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domain 1

content Knowledge and Pedagogy

2 DOMAIN 1: 1.1.1
Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across
curriculum teaching areas.

Utilizing topics that has been discussed in Utilizing criteria from Filipino subject to
other subjects such as AP, science, and evaluate student’s performances.
2 DOMAIN 1: 1.2.1
Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of
teaching and learning.

Attending meetings about Creating CBAR

proper making of CBAR.
3 DOMAIN 1: 1.3.1
Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning

Utilizing AI-generated Using gamified Using gamified

video. activities for review. activities.
2 DOMAIN 1: 1.4.1
Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and
numeracy skills.

Using statistical data to Small group discussions.

support discussion.
3 DOMAIN 1: 1.5.1
Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking, and/or
other higher-order thinking skills.

Live selling of different local Facilitating debate to Letting the students reflect
products depending on students’ from a short film related to
strategies. learn diverse ideas. the topic. (Heneral Rizal)
3 DOMAIN 1: 1.6.1
Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning.

Using Filipino in Lesson Plan making Presentations using

teaching and learning using Filipino. Filipino.
3 DOMAIN 1: 1.7.1
Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal
classroom strategies that support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement.

Utilizing IMs that will encourage all students to participate.

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