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1, FEBRUARY 2019

Multisource Energy Harvesting System for a

Wireless Sensor Network Node in the
Field Environment
Fang Deng , Senior Member, IEEE, Xianghu Yue, Xinyu Fan, Shengpan Guan, Yue Xu,
and Jie Chen , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents the design, implementation, be observed, and information related to the surroundings is
and characterization of a hardware platform applicable to a gathered [2], [3]. These applications have the purpose of moni-
self-powered wireless sensor network (WSN) node. Its primary toring and collecting data about a given phenomenon or event
design objective is to devise a hybrid energy harvesting system
to extend the operational lifetime of WSN node after they from the environment. The lifespan and performance of the
are deployed in the field environment. Besides the implemen- wireless sensor node and communication circuits play a key
tation of optimal components (microcontroller, sensor, radio role in these applications of WSNs [4]. However, these factors
frequency (RF) transceiver, and others) to achieve the lowest are largely limited by the batteries, which have finite energy
power consumption, it is also necessary to consider the sources of capacity to supply power to the WSN nodes for a long period
energy instead of the frequent recharging or replacement of bat-
teries. Therefore, the platform incorporates a multisource energy of time [5]. In particular, WSN nodes are commonly deployed
harvesting module to collect energy from the surrounding envi- in human-hostile and harsh environments and are supposed
ronment, including wind, solar radiation, and thermal energy. to work as long as possible, about several months, or even
The platform also includes an energy storage module through a longer. The disadvantage of traditional batteries, however, is
super-capacitor, RF transceiver module, and the primary micro- that they must be frequently recharged or replaced, which is a
controller module. Experimental results showed that the WSN
node system with appropriate integration will reserve sufficient heavy burden in WSN applications [6]. Furthermore, portable
energy and meet the long-term power supply requirements of energy sources like batteries will experience current leakages
the WSN node without batteries in the field environment. The that drain energy even when they are not being used. Besides,
experimental results and empirical measurements taken over nine due to long-term wear and tear, any flaws in the packaging
days demonstrated that the average daily generating capacity was will result in environmental pollution [7]. In view of these
7805.09 J, which is far more than the energy consumption of the
WSN node (about 2972.88 J). limitations, an auxiliary or even a completely distinct power
source should be equipped to the nodes in order to achieve
Index Terms—Hybrid energy harvesting, self-powered, solar continuous monitoring and control. Hence, energy harvesting
and thermal energy, wind, wireless sensor network (WSN).
methods [8]–[16] from the surrounding environment come into
prominence to alleviate the problems of energy-constrained
WSN by exploiting a stray source or converting energy from
I. I NTRODUCTION one form to another [17], [18].
IRELESS sensor networks (WSNs) are utilized in a There are many kinds of energy forms in the field environ-
W wide range of applications, including military applica-
tions, healthcare applications, and the monitoring of oceans
ments, in which the WSN nodes are deployed, such as solar
energy, wind energy, electromagnetic energy, wind energy, and
and environments [1]. Using WSN, the physical world can vibration energy. These different forms energy can be har-
vested to power WSN nodes to remove the dependence on
Manuscript received April 16, 2018; revised July 20, 2018; accepted batteries. Kim et al. [19] used thermoelectric generator tech-
August 7, 2018. Date of publication August 14, 2018; date of current nology to convert a temperature difference into electric power
version February 25, 2019. This work was supported in part by the and designed the maximum power point tracking scheme
Beijing NOVA Program under Grant xx2016B027, in part by the Projects
of Major International (Regional) Joint Research Program NSFC under for a thermoelectric battery energy storage system, and [20]
Grant 61720106011, in part by the NSFC under Grant 61621063, and in part proposed energy supply depends on an innovative thermoelec-
by the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems tric energy harvester, which takes advantage of the changes in
(Beijing Institute of Technology). (Corresponding author: Fang Deng.)
F. Deng and X. Yue are with the School of Mathematics and Statistics and environmental temperature during takeoff and landing. In [21],
the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Decision of Complex Systems, an energy harvesting scheme using wind energy to power
School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China a remote area wind sensor was proposed. The wind sensor
X. Fan, S. Guan, Y. Xu, and J. Chen are with the Key Laboratory was able to harvest wind energy from the ambient envi-
of Intelligent Control and Decision of Complex Systems, School of ronment to power its associated electronic circuitry, so that
Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China (e-mail: the self-powered wind sensor would be fully autonomous.;;; Jiang et al. [22] and Raghunathan et al. [23] were proba-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2865431 bly the first to supply WSN nodes with a small PV module.
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Dondi et al. [24] modeled and optimized a solar energy har-

vester system for self-powered WSNs. As an alternative to
conventional energy harvesting techniques, there is another
technology called wireless power transfer, holding that wire-
less receivers can also harvest energy from radio frequency
signals [25]–[27]. However, in this paper, we only limits to
the natural resource energy harvesting techniques.
In some specific situations, WSN nodes could operate
continuously while harvesting energy from a single source;
however, availability of natural sources affects the durability
of their operation dramatically, thus it may not be effective in
terms of cost, reliability, and efficiency. To exemplify, solar
energy is extremely sensitive to the environment, i.e., it is
only exploitable during daytime and susceptible to weather Fig. 1. Block architecture of the self-powered WSN node system.
conditions [2]. As available techniques of energy harvesting
depend strongly on environmental conditions, hybrid energy
harvesting system that could harvest more than one energy The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
source becomes even more important for sustaining and sta- illustrates the design of the hybrid energy harvesting system
ble power supply. Due to this reason, hybrid solutions possess in detail. Section III describes the energy storage and man-
a great potential to extend the lifetime of wireless devices by agement circuit. Following that, the experiments on the
operating in a complementary manner [1]. whole WSN node system are described in Section IV.
In this paper, a platform of energy harvesting from three Lastly, this paper ends with the conclusion and discussion in
readily available energy sources, i.e., solar, wind, and thermal Section V.
energy, was designed to overcome the shortcomings of single
source energy harvesting for the sake of extending the lifes-
pan of the WSN nodes and to make full use of the energy II. I NTEGRATED D ESIGN AND D ESCRIPTION OF THE
from its surrounding environment. Multisource energy har- S ELF -P OWERED WSN N ODE S YSTEM
vesters are proposed in [28] to power the future Internet of The self-powered WSN node incorporates the sensor and an
Nano Things, since the network elements can maintain their energy self-powered system, which implements the acquisition
operation regardless of the fact that one of its energy sources and conversion of the energy in the environment, and thus
might be temporarily unavailable. Tan and Panda [4] proposed provides a stable and continuous power supply for the sensor.
a hybrid energy harvesting system of indoor ambient light To achieve such a system, besides needing a device to collect
and thermal energy to enhance the performance of indoor the ubiquitous energy around it, a power storage module is
wireless sensor nodes. Magno et al. [29] designed a proto- also required. This module stores the surplus electricity and
type hardware platform that harvested both solar and wind the corresponding control circuit for energy management and
energy; it achieved energy autonomy for continuous long- control, and thus the system can provide stable power for the
term monitoring. However, these energy harvesting system sensor and realize the most efficient utilization of energy. The
could not be easily and stably deployed in the field environ- application environment of a distributed intelligent WSN is
ment for WSN nodes, which needs better structural design, generally terrestrial, where the widely existing energies are
low cost, and more power. Other hybrid energy harvesting solar, thermal, and wind. Therefore, it is the best choice to
systems discussed in [30]–[32] could not harvest energy from collect all three kinds of energy for our self-powered WSN
both energy sources simultaneously based on their power node system. Fig. 1 shows the block architecture of the self-
management circuits. Thus, in this paper, a super-capacitor powered WSN node system.
was used, so that the system could harvest three kinds of The energy collection and conversion subsystem is the core
energy sources simultaneously and accumulate electric power. part of the energy supply, and is the “energy source” of the
Additionally, in order to reduce the power consumption of entire node system. It collects solar, thermal, and wind energy
the management circuit, the circuit was designed to be sim- from the environment, and converts it into electric energy for
ple but still meet the requirements of the system. Besides, the sensor node. The design of this system should consider the
to the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to application requirements of the node system, combine with the
harvest three energy for WSN nodes, including solar, wind, wireless node system reasonably, and meet the requirements
and thermal energy. Different energy harvester modules are of miniaturization, portability, and stability. It should also con-
combined through a specific structure, making full use of sider the complementary strengths of the three types of energy
the limited space while promoting each other between these in a reasonable way so as to increase energy utilization as
modules so that the overall power generation of the system much as possible.
are increased. A variety of power generation methods reduce The energy storage subsystem can store surplus energy
the impact of the weather factors on the normal operation of when the energy supply is sufficient. However, because the
WSN and improve the adaptability of the device to different three kinds of energy supply methods have a certain unpre-
environments. dictability, they cannot provide adequate power supply to the



The energy self-powered system comprises of energy collec-
tion and conversion subsystem and energy storage subsystem.
The former subsystem include wind, solar and heat energy
harvester, it is also the core part of our whole system. As
the main contribution of this paper pertains to the multisource
Fig. 2. Design chart of monolithic construction. energy harvester subsystem, this is the focal point of explana-
tion. The following section presents a detailed explanation of
the design methodology, component selection, and implemen-
load at any time, sometimes there is weak power genera- tation. The super-capacitor is used in energy storage subsystem
tion, even intermittent situation. Thus, it is necessary for the to store and supply power for the wireless sensor node. The
wireless sensor node to have an energy storage subsystem whole description of the self-powered WSN node system is
with an energy buffer. First, the intermittent and tiny energy presented in Table I.
can be stored by the energy storage device, and then the
accumulated energy will be used for the load. We should
also consider the miniaturization and low power consumption A. Wind Harvester Subsystem
requirements of the wireless sensor node; this energy storage This subsystem collects wind energy through a vertical axis
module needs to be able to store energy easily without the turbine, but its efficiency is relatively low under weak wind
complex conversion circuitry losing more energy during the conditions. Therefore, if a wind collection method can be
conversion process. Through the cooperation of the energy used to accelerate the wind passing through the wind wheel
collection and conversion subsystem and the energy storage when the wind is weak, the power generation capacity can
subsystem, we can realize a continuous power supply for be increased to a certain extent. Moreover, the wind can be
the node. used for the heat dissipation of the thermoelectric generator;
After collection and conversion, solar and thermal energy the heat can be taken more quickly when the accelerated wind
will be transformed into a unfixed direct current; the elec- passes through the surface of the radiator.
tric energy converted by the wind would have the largest 1) Duct Design: The wind collecting device as the main
instability, perhaps even an alternating current. Since the structure was designed to be spherical, and its intermediate part
wireless sensor node needs a low voltage direct current of was designed to have multiple funnel shapes to collect wind
about 3.3 V, the control circuit is required to transform and from all directions, as shown in Fig. 3. The cross-sectional area
store the output voltage from the three types of energy. of the funnel-shaped wind collecting channel was gradually
Moreover, it is essential to have a voltage stabilizing cir- reduced so that it could increase the wind speed; the smaller
cuit when the energy storage subsystem supplies power to the cross-sectional area of the channel, the greater the wind
the load. Therefore, for the whole self-powered system,the speed. According to the Bernoulli effect, the velocity of the
design of the control circuit is very important to meet the fluid is inversely proportional to the pressure [33]. The greater
actual requirements of the node and the entire system’s normal the current velocity, the smaller the pressure. Therefore, the
operation. fluid will form a low pressure near the high velocity flow,
According to the principles above, we integrated a solar resulting in an adsorption effect, and further adsorption of the
power module, wind power module, and thermoelectric mod- fluid to make the flow faster. Thus, there are small wind speed
ule. We designed the overall structure of the self-powered and strong pressure at the air inlet of the channel, and large
system to meet the miniaturization of a wireless device, and wind speed and weak pressure at the air outlet; thus, the air
thus it was convenient to deploy in the field environment. The inlet is positioned at the low pressure area, and then the air is
concrete structure is shown in Fig. 2. adsorbed to collect more wind power.


Fig. 4. Vertical axis wind turbine design of the wind harvester subsystem.
(b) (c)

Fig. 3. Duct design of the wind harvester subsystem. (a) Physical map of
the designed duct. (b) Cross-sectional view of the designed duct. (c) Sketch
map of wind collecting in the designed duct.


Wind experiments were carried out on the wind collection

section; the results are shown in Table II. It can be seen from
Fig. 5. Experimental results of solar cells in different connections.
the table that the device could accelerate the wind and had a
good wind collecting effect.
2) Fan Blade Design: The inside of the wind collecting where ρ is the air density, generally taking the standard atmo-
device is a vertical axis turbine. Vertical fan blades, such as spheric pressure, V is the wind speed, D is the rotor diameter,
 type,  type, Y type, and H type can be used, depend- and Cp is the wind energy utilization coefficient.
ing on the average wind speed of the working environment According to Baez theory, the maximum of Cp is 0.593, and
of the wireless sensor node system. The wind guiding wall the actual wind power generator usually takes 0.35; thus, the
of the wind collecting device directs the natural wind to the power can be calculated by (1). When the rotor diameter is
thrust point of the vertical fan blades. The wind of the fan about 5 cm, the generating power is 200 mW, which meets the
blades resistance point is small, thereby increasing the rota- instantaneous electric energy demand of the sensor node, and
tional speed of the fan under the same working condition and therefore the power generation method can be used to realize
improving the power generation of the wind harvesting system. the miniaturization. However, the efficiency of the vertical axis
Compared with a horizontal axis wind turbine, the vertical wind turbine is much lower than that of the horizontal axis
one has low noise and little effect on WSN nodes. The verti- wind turbine. Thus, the designed wind wheel size was 10 cm
cal fan blades are connected with small generators directly, × 10 cm, and was placed in the center of the wind collecting
without adjusting the windward surface, thus, reducing the device, as shown in Fig. 4.
mechanical loss of the steer device and making full use of the
limited space. It does not only have the advantages of a sim-
ple mechanical structure, low manufacturing cost, and strong B. Solar Harvester Subsystem
and durable performance. It also meets the requirements of This subsystem collects solar energy through solar cells. We
the random throwing arrangement of the wireless sensor node used flexible solar cells so that they could match the sphere
device, and enhances the survivability of the device in harsh structure of the sensor node and be part of the sphere.
environments. Some experiments were conducted to find the optimum
The power of a wind turbine P [34] is combination state. In sunny weather the light intensity reaches
1200 W/m2 , and five solar cells were, respectively, connected
1 1 π in serial and parallel outdoor. Since even on sunny days solar
P= Cp ρSV 3 = Cp ρ D2 V 3 = 0.49Cp V 3 D2 (1) cells may be sheltered by objects or back to the sun when the
2 2 4

Fig. 7. Physical map and thermography of plate A.

Fig. 6. Experimental results of solar cells in different connections and under


solar cell works, the system should also be tested under the
shaded condition.
From the above experimental results in Fig. 5, we could con-
clude that how the cells were connected did not have much Fig. 8. Physical map and thermography of plate B.
impact on the power generation when there is no shadow,
however, under shade, the power efficiency in series reduced
rapidly in Fig. 6. Due to the wild environment and the spher-
as possible. We designed a solar radiation absorption device, a
ical structure of the node system, there will inevitably be
solar collector heat plate. The energy of solar radiation mainly
shadows, and thus taking multiple solar cells in parallel is
exists in the spectral wavelength of 0.3 and 3 μm. There is a
the most reasonable and effective design.
large difference for the object in the monochromatic absorption
of long and short waves, and the object itself also radiates heat
C. Heat Harvester Subsystem constantly to its surroundings [36]. Therefore, the monochro-
This subsystem collects thermal energy through the ther- matic absorption rate of the wavelength between 0.3 and 3 μm
moelectric generator, and it has two sides: one side is the should be as close to 1 as possible, while the wave monochro-
hot end, connecting the heat source to collect heat energy; matic absorption rate of the wavelength of more than 3 μm
and the other side is the cold end, connecting the radiator for should be as close as to 0 possible, making the hot side absorb
heat dissipation. Between the two sides is a power generation as much solar radiation heat as possible, while its own radiate
unit combined with many pairs of PN semiconductor power heat is small enough to ensure that the hot end maintains a
generation materials in series. The heat energy flows continu- relatively high temperature.
ously from the hot end through the generation unit and then We achieved this goal by applying a coating that selectively
releases at the cold end when the thermoelectric generator absorbs solar energy on the surface of the solar collector heat
collects heat energy to generate electricity [35]. Theoretically, plate, and it makes the monochromatic absorption rate of the
electricity can be generated as long as there is a temperature wavelength between 0.3 and 3 μm reach about 0.9. This spe-
difference between the two ends. However, in the experiments, cial selective coating features excellent solar heat absorption
if the hot end is directly attached to the heat source and the and minimal heat reflection properties.
cold end takes no heat dissipation measures, the temperature In order to verify the effect of the coating on solar radia-
at the cold end will rise rapidly and is almost the same as that tion, four identical aluminum alloy heat collecting plates were
at the hot end. This is because both the PN material and the labeled A, B, C, and D. Plate A kept its original appearance,
ceramic material on the two sides of the thermoelectric gener- plate B was painted blue, plate C was affixed with a black ther-
ator are highly thermally conductive. So that the temperature mal paste, and plate D had an ultrathin aluminum sheet coated
difference between the two sides no longer exists, making the with the solar selective coating. The four solar collector heat
thermoelectric generator lose effect, and no power is output. plates were placed in the same environment: slightly sunny
Therefore, the key to this design’s practical application is to weather, with an air temperature of 18 ◦ C, and a 3–4 grade
ensure the temperature difference between the hot end and the breeze. Their temperatures were observed through a thermal
cold end (e.g., the hot end maintains a high temperature and imager, as shown in Figs. 7–10.
the cold end maintains a low temperature). This is a technical From the above figures, the average temperature of plate A
difficulty in particular applications. was 21.5 ◦ C, plate B was 26.8 ◦ C, plate C was 35.8 ◦ C, and
1) Hot End Design: In the field environment without plate D was 36.2 ◦ C. The maximum temperature of plate D
interference, the only heat source is the solar radiation. It is was 37.2 ◦ C. It is clear that the aluminum alloy plate coated
low-grade heat energy, and has low energy flux density, and with the selective coating had the best solar radiation absorp-
thus we must adopt some technology to collect solar radi- tion effect. Thus, it was feasible to design the solar collector
ation and increase the temperature at the hot end as much heat plate with this selective coating.

Fig. 9. Physical map and thermography of plate C.

Fig. 12. PV characteristic curve of four thermoelectric generators in series

at a temperature difference of 30 ◦ C.

Fig. 10. Physical map and thermography of plate D.

Fig. 13. PV characteristic curve of four thermoelectric generators in parallel

Fig. 11. Experimental heat dissipation results on two kinds of radiators. at a temperature difference of 46 ◦ C.

2) Cold End Design: Since the cold end needs to deliver of one chip is small, we needed to use several chips. Under
the heat of the thermoelectric generator rapidly, the cooling the same experimental conditions, four thermoelectric gen-
devices are usually installed in the cold end. erators were connected in series and in parallel, and tested
However, the existing cooling device is too large to be suit- at temperature differences of 30 ◦ C and 46 ◦ C, respectively.
able for the miniaturization required in this paper. A highly Figs. 12 and 13 show the PV characteristic curve of the two
thermally conductivity device heat pipe can quickly transfer sets of experiments.
heat from one end to the other with the phase change of the From the experimental results, we can see that the efficiency
medium, and the ability of its heat transfer is far better than of thermoelectric generators in series was higher than those in
that of metal conductors. Thus, we used the superconducting parallel. This may be because each thermoelectric generator is
thermal characteristics of the heat pipe and removed the heat not exactly the same, and power generation efficiency is also
of the cold side so that the cold end could keep a low tempera- different, thus giving rise to different power generation volt-
ture. In order to verify the feasibility of this approach, we used ages. Furthermore, the thermoelectric generators which have
a flat copper heat pipe attached to the thermoelectric genera- the smaller power generation become a load that absorbs part
tor, and designed two groups of experiments. Group A used of the energy. In the parallel case, it is required that the consis-
the traditional metal fins for dissipation, and Group B used the tency and matching of the parameters of each thermoelectric
heat pipe combined with ordinary heat dissipation metal fins generator are almost the same. Since the series situation did
to deliver the heat of the cold end. The other equipment and not need so many requirements, this system was more suitable.
experimental conditions were exactly the same in each group. From this experiment, it can also be seen that the efficiency
As can be seen from the thermal graph in Fig. 11, the tem- and power of the thermoelectric generator were relatively low.
perature of the metal fin radiator was very high, almost the In the three integrated power generation methods it can only
same as the hot end; meanwhile, the temperature of the heat be an addition, not the main energy collection way. But it is
pipe radiator was relatively low, almost the same as the ambi- very meaningful for the accumulation of micro-energy, on the
ent temperature. Therefore, the thermoelectric generator was circumstances of weak solar energy and wind energy, it could
designed as the core of the heat harvester subsystem, while collect the temperature difference of environment to generate.
the solar collector heat plate was set on the hot end and the Therefore, the future of micro-energy applications has very
heat pipe radiator was set on the cold end. Because the power broad prospects.


Fig. 14. Block diagram of energy storage subsystem.


E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS OF THE S OLAR PANELS Besides, the output voltage of the super-capacitor will
decrease linearly when it supplies to the load continuously,
which is different from ordinary lithium batteries. Therefore,
it is necessary to stabilize its output voltage to 3.3 V and limit
the current one-way output with a diode in the output circuit.
Finally, the schematic of the whole control circuit is as follows
in Fig. 15.


According to the design scheme above, the self-powered
D. Energy Storage Subsystem node system is shown in Fig. 16. In this section, the pro-
totyped platform was evaluated experimentally both indoor
Due to the energy constrain, the control circuit of the energy
and outdoor to verify the design scheme. This involved a
storage subsystem should reduce power consumption to save
power consumption test of the wireless sensor node mod-
energy, and thus the design of the control circuit should be
ule, and experimental verification of the energy collection and
simple and have lower energy consumption. In this paper, we
conversion subsystem.
connected the output of the collection and conversion subsys-
tem with the super-capacitor directly, and the output of the
super-capacitor supplied the sensor node. Therefore, we only A. Power Consumption Test of the WSN Node
considered the control of the input and output of the energy In our experiments, we used multisource energy harvest-
storage subsystem. ing system to supply power for WSN node, thus, we first
Since each of the three energy collection methods have dif- did some power consumption test of the WSN node. In our
ferent characteristics, their control circuits will be different. power consumption test, power consumption is divided into
The solar harvester subsystem had about 5 V dc output volt- three categories: 1) AD sampling; 2) wireless sensor commu-
age on a sunny day, and about 2 V in bad weather. The output nication; and 3) hardware (hardware includes the sensor nodes
voltage of the heat harvester subsystem was about 100 mV and the sound sensors). The sensor node is CC2530, which is
because the temperature difference was small in the natural a true system-on-chip solution for IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee and
environment. The output voltage of the wind harvester sub- RF4CE applications, and the sound sensor is ADMP401. The
system was ac voltage, and had to be converted to dc. In maximum power consumption of each portion is shown in
summary, the output of the three subsystems was not stable, Table III.
and changed with weather conditions; however, the maxi- From the test results of Table III, it can be seen that
mum range was no more than 6 V. To simplify the system the maximum power consumption was about 56 mW, when
to reduce power consumption, we put the three outputs in the communication transmitted data. Meanwhile, if once the
parallel into a step-up module, which output a stable 5.5 V system was in dormant state, only the sensor node was still
to charge the super-capacitor. The design block diagram is working and monitoring the surrounding environment, it only
shown in Fig. 14. needs about 20 mW to support its survival.

Fig. 15. Schematic of the whole control circuit.


power could still reach 235 mW, which is far more than the
average power consumption of the system (50 mW). This met
the energy supply needs of the whole system.

C. Wind Harvester Subsystem Experiments

The results are shown in Table V. When the wind speed
was 3 m/s, the power was 2.9 mW; when the speed reached
7 m/s, the power reached 23 mW. The power of the wind
harvester subsystem was less than that of the solar harvester
subsystem. However, in the cloudy day condition, this power
was the main source of energy supply; the power consumption
was about 20 mW when the system was in monitoring mode,
which was enough to support the survival of the system when
the wind speed was large.

D. Heat Harvester Subsystem Experiments

It can be seen from Table VI that this power was very
weak, only about 3 mW. The main reason for this is that the
temperature difference between the two ends was small and
Fig. 16. Designed self-powered node system. they easily reached thermal equilibrium. Though the amount
of energy harvested by heat is small, which is only from one
B. Solar Harvester Subsystem Experiments thermoelectric generator, we could use many thermoelectric
We conducted some experiments on the solar harvester sub- generators to improve the power, however, because this would
system under the illumination simulator indoor. The results are also increase the cost at the same time, solving this problem
shown in Table IV. will be part of our future work.
From the experimental results it can be concluded that the
maximum power of the solar panel was about 900 mW in the E. Experiments on the Self-Powered WSN Node System
sunny day conditions (the light intensity was about 1000 W/m2 In this experiment, we measured the daily power generation
at noon). Even when the light intensity was 500 W/m2 , the and daily power consumption of the self-powered WSN node

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Shengpan Guan received the B.E. degree from the

Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, in 2014,
and the M.E. degree in control science and engineer-
ing from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,
China, in 2016.
He is currently with the Qingdao Topscomm
Communication Company Ltd., Qingdao. His cur-
Fang Deng (SM’18) received the B.E. and Ph.D. rent research interests include sound source local-
degrees in control science and engineering from the ization and wireless sensor networks.
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in
2004 and 2009, respectively.
He is currently a Professor with the School
of Mathematics and Statistics and the School of
Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His Yue Xu is currently pursuing the undergraduation
current research interests include nonlinear estima- degree at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute
tion, fault diagnosis, control of renewable energy of Technology, Beijing, China.
resources, and wireless sensor networks. Her current research interests include renewable
energy resources and pattern recognition.

Xianghu Yue received the B.E. degree in control Jie Chen (SM’12) received the B.S., M.S., and
science and engineering from the Beijing Institute Ph.D. degrees in control science and engineering
of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2016, where he is from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in pattern recog- China, in 1986, 1996, and 2001, respectively.
nition at the School of Mathematics and Statistics. He is currently a Professor with the School of
His current research interests include spiking Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His
neural networks, speech technology, and pattern current research interests include complex systems,
recognition. multiagent systems, multiobjective optimization
and decision, constrained nonlinear control, and
optimization methods.

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