−O−Pd]2+, with the N atom at a distance of
less stable (by 12 kJ/mol) than [Pd−O−Pd]2+-8MR-4NN, 1.8 Å, as represented in Figure 4c. NO binds slightly stronger
Figure 4c shows the NO binding on 6MR-3NN for a better on [Pd−O−Pd]2+-8MR-4NN (−130 kJ/mol) in comparison
comparison. The NO binding geometries for various Pd sites to that on [Pd−O−Pd]2+-6MR-3NN (−117 kJ/mol), which is
in 8MR-4NN and 6MR-2NN configurations are respectively attributed to the anchoring of NO to both Pd atoms in [Pd−
included in Figures S3 and S4 (SI). O−Pd]2+-8MR-4NN. Figure S3(c) shows the NO adsorption
The NO adsorption energies on different Pd sites for various on [Pd−O−Pd]2+-8MR-4NN, wherein NO is equidistant from
locations and Al arrangements are given in Table 2. In contrast both the Pd atoms. NO in 6MR-3NN binds to [PdOH]+
through the N atom with a Pd−N bond distance of 1.9 Å, as
Table 2. Binding Energy of NO (in kJ/mol) on Various Pd shown in Figure 4d. The adsorption energy of NO on
Sites and Al Configurations [PdOH]+ (−153 kJ/mol, Table 2) is consistent with earlier
Site 6MR-2NN 6MR-3NN 8MR-4NN
reports (Eb = −177 kJ/mol).6 The binding strength of NO on
both [Pd−O−Pd]2+ and [PdOH]+ sites is found to be
−102 −116 −121
significantly weaker as compared to that on Pd1+. In fact, as
Pd1+ −249 −272 −307
compared to NO binding on the same Pd sites in Pd/HBEA
[Pd−O−Pd]2+ −105 −117 −130
(Eb = −164 kJ/mol on [PdOH]+, −172 kJ/mol on [Pd−O−
[PdOH]+ −139 −153 −148
Pd]2+), the NO binding on these sites in Pd/CHA is observed
to be considerably weaker.14 We hypothesize that these sites
to Table 1, all the values reported in Table 2 can be compared are more suited for NO desorption (within the target range of
against each other. It is generally observed from Table 2 that temperature), which is a desired function of PNAs. The link
both the location of the active sites (6MR or 8MR) and the Al between the separate adsorption and desorption sites in Pd/
configuration (2NN, 3NN, 4NN) impact the binding strength. CHA is provided by their rapid redox transformation, which
On the Pd2+-6MR-3NN site, NO is linearly adsorbed with the was evidenced in adsorption−desorption experiments.8
nitrogen atom attached to the Pd atom at a bond distance of 3.3. Interconversion of Pd Sites and NO Oxidation.
1.9 Å (Figure 4a). This binding geometry is similar to the one Tronconi and co-workers in transient state NOx adsorption/
reported for Pd2+ in theoretical studies.4,14 Interestingly, the desorption experiments suggested that the adsorption of NO
binding for NO adsorption on the Pd2+ sites in CHA (−116 on Pd sites ([PdOH]+ and [Pd−O−Pd]2+) leads to the
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Figure 5. Optimized structures of the reactant, product, intermediate, and transition state for NO oxidation on [PdOH]+-6MR-3NN to produce
Pd1+ sites via reaction mechanism R1. For clarity, the periodic structure of the zeolite is not shown.

Figure 6. Optimized structures of the reactant, product, and transition state for NO oxidation on [Pd−O−Pd]2+-6MR-3NN site to produce Pd1+
site via reaction R2.

reduction of Pd2+ to Pd1+ accompanied by NO2 formation.8 [PdOH]+ and [Pd−O−Pd]2+ sites takes place by reactions R1
Zheng et al. observed NO2 release at low temperatures (100 (a,b) and R2, respectively.2,14 It is also observed that the
°C), which was attributed to the reduction of [PdOH]+ and reduction of Pd2+ to Pd1+ is a one-electron transfer process,
[Pd−O−Pd]2+ by NO to Pd1+.2 This indicates the presence of while the formation of one molecule of NO2 involves two
a redox cycle, wherein NO oxidizes to NO2 and PdII species electrons. Hence, two [PdOH]+ sites are required for the
are reduced to Pd1+. Also, IR studies by Harold and co-workers conversion of NO to NO2. Further, transition state calculations
have suggested that Pd2+ undergoes reduction to form Pd1+ are performed, and the activation energy barrier is obtained on
with the evolution of NO2.7 More specifically, IR spectroscopic the two sites. Moreover, as discussed later, calculations are also
studies conducted for NO adsorption in the absence of O2 performed for the hydroxylation of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ as well as
Pd2+ to form [PdOH]+, which is involved in the formation of
suggested a transfer of an electron from NO to cationic Pd
NO2 from NO.
species, which led to the reduction of ionic Pd species and
simultaneous formation of NO2.3 From these observations, it Z−[PdOH]+ [PdOH]+ Z− + NO
can be hypothesized that there are some sites present in the
zeolite with oxygen coordinated to the Pd atom that can → Z−[Pd−ONOH]+ [PdOH]+ Z− (R1a)
facilitate this NO2 formation. Theoretical calculations are
therefore performed on [PdOH]+ and [Pd−O−Pd]2+ sites to Z−[Pd−ONOH]+ [PdOH]+ Z−
calculate the energetics of their transformation into Pd1+ along
with NO oxidation.2,14 It is proposed that NO2 formation on → Z−[Pd1 +−Pd1 +]Z− + NO2 + H 2O (R1b)

Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Z−[Pd−O−Pd]2 + Z− + NO → Z−[Pd1 +−Pd1 +]Z− + NO2 Z−[Pd−O−Pd]2 + Z− + H 2O

→ Z−[PdOH]+ − [PdOH]+ Z− (R3)
The structures of transition states and optimized structures of
the reactant and product for NO oxidation on [PdOH]+ are Z−[Pd]2 + Z− + H 2O → Z−[PdOH]+ H+Z− (R4)
represented in Figure 5. NO anchored on one of the Pd atoms +
(Figure 5A) readily interacts with the OH ligand attached to [PdOH] sites are also readily produced in Pd/CHA from the
the other Pd atom to form Pd−ONOH (Figure 5B) with a PdO sites. Experimental studies report that the PdO monomer
negligible activation barrier of 9 kJ/mol. The ONOH species is is the most abundant site in the CHA framework at low Pd
symmetrically bound to both the Pd atoms with a bond loadings.1−3 Bell and co-workers suggested a mechanism for
PdO conversion to [PdOH]+ on interaction with the BAS
distance of 2.1 Å, as shown in the TS geometry of Figure 5.
(Brønsted acid sites) of the zeolite and is given by reaction
The Pd-ONOH species transfers its proton to the OH ligand
R5.5 The protonolysis of the PdO site to form [PdOH]+ has an
of the other Pd atom anchored on the zeolite framework,
activation barrier of 23 kJ/mol and a reaction energy of -242
resulting in the formation of Pd1+−NO2 and Pd1+−H2O kJ/mol. This suggests facile protonolysis of the PdO sites to
(Figure 5C). NO2 and H2O can desorb from the Pd1+ sites, form [PdOH]+. Figure S7 represents the optimized reactant,
and the desorption energy is calculated to be 181 kJ/mol and product, and transition state structures for protonolysis of the
58 kJ/mol, respectively. The high NO2 desorption energy is PdO site.
consistent with the experimental observation of NO2 at high
temperatures.2,3 The intrinsic reaction step resulting in the PdIIO + H+Z− → [PdOH]+ Z− (R5)
transformation of [PdOH]+ to Pd1+ requires an activation
energy of 29 kJ/mol and has a reaction energy of −64 kJ/mol. Besides the various mechanisms for NO2 formation involving
Thus, with such a low activation barrier, [PdOH]+ sites are the reduction of Pd sites discussed earlier in this section, NO2
formation is also observed in the absence of Pd sites. This NO
likely to reduce in the presence of NO to produce more Pd1+
oxidation is catalyzed by the zeolite cages as observed by
sites accompanied by NO2 formation at higher temperatures. A
Iglesia and co-workers.10 In a separate set of calculations, MD
similar activation barrier (Ea = 8 and 42 kJ/mol) for this two- simulations are performed with NO+O2 mixtures in two
step reduction of [PdOH]+ sites to Pd1+ is reported for Pd/ different setups at 313 and 473 K, representing the range of
HBEA as well.14 operating temperature of PNAs. In the first setup, simulations
For conversion of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ to Pd1+, the optimized are performed in the absence of any zeolite environment, and
structures of the reactant, product, and transition state are in the second setup, the zeolite cage is included in the
shown in Figure 6. NO is anchored on one of the Pd atoms of simulations to understand the confinement effect. Calculations
the dimer site at a bond distance of 1.9 Å. It interacts further done in the absence of the zeolite using the parameters from
with the oxygen atom of the dimer site, which is at a distance Bai et al.24 showed that NO exhibited a higher affinity for
of 1.5 Å from the N atom to form NO2. The dimeric [Pd−O− dimerization or trimerization but exhibited a low affinity for
Pd]2+ site reduces to Pd1+−Pd1+ on NO2 formation. This combination with O2 molecules. Further, using the parameters
intrinsic reaction step leading to the transformation of [Pd− from Goddard and co-workers,25 NO exhibited a relatively
O−Pd]2+ to Pd1+ (and oxidation of NO) is endothermic with a higher affinity for O2 molecules. This resulted in the formation
reaction energy of 32 kJ/mol and an activation energy of 74 of species like NO−OO−NO, which is also one of the key
kJ/mol (Figure 6). Further, the NO2 desorption energy is intermediates in the formation of NO2. However, in both
found to be 123 kJ/mol from the reduced Pd1+−Pd1+ site, due cases, the formation of NO2 is not observed during the
to which NO2 is observed at high temperatures.2,3 The reaction simulation time at both the temperatures, viz., 313 and 473 K.
energetics of the transformation of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ to Pd1+-Pd1+ Similar to the simulations performed without the zeolite
is comparable to the one calculated for [Pd−O−Pd]2+ framework, the NO molecule is found to form dimeric and
reduction to cationic Pd sites (Pd1+) in Pd/HBEA in the trimeric units in the zeolite framework. However, in the zeolite
presence of NO (Ea = 74 kJ/mol, ΔHrxn = +37 kJ/mol).14 As framework, the NO molecules abstracted the protons from the
compared to the conversion of [PdOH]+ to Pd1+, this BAS on oxygen atoms close to the aluminum sites to form
transformation of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ to Pd1+ may not be that NOH species at 313 K (Figure S8(b)). The resulting NOH
facile. Nevertheless, this may be considered as one feasible species then lead to the formation of a water molecule with the
subsequent chemisorption of N on an undercoordinated
route for the generation of Pd1+ sites in Pd/CHA.
oxygen atom on the aluminum site (Figure S8(c)). The
Interestingly, [Pd−O−Pd]2+ could also be transformed to
temperature is then increased to 473 K, and the simulation is
[PdOH]+ via hydroxylation, as per reaction R3. The optimized performed for 2.5 ns. At 473 K, the hydroxyl group from water
structures of the reactant, product, and transition state for the combined with another NO molecule present in the framework
hydroxylation of [Pd−O−Pd]2+ are shown in Figure S5. The to form HONO, which then lead to the formation of NO2.
activation barrier for this transformation is calculated to be 32 3.4. The Cycle of NO Adsorption and Desorption. It is
kJ/mol and the reaction energy is -51 kJ/mol, suggesting a observed from Table 2 that the binding of NO on Pd1+ is
facile transformation. In addition to [Pd−O−Pd]2+, Pd2+ can considerably stronger as compared to the sites with the +2
also undergo hydroxylation to form [PdOH]+ (Figure S6) and oxidation state of Pd. Even though a Pd1+ site would result in
is represented by reaction R4. [PdOH]+ thus formed strong binding of NO, it may not be the desired site for NOx
transforms to Pd1+ via reactions R1a and R1b with desorption during the post-cold-start period. Hence, a change
simultaneous NO oxidation. This transformation is endother- of the oxidation state of Pd from +1 to +2 in the desired
mic with a reaction energy of +75 kJ/mol and an activation temperature range could be beneficial for releasing the stored
barrier of 40 kJ/mol. NOx because of the relatively weaker binding on these sites.
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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Figure 7. The operating cycle of NO adsorption and desorption on Pd sites in Pd/CHA enabling the functioning of PNAs.

Through various microreactor and adsorption−desorption CHA, there are at least two more distinct routes for the
experiments, Tronconi and co-workers concluded that Pd1+ generation of Pd1+ sites in the presence of NO or CO, which
species are reoxidized to PdII species in an oxidizing are from the reduction of [PdOH]+ and/or [Pd−O−Pd]2+, as
atmosphere.8 They hypothesized that the NOx binding discussed earlier in Section 3.3.2,8,14 In the redox environment,
becomes weaker with an increase in the oxidizing nature of Pd1+ species are oxidized to PdII species ([PdOH]+, [Pd−O−
the species. Moreover, Khivantsev et al. proposed that Pd1+ Pd]2+, and Pd2+), where NO binding is relatively weaker as
sites are transformed to Pd2+ sites in the presence of O2.3 compared to Pd1+ (Edes < 155 kJ/mol, Figure 7). Hence, these
Herein, we propose that O2 would dissociate on a vacant Pd1+ sites may function as the desorption sites for NO. The redox
site and would interact with the BAS in the vicinity of Pd1+− transformation of Pd1+ to PdII sites followed by NO desorption
NO. The migrating protons react with the OH− ion to form regenerates the sites thus completing the cycle. As discussed in
H2O, while simultaneously resulting in the transformation of Section 3.3, adsorbed NO could also be oxidized on various Pd
Pd1+ sites to Pd2+ sites, and is represented by reaction R6. sites and is released in the form of NO2 at higher temperatures.
Thus, even if NO is adsorbed on the Pd1+ site, the presence of As shown in Figure 7, NO adsorption could also take place on
favorable conditions (high temperature and oxidant concen- the PdII sites, however, with a weaker binding as compared to
tration) can convert the Pd1+ site to a Pd2+ site. Since the NO Pd1+.
binding on the newly formed Pd2+ site is relatively weaker The redox transformation of Pd species, highlighting the
(Table 2), it can desorb from the Pd2+ site at a relatively lower central role of Pd1+ in NO adsorption, is demonstrated in the
temperature as compared to the case where NO desorption experiments of Tronconi and co-workers.8 Interestingly here,
needs to occur from the Pd1+ sites. Thus, the reoxidation of Pd in contrast to Pd-HBEA, NO adsorption is considered to occur
sites is likely to facilitate the release of stored NOx in an predominantly on the Pd1+ sites, while NO binding on other
optimum temperature range. PdII sites ([PdOH]+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and Pd2+) is significantly
weaker.14 On the contrary, the PdII sites provide the desired
2Z−[Pd1 +−NO]H+Z− + 2Z−[Pd1 +]H+Z− + O2 desorption platform for NO. This observation stands in
→ 2Z−[Pd2 +−NO]Z− + 2Z−[Pd2 +]Z− + 2H 2O (R6)
contrast to the assertion of Mandal et al., wherein Pd2+ sites are
considered central to both NO adsorption and desorption.4
It is further hypothesized that the oxidation of Pd1+ to [Pd− Since Pd speciation in CHA leads to the formation of a diverse
O−Pd]2+ could also take place in the presence of oxygen with array of sites ([PdOH]+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, Pd1+, and Pd2+),
simultaneous oxidation of NO to produce NO2, as represented ambiguity in the correct assignment and identification of NO
in Figure S9 (SI). However, since the amount of NO2 adsorption and desorption is likely to prevail in both
produced is relatively lower,8 this transformation may not be experiments and theory. Nevertheless, DFT calculations
the dominant route. presented here affirm some of the thoughtful theoretical and
Overall, from the aforementioned calculations, a unique experimental studies conducted by Bell and co-workers and
adsorption−desorption cycle of NO appears to be functioning Tronconi and co-workers, which are consistent with the cycle
in Pd/CHA. This cycle is constructed in Figure 7. NO is depicted in Figure 7.5,8
strongly adsorbed on Pd1+ sites at the 6MR-3NN location of Final calculations in this series are performed to understand
the zeolite (Eb= −272 kJ/mol). The NO binding energy on the effect of water coadsorption on NO binding during the
Pd1+ sites is equivalent to its binding at similar Pd sites in Pd/ adsorption−desorption cycle. From the mean square displace-
HBEA. While Pd1+ sites are available in the as-synthesized Pd/ ment versus time plots, MD simulations estimated a higher
Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809
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diffusivity of water (DH2O = 2.6 × 10−10 m2/s, Figure S10 (SI)) structures of Pd sites (Pd2+, Pd1+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and
in CHA as compared to that of NO (DNO = 4.9 × 10−11 m2/s, [PdOH] + ) in 8MR-4NN and 6MR-2NN CHA;
Figure S10). The concentration of water (5−15%) is optimized structures of NO adsorbed on various Pd
considerably high in the diesel exhaust as compared to that sites (Pd2+, Pd1+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and [PdOH]+) in
of NO (∼102 ppm) and has been reported to have an adverse 8MR-4NN and 6MR-2NN CHA; optimized structures
effect on NOx adsorption in PNAs.1−3 To elucidate the effect of the reactant, product, and transition state for
of water, NO binding calculations are performed in the hydroxylation on [Pd−O−Pd]2+-6MR-3NN and Pd2+-
presence of a co-adsorbed water molecule on Pd2+, Pd1+, [Pd− 6MR-3NN; optimized structures of reactant, product,
O−Pd]2+, and [PdOH]+ sites in the 6MR-3NN configuration. and transition state for protonolysis of [PdIIO]-6MR-
Figure S11 (SI) represents the adsorption of NO on Pd2+, 3NN; structures obtained using ReaxFF simulations
Pd1+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and [PdOH]+ sites with preadsorbed during interaction of NO and O2 in CHA; optimized
H2O. The corresponding binding energies with and without structures of the reactant, product, and transition state
preadsorbed H2O are given in Table S2 (SI). Water has a for reoxidation of [Pd1+−Pd1+]-NO-6MR-3NN; mean
negligible effect on NO desorption energetics over the Pd2+, square displacement plot of NO and H2O inside CHA;
Pd1+, and [Pd−O−Pd]2+ sites. Spectroscopic and experimental optimized structures for NO adsorption on water-
studies have also indicated that the NO binding capability on occupied Pd sites (Pd2+, Pd1+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+, and
some Pd sites remains nearly unaffected in the presence of [PdOH]+) in 6MR-3NN CHA; and binding energy of
water.1,4 Moreover, Tronconi and co-workers specifically NO adsorption on Pd sites (Pd2+, Pd1+, [Pd−O−Pd]2+,
pointed toward the adverse effect of water on the redox and [PdOH]+) with and without preadsorbed water
conversion of Pd species (rather than on NO adsorption and (PDF)

desorption processes).8 It is also observed from Table S2 that
NO binding on the [PdOH]+ site becomes significantly weaker AUTHOR INFORMATION
in the presence of H2O. This could explain the measured
negative impact of water on the activity of PNAs.1−3 Corresponding Authors
Nevertheless, as depicted in Figure 7, the adsorption of NO Tuhin S. Khan − Light Stock Processing Division, CSIR
on Pd1+ sites and its desorption from PdII species is likely to Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun 248005, India;
stay operational in PNAs, even in the presence of water. Email:
M. Ali Haider − Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian
4. CONCLUSIONS Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India;; Email: haider@
Pd speciation in CHA and its redox transformation in the
presence of oxidizing (O2) and reducing (CO/NO) agents
Divesh Bhatia − Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian
provide a Sabatier-type optimum adsorption−desorption cycle
Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India;
for the binding and release of NO. In this cycle, the central role; Email: dbhatia@
of Pd1+ species is to facilitate strong NO binding, with a
relatively lower contribution of PdII sites in NOx adsorption.
While Pd1+ species are available in the as-synthesized Pd/CHA Authors
and are also obtained on the reduction of [PdOH]+ by NO (or Marvi Kaushik − Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian
CO), this study shows another route for Pd1+ generation by Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
NO oxidation on [Pd−O−Pd]2+ sites. Under an oxidizing Gourav Shrivastav − Department of Chemical and Biological
environment, Pd1+ species are expected to transform into Pd2+, Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[PdOH]+, and [Pd−O−Pd]2+, where NO desorption is 19104, United States
facilitated with significantly reduced energetics, thus complet-
ing the NOx adsorption−desorption cycle. The interconversion Complete contact information is available at:
of various Pd species such as the hydroxylation of Pd2+ and
[Pd−O−Pd]2+ to [PdOH]+ and the protonolysis of PdO to
Pd2+ can take place as well. While water is calculated to Funding
introduce negligible changes in NO binding on a majority of This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
the Pd sites (Pd1+, Pd2+, and [Pd−O−Pd]2+), it has a slightly agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
greater impact on NO desorption from [PdOH]+. Overall, Notes
water is expected to inhibit the redox conversion of Pd species, The authors declare no competing financial interest.

as suggested in previous reports.8 In summary, the availability
of Pd1+ as an excellent binding site for NO and its ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
transformation into optimum NO desorption sites with
The authors thank the IIT Delhi high performance computing
reduced binding strength elucidate the growing relevance of
(HPC) facility for providing computational resources. Authors
Pd/CHA as the state-of-the-art material for PNAs.

would like to acknowledge and appreciate the design for cover
illustration by Mohammad Asjad Maswood. T.S.K. would like
to acknowledge the Director, CSIR-IIP, for his continuous help
sı Supporting Information
and encouragement.

The Supporting Information is available free of charge at REFERENCES
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Langmuir 2021, 37, 13799−13809

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