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Let's see what we can do with the T section.

First I will draw a t-shape, and

I'm going to use polylines to do that, one thing that you can use is if you
have the shift key down in Rhino, you can draw exactly horizontal and
vertical lines, so let me complete my T section here, so there is somewhat
symmetrical, and that's my T section. So I've drawn the T section, I've closed it,
and I'm going to extrude it, to extrude it, I go to the surface extrude curve and
do a straight extrusion, and I select the curve, and I have a few different options
here. I can extrude on both sides, and it says at this point in time it says both
sides no, which means it's going to be extruded only on one side. and as I click
it I can change it to yes or no, and you can see the difference as I click back
and forth, when it's extruded on both sides, you can see it's both sides of the
original T section that I drew. And I can also do solid yes or no, if it's a solid
yes that means the final output is going to be a solid, and you can see as I click
shaded, you can see that's a solid T section there. Let me now go back and
undo that, I have the original T section let me show you what happens if I say no
to solid, so pick the curve again, and surface, extrusion, for both sides, and
say no to solid, go to perspective, shaded, and you can see that it is just a
surface only, and you can see through that. Let me undo that, let's see what
else you can do with it. We have a T section now, and I'm gonna use this T
section, and I'm going to revolve it, and let me revolve it around the center axis,
so I picked the T section first, started the revolve axis
that's going to be on the y-axis which is a green line, and I give the start and
the end axes, and I give the start angle at zero, so you don't have to type that
in, if you hit return it's gonna take what it was there,
give 360 degrees at the ending angle, and we have a stud now, we can see it very
clearly in the perspective view. You can see as I zoom it in you can see that the
edges are quite pointy, quite sharp, you don't want a sharp edge stud like that.
So let me go curve them up, the way you do that is by using fillet edge, select the
edge that I want to fillet, and now it's telling me that I can change the radius,
the way you've change the radius is by moving the handle, you can see the handle
to select the radius, as I move it around you can see the radius changing, to
different values, or I can type in the exact value that I want, I set it at 1,
and when you're happy with it, you just hit enter, and it's going to give you a
curvature on that edge. Let me do the
same on the top surface of the stud, so go back to solid, fillet edge, and then
select the edge, that I want to fillet, keep it at the radius of 1 hit return,
and you have a nice curved edge on top. So there you are, I use this same
t-section, go to an extrusion which had a t-shape on it, or I can also get another
stud like shape by revolving that original T section.

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