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Galgo, Edmar

Bigcas, Zyrus

Sequina, Marck Jeian

Madrona, Paul Harvey

Madera, Jessa Marie Kristine

Cuyos, Cyrelle

Daling, Jumeirah Jane



2nd Semester 2024

S.Y. 2023-2024

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa

In Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements of Practical Research 2

Salabe, Edmar
Bigcas, Zyrus
Sequina, Marck Jeian
Madrona, Paul Harvey
Madera, Jessa Marie Kristine
Cuyos, Cyrelle
Pagulon, April Joy
Daling, Jumeirah Jane

2nd Semester 2024


The researchers would like to express their profound gratitude and

appreciation to the people who have extended their support, given inspirations,

guidance, and assistance for this research study.

To the principal, Sr. Marilou P. Delmoro, A.R., for being very supportive on

the research topic.

To their Practical Research 2 teacher, Ms. Geraldine A. Bernalte, for her

guidance, motivation to finish this study and golden opportunity to contribute to

the society.

To their class adviser, Mr. Johnrey Lopez, to providing them with guidance

and support.

To the Students, who motivates them to conduct this study.

To their Families and Friends, for their financial support, love, and

guidance that help them on their difficult times.

Above all, to the LORD ALMIGHTY, who’s there to always listen and give

them support and love, and has given them strength to accomplish this task.

To all of them, this humble work dedicated.

-The Researchers


Shortened Period is a reduced time of a normal class duration. It is a

process of limiting the allotted period class hours from its original time period to

be able provide the different concerns that needs to be address. It is done

through shortening a given period from its usual time, such as from 1 hour class

that becomes 45 minutes. In the learning process of students, time becomes an

important tool in enhancing their needs in the class. This involves their

participation in written works, oral recitations, and attention towards the teacher’s

discussions, enabling them to fulfill their role as learners. okay

Shortening class hours may occur due to various factors, such as scheduling

issues, or the implementation of new teaching methods. This adjustment could

be necessary due to the need for the optimization of schedules, or an exploration

of innovative educational approaches. Because of these reasons, classes might

feel more hurried, but this change could potentially enhance student

concentration. Erase the red words and its okay

In collecting data for implementing shortened period class hours in

enhancing students learning process, researchers utilized the survey research.

This method is used to gather and analyze a population or phenomenon being

studied. It involved analyzing and gathering information about the effectiveness

of implementing shortened period class hours in enhancing students learning

process for the purpose of understanding. It is the most appropriate method

because its concern is to provide an accurate knowledge of the aspects of the

variables under the study.

In the early nineteenth century, teachers typically had a limited education

and were expected to function well in all subject areas. Staff at all levels taught

any subject at any time of the day. In the late 1800s, the Carnegie unit–

comprised of approximately fifty-minute class periods in which a single subject is

taught, and for which teachers specialize in particular subject areas–became the

most frequently used scheduling format. J. Lloyd Trump's An Image of the Future,

published in 1958, caused schools to experiment with ungraded instruction, long

periods of independent study, and large group instruction. The plan failed,

however, partly due to the large amount of unstructured, independent study time

for students.

Students are getting bored in their class due to the long time period, also

they don't have enough energy in classes due to waking up early and have 8

hour classes, longer class periods present various challenges for both students

and educators. Firstly, extended durations can strain students' attention spans,

leading to decreased focus and engagement as the class progresses.

Additionally, prolonged periods may result in physical and mental fatigue among

students and teachers, impacting learning and productivity. Retaining information

becomes more challenging over extended periods, and addressing logistical

issues such as scheduling conflicts and diverse student needs adds complexity

to classroom management.

Shorter class periods are better for students than large blocks of time. But

having a block schedule in your classroom does not mean that you have to rigidly

teach only one style and one subject during that block of time (Marie, 2019).

Short-length classes are often favored because they allow students to focus

more in class. Students get less bored in classes and have to focus for shorter

amounts of time ( Anvi Vaish, 2023) Shortening the duration of secondary school

can make tax and social security systems more sustainable by lengthening

people’s time in the workforce ( Stephen L. Thomsen, 2015). On the contrary,

shortened school hours and days would also be the issue of reduced lecture

time. There would also be the issue of reduced lecture time. This would include

lab classes that often deal with hands-on learning and require the necessary

lecture that accompanies the more physical aspect of the class. Many classes

dealing with this type of tandem learning would suffer greatly from a reduced

lecture time. Given that many such classes require a setup and breakdown

period, the level of instruction and time allotted would be far too little in relation to

what is required ( Barnes Crystal, 2016). (Replace this with another, you may

use it in your related study

A Shortened period class hours hold the potential to enhance focus to the

students. A student's ability to concentrate might improve by reducing attention

fatigue. It allow students to be more active during discussions. This could lead to

a more productive learning environment to students. However, shortened period

class hours also leave less time for in-depth exploration of topics or projects to

students. Teachers could use this time to catch up on time because there is

enough time for discussion. Students could also struggle to finish the activities

given by the teachers on time.

Microlearning Theory

This theory suggests that learners benefit from shorter, focused learning

sessions. Shortening class hours could align with the idea of breaking down

content into smaller, more digestible chunks for improved retention and


Active Learning Theory

The concept of active learning emphasizes student engagement and

participation. Shorter class periods might be seen as more conducive to

interactive activities, discussions, and hands-on learning experiences, fostering

active engagement.
Cognitive Load Theory

This theory suggests that there is a limit to the amount of information the

human brain can process at once. Shortening class hours may be a strategy to

manage cognitive load, ensuring that students can effectively process and

understand the material presented.

Legal Bases

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7736 (Education Act of 1994): This act empowers

the Department of Education (DepEd) to set the minimum instructional time for

basic education. DepEd, through its issued DepEd Orders, outlines the minimum

number of school days and minimum time requirements per subject. Shortening

class hours would need to comply with these DepEd Orders.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction

shall not be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching

may, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation and

correction of exercises and other incidental to his normal teaching duties.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11713 It is the declared policy of the State to protect and

promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and to take

appropriate steps to make such education accessible and relevant to all.

Review of Related Literature

Local Literature

According to Arnold Catuday (SHORTEN THE CLASS HOURS IN ALL

HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES) Published: October 12, 2019

In the Philippines, class schedules in junior and senior high schools are

hectic to the extent that it limits the personal time of students. Based on the

majority class schedules of public high schools in Tacloban City, each school has

nine subjects and eight of which are given four days every week for 60 minutes.

The students are given only a day for the physical education subject for 60

minutes and is separated from other subjects. Classes starts at 8am and ends at

5pm. Because of this, most students tend to be stressed. They continue to

complain for they are not given extra time to perform other activities such as:
practices for their performances, extra-curricular activities, projects, recreational

activities and quality time for themselves.

This petition aims to provide students the time they need in order to

accomplish all the tasks that are given to them including the time for themselves.

And to give the teachers enough time to do their work.

This petition wants to appeal that classes must start at 8:00am and end at

3:00pm with only four subjects everyday in just four days, from Monday to

Thursday. Every subjects are given 90 minutes and the physical education

subject is scheduled on Friday for just 60 minutes. And the remaining time after

school are used for the extracurricular activities, sports, assignments, practices,

and students' quality time.

“Reducing the number of hours spent in class each day would allow extra

time in the afternoons for students to participate in additional educational or

vocational experiences.” (Bradley, 2006). Just like in other country classes are

shortened and it became more beneficial for students. In the United States the

school day in elementary and high schools can vary, but usually runs from 8 am

to 3 pm or 3:30 pm, with an hour for lunch. In high school, students take six one-

hour classes or four 90-minute classes (with ten-minute breaks between

classes). Extracurricular activities and sports are scheduled after school hours.

“Studies have shown that students who participate in co-curricular activities have

a marked improvement in the grades. This can be attributed to skills they learn

such as better time management to accommodate their hobbies and class

activities, better organizational skills and a boost in their self-esteem. Skills learnt

in clubs such as debate can be applied in the classroom too, as the students

learn how to express themselves better”(Jackson, 2017).

“Students will have more time in school to study or review their work,

which will give them less homework to do when they get home. This process

contributes to more sleep, which is a central component to the success of the

adolescent and teenage brain. In essence, the 8 period schedule is better not

only for a student’s work ethic and social life, but also for their brain.” (Johnson,

2016). Shorter class schedule will give more time for students to learn because

they will have more time in studying and doing their assignments. It will also

improve the sleeping hobbies of the students which is beneficial for their health.

Teachers can also benefit from this petition. The work of the teachers

does not end inside the classroom but they also do a lot of paper works. So this

petition will provide enough time for teachers to do and finish their work.
This petition’s purpose is not to lessen the things that students need to

do and to make their life super comfortable, but to help them be free from stress

and give importance to other activities and the time for themselves. We want to

let the people realize that student’s life is not merely about school.

Related Studies

Recent study states that shorter class works better. With short

attention spans, get to do more and different subjects, can cater to more

differentiated needs, can get get into your stride and class is already over, easier

to lesson plan, and students can learn chunks of material better with time to

digest in between. In contrast, long class is harder to keep kids engaged and

seated for so long, limited on scope of curriculum, can still differentiate, just has

to be done in one subject, ability to do more things with one subject, and children

get more practice with your concept at the time of learning

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to describe the bullying cases among secondary

students of Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa year 2022-2023. This study aimed to

determine the incidence of bullying among High School Students. This was to

come up with suggestions to minimize bullying inside the school premises.

Bullying has become a major issue within the school system and it is a serious

problem affecting many schools around the world. Another serious effect that

bullying has its interrupting classroom and environment, and creating an

uncomfortable and hostile environment where students cannot focus and their

learning. Students of the schools are constantly complaining about the behavior.

Statement of Hypothesis

This study aimed to test the following null hypothesis. There is no difference

in the students who help victims would display low moral disengagement and

experience negative emotions in the face of bullying.

Significance of the Study

This study determined the effects on the emotional aspect of the student in

Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa. This was significant to the following:

Students. This study will encourage them to change their attitude towards other

people. It will serve as a medicine to cure their minds to every individual to

become open minded about consequence of their action.

School Personnel. This study will give them a hint to improve their motivational

and teaching materials techniques or methods and skill in open forum to students

who really need their guidance.

Parents. They will be aware about the kind of attitude their child is possessing. It

will give them a hint on how they would help and encourage their child to avoid


Researchers. The researchers in the near future ill make us of the result of our

present study. This will serve as their basis and comparison to their future study.

Research Design

This study used the quantitative and qualitative research design. To achieve

the purpose of the study, the questionnaire were distributed to 56 students in

Grade 11 level in Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa. The questionnaire consisted

of various questions which are designed the students to state the effects on the

emotional aspect of the students.

Research Environment
The locale of this study is Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa. The school is

located at Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol. Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa is an Private

AR school. At present, this school is led by the school principal, Sr. Marilou P.

Delmoro, A.R. and has two departments. Junior High School and Senior High


Figure 1.

Location of

the study

The respondents of this study are the selected Grade 11 Senior High School

students of Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa S.Y. 2022-2023. For choosing the

respondents we’re using the purposive random sampling. The table below

present the respondents of this study.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study


Grade 11 Strand Male Female Total

STEM A 5 5 10

STEM B 5 5 10

ABM 5 5 10

ICT 3 3 6

HUMSS 5 5 10

Maritime 10 0 10

Total 33 23 56

Research Instrument
The instrument used in this study is a standardized questionnaire that was

constructed by Moneva & Jumag.

Research Procedure


The researchers asked their school principal and the Grade 11 class adviser

the permission to conduct a research on the said topic and the permission from

the Grade 11 respondents to be the subject of the research.


Upon the approval, the researchers distributed the questionnaire from to the



The accomplished questionnaire forms were retrieved as soon as the

respondents were done answering the question.

Statistical Treatment

With the researcher’s intention of using quantitative correlational design, the

following formulas were utilized in this study.

After gathering the data of the Grade 11 students the frequencies were

tallied and consolidated in a table for analysis. The percentage equivalent of

such frequency was computed using the formula.

P= F X 100
Where: P= Percentage
F= Frequency
N= Number of respondents

The following scale was used to interpret student’s academic performance.

Scale Symbol Descriptive

90 & Above O Outstanding

85-89 VS Very Satisfactory

80-84 S Satisfactory

75-79 FS Fairy Satisfactory

Below 75 DNME Did not meet the


Weighted Mean

For statistical purposes, the category on the responses in the questionnaire

was classified according to its weighted mean and the formula use was

WM= Weighted Mean
∑FX= Summation of the weighted mean
N= Number of terms

To interrupt the weighted mean, the following scale were used.

Composite Mean

The formula below will be used in interpreting the composite mean:

CM= ∑ WM


CM= Composite Mean

∑WM= Summation of the Weighted Means
N= Number of Items

Person- Product Moment Coefficient Correlation

To determine between the effects on the emotional aspect of the student,

the reason-product moment coefficient was employed using the formula.

Where: r= the Pearson Product Moment Correlation

N= the Number of Respondent
∑x = the sum of x
∑y = the sum of y
∑xy = the sum of product x and y
∑x2 = sum of the same square of x
∑y2 = sum of the square of y

Definition of Terms

Role Discipline- is very much important for student’s life as it is the learning

stage so as to live a better and dignity in the rest of their life.

Students Profile- encompasses a student’s personal and academic information

for the current school year and includes several areas for each student.

What is Bullying. (2022). Retrieved from

What is Verbal Bullying & How to Prevent it? [ A Complete Guide] (2020, Dec 8).

The complete Educators Guide to Dealing With Verbal Bullying. Retrieved from

Jenna Strawhun, Scott Fluke & Reece L. Peterson ( October, 2013 ). Bullying

Intervention for Bullying Behaviors. Retrieved from

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10(8), 2249-9571. Retrieved from

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Criminology. 259

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Bakar, A. (February 2021). A systematic literature review on the effects of bullying

at schools, SCHOULID Indonesian Journal of Schools Counseling, 6(1):35,

DOI:10.239916/0874011. Retrieved from

Ira, K. (2018). Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: Resident Perspectives

[ Master’s thesis, Minnesota State University, Mankato]. Cornerstone: A

Collection of Scholarly and Creative works for Minnesota State University,

Mankato. Retrieved from

Naidoo, et.,(2016). Verbal Bullying changes among students following an

educational intervention using the integrated model for behavior change, Journal

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International Journal of Linguistic and culture. (2022). The trends of Verbal

Bullying among University Students: A sociolinguistic Anlysis,3,2, DOI:

Aceves, M.J., Hinshaw, S.P., Mendoza – Denton, R., & Page-Gould, E. (2010).

Seek help from teachers or fight back? Student perceptions of teacher’s actions

during conflicts and responses to peer victimization. Journal of Youth and

Adolescence,39(6),658-669. Retrieved from

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Marini, Z, A., Dane, A, V, Bosacki, S.L,, & YLC-CURA. (2006). Direct and indirect

bully-victims: different psychosocial risk factors associated involved in bullying

and victimization. Aggressive Behavior, 32(6), 551-569. Retrieved from


April 28, 2023

Sr. Marilou P. Delmoro, A.R.

School Principal
Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol


Warmest Greetings
We are the students of Practical Research 2 under the subject of Ms. Bernalte of
Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa which entails to conduct a study entitled Verbal
Bullying; It’s Effect on the Emotional Aspect of the Students in the hope to
provide recommendations that would help the school and the administration.
We would like to ask permission from your office to conduct the said study which
will be conducted in Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa. The respondents of our
study are the selected Grade 11 students of Senior High School Department.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so
Sincerely Yours,
Zoross C. Galolo
Team Leader
Noted by:
Ms. Geraldine A. Bernalte
Subject Teacher, Practical Research 2

Approved by:
Sr. Marilou P. Delmoro
School Principal, Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Grade 11 Class Advisers
Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol


Warmest Greetings!
We, the Grade 11 students, are currently enrolled in the subject Practical
Research 2. We are presently working on a research entitled, “Verbal Bullying;
It’s Effects on the Emotional Aspect of the student in Colegio de la Medalla

Anent to this, we would like to ask permission to give questionnaires among

selected Grade 11 students. The result of this study will serves as frame of
reference on Verbal Bullying; It’s Effects on the Emotional Aspect of the students.

Your most favorable approval is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Sincerely Yours,

Noted by:
Subject Teacher, Practical Research 2

Approval by:


School Principal, Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
May 2023

Dear Respondents

Warmest greetings

We are the students of Practical Research 2 under the subject if Ms. Bernalte of
Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa which entails to conduct a study entitled Verbal
Bullying; It’s Effects on the Emotional Aspect of the Students in the hope to
provide recommendations that would help the school and the administration.

We would like to seek for your permission that you will take part in this study by
answering voluntarily the tool not more than 30 minutes during your break time.
Participation in our survey is entirely voluntary and there is no known or
anticipated risk to participate in our study. In the event that you feel that your
rights are violated, It is your rights to withdraw or stop answering at any point.
You can contact us by this cellphone number, +639817951953 or email our
leader with the if you have concerns before, during, after the
conduct of the study.

Sincerely Yours,

I have read the foregoing information and I have had the opportunity to
ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have been
answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be participant in this study.

________________ ________________
Signature Date


I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions

about the pilot test and all the questions have been answered correctly and to the
best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced and the
consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

Team Leader




Date of Birth: November 27,2005

Place of Birth: Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s name: Angelo Cuarteros
Mother’s name: Celestina Cuarteros


Elementary: Can ipol Elementary School

Can ipol, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2017- 2018
Secondary: Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: There is only success to be able to spend your life in your
own way.



Date of Birth: March 8,2006

Place of Birth: Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Simplico G. Galgo
Mother’s Name: Regina A. Galgo


Elementary: Larapan Elementary School

Larapan, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see
behind walls draw closer, to find each other, and to feel.
That is the purpose of life.



Date of Birth: November 17, 2005

Place of Birth: Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Rosendo N. Galolo
Mother’s Name: Liezel C. Galolo


Elementary: Jagna Central Elementary School

Tejero, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio De la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: Live life to the fullest.




Date of Birth: November 11, 2005

Place of Birth: Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Argeo O. Jamisola
Mother’s Name: Lucena G. Jamisola


Elementary: Jagna Central Elementary School

Tejero, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio De la Medalla Milagrosa
Pobalcion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: There is only success to be able to spend your life in your on
Curriculum Vitae



Date of Birth: April 11, 2006

Place of Birth: Cagayan De Oro City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino
Mother’s Name: Antonia G. Ladera


Elementary: Larapan Elementay School

Larapan, Jagana, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio de la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: Learn to accept failure because it is a lesson in our




Date of birth: October 31,2006

Place of birth: Tagbilaran City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Mario Nerio G. Santa
Mother’s Name: Sabrina S. Santa


Elementary: Guinacot, Elementary, School

Guinacot, Guindulman, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio De la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who
never tried.



Date of Birth: October 6, 2006

Place of Birth: Tagbilaran City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Felipe T. Salarda
Mother’s Name: Junita D. Salarda


Elementary: Malinoa, Elementary, School

Malinao, G-Hernandez, Bohol
S.Y. 2017-2018
Secondary: Colegio De la Medalla Milagrosa
Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

LIFE’S MOTTO: Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from
failure, Loyalty, and persistent.

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